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The Official Howard Stern Show Thread

He was a good guest, but nowhere close to greatest ever. I couldn't even begin to rank guests in any order, but Rich Cronin stands out as one of my favorites as far as a good interview. I'd have to think on others, but I go back and listen to Brad Garrett every now and then too just because he was so combative and nailed Artie on lying about having gone to see a shrink.

Oh wow-yeah I forgot about Brad Garrett-I didn't really particularly like him-but it was cool to see him completely cut through Artie's bullshit.


The interview with the ex gay guy or whatever he says he is was really good. Guy has been warped by his own experience, which was admittedly terrible. But he just doesn't seem to understand that a life of debauchery and loneliness like that is in no way exclusive to homosexuality. Such a simple thing he couldn't get.


What made that interview great were the prank calls. Got a kick out of him not understanding a word from the JD tape. Intervews like that make me miss Artie so much though. I know he would have just killed there. Maybe you guys are used to his absence by now.

Btw does anyone despise the ads as much as I do? There's one for some product called the hopper and christ it infuriates me whenever it comes up. The wise guy guido accents in that ad make me cringe everytime I hear it. It's the worst. Or how about that Steven singer jingle? So bad.
What made that interview great were the prank calls. Got a kick out of him not understanding a word from the JD tape. Intervews like that make me miss Artie so much though. I know he would have just killed there. Maybe you guys are used to his absence by now.

Btw does anyone despise the ads as much as I do? There's one for some product called the hopper and christ it infuriates me whenever it comes up. The wise guy guido accents in that ad make me cringe everytime I hear it. It's the worst. Or how about that Steven singer jingle? So bad.

I'm with you on the interview and the ads, but a lot of times I download the show after work and the show is edited to be commercial free.


Unconfirmed Member
Btw does anyone despise the ads as much as I do? There's one for some product called the hopper and christ it infuriates me whenever it comes up. The wise guy guido accents in that ad make me cringe everytime I hear it. It's the worst. Or how about that Steven singer jingle? So bad.

If you're like me.If you're like me.If you're like me.If you're like me.If you're like me. Yep I hate that one too. Also hate the Ashley Madison songs.
What made that interview great were the prank calls. Got a kick out of him not understanding a word from the JD tape. Intervews like that make me miss Artie so much though. I know he would have just killed there. Maybe you guys are used to his absence by now.

Btw does anyone despise the ads as much as I do? There's one for some product called the hopper and christ it infuriates me whenever it comes up. The wise guy guido accents in that ad make me cringe everytime I hear it. It's the worst. Or how about that Steven singer jingle? So bad.

I'm listening to this now and this guy says he got Clamydia in the throat from anal sex. Howard says "That guy must be huge!"
You guys didn't like Tuesday's show? I don't remember his name, but the gay guy who is fooling himself into believing that the devil got inside him and made him do gay stuff was fascinating. Awesome interview.

Yeah, it was a very interesting interview. The show doesn't always have to be funny to be good.


I don't personally care about the block party, but for Howard to kill it off feels so wrong. He makes sure that he pulls in all the money and all his underlings get paid shit. They have to work their asses off at their job all week while Howard is only there for 2-3 days, and THEN they have to work all weekend to make up the money that they aren't getting from the job they're so loyal to.

And now he's taking that away. Why? Suddenly it looks bad for him? That's bullshit. There has to be some other reason. He has always claimed he was the kind of guy who doesn't take away opportunities for other people. He doesn't want to take food out of his peoples mouths, blah blah blah. For him to suddenly put a stop to these guys who desperately need a secondary avenue is so fucked up. Especially when you consider that Howard is going to ride off without them after this Sirius contract is over and they will not have been allowed to branch out for the last couple years of it.
that's the april fools joke, 101 is AGT 101 so I assume no west coast feed for today. still listening to H100 live show, is High pitch Mike and Sanjaya still doing their fake show on 101 now?
I had to do a rewind on the live feed.But last I heard Lieberman and Ralph were fake announcing a AGT Ralph show.That was so vapid and obvious.


I'm like ten minutes into the show from the 26th and...

Robin has gotten really mean. We're talking pre-therapy, calling Fred's child a science experiment mean. Things must really not be going well for her.
I'm like ten minutes into the show from the 26th and...

Robin has gotten really mean. We're talking pre-therapy, calling Fred's child a science experiment mean. Things must really not be going well for her.

