Wow, this thread died a death since E3

I'm still playing every evening!
Anyway, the reason for me posting here again is that I just found the worst servers I've ever experienced, 'All For Dead Clan' I think. The ping was OK, but the 'rules' were awful;
-Excessive FF results in a permeant ban (no problem with that)
-Mic spamming results in a kick(ok, that's total fine)
-A ping higher than 750 results in a kick (why so high?)
-Vocal spamming results in a kick.
It's the final point that I have issues with. Fine, it maybe grate to hear Lewis huff every 2 seconds, but after my character shouts 'Molotov', a message pops up "VOCAL SPAM GUARD: FINAL WARNING!". A moment later, I reload my gun "Reloading" I scream... before being kicked for vocal spamming. Utter tosh. I rejoined (quick gam) a few moments later, only to be repeatedly shot at by a teammate... after which, my character told the offended to "Stop shooting me" which resulted in another kick. Great.
It's a nice idea in principle, but awful execution, when even the automatic responses are banned words.
However, the icing on the cake was the hypocrisy of the whole thing. For a server that wishes to be free from spam, the adorn the left side of the screen with constant messaging...
"Welcome to XXXXX server"
"Type 'score' to see your score"
"Type highscore' to see all scores"
"You are playing from [JAPAN]"
"marvelharvey shot XXXXX in the arm"
"Play fair"
"Excessive FF will result in a permeant ban"
"Mic spamming will result in a kick"
"Vocal Spamming will result in a kick"
"You must agree to the server rules"
"type to 'kickplayer PLAYERNAME' to start a kick vote"
"bind this server to your blah blah" can't remember
and on and on and fucking on
On top of all this, the next issue is they are offering four 16 player servers which, because they're so irritating, usually have many free slots... so every time I searched this afternoon, I kept ending up on the same server.
Next, by sheer chance, I ended up on a server just now with an admin. The moment I realised this, I proceeded to tell him my honest thoughts about his server, at which point I was promptly auto-kicked for using a swear word.
Well, after all today's trials and tribulations I finally solved the issue of joining this shitty sever by something you may have remembered from earlier back in my post...
"Excessive FF will result in a permeant ban"
So, I apologise to those random strangers I shot, but it just HAD to be done. I'M FREE!