Baker said:
I have a few more noobish questions since I started playing the game again. Think they're all related to Vs.
1. In at least the last three matches, someone on the other team has carried a propane tank with the them the entire game. Is this to set up some exploit later on or is there a "melee only" achievement or something?
In No Mercy 3, you can use the propane tank (oxygen tank?) to move the glitched out generator if infected try to black the exit of the elevator.
Otherwise fuel tanks can be carried to light tanks on fire or provide cover during climax events. But carrying it for all the entire rounds is dumb and there's no incentive for it either.
Baker said:
2. What is bot whoring? I was playing solo against a team of four Brits. I figured I'd just be a nice guy and not quit since that would have ended their game. Halfway through the game, they started bombarding me with Live Messages like "stop bot whoring you wanker." I was the only human on my team, what was I supposed to do?
Sounds like they're doing the simpering "fuck I hate aim bots" chant. A team versus 3 aim bots is going to have a very difficult time taking out survivors. They can see through walls, they follow you with their eyes even before you spawn in, they'll headshot you from clear across the level. It can be very frustrating.
But there is nothing you can do about it, and the other team are the actual wankers.
Baker said:
3. Does the upcoming patch nerf melee attacks or at least give the Infected more options against turtling teams? The end of Blood Harvest last night was fucking ridiculous. They all just huddled in the downstairs corner by the outside part you can break down. I seriously don't think they took 1hp of damage. Two ducked in front and just hit LT for ten minutes and the others just held down the auto shotgun button. I understand it's a smart and valid strategy, but it gets kind of boring.
They "normalize" melee damage for infected. I think it's 6 damage per swipe now for hunters, and 4 damage per swipe for the smokers and boomers. It's definitely significantly toned down since that's forty percent reduction on the previous damage level.
And as for the survivors melee, they do make it more difficult for them to melee a pouncing hunter...but it's still very difficult to combat a turtling team like that, iirc.
I agreed with earlier sentiment of perhaps giving the tank an AOE swipe, so that he can go in and hit all the team at once, or an infected ability that released a small poison cloud that floats in an area and causes sustained consistent damage until they exit the area.
But for now, the best thing to take down turtling survivors is to get a boomer to boom, run in and swipe a lot, if you get lucky you can get meleed behind them and take a bunch of swipes before they notice. And of course if you're smart you'll coordinate with the boomer bile and your tank, and when you know the rescue vehicle is coming since they'll have to leave their corner then.
Baker said:
4. I've beaten, and I think survived all four episodes. Why can I only choose No Mercy and Blood Harvest in Versus?
The other two campaigns are not available for versus at this time. They will be added later, apparently, alongside some DLC.