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The Official Left 4 Dead Thread


So did anyone else know about the hunter door glitch? Syllogism was telling me something about it today, but he said it was hard to do. I'm almost sure that he crouch-jumped with a hunter straight through a closed door without damaging it on no mercy 1.
Blizzard said:
So did anyone else know about the hunter door glitch? Syllogism was telling me something about it today, but he said it was hard to do. I'm almost sure that he crouch-jumped with a hunter straight through a closed door without damaging it on no mercy 1.
Yeah, I killed Vert with it the other night when I thought he abandoned his team and chilled in the safe room, eheheh. It's way too easy to do, takes me two tries, at most.


RocketDarkness said:
Yeah, I killed Vert with it the other night when I thought he abandoned his team and chilled in the safe room, eheheh. It's way too easy to do, takes me two tries, at most.
Yes it is, just didn't feel like explaining it. It's a fun glitch though and not really game ruining.


1-D_FTW said:
I'm pretty sure if everyone in a lobby opened their openserverbrowser, everyone would see a different number of servers. There are times when some people don't see any (I've had this happen) and will be unable to locate a server. And I know from personal experience as the host, the less you see, the worse it's gonna be. I can predict what quality it's gonna find just by popping that open and seeing how much Valve likes me on that day.

Some people are definitely more host friendly than others. But maybe part of it is because it looks for a server near the host (even if the host is away from everyone else.) Pretty sure there was a host one game and everyone was laughing he lived at the north pole and wouldn't be able to locate a server. And not only did he, but everyone was red and he had the best ping I've ever seen listed.
that's definitely part of it, but I mean even when I play with my 2 friends I've been gaming with for years (and we're all in basically the same area, plus broadband doesn't lose connection that badly if a server is a couple hundred miles further away from one person than it is another) the only really low ping servers I've played on were clan servers/seriously sponsored servers, and not the ones that are "sponsored by Left 4 Dead." There are just too many really shitty servers out there for the game, which is why I hate the matchmaking.


Blizzard said:
So did anyone else know about the hunter door glitch? Syllogism was telling me something about it today, but he said it was hard to do. I'm almost sure that he crouch-jumped with a hunter straight through a closed door without damaging it on no mercy 1.

Ah, that glitch, it isn't really hard to do. You just aim under the door way and pounce, and if you did it right you'll jump under it.
Kard8p3 said:
Ah, that glitch, it isn't really hard to do. You just aim under the door way and pounce, and if you did it right you'll jump under it.

Oh, I thought you were supposed to jump through that little hole in the door.


I have not used cocaine
Anyone get the "This server uses a different class table" error? Friend and i tried playing two nights ago and he kept getting it when we tried to play campaign together. He tried deleting the local game content and reinstalling it but he got the same error last night. I've read several threads saying that its either the client or server that is out of date but i figured if he reinstalled it he would have the most up to date version.
The amount of quitters in this game is ridiculous, on the 360 version at least. It's so rare for a game to get past the subway before 2-3 people on the other team have quit. They need something like the deserter debuff in WoW.

this guy

iconoclast said:
The amount of quitters in this game is ridiculous, on the 360 version at least. It's so rare for a game to get past the subway before 2-3 people on the other team have quit. They need something like the deserter debuff in WoW.
Most 360 owners have no idea what teamwork is in FPSes. If they lose, they quit.

A good example of this (and an easy way for me to bitch :D) is when I played a game today where I had two other kids on my team, and a Louis bot. The two kids just booked it through the level, continuing on without ever helping other survivors. When I got smokered at the barn on Blood Harvest 4, Louis had to come save me. He got smokered too, and by the time I shot the tongue off of him through the trees we were both incapacitated. I spent a good minute bleeding out while these kids just blasted through the level. Don't they know that the largest factor towards winning is having multiple survivors reach the safehouse? I quit after this, with good reason I think.
Anybody want to play with me? I'm basically a newb as I've only spent about 10 minutes with the game - but I can hold my own in FPS. I just wanna play with three other human beings instead of bots.

