I hate my life.
Heres more.
Never gets boring hearing Howard whine about how studios don't send him movie screeners. This is the guy who lent his screener of Super 8 to someone and it leaked on th Internet.
Never gets boring hearing Howard whine about how studios don't send him movie screeners. This is the guy who lent his screener of Super 8 to someone and it leaked on th Internet.
I thought they had a long-term contract, surely thats not something you leave easily. How weird would it be if Artie went back to Stern.
was reading the rumors yesterday. as much as I love artie, there is no way he can carry a show on his own. his strong suit was always being 2nd fiddle or just interjecting one liners with his comedic talent. and with all the rumors with him relapsing, and him looking like shit there is no way he'll ever appear on the stern ever again which makes me very sad.
I believe her name is pronounced, "Daner."
What are you talking about, it's Dana.
If your trolling then good job I guess
Fucking bigfoot lol
What are you talking about, it's Dana.
If your trolling then good job I guess
Fucking bigfoot lol
he was saying it the way artie does...
haha it's a joke on the show. When Stern does his impression of Artie, he calls her daner. What, you haven't listened to every second of the show for the past 10 years? WHAT A LOSER
He apologized to whatsherface.
Is it just me or have the Leno-style monologue jokes stopped? And is it bad that I'm relatively amused with Howard doing the parent voices since the rest of the show is so crap?
And as someone who's been on a paleo style diet for two years, the weight talk on HSS always kills me. The vegan and green drink junk worked so well for Robin and the rest of them fall over about the same gym + egg whites and chicken breast crap. Howard's diet is stupid to me on different levels, but I'm sure when Beth's contract is up he'll go back to eating animals with feet.
actually howard's diet is the only sensible one (except being pescatarian). it's pretty obvious he has consulted with a lot of nutritionists because the meals he describes are pretty much in line to what they would teach you right down to the serving sizes. robin's bs fad diets are the most harmful ones, don't know why tim is always listening to her, she was fat most of her life she has no business telling everyone how to eat when she has struggled with weight issues most of her life ala oprah.
Howard doing his parent's voices always gets me excited for the prospect that they'll be used in a prank call. I always laugh the hardest at those.
I can't warm up! What time is he coming?
There's too much cream in the coffee. It's like a milk drink.
JB was really great. Like Howard said, he seems to have a philosophy about everything.
If you asked that guy what his favorite color is, he'd turn it into a life lesson.
jason's such a bitch but i understand where he's coming from, his weasaly ways add a lot of content to a show starved fo it. if howard didn't love him so much he would be the office pariah even more so than he already is
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit did anyone hear the wrap up show yesterday?
At one point Jason says how Gary wants to lead and command the back office, and have all of their respect (Jason says Gary has all of that from him), but its not happening when Gary is at work 3 days a week.
Gary replies with thats not for the air.
Made my asshole tighten up.