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The Official Left 4 Dead Thread

Coverly said:
Guys we really need your help.

My wife and I have been trying to pass the game on expert but we never have enough people on. I have 3 friends that have the game but right now they are busy and it's hard to even get one on. We are on from around 7-10pm pacific most days.

We only do campaigns because my wife finds versus too stressful but she loves campaign. If you see me on you can send me an invite I swear we'll drop whatever we are doing lol.

360 tag is coverly. Feel free to add me. We can also help others get their achievements, we just like to play the game but we rarely have enough people for a full game.
We'll be on for sure tomorrow and friday.

Adding you tonight. I only play Campaign, and I should be around quite a bit over the next couple weeks.
Davidion said:
Not so, I'm not suggesting letting them get up with any kind of significant speed whatsoever. A survivor "incapped" crawling at low speeds (read: very slow dying crawl) at least would have a chance to move to an elevated object such as a wall or a platform where they can slowly prop themselves up. Continuing attacks from even a single basic zombie could be a simple measure to stop survivors from struggling towards their destination.

I've been in games where the survivors have literally killed off all the zombies in the area but the game has also ended because all four are just stuck on the ground not being able to move, as if they're all paralyzed from the waist down and their arms are completely useless for mobility purposes. It makes no sense. A slow limited crawl would not offer any significant recovery opportunities if the zombie team is anything more than completely asleep at the wheel.

Completely disagree.

Do you realize how tense it gets when you incapacitate one of the survivors? All a careful team would have to do is slowly walk with the incapacitated dude until he manages to prop himself against a wall while guarding him. I know it doesn't make sense at all, but that's what the gameplay of Left 4 Dead is built around. Making a survivor capable of getting up on his own will just make the games drag on longer and make it much more frustrating for the infected team.


Pop On Arrival said:
Completely disagree.

Do you realize how tense it gets when you incapacitate one of the survivors? All a careful team would have to do is slowly walk with the incapacitated dude until he manages to prop himself against a wall while guarding him. I know it doesn't make sense at all, but that's what the gameplay of Left 4 Dead is built around. Making a survivor capable of getting up on his own will just make the games drag on longer and make it much more frustrating for the infected team.

Good point.


So, those of you who have played with me probably know that though I try to be a decent player, use teamwork, and communicate, I'm always terrible, and if I'm on a team I somehow infect my teammates so they also play terribly.

So I lost a couple of versus games with GAF people, and those of us who remained decided to do a gauntlet run against pubs...except I volunteered to be the odd man out to bring down the pubbies.

So not only did we only get two pubbies (and thus had Zoey the moron, who constantly ran off by herself to get smokered or pounced), and a guy friendly-fire killing us on the finale, but I got 9044 points killing people with a forklift one map, and we made it nearly all the way through the last three maps. I would have survived No Mercy 4 by myself (we all got pounced/boomed at the last second, after killing the tank), but I wasn't alert enough and nabs or dafish used the pounce-through-saferoom-door glitch to kill me in the saferoom.

We had three hunters and a smoker and killed everyone upon their exiting the NM5 ladder...or one may have jumped down the elevator shaft or off a building, not sure. We called the helicopter and jumped off a building to celebrate, as the other team quit out of tiredness (or maybe rage in the case of Midnight Train), except for good old Fish.

Oh, and we all jumped...all except friendly-fire N1ck, the last-minute joiner who TKed us possibly by accident a time or two, and Feline. Poor Feline, you were so close to making your rooftop leap. ;_;

As Panda Bear would say...it seems fate is not without a sense of irony.

*end long story no one cares about...hey, I have to take wins when I can get them. The gauntlet guys even used the closet on NM4 ;D*

Blizzard said:
*end long story no one cares about...hey, I have to take wins when I can get them. The gauntlet guys even used the closet on NM4 ;D*


Oh man, that was a fun game. I would have tried harder, but I couldn't use my mic because my GF was sleeping. So I was like, "Fuck it". And we only used the closet because Panda went in there and we didn't want to get split up. Blame the Bear. :p

Also, you run L4D in windowed mode?


yeah i ran into the closet because i wanted to tell everyone about the tv that trapped me in the safe room.


Just got this :D now I just gotta bear with the download and start playing, here's hoping my computer handles this game as well as it does with TF2. Looking forward to play with some GAFers, steam name is fireblend.
SundaySounds said:
Oh man, that was a fun game. I would have tried harder, but I couldn't use my mic because my GF was sleeping. So I was like, "Fuck it". And we only used the closet because Panda went in there and we didn't want to get split up. Blame the Bear. :p

Also, you run L4D in windowed mode?
Look man we were doing gauntlet. It's every man for himself. Besides those pubs were terrible anyways. I bet we could have stayed in the elevator once it got to the top and had each person run to the safe room from there one at a time and we all would have made it easily.


SundaySounds said:
GAF vs PUB Last night. Epic shit.

Yeesh, it's not epic until you have 7000-9000 points. Looks like pub works better when I'm not on that team. :^P

And yeah, I play in like 720p windowed mode on a 22" 1680x1050 monitor. Probably helps frameratewise, though I'd do okay in fullscreen, but I prefer it so I can post on GAF and talk on IM in between doing things ingame. :p


SundaySounds said:
GAF vs PUB Last night. Epic shit.

Our pub game last night was not so epic...well, not epic for me since I was on the pub team. Nothing like a teammate who runs away as a survivor then complains how the rest of the team doesn't know how to play properly. :lol

Need to not play this game at 4am.


