Had the most annoying death yesterday.
Since I've switched ISP, I can now hosts games (previous ISP ADSL modem, didnt like Left4dead much).
I've never gotten Mercy on expert due to this; and asked GAF for help.
sonic, Cap'ndrake and dygit (as kdgd or something) helped.
We played pretty good, very few deaths, and mostly due to bad luck or lagging.
Anyhow, final level, and we used the stairs (due to me wanting the achivment badly). First tank down without a sweat, 2nd down aswell, rush to helipad.
Sonic I think got downed on the way, I had to fight my way there, about 40 hps left, crawling toward the heli, I turned and threw my molo to get zombies off Drake.
dygit then proceded to incapitated me with his shotgun inches from the heli.
Drake saw this, and started reliviing me. 50%...60%...70.80...yes! going to make it, at what appeared a full bar, the end-of-game animation started. With me fucking dead, and only dygit making it.
Very frustrating to say the least!
So I have to try again sometime. Please add me if you dont have me, and have ok skills