Kard8p3 said:Are the only people who post in this topic now people who play the game on Steam?
oh god i'd just be /wrists the rest of the dayJRW said:How pissed would you be if you got this close to Gold and failed (jingo):
TheKingsCrown said:Hi guys,
So I've recently started playing this awesome game and I have a question.
Does Steam allow for a group of people to be placed onto a server together? My friends and I haven't figured the stuff out yet, but I wanted to check in advance.
That's too bad. I guess if we set up our own server it would work out at some level?DaFish said:No (or at least not yet)... There is supposed to be a party system in the works though.
TheKingsCrown said:That's too bad. I guess if we set up our own server it would work out at some level?
Ah okay, so we just would have a wait time of some kind, waiting for people to auto join the game.DaFish said:Oh wait... you said "server" not "lobby"
You could if you wanted:
1. Get all your buddies into the lobby
2. Open the console (`)
3. Type "openbrowserwindow" (I think that's the right command)
4. Pick a server that is empty
TheKingsCrown said:Ah okay, so we just would have a wait time of some kind, waiting for people to auto join the game.
Thanks for info.
Blizzard said:Does anyone know a way to get the tank to stay alive without switching to AI on dead air?
Pillow and vert claimed they did it for 5-10 minutes without any humans getting hit, until everyone finally went over to it and died.
Apparently, it's due to being able to see survivors. If the tank climbs up on the plane-loading arm and can see the survivors in the distance through the slits in the wall, the meter never expires. Or, it may be the case that if you can see survivors but they don't attack you your meter doesn't go down.
Red Scarlet said:I always thought the meter went down unless a survivor or punchable object was hit, then it was changed to a survivor being hit? But I guess not. They should change it to a survivor being PUNCHED, so we don't have 8-minute Tanks on the Death Toll finale due to people just throwing rocks all day..I imagine the Dead Air thing is just as frustrating.
It Defies Design
It goes against what the Tank was designed to play as (Refer to the Valve commentary supplied with the game, they want players to be aggressive, something in the vein of AI Tanks). A Tank is supposed to run around, throw rocks, punch things and charge in with arms swinging. He's supposed to be active in causing chaos! Sitting in one place and twiddling his thumbs is blatantly not Tank-like.
The Smoker and Boomer limit movement out of necessity, Tanks should be moving out of necessity. This stalling of the rage system just toys with the design and renders Tanks into closet monsters. Which design is more attractive? Hulking Menaces or Dust Collectors? The answer should be obvious.
It Defies Balance
It actively works against a player's previously confirmed knowledge of the rage-meter and is a clunky solution to camping. It would simply be better to fix the levels or fix the meter, having spots where the Tank can camp and wait for the humans is a poor solution. Fixing camping by introducing camping doesn't work, it just switches which side gets frustrated.
The reason it defies balance is because it's unstable. Levels vary from each other a great deal, and this problem is small on some and large on others (Dead Air 5). If this was balanced, it wouldn't gravitate to these extremes, but it clearly does. This or the more blatant spots in levels need to be tweaked, certain points such as in Dead Air 5 don't work very well with the system.
It Defies Communication
The loophole is not communicated to the human players at all. In tonight's Gaf game, my team was as confused as hell, we didn't know what exactly was required to solve this issue of the rage meter never trickling down. This isn't an aspect of the game that is logically communicated like Hunter pouncing, Tank throwing, Boomer barfing, or even the basic elements of the Rage meter itself.
One could argue that there are elements of a game that aren't communicated. Fair enough, but this little loophole can and does have a big effect on the outcomes of games. This isn't the same as the non-communicated key for voice chat or the non-communicated number of collision detection arcs in a stream of Boomer vomit. I doubt even ten percent of the population know how this loophole works, let alone what they have to do to counter it. They'll go and try to find the Tank after a little while, but they still don't know why he hasn't shown his face or just how they've been had.
There's no feedback, the Tank just goes away and hides while his teammates get an infinite amount of spawns to work with. Blaming the victim in this case is stupid, survivors shouldn't have to actively work against the other team to prevent them from using a quirk of the game rules against them. Their only responsibility is to survive and not to police the other team. The game rules are tasked with policing, right now they may be insufficient to dissuade Tank Stasis.
