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The Official Left 4 Dead Thread

Red Scarlet said:
Just activate it in single player? But going by the posts in Crooked Rain's link, the reset de-activates..or do you mean start a single player game, put that piece of code in, then go into a vs?

Yeah, just reset the achievement in Single player. And then get it again in vs.
Daigoro said:
im down whenever. we just need a team whos willing to work at it.

I get out of class around 8 if you're free. I want to get this shit done.
I bet BrightYoungThing (SteamID Panda Bear) Will be up for it.
He's pretty good.
BrightYoungThing said:
Really? I play on PC and every time a path is blocked the item disappears after a while. I figured they had fixed it. Sorry for falsely assuming, I just thought I had seen you say you played 360 a while back. Must have been someone else.
They did fix that, items do despawn if they're blocking your path but ONLY if the tank that moved them is dead. Valve still wanted tanks to be able to use items strategically to block survivors in while fighting them just not to impede their progress after he's gone.

However, if you "park" the tank he doesn't die, so in NM3 you can do something like push a dumpster over the manhole and then park the tank inside the safehouse. The tank will revert to AI and sit there until the survivors get close but the dumpster will not despawn and the survivors won't be able to move forward. It's not very smart to do though as all the survivors would just quit if they ran into it.
Houston3000 said:
They did fix that, items do despawn if they're blocking your path but ONLY if the tank that moved them is dead. Valve still wanted tanks to be able to use items strategically to block survivors in while fighting them just not to impede their progress after he's gone.

However, if you "park" the tank he doesn't die, so in NM3 you can do something like push a dumpster over the manhole and then park the tank inside the safehouse. The tank will revert to AI and sit there until the survivors get close but the dumpster will not despawn and the survivors won't be able to move forward. It's not very smart to do though as all the survivors would just quit if they ran into it.
I had a tree log despawn last night, even though the tank was parked only a few feet away. ::shrug::


So I did Death Toll VS and Dead Air VS. There is a reason they are not avialable yet. :lol

Smokers are deadly on death toll, I think its DT2 that is just roof tops and smokers can pull you clear off a lot of the roofs. We got a tank on the rooftop and he booted all of us off the side.

On Dead Air vs we had an issue with DA3 (longest level evar) and the finale. There is just way too much stuff for the tank to knock around at the finale. Also saw a smoker get hit by the crashing plane engine at the end.

Still cant wait to smoker pull someone through the metal detectors.


Guys we really need your help.

My wife and I have been trying to pass the game on expert but we never have enough people on. I have 3 friends that have the game but right now they are busy and it's hard to even get one on. We are on from around 7-10pm pacific most days.

We only do campaigns because my wife finds versus too stressful but she loves campaign. If you see me on you can send me an invite I swear we'll drop whatever we are doing lol.

360 tag is coverly. Feel free to add me. We can also help others get their achievements, we just like to play the game but we rarely have enough people for a full game.
We'll be on for sure tomorrow and friday.


Coverly said:
Guys we really need your help.

My wife and I have been trying to pass the game on expert but we never have enough people on. I have 3 friends that have the game but right now they are busy and it's hard to even get one on. We are on from around 7-10pm pacific most days.

We only do campaigns because my wife finds versus too stressful but she loves campaign. If you see me on you can send me an invite I swear we'll drop whatever we are doing lol.

360 tag is coverly. Feel free to add me. We can also help others get their achievements, we just like to play the game but we rarely have enough people for a full game.
We'll be on for sure tomorrow and friday.
Im trying to beat them on expert too. I'll add you and maybe we'll get to play together soon.

gamertag: fidel mattstro

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I want to begin expert runs pretty soon. What's the 'easiest' campaign?

My feeling is the one with the boat finale, but can't be sure. No mercy seems fucking hard to me based off how shafted we got on advanced the other day. Dead air is a total bitch as well, where the hell do people stay 'safe' on the finale? I usually end up running round the back of the plane shrieking like a little girl. Getting on the mounted gun usually means you might as well just bend over in my experience.
catfish said:
I want to begin expert runs pretty soon. What's the 'easiest' campaign?

