A number of things to cover in this post. Firstly a question:
Whenever I bootup Left4Dead, my controls/video settings revert back to a state somewhere around when I first purchased the game. They're certainly not default, but neither are they my most recent preference. I've tried altering the text config files by hand, but when I bootup, everything reverts back to the old state. (PS apologies for those on my friends list earlier who must have seen 'marvelharvey is playing Left4Dead' about 12 times in a row)
Secondly, I can't believe how awful VS players are sometimes. I was smokering on DA2, in the apartment just to the left of the cargo container, waiting for someone to climb the ladder. First, Zoey popped up, I pulled her off the ledge and bill raced up the ladder to rescue the poor dear. Obviously, I snagged Bill too. Next up, Francis tried to make it up and over to his buddies, but alas, now he too was dangling off the ledge. Finally Lewis comes to save the day... we win. Why didn't anyone try to eliminate the threat; me? It was obvious where my tongue was firing from.
Lastly, I've always had to play on the lowest settings, to maintain 60fps, but I've just discovered that Apple underclocks its processors by roughly 20%. So after a quick download of an overclocking tool, I'm finally the game with lighting, shadows, a respectable resolution and more importantly VSYNC!