It Defies Purpose
It defeats the purpose of the rage meter. The Tank wants battle, and the longer he stays out of the fight, the more frustrated he gets. Having a Tank sit still in a loading arm for five minutes and be absolutely peachy doesn't make sense. If he can see the survivors and isn't fighting them, he should be angry, even more than if they were hidden. It renders an angry beast inexplicably docile and a good feature ineffectual.
If the rage meter can't get players to get into the fray, then its purpose isn't being fulfilled. If its purpose isn't being fulfilled, the game becomes boring and frustrating. If the game becomes boring and frustrating, your players aren't going to be too eager to play Versus.
What the game would benefit from is a real solution to camping, not this loophole in the Rage Meter system that encourages human movement at the expense of design, balance, communication, and purpose. It simply breaks more than it fixes.
One solution might be to tweak just how effective this "rage sight" is. If a Tank parks himself somewhere and the humans are still in sight (like on the boarding arm in DA5 that has a view of pretty much everywhere), let the meter deplete, with it depleting down faster the further he is away while he's doing it.
Once you know about it you can of course counter it, but that doesn't make it any less ugly. Give it a while for word of this issue to spread, the Tank Stasis is probably going to make Dead Air 5 a lot less enjoyable for human players.
Ventrue said:So what is this supposed tank rage meter loophole being discussed?
Red Scarlet said:I always thought the meter went down unless a survivor or punchable object was hit, then it was changed to a survivor being hit? But I guess not. They should change it to a survivor being PUNCHED, so we don't have 8-minute Tanks on the Death Toll finale due to people just throwing rocks all day..I imagine the Dead Air thing is just as frustrating.
vertopci said:I'm going to enjoy ripping your argument to shreds Botolf :lol
Also, gameplay wise, the balance is not ruined at all. Camping like is actually FAR MORE dangerous for the Tank than if he were to go in and try to swipe the survivors. Why? Because all the survivors have to do is either A) rush in with tier 2 weapons and blast the shit outta the tank, B) shoot thru the wall to hit the tank while he is capable of doing nothing or C) Sit there like retards and do nothing while the normal special infected keep launching attacks on you. Obviously C is a stupidchoice, but in both A and B the survivors gain a massive advantage. Not to mention the survivors can also use the slow movement stuff to sneak up on tank.
vertopci said:Blaming the victim is not stupid at all. One requirement for competitive games is to have knowledge of the game. Which is what this is. Valve has known about this since day 1 and they have done nothing at all to fix it. Obviously it's intended and therefore not an exploit, bug or glitch. Therefore this is legit knowledge to know and USE.
vertopci said:Also, you obviously don't understand the purpose of versus. Yes, the survivors can survive, but the main goal of the survivors is to gain more points. Not to survive. If you want to survive, go play campaign. The entire point of versus is to gain more points and surviving is just one way to achieve that.
Yeah I throw rocks.. if people are going to camp the water then they can eat rock. Map is flawed, might as well not have a tank at all until the boat arrives.1-D_FTW said:I think I've only played that finale once or twice, but isn't the bigger side of the problem the survivors just camp in the frickin water and the infected have no decent method of attack? Maybe they should just wall the water off and that'll solve both issues.
Blizzard said:Case A can also be extremely dangerous for the survivors depending on where the tank is. Dead air 5 is one of those cases due to the location of the luggage carts. When my team finally went over to find the tank, the three of them who stayed in front promptly got owned by a luggage cart (after Volc got smokered towards the tank, also). Shocking. I only survived a little longer, and then a smoker got me.![]()
You must mean survivors being wimps. I've never had a tank last more than two minutes against my teams.Red Scarlet said:I always thought the meter went down unless a survivor or punchable object was hit, then it was changed to a survivor being hit? But I guess not. They should change it to a survivor being PUNCHED, so we don't have 8-minute Tanks on the Death Toll finale due to people just throwing rocks all day..I imagine the Dead Air thing is just as frustrating.
Volcynika said:Wrong. I didn't get smokered. I went behind the crashed plane in the pit and shot the tank in the back, then you bitched about me going over there saying I was gonna get hit by a cart, then amusingly enough the other two teammates got hit by a cart, and I only got hit by a cart when going back to help them. I never got smokered. If you mean before the tank even left the tower, that didn't even matter, it had no bearing on the final outcome, the tank wasn't even down on our level.