My feeling is the one with the boat finale, but can't be sure. No mercy seems fucking hard to me based off how shafted we got on advanced the other day. Dead air is a total bitch as well, where the hell do people stay 'safe' on the finale? I usually end up running round the back of the plane shrieking like a little girl. Getting on the mounted gun usually means you might as well just bend over in my experience.

Easiest Expert campaign for me would have to be No Mercy, I can usually finish the whole thing with only a couple of retires. However, that's probably because I've got a regular team that I play with, we know each other foibles and compensate.

On the NM finale, have everyone hide in the cupboard under the stairs, front two people melee, back two shoot.

On the DT finale, we all tend to turtle in a corner of the main house, it's the corner to the left once you go inside the front door, think it's where the guns are placed.

On the DA finale, find the downed white plane that's mountable, and climb up onto its rear wing. Stay at the upper most tip, watch out for smokers to everyone's left though.

On the BH finale, upstairs bathroom seems to be the most popular turtling spot.


on PC this is where my usual expert clearing group goes for finales:
NM - rooftop above and behind the mounted gun or the closet behind the radio/gunrack. the rooftop is actually really nice because 2 people can climb onto each vent and it becomes hard for hordes to hit you, while special infected are easy as hell to snipe with the AR and the AI never seems smart enough to smoker you from behind. tanks are basically no threat on this finale whatsoever because they are so, so easy to kite around.
DT - top floor of the boathouse. we each take the 3 non-destroyable corners and watch each other's backs and spend any time not fighting stuff directly at us clearing out the destroyable corner. tanks are fought outside, usually running back toward the town/campgrounds.
DA - respawn closet, then outside when the tanks come. this one is toughest due to it being very open, but it's not too hard to dodge concrete if you have closed captions on so you can see when the tank picks up concrete.
BH - upstairs bathroom. only real threat here is boomers because they can sneak in from downstairs and the explosion will likely slime at least one person, but because it's such a cramped space it's easy to keep everyone safe. tanks are fought outside, usually kited around the house.

There are multiple good spots to camp as marvelharvey's different list can show. It's really just about finding an area where everyone can watch each other's backs and hordes have a hard time swarming you, then paying attention to the tank spawning and running around like crazy while it burns to death or you each shoot it to death.


yeah, I didn't know until one night when I decided to mess with it and wow. closed captions makes it borderline unfair on campaign mode because you see when hordes are spawning (before the horde music plays), special infected spawn, and you can see the message for a tank/witch at a location before you can hear them (or before I can, anyway).
firex said:
yeah, I didn't know until one night when I decided to mess with it and wow. closed captions makes it borderline unfair on campaign mode because you see when hordes are spawning (before the horde music plays), special infected spawn, and you can see the message for a tank/witch at a location before you can hear them (or before I can, anyway).

Heh. I've been playing with closed caps on pretty much since launch - my computer is set up in the living room and unless everyone is out, I don't get chance to play with the sound up.


Death Toll:

When you're facing the boat house, there's a rock past the docks and at the very corner of the map where you can jump crouch to. Use momentum and jump+crouch to get on top. The tank can't get to you and the most he'll do is throw a couple chunks of concrete your way but will most likely miss. You just have to worry about the smoker who always goes through the water from the boat house and the hunter.

No Mercy:

On the sentry gun, there are two doors on the structure 9 O' clock from where you are. You can break the doors and it'll reveal two closets. They are placed in a way so you can have crossfire going on without you shooting at each other. You just have to worry about the tank.


Jesus, I wanna play this game. I own it on 360, but my job has me hours away from home every day. Plus NONE of my friends that I play with on Live own it. They're all to busy playing Halo 3, COD4, or COD: WaW to be bothered. /sadface


iplay5150 said:
Jesus, I wanna play this game. I own it on 360, but my job has me hours away from home every day. Plus NONE of my friends that I play with on Live own it. They're all to busy playing Halo 3, COD4, or COD: WaW to be bothered. /sadface

Get some new friends, tonnes of gaf 360-ers in here.

I'm in a similar situation I bought this - and mass effect, the witcher and Stalker for €50:lol buy buy Zavvi - and I dont have any time to play the damn games :(...

Between real life stuff and wifey stuff, blah... I dunno why I even try gaming any more.


Vagabundo said:
Get some new friends, tonnes of gaf 360-ers in here.