GT: The Lamonster

Let me know and I'll log on right now.
1-D_FTW said:
Eh, I don't I agree with that. It's nice to be pinned in and quickly rescue teammates (as opposed to being pinned and having to wait for teammates to blast their way to you.) And as for mobs, all you do is spray at head level and they all quickly die. The only disadvantage I've ever felt was during tanks, and now that shotties have been nerfed, I'm not sure how much of an advantage that is anymore. An AR with a quality ping is a killing machine.

The autoshotty is the best all around weapon in the game. It's great for clearing out hordes, it's accurate, it has the range -- everything. Boomers tend to hurt you more if you've got an Assault rifle. Sure, it might be able be able to remove a hunter from someone that's far away, but if you're playing with a decent team that knows how NOT to get separated from each other, autoshotgun is a beast. The only time I ever go with the AR is during NM5, right before we climb to the top. It's pretty good at killing the smoker that's waiting for you by the satellite dish.


firex said:
that's definitely part of it, but I mean even when I play with my 2 friends I've been gaming with for years (and we're all in basically the same area, plus broadband doesn't lose connection that badly if a server is a couple hundred miles further away from one person than it is another) the only really low ping servers I've played on were clan servers/seriously sponsored servers, and not the ones that are "sponsored by Left 4 Dead." There are just too many really shitty servers out there for the game, which is why I hate the matchmaking.

Have you ever actually seen a versus server (Don't really play campaign, but when I did they seemed to be much lower pings) that didn't have a higher in-game ping than external?

I joined a Miami server yesterday where I had a 35 ping and once I was ingame, it was 105. This was a great in-game experience, but it had the trademark 70 ping markup. I'm just curious if that's a function of the game's infastructure, or whether you've actually witnessed a server that had the same browser ping and in-game ping.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
This isn't exclusive to the 360 version.

This man is correct. The majority of matches I've played on PC resulted in opponents qutting after the first round (before they get a shot at being survivors). In an average pub game you probably won't be playing with the same opponents/teammates in the finale that you met in the lobby.


this guy said:
Most 360 owners have no idea what teamwork is in FPSes. If they lose, they quit.

A good example of this (and an easy way for me to bitch :D) is when I played a game today where I had two other kids on my team, and a Louis bot. The two kids just booked it through the level, continuing on without ever helping other survivors. When I got smokered at the barn on Blood Harvest 4, Louis had to come save me. He got smokered too, and by the time I shot the tongue off of him through the trees we were both incapacitated. I spent a good minute bleeding out while these kids just blasted through the level. Don't they know that the largest factor towards winning is having multiple survivors reach the safehouse? I quit after this, with good reason I think.
Play with friends only.

Don't have five or six friends on Live? Buy them a 360 and a copy of L4D. This is your only option. Comply.


Ryuuga said:
This man is correct. The majority of matches I've played on PC resulted in opponents qutting after the first round (before they get a shot at being survivors). In an average pub game you probably won't be playing with the same opponents/teammates in the finale that you met in the lobby.

Yeah, true that. I was joining 3 of my friends and the game put me with the other team because presumably one of them rage quit on No Mercy 1, before any of them had died. I had to save all 3 of them multiple times, (seemed like they had been hit by a boomer in the wide open) and they all were pounced/smokered. We managed to make it to the end, at which point I switched.

They all left immediately. One person almost always joins right up... I guess they were like "oh crap, the other team is already good and now they get the one guy who saved our arses from the fire." :lol

I used to switch in pub games to survivors quite often (if they had a numbers disadvantage), but after a while I realized they would almost invariably quit anyways (or their team would get repopulated), so there wasn't much point. Oh well.