Blizzard said:[citation needed]. I have never seen this discussed on this thread or ingame, and none of my team members seemed to know about it either. Link to the official Valve forums discussing it from "day 1" or something, and I'll admit that I don't read those forums typically.
Blizzard said:srsly? Seriously? :lol :lol :lol If you don't survive you get a maximum of 200 points. Feel free to try to win doing that over a team that survives. The very reason that so many teams lose the game after winning most of it on Dead Air is that the other team survives the finale. Just ask Scarlet, me, or any number of other people who've had it happen.
RocketDarkness said:Your grammar is more than adequate. I see both sides of the issue, but I feel as long as Valve leaves it in, it's a perfectly valid tactic. God knows how often everyone took advantage of tank parking while it was an option. This is just another tactic that will be exploited until a counter is developed.
vertopci said:Once again, NOT MY PROBLEM. Knowing the game is part of competitive play and if your team doesn't know something my team does, it's your teams fault, not mine.
vertopci said:Whether you like it or not, Versus is about getting points, not necessarily surviving. The entire point of infected is to reduce the health bonus or in the best case scenario, incap all the survivors. The entire point of survivors is to get the most points, the best case being everyone survives. Yes survival is important, no doubt, but not the crux of versus.
Blizzard said:No, you claimed it was A) known by Valve "since day 1" and possibly B) "common knowledge". As stated, I've never seen it discussed anywhere here, and lying to the opposite team by claiming your team is experiencing a glitch is not good sportsmanship.
So, you missed the point and still haven't proven that Valve knew about it or its effect on that finale.
(and editing, as I stated before we couldn't see the tank. I don't think I was able to see it with a sniper rifle, so we weren't ignoring a known tank location by choice)
I'm not even sure what you're saying. Yes, you win with more points. But you get A TON MORE POINTS BY SURVIVING. How is that not obvious? :lol If you don't survive and the other team does, they typically get far more points. So what's your point, and what does this have to do with the tank?
And where were you guys as humans? Oh, right, backs up against a wall in the pit. Pot, kettle.vertopci said:And the lying was just a bait to get your team to stop being such wussies and actually charge the tank. Otherwise the normal special infected would have killed you guys instead of the tank. Sorry for trying to help your team.
Survival = more pointsBot mentioned that the entire point of survivors was to survive. I said that was wrong and that the entire point of survivors is to get as many points as possible. Both the points made by Bot and I are different. Maybe not much different, but still different.
The smart thing to do next time would be to forgo the strawmen and address what I'm actually saying. In several instances you're arguing with the wind, with statements I never said and positions I never took!I'll do the smart thing and act cautious.
The rest of us unloaded rounds on you too, what are you, blind? :lolvertopci said:BTW, whoever came to blast me (I think Volc?) is the only one who can complain about anything seeing as how he was the only one who did anything. The rest of you just stood and expected everything to happen like it always does. The same old thing didn't happen, and now you are all bitching about a legit tactic.
vertopci said:First off, if you do a little googling, you'll find a decent amount on stuff about the tank camping. I think there is even a post on the steam forums. Search for whatever tank guides are on there or something. Also teh fact that I knew about it before Dead Air was released show it has been there from the start. In fact, I've used this technique a couple times before on BH, although I was a bit confused on how exactly it worked back then. I actually assumed it was a glitch.
Not all aspects of an enemy's design are intended or even expected. That could easily be the case here, and I'm inclined to believe this result was not desirable. Will it be fixed? Depends on if it becomes as big of a nuisance on other maps as DA5, I guess.
I never said the Tank should rush in at every opportunity. What I said was that he shouldn't be and isn't supposed to be a camping class. Running around and punching and throwing stuff is sufficient, because he's moving! If you believe that this camping is a part of how the Tank is supposed to be, go dig into the commentary and any relevant interviews. This loophole sounds nothing like a desirable part of how the Tank was designed.
Blaming the victim is idiotic because this is more or less secret knowledge, only a few even know this loophole exists. Why would people assume it exists? It defies their previous assumptions of how the game works and isn't apparent in the slightest. But then again, I can't really expect somebody who's reaping the benefits to be sympathetic -_-.
- It's boring and frustrating, period, that last finale wasn't exactly fun for us on the receiving end. Keep that in mind.