I'm in a similar situation I bought this - and mass effect, the witcher and Stalker for €50:lol buy buy Zavvi - and I dont have any time to play the damn games :(...

Between real life stuff and wifey stuff, blah... I dunno why I even try gaming any more.

My wife plays co-op L4D with me, which is quite amusing as we end up bitching about each others tactics, I accuse her of doodling too much and she acuses me of running off and leaving her behind :D. She also panics too much when the horde's coming and starts screaming and panic-firing everywhere.


Because sometimes the tank music doesn't kick in until well after I've been walloped by it, I figured I'd test using the captions. I completely ignored them.

Played single-player NM5 to test it. And either my computer is retarded, or I don't know how anyone can even remotely suggest the AI is competent. I could make movies everytime I played showing how stupid they are.

#1)They never follow me, they always protect one another. #2)They'll never shoot an infected off you at long range (assuming they even care... they're not leaving their AI pals if there's a single zombie in their area), they run and then melee them off #3) Which wouldn't be bad, but they never run ahead. They're programmed not to run ahead and leave you behind. And they won't leave their AI bots behind. So that means you have to run ahead, alone, if you wanna get anywhere.

Which gets me to the quick round I just played. I'm on the rooftop by the final ladder up. I started climbing towards the roof when I look behind to check. Not coming. So I wait. Finally 2 of the 3 make it to the final ladder. But francis is one ladder behind. And he just sits there. Gets jumped and the AI bots go down and rescue him before they come back up. But not Francis. He continues to stay there. So I climb the final ladder onto the rooftop. Zoey follows. One stays a ladder below. And francis is still two floor below. He's jumped again. And a bot rescues him. And yet he still won't climb that ladder and is two floors below. So I jump off the roof and am on the NM roof main playing area. No way for me to get back down where they are. And Francis still won't climb that ladder. So he gets smoked and smoked, until the bots climb down the ladder to rescue him. And I'm just sitting all by myself exposed, unable to join them even if I wanted to. Really, I haven't seen such crappy AI in a game since the Battlefield series.


Suavo said:
Death Toll:

When you're facing the boat house, there's a rock past the docks and at the very corner of the map where you can jump crouch to. Use momentum and jump+crouch to get on top. The tank can't get to you and the most he'll do is throw a couple chunks of concrete your way but will most likely miss. You just have to worry about the smoker who always goes through the water from the boat house and the hunter.
I think they fixed this one on the PC version, but I'm not sure because I never used it before. I'm just going by what I read/heard in games.
1-D_FTW said:
Because sometimes the tank music doesn't kick in until well after I've been walloped by it, I figured I'd test using the captions. I completely ignored them.

Played single-player NM5 to test it. And either my computer is retarded, or I don't know how anyone can even remotely suggest the AI is competent. I could make movies everytime I played showing how stupid they are.

#1)They never follow me, they always protect one another. #2)They'll never shoot an infected off you at long range (assuming they even care... they're not leaving their AI pals if there's a single zombie in their area), they run and then melee them off #3) Which wouldn't be bad, but they never run ahead. They're programmed not to run ahead and leave you behind. And they won't leave their AI bots behind. So that means you have to run ahead, alone, if you wanna get anywhere.

Which gets me to the quick round I just played. I'm on the rooftop by the final ladder up. I started climbing towards the roof when I look behind to check. Not coming. So I wait. Finally 2 of the 3 make it to the final ladder. But francis is one ladder behind. And he just sits there. Gets jumped and the AI bots go down and rescue him before they come back up. But not Francis. He continues to stay there. So I climb the final ladder onto the rooftop. Zoey follows. One stays a ladder below. And francis is still two floor below. He's jumped again. And a bot rescues him. And yet he still won't climb that ladder and is two floors below. So I jump off the roof and am on the NM roof main playing area. No way for me to get back down where they are. And Francis still won't climb that ladder. So he gets smoked and smoked, until the bots climb down the ladder to rescue him. And I'm just sitting all by myself exposed, unable to join them even if I wanted to. Really, I haven't seen such crappy AI in a game since the Battlefield series.

