Sour's infamous 300 + pranks to Steve Langford is a classic.
Got a year's worth of Sirius so I'm back on the train. Howard still worth listening to?
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Site's down for maintenance until 5am. Hope they aren't killing this deal.
Wow Sour Shoes was awesome sitting in!
I finally got to the Sour Shoes day and it was hilarious.
I finally got to the Sour Shoes day and it was hilarious.
I'd rather have Sour sit in again than have Joan Rivers or Lisa Lampenelli again.
I hear today featured Dr. Ruth. Gary killing it* with the bookings.
*the show
"Ah think the AhPad is a bit of a misstep for Apple boff!"
I love when Howard gets confronted and his response is always to "cancel your subscription"
And I hate Shuli and his fake laugh. In fact I hate everything about Shuli.
According to Mark's Friggin today's show includes some New York DJ with whooping cough followed by discussions about having a guest with whooping cough.
Can't decide if that's a good or bad show.
Edit: Ok, judging by this could be fun.
The actual interview was "meh". The aftermath of Howard unleashing on Gary turned it into a good show.
The actual interview was "meh". The aftermath of Howard unleashing on Gary turned it into a good show.
Its so weird that Ronnie's favorite show is Gossip Girls.
I said its my favorite show, that's what I said!
Unrelated: I haven't listened to it yet but the Back Office show sounds awesome. I can imagine it will lead to a lot of shit stirring and content for the regular show as its the return of Page 69 and Jason tattle tale-ing and poking beehives.
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I said its my favorite show, that's what I said!
Unrelated: I haven't listened to it yet but the Back Office show sounds awesome. I can imagine it will lead to a lot of shit stirring and content for the regular show as its the return of Page 69 and Jason tattle tale-ing and poking beehives.
They said she "courageously" gets up every day and does the show from home because she isn't feeling well and it's a good way for her to stay in touch with the "outside world".
The most telling thing was when Will said " Look, read between the lines, drop it! "
What episodes have you been listening to? Were you listening to slightly older shows? I thought this week was pretty good with the wedding stuff and drunken John Lieberman and what not. I don't remember a lot of AGT talk?
The most newsworthy piece to come out of it seems to have been the Robin talk. These quotes from Dawg's Saloon are accurate, as I listened to the show:
Doesn't sound good for our tiramisu-flavored mons vernus. Really hoping she can pull through this and whatever treatment she's going through and get back in the studio. I've never been a big Robin fan, but this is making me realize how important she is to the show.
Yeah. I mean you can joke about how they could probably replace her with record player that repeats the phrase "I was just about to say that!" every 10 minutes, but really she is integral to the show.I cant claim to be her biggest fan but she cant really be replaced and I cant see how they could do the show without her.
Holy shit, Bryan Cranston coming in this week. Hyped.
Hopefully we can skip how much he makes, how big his penis is and any psychoanalysis of his childhood.
Unfortunately the interviewer doesn't care about anything else.
I heard Cranston on Carolla pretty recently and it was a fun interview. Hopefully Stern doesn't go into ADD mode too hard and lets Cranston be funny.
"Aren't you angry at your parents for that?"
"Don't you think you are a genius? How do you memorize all those lines?"
"How many chicks were you with before your wife?"