Don't remember the 26th at this point, but the way she was going off at any mention of Heidi Klum a few weeks ago was wtf and great. I want more irrational hatred on the show and less PC bullshit.


get some go again
Don't remember the 26th at this point, but the way she was going off at any mention of Heidi Klum a few weeks ago was wtf and great. I want more irrational hatred on the show and less PC bullshit.
i still remember when she went off on sully and calling the people on the planes on 9/11 cowards and everybody right away distancing themselves from those statements. this is probably how she really thinks and holds back on the air but sometimes it comes out. i wonder how she really feels about beth and a lot of the stuff hollywood howard does.
Sully not being a hero still comes up every now and then.

Meanwhile Howard is spending significant portions of the show trying to paint Matt Lauer as a great American treasure.
Sully not being a hero still comes up every now and then.

Meanwhile Howard is spending significant portions of the show trying to paint Matt Lauer as a great American treasure.


What the hell is up with that? I love how Howard thinks The Today Show and Omarasa are incredibly relevant and hot boiler interests, but no one cares about The Black Keys.
Listening to the 3/19 show. I like how Howard tells Fred he should start working on another clip show. So Fred, the guy who is in for 3 days a week, 5 hours a day is ok to spend his time working on an extracurricular show. But Jason and Will, who are there 10+ hours a day 5 days a week .. there's simply no time for them to do a show.


I definitely get the impression that everyone (except Howard) is being pushed to prove their value lately by taking on other projects.


But he just took them off of the projects they took on to prove their worth.

lol ok yeah that is true...

It seemed for a while like he was forcing everyone who got to chillax with a 12-hour per week schedule to do more outside projects. There have been more written/recorded bits in the last few months. I still don't quite understand what people like Will and Jason even do on the days when there is no show.
lol ok yeah that is true...

It seemed for a while like he was forcing everyone who got to chillax with a 12-hour per week schedule to do more outside projects. There have been more written/recorded bits in the last few months. I still don't quite understand what people like Will and Jason even do on the days when there is no show.

Tell me about it. And they're putting in long days too. They're still coming in at 6 and leaving around 5 or so. Its not like the main show is jam packed full of content. And they're not doing their own show. So what are they doing? Logging stuff for archives / MTT?


this show sucks, never been so down on THSS as I am now. can't even enjoy H101 shows because he fucking took them off as well. would rather just have gary and jon hein take wrap up and refocus it and extend it into their own show (that would really get howard up in arms i bet), or at least bring back the friday show for something to air on thurs/fri. god howard's such a fucking sell out, go retire and do AGT, so glad he lost his cash grab lawsuit. aside from the odd guest here and there I rarely enjoy anything from the show anymore. which I find hilarious cause years ago guest interviews were the portion of the show I cared the least about.


I like the stealth guest announcements. I was listening to yesterdays show and he said something like "we've got Rod Stewart coming up..." yada yada yada, which I took to mean coming up during the show. Now I'm hearing Robin's news music and realizing that he's not on Tuesday's show. I feel duped.


I can't wait for Louis CK and I'm pretty excited for Tyson too. No matter what complaints I have about the show at times, I still think he does a great job with certain interviews.


Tyson will be interesting for sure, but the more I think about it, it can easily end up being a bust. Unless Howard can get him to talk about the rape and all the other shit, plus they're eskimo bros (howard used to date his ex), I can easily see the interview sucking because Howard throwing up softballs.
Listening to 3/25. This show has been pretty good so far with busting on Ralph for his airplane behavior, busting on Gary for his teeth and stupid vinyl and Fallon appearance, and a pretty good interview so far with Franco .. a relevant celebrity.
Listening to 3/25. This show has been pretty good so far with busting on Ralph for his airplane behavior, busting on Gary for his teeth and stupid vinyl and Fallon appearance, and a pretty good interview so far with Franco .. a relevant celebrity.

The Franco interview was a real classic.

Anytime Gary is busted on his teeth is great-and I love how he's being picked on for his
(Fred's impression) "Poieces...of...VINUL."
The Franco interview was a real classic.

Anytime Gary is busted on his teeth is great-and I love how he's being picked on for his
(Fred's impression) "Poieces...of...VINUL."

I could listen to Fred and Howard pick on Gary all episode long. Fred as Gary is Fred at his funniest.

Anyone hear Louis CK? Wondering if it was a good interview or if it was all about his childhood, penis size and net worth.

"Do you get turned on when you kiss women on screen? Because I know I had a problem with it on Private Parts."


I could listen to Fred and Howard pick on Gary all episode long. Fred as Gary is Fred at his funniest.

"Do you get turned on when you kiss women on screen? Because I know I had a problem with it on Private Parts."

"You know that I was in the big Hollywood movie Private Parts right? You know I'm relevant, RIIIIGHT?"

Somehow Howard became Elliot Offen.

I haven't listened yet.
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