I don't think anyone in their right mind would argue that the AI bots in L4D aren't complete and utter shit. We've all known this since launch.


yeah, I basically find the bots are horrible. hilariously horrible sometimes. I mean bear in mind the same guys developed CS Condition Zero, which didn't exactly have stellar bot AI either, so I'm not that surprised. the enemy AI isn't that bad, actually. not as good as players, of course, but I didn't notice any major patterns it uses for each special infected until spending several hours on each campaign.
Suavo said:
Death Toll:

When you're facing the boat house, there's a rock past the docks and at the very corner of the map where you can jump crouch to. Use momentum and jump+crouch to get on top. The tank can't get to you and the most he'll do is throw a couple chunks of concrete your way but will most likely miss. You just have to worry about the smoker who always goes through the water from the boat house and the hunter.

No Mercy:

On the sentry gun, there are two doors on the structure 9 O' clock from where you are. You can break the doors and it'll reveal two closets. They are placed in a way so you can have crossfire going on without you shooting at each other. You just have to worry about the tank.
I thought they fixed the rock exploit with the first update. For PC anyways.
Rock exploits on Death Toll still worked as of last week on PC version-Advanced. Someone always wants to do that instead of having fun with the game. If you stay on the rock all the way to left while looking at the front of the house, the Tank will spawn and you will hear the music. After about 30 seconds the music will stop and the next waves of zombies will come. Same with 2nd tank.


I have long suspected that the points tally in versus is screwed up but now I'm sure of it. We had 1076 point in round one and the opponent had 1080-everyone remarked on how they had only 4 more points than us at the round end. Next map we get 24 and they get 20, I think "We'll be tied now!" But the tally shows the enemy up by about 60-70 points.


Boonoo said:

my wife caught a glimpse of neogaf with that avatar up and asked me WTF are you looking at.... :lol


blackMamba1187 said:
Rock exploits on Death Toll still worked as of last week on PC version-Advanced. Someone always wants to do that instead of having fun with the game. If you stay on the rock all the way to left while looking at the front of the house, the Tank will spawn and you will hear the music. After about 30 seconds the music will stop and the next waves of zombies will come. Same with 2nd tank.

The man asked if there are any good spots. Not for the fun spots.

Yes, you can still go on the rock where I described, I just checked. I would post a screenshot but imageshack is pissing me off. The host it button keeps sending me to yahoo.

I don't see why the level of difficulty will change the structures of the map. You'll have to load up a different map for that to happen even if it's just a rock.




Custom servers can be so much fun. For example, we enabled incap crawling so survivors could move around incapped. It's also possible to force each team get same # of witches/tanks but randomize the locations.

Red Scarlet

The rock still works, but it seemed zombies could climb up the front of it faster than pre-patch. Last week, I was shown a different rock by people that had never beaten expert before, and it is even easier than the corner rock. It's to the left of the house, and it is a low elevation rock in the water. Hardly any zombies came at all, and a smoker shows up behind a rock nearby, which is not really a problem. Both Tanks "got lost", so I don't know how annoying they are if they can just run up to the spot or not. The run to the dock is pretty long, and a Hunter shows up in the water just like with that other rock, but for everything else in the finale, this rock was even easier than the corner rock. By the gun is the most fun, but I've only done the 2nd half of the finale on the dock itself, would like to try the whole finale there sometime.


syllogism said:
Custom servers can be so much fun. For example, we enabled incap crawling so survivors could move around incapped. It's also possible to force each team get same # of witches/tanks but randomize the locations.

This reminds me of a gripe that I've long had with this game; I don't like how incap is handled at all. I mean I understand how you want to express a disabled state for the survivors but to leave them a stump on the ground that might as well be dead unless someone "helps" them to their feet yet can gun shit down? Really?

I'd like to see them revisit this theme and at least enable slow crawling and give them SOME kind of opportunity to make themselves active again. Given the fast-paced nature of this game it wouldn't give any unreasonably large benefit to the survivors. The way they're doing it now makes zero sense whatsoever.


Coverly said:
Guys we really need your help.

My wife and I have been trying to pass the game on expert but we never have enough people on. I have 3 friends that have the game but right now they are busy and it's hard to even get one on. We are on from around 7-10pm pacific most days.

We only do campaigns because my wife finds versus too stressful but she loves campaign. If you see me on you can send me an invite I swear we'll drop whatever we are doing lol.