Edit: Although I must admit, I've been quitting more often from completely hopeless teams. Most things I can abide (getting killed while everyone else is boomered), but others are next to unforgivable (dying 3 feet from everyone while they all can see just fine). One teams on blood harvest knew a tank was coming up at the beginning of the level, and let me (the only guy with a molotov) get smokered while continuing to rush forward (why would you rush forward with tier 1 weapons, setting off every zombie behind you so you can't run?). If your team can't even be a tiny bit aware of their surroundings, or know what to do in a situation (and they won't listen), there's not much point to sticking around because a sack of bricks would do as much good.
How does on throw a molotov on the satlilete roof on NMF? I know how to throw it straight up on the main building where the ladder is, but Im having trouble aiming for the satlieite building
mattso said:
was so close to surviving my first expert campaign last night. soooooooooo close.

Get your team in a closet(no mercy has lots) equipped with four autoshotguns and don't leave when the tank spawns. Just let him come in and start shooting him when he's close enough. He should die before killing anyone.

Of course, you'd only take that advice if you're a complete bitch though. The decision is yours.
Just started playing this a few nights ago and am now fully addicted. The good match Versus mode is gaming heaven.

That said, is there a way to turn down the sound of my gun? I keep turning the game's volume down only to have a witch get snuggly with my inside bits.


CabbageRed said:
That said, is there a way to turn down the sound of my gun? I keep turning the game's volume down only to have a witch get snuggly with my inside bits.
You could always turn captions on to get warnings when special infected are around.


GhettoGamer said:
How does on throw a molotov on the satlilete roof on NMF? I know how to throw it straight up on the main building where the ladder is, but Im having trouble aiming for the satlieite building

There's no good tip to it: trial and error and then try to remember the position you were in.

My friend EUG can do it nearly every time now, it's so good.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Played L4d for around 3 hours last night. We couldn't beat NMF on advanced.

:lol one of our players left and we had to deal with 'zoe the retard'

Did the patch make bots handicapped? Like clockwork they would fail to use healthpacks and then whenever there was a smoker around they would go and stand on the roof. EVERYTIME.


God fucking damnit Valve, FIX THE 360 VERSION NOW!

No mercy is completely broken these days. EVERYONE skips the crescendo on NM3 via the door glitch, also moving crane seems to be the fun of the day all the time.

No mercy is completely unplayable.


Yeah NM is pretty broken..

I was bitching to this dude I was in a random versus team with. The survivors had to get out of the sewers in front of the hospital, this idiot moved a dumpster on the pothole.

I was like dude, what the fuck are you doing, fucking glitching and shit. He's like no man this is what ur supposed to do. I said hell no man it's glitching they already fixed this shit on PC patch coming soon on 360, this shit aint cool.

Send that dude a feedback, and a message saying fuck you glitching prick. I hate people like that.

Oh and when oh when will we get the DLC + patch for 360?



manzo said:
Too much of a hassle to send feedback; it doesn't make any difference in the end.
The only reason it wouldn't work would be if people *didn't* send feedback when it was deserved. Seriously I know it's not just you, but I hate how people complain about the service and the people on it when Microsoft has provided tools for members to self regulate.


Sir Fragula said:
The only reason it wouldn't work would be if people *didn't* send feedback when it was deserved. Seriously I know it's not just you, but I hate how people complain about the service and the people on it when Microsoft has provided tools for members to self regulate.

I DID send negative feedback back when I started playing L4D, but in the last 2 weeks the glitching has been so "normal" that I'm tired of throwing feedback to nearly every player I play with.

I think the problem here is not with the players, but the game. Kill the glitches and players will return to play the game as it was meant to be played.

After the patch, should idiots appear in the matches where I play, I'll most definitely give them feedback.



My modem keeps loosing connection, or resets itself.

To reproduce:

1. Start STEAM
2. Start Left4Dead from Steam
3. When menu appears, hit shift-tab
4. Wait 1-5 minutes

bam, modem resets.

I can almost never start a game, e.g. be Lobby leader. Starting the campaign, will result in the modem loosing its internet connection. (or sometimes reset itself)

Modem is Speedtouch 510i

This have become so bad that it takes me 30+ minutes to get a game going :(


manzo said:
I DID send negative feedback back when I started playing L4D, but in the last 2 weeks the glitching has been so "normal" that I'm tired of throwing feedback to nearly every player I play with.