Valve's take on the design:
Notice the distinct lack of "oh, and we want them to sit still in raised parts of levels to stall the rage timer indefinitely". It was designed around sight, but in the case of spots like the boarding arm on DA5, it doesn't behave well, the Tank stays hidden and the meter becomes a non-factor. The Tank becomes a closet monster.
And where were you guys as humans? Oh, right, backs up against a wall in the pit. Pot, kettle.
Botolf said:The rest of us unloaded rounds on you too, what are you, blind? :lol
I wouldn't mind a fix, or at least some prop obstructions on the slits so the field of view isn't so expansive.vertopci said:If Valve wishes to fix it, I couldn't care. There are still several other spots where this could still be used.
My solution would be to try to fix the water first instead of giving the Tank incentive to hide. More cover in the water wouldn't hurt for starters. Wrecked fishing boats would make sense.Camping isn't necessarily how a tank is supposed to act, but it should definitely be an option for him. If the survivors are in the water in DT5, would you not just camp and throw rocks?
It's not as simple as "putting two and two together". I'm not a programmer or designer, I don't know the constraints of the rage vision system like the back of my hand. A group of players happened upon it one day, word spread and here we are. I always had assumed that the visual range was shorter, but that's not an entirely unreasonable assumption to make.I don't see how its a loophole. Even in that audio clip you posted below, he specifically says that that rage meter doesn't decrease as long as the survivors are in sight.
So you KNEW this already and I'm pretty sure you knew slits were on those boarding arms. All you had to do was put two and two together.
We're not idiots, we weren't honestly expecting to see you charging in mindlessly, what we were expecting was to see you be evasive, not hiding. That's the thing about secret knowledge, it remains secret for a good while.Not my fault you guys were expecting the same exact thing as always to happen. Did you really expect someone to charge towards the survivors while they all had green health? Sure there are things you can hit, but it's fairly easy for green health survivors to evade them. Especially around the plane.
Yea, but I don't think avoiding all combat altogether is a positive choice to make as a Tank. It's boring and frustrating, and completely un-Tanklike. It's an extreme the game would be better off without.If they really wanted to force the whole rush in and fuck shit up thing, why not give the Tank more health and spawn him already on FIRE? The guy in the commentary says something along the lines of "We wanted players to act more tank-like" not completely like an AI tank. They never intended the design of the player tanks to be exactly like the AI tank. They simply needed players to act a slight bit more tank-like in order to balance the game. The meter does that as well as letting players do their own thing as tank.
We were running because you were tossing rocks (one of which hit me in mid-stride). We could have pressed, but we didn't. Doesn't mean Volc was flying alone and the only member of the team doing anything.Only because the rest of the team was following the first dude who left the group to find me. Not only that, but you all ran away after you found me instead of EASILY killing the tank in that spot. Not only that, but even after running away, you guys did absolutely nothing to me even though you knew exactly where I was.
I concur that it is stupid. Having said that, you're walking out on me?! We made beautiful vitriol togetheredit: I refuse to waste any more time on this stupid argument.
Botolf said:I concur that it is stupid. Having said that, you're walking out on me?! We made beautiful vitriol together![]()
Botolf said:Sooo betrayed
Fine, you win. It does look deliciou-vertopci said:Sorry man, but just look at it. There's no way you could ever be as sexy as that pie.
Blizzard said:That would be a TERRIBLE idea. Running away and camping with rocks are pretty much the only decent strategies with tanks in my opinion, unless there is something very situational where there happens to be lots of carts, cars, or dumpsters around and the survivors are in a narrow spot or a corner.
If they changed it to only reset when a survivor was punched, then the tank would pretty much be forced to run into the middle of the survivors, which is EXACTLY what tanks do most of the time, resulting in them dying in 5-10 seconds to assault rifles (plus being even easier to set on fire). It would make tanks even worse, unless you could nerf damage to the tank some more. Plus picking up a rock to shield yourself from damage would mean your meter would keep running out, and hitting a dumpster through three survivors would mean your meter would keep running out (though at that point it wouldn't matter as much).
PillowKnight said:I've never had a tank last more than two minutes against my teams.
Red Scarlet said:I find 5+ minute Tanks to be pretty boring.
Daigoro said:shit.
its great not to be on the ass end of a VS beating for a change.
gg last night everyone.