360 tag is coverly. Feel free to add me. We can also help others get their achievements, we just like to play the game but we rarely have enough people for a full game.
We'll be on for sure tomorrow and friday.

id be glad to help as well, and your play times sound good. im usually on just after 10pm EST. GT: Matty Thorns.

same goes for me, if im playing something else ill almost allways be glad to drop it for some L4D, so invite me. ill be around tonight.


Davidion said:
This reminds me of a gripe that I've long had with this game; I don't like how incap is handled at all. I mean I understand how you want to express a disabled state for the survivors but to leave them a stump on the ground that might as well be dead unless someone "helps" them to their feet yet can gun shit down? Really?

I'd like to see them revisit this theme and at least enable slow crawling and give them SOME kind of opportunity to make themselves active again. Given the fast-paced nature of this game it wouldn't give any unreasonably large benefit to the survivors. The way they're doing it now makes zero sense whatsoever.

I think that's be a HUGE boost to the survivors -- it's already really hard for the zombies, and making survivors paralyzed by being knocked down or hanging from a roof is all the zombies really have, unless they're lucky enough to get a hunter on someone who's down and isolated for several seconds.

Unless of course I'm on the survivor team, in which case the zombies have no problem taking us all down. :lol
OMG, just had a VS on NM1 where we dodge the tank and made it to the safe room well except for one person. Instead of just sitting in the safe room waiting for francis swift death, a moron decides to open the door to fire at the tank, inviting in zombies, special infected and you guessed it the tank. I raged quit so fucking hard
Davidion said:
This reminds me of a gripe that I've long had with this game; I don't like how incap is handled at all. I mean I understand how you want to express a disabled state for the survivors but to leave them a stump on the ground that might as well be dead unless someone "helps" them to their feet yet can gun shit down? Really?

I'd like to see them revisit this theme and at least enable slow crawling and give them SOME kind of opportunity to make themselves active again. Given the fast-paced nature of this game it wouldn't give any unreasonably large benefit to the survivors. The way they're doing it now makes zero sense whatsoever.
Games rarely end when survivors die. They end when survivors can't get up. Your idea would make it almost impossible for zombies when facing a competent group of survivors.


Coverly said:
Guys we really need your help.

My wife and I have been trying to pass the game on expert but we never have enough people on. I have 3 friends that have the game but right now they are busy and it's hard to even get one on. We are on from around 7-10pm pacific most days.

We only do campaigns because my wife finds versus too stressful but she loves campaign. If you see me on you can send me an invite I swear we'll drop whatever we are doing lol.

360 tag is coverly. Feel free to add me. We can also help others get their achievements, we just like to play the game but we rarely have enough people for a full game.
We'll be on for sure tomorrow and friday.
Added you. I only ever play campaign mode, too.


Blizzard said:
I think that's be a HUGE boost to the survivors -- it's already really hard for the zombies, and making survivors paralyzed by being knocked down or hanging from a roof is all the zombies really have, unless they're lucky enough to get a hunter on someone who's down and isolated for several seconds.

Unless of course I'm on the survivor team, in which case the zombies have no problem taking us all down. :lol

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Games rarely end when survivors die. They end when survivors can't get up. Your idea would make it almost impossible for zombies when facing a competent group of survivors.

Not so, I'm not suggesting letting them get up with any kind of significant speed whatsoever. A survivor "incapped" crawling at low speeds (read: very slow dying crawl) at least would have a chance to move to an elevated object such as a wall or a platform where they can slowly prop themselves up. Continuing attacks from even a single basic zombie could be a simple measure to stop survivors from struggling towards their destination.

I've been in games where the survivors have literally killed off all the zombies in the area but the game has also ended because all four are just stuck on the ground not being able to move, as if they're all paralyzed from the waist down and their arms are completely useless for mobility purposes. It makes no sense. A slow limited crawl would not offer any significant recovery opportunities if the zombie team is anything more than completely asleep at the wheel.


thanks for the add madmook. i added Coverly as well.

ill be around later tonight if folks want to play. send an invite if im playing something else.


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
Thanks to the GAF euro bargain thread I got this awesome game for €9.
Just getting started but the game is super.
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