I think the problem here is not with the players, but the game. Kill the glitches and players will return to play the game as it was meant to be played.

After the patch, should idiots appear in the matches where I play, I'll most definitely give them feedback.

I feel for you bro. The PC version was like that for a while, but eventually I said "you know what, I'm just not going to use the stupid NM3 door glitch because it is retarded." So after I noticed someone run off to the lift by themself and starting it, I started doing it too (although to be honest, a hunter would usually kill me before then :lol). And the strange thing is, after a while, almost no one I ran into was using it anymore. I don't know if it was luck or people on the infected team going "you know what, I might as well do that too if my team is going to completely kill the fun of the level." Or the people bashing down the door got the message that it just wasn't cool. I also noticed survivors who really didn't want to abuse the door glitch but felt like they had to would start following you and trying to save you, even if it meant that they died. Sometimes you'd get the whole team to follow you by just going to the lift...

Unfortunately blocking exits with crap isn't at all easy to convince people to stop doing.
Hey can you guys help me out? I tried this mod the other day, which was pretty cool, but when I set everything back to normal, I don't have a crosshair. Do you know how hard it is to pounce, or smoke somebody without a crosshair? Lol, I even deleted all local content and reinstalled the game. No difference. HALP?


zer0das said:
I feel for you bro. The PC version was like that for a while, but eventually I said "you know what, I'm just not going to use the stupid NM3 door glitch because it is retarded." So after I noticed someone run off to the lift by themself and starting it, I started doing it too (although to be honest, a hunter would usually kill me before then :lol). And the strange thing is, after a while, almost no one I ran into was using it anymore. I don't know if it was luck or people on the infected team going "you know what, I might as well do that too if my team is going to completely kill the fun of the level." Or the people bashing down the door got the message that it just wasn't cool. I also noticed survivors who really didn't want to abuse the door glitch but felt like they had to would start following you and trying to save you, even if it meant that they died. Sometimes you'd get the whole team to follow you by just going to the lift...

Unfortunately blocking exits with crap isn't at all easy to convince people to stop doing.

I never played with anyone who did that on PC (successfully). And only one time did I see anyone even attempt it. It was a gaffer who played really erratically. So when the three of us were at the lift and he was no where to be found, I just assumed he was dicking around looking for pills or something.

It was only after the match when he was yelling in chat that we should have followed his directions that I even knew he was off trying to do the door glitch.
my general policy back in the days of the NM3 glitch was simple: cloning glitch was lame and shouldn't be done, but if you break the door we're gonna clone like 50 guys and grief the fuck out of you. we never told them this policy, but we sure showed it to them if they were lame.
iconoclast said:
The amount of quitters in this game is ridiculous, on the 360 version at least. It's so rare for a game to get past the subway before 2-3 people on the other team have quit. They need something like the deserter debuff in WoW.

Well, if you had a bunch of Randoms on your team half of which weren't using a mic, some didn't know the maps, others weren't healing teammates, etc. wouldn't you drop out too? Esepcially versus a coordinated team who is ass kicking you left and right?

Anytime I play with my team we destroy the others, partly because we're quite good at this point, but also because we're not playing a solid team of players. Valve needs to implement a party system so teams can play teams, and not just teams vs. randoms otherwise there will never be a challenge.


LunaticPuma said:
Nothing has officially been stated. For all we know, they haven't sent a patch to MS yet.

Are you implying that Liu Kang was passing an opinion off as a fact? Do you mean that he may not, in fact, be baking a pie? o___o;


I think I'm done with L4D until they patch the 360 version. I'm tired of getting uneven tanks, smoker instant kills, ridiculously overpowered hunter swipes, uneven witch locations.

An entire match tonight was essentially pivoted on one team getting all bad placement or not getting tanks or getting instant killed. Until they fix this it is unplayable anymore for me and my close friends.
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