I don't know if this is a known glitch or it only happens on the 360 version but I found out that if you hit interactive objects such as turrets or buttons you can jump on them and skip sections.

Like on Mercy2 if you hit the button and jump on the furnace on the left of it and then jump on the button you can jump over the barbed wire and skip the horde call. I thought that was interesting. :p


KevinRo said:
I don't know if this is a known glitch or it only happens on the 360 version but I found out that if you hit interactive objects such as turrets or buttons you can jump on them and skip sections.

Like on Mercy2 if you hit the button and jump on the furnace on the left of it and then jump on the button you can jump over the barbed wire and skip the horde call. I thought that was interesting. :p
I played on expert with some people who wanted to exploit this. Whenever we tried it ended up hurting us more than helping us. The fall would end up killing one or two of us everytime we tried.

I'd rather fight the horde.


KevinRo said:
I don't know if this is a known glitch or it only happens on the 360 version but I found out that if you hit interactive objects such as turrets or buttons you can jump on them and skip sections.

Like on Mercy2 if you hit the button and jump on the furnace on the left of it and then jump on the button you can jump over the barbed wire and skip the horde call. I thought that was interesting. :p
It's an old glitch on the PC version that was fixed recently. I find it was more fun for dicking around and not for skipping stuff, although you could technically do that. I still remember one of my friends trying it on DT4 at the crescendo with the minigun, and he flew into a tank + horde of like 60 zombies.
Oh man, Just got done with a fantastic GAF game. We couldn't find any servers so I hosted it locally, which worked out pretty well actually. Everyone's ping and fps was solid. But for some reason, everyone on my team had 1.5x speed. Which made the game about 2x as fun. Seriously, it was a blast. But I guess the other team's speed was normal. We won anyway. The house always wins.


DaFish said:
I have only one thing to say about that game...


I have deeply upset and disturbed at your loss! You should be ashamed losing to a mostly pubbie team!

If it wasn't for the ridiculous amount of homework I have due the upcoming week, I would have joined you guys :(
Public game:

NM4 after the lift, I'm the tank and I'm on fire, I'm chasing them around and they run through the vents behind the lift, and I try to crawl through it to get to them. It's been like 30 seconds so I know I'm going to burn out, so even though I get stuck trying to get in, I keep trying until I die.

Then my teammates tell me I suck and try to kick me. One guy starts yelling asking why I didn't just stand outside of the vents area and wait for them to come back out. Another guy asks why I went through the vents when I could have just climbed up that hole in the roof of the lift (seriously). I try to calmly explain that I was on fire and why that made me have to rush, and he starts laughing condescendingly like I have no idea what I'm talking about as I get kicked.

I hate online gamers.
vertopci said:
I have deeply upset and disturbed at your loss! You should be ashamed losing to a mostly pubbie team!

If it wasn't for the ridiculous amount of homework I have due the upcoming week, I would have joined you guys :(
Vert. I've missed you dearly. I've even changed my name in your honor.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Public game:

NM4 after the lift, I'm the tank and I'm on fire, I'm chasing them around and they run through the vents behind the lift, and I try to crawl through it to get to them. It's been like 30 seconds so I know I'm going to burn out, so even though I get stuck trying to get in, I keep trying until I die.

Then my teammates tell me I suck and try to kick me. One guy starts yelling asking why I didn't just stand outside of the vents area and wait for them to come back out. Another guy asks why I went through the vents when I could have just climbed up that hole in the roof of the lift (seriously). I try to calmly explain that I was on fire and why that made me have to rush, and he starts laughing condescendingly like I have no idea what I'm talking about as I get kicked.

I hate online gamers.

Ha, reminds me of my experience today.

I was playing as a survivor on NM2 and the infected got the Tank early around the second ammo cache in the middle of the subay. Since I was playing with randoms I knew I had to get back and do my best to get a clear line of fire to the tank. Eventually he incapacitated my team leaving me the only survivor back so I tailed it back to the original spawn. My teamates thought I didn't even move and all voted to kick me. Funny.


vertopci said:

What did you change it to?

Come baaaack!!!
He changed it to Panda Bear [RIP Vert], I then changed my name to DaFish[RIP Panda] after me and him were going at it in versus which made a pissed Panda even more pissed. lol
Sorry I wasn't able to accept your invites last night guys, some friends came over and having them watch me play L4D for 2 hours might have been a little rude.
TheOneGuy said:
I am such a poor sport.

I have absolutely no fun when I'm losing in Versus.

But if I win? Man. I love it.


I just hate it when I'm playing with incompetent pubs. Panda and I just basically have gauntlet races when ever we're not playing against Gaffers. Much more fun. But as long as my team isn't bad, I don't really care of we lose.
DaFish said:
Come baaaack!!!
He changed it to Panda Bear [RIP Vert], I then changed my name to DaFish[RIP Panda] after me and him were going at it in versus which made a pissed Panda even more pissed. lol
Yeah and then I promptly punched Fish off the roof as a tank on the finale and he changed his name back in shame.
DaFish said:
say it ain't so...

btw, whats the console command to get the fps/ping info in the bottom right of the screen?
In TF2, it's this. I assume it's the same for all Source games:
cl_showfps 3

It'll show up in the top-right corner.


Guys, my game doesn't like the 1280x720 resolution :( Everytime I try to put it in that res, it goes to my native res, which is 1280x800. I DO NOT WANT THAT :( I want it for Youtube HD. Or can I use the 800p one as well? I don't think I can, since that's 16:10 and not 16:9.
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