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The Official Howard Stern Show Thread

I'm listening to Howard yell at Gary for allowing the sick guest on. Howard is pretty ridiculous. Gary is saying "I let the guest on because you would've yelled at me if I told her to leave." I'm sure Howard would've yelled at him anyway if he did tell her to leave.
You know that phone caller who was a Dental student who moonlighted as a dominatrix was really good-much more entertaining than the Chelsea interview. Also the Doctor Ruth interview would have been good if she would have just lightened up and talked about her life.
You know that phone caller who was a Dental student who moonlighted as a dominatrix was really good-much more entertaining than the Chelsea interview. Also the Doctor Ruth interview would have been good if she would have just lightened up and talked about her life.

I kept thinking that the dominatrix call was a bit. Reminded me of the stewardess from a month or so back who called in but then slipped up and said they called her and changed her story a few times.
"Aren't you angry at your parents for that?"
"Don't you think you are a genius? How do you memorize all those lines?"
"How many chicks were you with before your wife?"


Nailed it!
Someone really dropped the ball letting that guy through. My question about that call was how would they know his twitter page?

I think they just assumed he was https://twitter.com/Gary_Puppet for whatever reason. The same guy (Dan from Chicago) got through before as well. He says the trick to getting on the air is to have a first question about something shitty (AGT in this case, a Twitter picture before) and then pivot halfway and ask your real question.

This was the previous call from Illini Fan/Dan in Chicago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=NG&hl=en-GB&v=gFlRXUl-50I
That Gary_Puppet guy is an active poster on dawgsaloon. Also seems like he spends 90% of his time terrorizing Howard and everyone related to the Stern show on twitter.


That Gary_Puppet guy is an active poster on dawgsaloon. Also seems like he spends 90% of his time terrorizing Howard and everyone related to the Stern show on twitter.

I always just assumed he was using that fake twitter site to make it look like he was really tweeting that shit. How could he not be banned from Howard's twitter by now?

Some of this tweets, even if they were fake, are hilarious.
Oh man. I'm in the midst of Gary's whipping after the Whooping Call interview. I'm sitting back with my hands behind my head and my feet up on my desk with a big smile on my face. It doesn't get better than this.
So when did they start throwing so many live commercials in during the news? Its really awkward and I am listening to a show where he did it every 5 minutes.


the show has been a giant advertisement for apple, sonos, deodorant, man groomer, cougar life, steven singer,go to my pc, and many more for years. some advertisements are more obvious than others like the steven singer and cougar life commercials, where as others are less subtle like their daily discussions of apple products.

anyways after yesterday's pretty good show with hulk and cranston, i'm bored so far this early in the morning listening to robin and howard ganging up on gary to kill some time. i wouldn't mind all the gary bashing if artie was there, artie joining in on the fun would often lead to hysterics.
I'm on the Carol Miller show right now and I just have to know .. does anyone from the show end up getting sick or getting the whooping cough? (or whoopie cough as Howard calls it)
I'm on the Carol Miller show right now and I just have to know .. does anyone from the show end up getting sick or getting the whooping cough? (or whoopie cough as Howard calls it)

Nothing ever comes of it, though I guess it takes a few weeks before you know. I don't think they were in any real danger (she wouldn't have come on the show if she were still contagious) but it was a fun show because of Howard's phobia. The phone call with his mom was great.

Today's Gilbert interview was a letdown for me, as it was all rehash. Tons of filler for the first few hours of the show and then you don't even let Gilbert sit in for the news. C'mon.
Ahh oh well. Not that I want anyone sick on the show but that would've made for some great radio. Howard would've had a meltdown. And I always loves me some Gilbert. "Back in my day we had these things called westerns."


bish gets all the credit :)
So I watched the Hulk Hogan interview. He seriously believes Bubba didn't set up the camera even though he (reportedly)says, "If we ever did want to retire, all we'd have to do is use this footage."
Hey this Horse guy's wife might work with me or near me. Neat. I know he must perform at the one bar near my office cause I see his sign up all the time lately.
Just heard the infamous "Dan" call. Man that guy had Howard's number. I never heard Howard so flustered by a caller before. When he didn't sound petulant he sounded like he was gonna cry. The weakest argument of all was when Howard told the guy something like he may be a lawyer but he's not on tv. What the fuck would that matter? You have to be on tv to have a good life and get paid a lot? No matter how dumb or insignificant Howard tried to make that guy sound, I'm sure most of his audience thought getting paid 6 figures to work out of your home sounds pretty great.


I am behind guys : (

Sept 25th episode

Fucking dying w/ sour shoes here. I wish Steve Langford was still employed there it would be so epic. I can't stop laughing hah. Well I been up almost 24 hours so that is probably helping some =/

Also anyone hear Howard comment on Bubba yet? I know he did that one episode but that was before everything came out later that day, I wonder what he'll say on this one. Hulk suing for $100 million rofl, always knew Bubba was a scum bag but god damn son.

Holy SHIT that is what Tim fucking Sabean looks like? Hahahahha omg no wonder that bathroom was fucked up.


Did Lisa really make Sour blow a load? Fuck me man, fuck me ....
Yes that Sour Shoes show is legendary-some of the best stuff ever.

And keep listening-there's more to come regarding Hulk Hogan and Bubba. At this point, I really don't know what to think.
Just listened to the Bryan Cranston interview. That was great. Best interview since Lady Gaga. What a cool guy. And the hooker story was awesome.
I didn't hear the interview but I hope Howard rips her a new one for all the insane right wing shit that she says. Howard tends to fellate anyone that actually shows up in the studio though. He loves to make fun of sound clips but won't actually insult anyone to their face (or generally over the phone either if they're a celebrity, though I'm not sure if Victoria Jackson is really a celebrity anymore).
Just listened to the Bryan Cranston interview. That was great. Best interview since Lady Gaga. What a cool guy. And the hooker story was awesome.

Yeah I couldn't believe how forthcoming he was about everything-he never shied away from a question and had a ton of shit to talk about. I like when Howard said "Wow-you must have really blew him away!" and Bryan said "Actually I blew him!"


I am behind guys : (

Sept 25th episode

Fucking dying w/ sour shoes here. I wish Steve Langford was still employed there it would be so epic. I can't stop laughing hah. Well I been up almost 24 hours so that is probably helping some =/

Also anyone hear Howard comment on Bubba yet? I know he did that one episode but that was before everything came out later that day, I wonder what he'll say on this one. Hulk suing for $100 million rofl, always knew Bubba was a scum bag but god damn son.

Holy SHIT that is what Tim fucking Sabean looks like? Hahahahha omg no wonder that bathroom was fucked up.


Did Lisa really make Sour blow a load? Fuck me man, fuck me ....
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