I love finally having some new versus maps to play on. I still enjoyed playing No Mercy and Blood Harvest but it got to the point where I knew the maps so well I kind of didn't have to think about what I was doing as the infected. Now it feels fresh again. Couple of observations:
- Like the new melee cooldown. 5 in a row is usually plenty, the recharge time is short, but, crucially, you can't repeatedly spam it and in situations where you're surrounded by zombies your team-mates simply have to help you out or you're fucked. Hopefully it encourages even closer teamwork.
- It may be because the maps are new and alien to me from the infected side but there seems to be a lot more places to climb about as the infected in Dead Air and Death Toll than there were in No Mercy and Blood Harvest. Love not knowing the best strategies yet.
- The finales for both Dead Air and Death Toll are hilarious from the infected side. On Death Toll I kept pulling people into the sea and standing on lamp-posts as a smoker. On Dead Air both teams were dead within 30 seconds :lol Both finales seem much more open than NM and BH. On both of those you could just camp in a corner of the room til the tank came and it was really hard for the infected to separate you. That's nearly impossible on Dead Air and though you can all stay inside on Death Toll there's more broken walls and doors to pull people out of compared to say NM. Coupled with the melee cooldown the finales seem more fun than usual. No doubt people will find out ways to do better but for now it's great seeing everyone so hopeless