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The Official Left 4 Dead Thread


RocketDarkness said:
I love ya, Valve, but I wish you'd test your updates before releasing them.

Are you crazy? It takes eight! people to test a L4D campaign. Where on earth could they find 8 L4D players?
Mantorok said:
I'm a co-op-only player, so how is CC for co-op? Shit?

It's pretty boring on normal. The AI infected do not put up much of a challenge at all... for some reason the boomer and smoker seem to spawn in the distance and then wander around trying to find a hiding place and you can almost always pop them before they're even in range.

I'm thinking it might be fun on expert where every normal infected in all that open space is deadly but I haven't played it yet.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
During our Expert campaign marathon, the Crash Course finale felt like running into a brick wall. The run to the finale is way longer than any other campaign and the finale is really easy to screw up. Somehow I don't think it has been properly balanced for expert. I think one extra set of medkits mid way through would help, but I would almost prefer this to just be three separate maps.
grif1020 said:
During our Expert campaign marathon, the Crash Course finale felt like running into a brick wall. The run to the finale is way longer than any other campaign and the finale is really easy to screw up. Somehow I don't think it has been properly balanced for expert. I think one extra set of medkits mid way through would help, but I would almost prefer this to just be three separate maps.


I only played the story mode 3 times last night. I was mostly getting down on the Versus mode.


grif1020 said:
During our Expert campaign marathon, the Crash Course finale felt like running into a brick wall. The run to the finale is way longer than any other campaign and the finale is really easy to screw up. Somehow I don't think it has been properly balanced for expert. I think one extra set of medkits mid way through would help, but I would almost prefer this to just be three separate maps.

Wondering that way about versus. Maybe it's because nobody knew the map and we were going slower than normal as a result, but it took forever to play. It's almost as long as a regular campaign, but you're only getting scored on two maps and have less chance to make up the score for a bad run. Or if you did win the first and lost the second, then that long 1st map pretty much became pointless. Seems like 3 maps would have been a better idea.

Seeing the leader board thing after the first map and everybody in the 200s for kills was kind of funny. I thought CC was going to be a series of shorter levels (with the fillers removed.)
xKilltheMx said:
Anybody have a list of recommended (or heavily played) custom maps for L4D? I want to try them out since of the renewed interest in L4D.
Death Aboard is supposed to be good, only one I've really heard of though :lol .
1-D_FTW said:
Valve says: “While containing both Survival maps and a Co-operative Campaign, the primary goal of Crash Course is to deliver a complete Versus mode experience in just 30 minutes, resulting in a streamlined version of the game’s existing Versus campaigns."


I didn't think I was hallucinating that. 7.5 minutes per side per round seems awfully optimistic. I call Valve time on that.

It's definitely a lot faster than playing every map of No Mercy or Death Toll twice. But yeah 30 minutes would basically be both teams speed running the maps with no tank battle (or a bad tank player)

Personally I like the new maps in versus a lot, despite the return of the looping sound bug for me (although I think I figured that one out, the patch switched multicore rendering back on and now that i've turned it back off it seems better again).

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
The 25 hunter damage pounce achievement is pretty easy to get during the finale, just camp the highest roof and pounce once someone tries to start the generator. Don't forget you have two chances to try this.
grif1020 said:
The 25 hunter damage pounce achievement is pretty easy to get during the finale, just camp the highest roof and pounce once someone tries to start the generator. Don't forget you have two chances to try this.
Or you can just pounce in the very beginning from the high roof. That's how I got mine... on my very first pounce in CC. lol


Having played a couple campaigns I have to say my reservations about this game weren't met, didn't see how constantly shooting zombies over and over could be fun, boy was I wrong :lol .
I like Crash Course. If I had paid for it on 360 I'd probably be feeling pretty bummed, but as a free way of getting me back into the game before L4D2 I can't really complain about the length.

The "Steam" quips made myself and the three other people I was playing with all laugh at the same time. It's extremely goofy, but I love it.


At 15 dollars I couldn't pass up getting the PC version. Did all the 360 levels on Expert.

So PC GAFers, add me on Steam, would love to play the Expert levels with some of you guys. Add Nintendohero and let's kill some zombies.


Prodigal Son
Added, I think Hero :)

Ugh, getting tons of lag today on dedicated servers. I'm also getting booted because of Steam validation or something... Anyone else having problems?

Fox Mulder

Why do microsoft points suck so much ass?

560 points for this is such an awkward price point given their shit system. The DLC is $7, but you can't just pay $7. It's either add 500 points for $6.25, or 1000 points for $12.50. Both options are pretty dumb if I only want to buy the DLC.

So I have to spend $12.50 to get this DLC when the whole game costs $15 on steam with free DLC. Nice.


erotic butter maelstrom
bkfount said:
560 points for this is such an awkward price point given their shit system. The DLC is $7, but you can't just pay $7. It's either add 500 points for $6.25, or 1000 points for $12.50. Both options are pretty dumb if I only want to buy the DLC.

Yeah, that's annoying. I see why they do it...it forces us to buy more of their space bucks than we need. Luckily, I had like 70 points left over in my account.

Any other 360 owners have trouble getting into a game since the pack came out? Normally I have no problems, but last night I kept getting fail messages when trying to get in a game from both quick match and custom game.


Thnikkaman said:
Added, I think Hero :)

Ugh, getting tons of lag today on dedicated servers. I'm also getting booted because of Steam validation or something... Anyone else having problems?

Can you add me again? It didn't work for some reason.

Red Scarlet

syllogism said:
Delete all custom campaign content, especially audio. You can try selectively deleting only some of them or temporarily moving them around to see which one is the culprit. If you've Detour Ahead, delete it first. You can also try console command snd_rebuildaudiocache

steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\addons

Thank you, worked like a charm.

I thought Crash Course was fun, but I've only really played it on expert with friends so far (18 minute run on normal to see if the sound worked/achievements stayed doesn't really count).

Red Scarlet

Just go to l4dmaps.com and dl them, then unzip them in your 'addons' folder.

For me, the file path or whatever is: D:\steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\addons


wayward archer said:
It's pretty boring on normal. The AI infected do not put up much of a challenge at all... for some reason the boomer and smoker seem to spawn in the distance and then wander around trying to find a hiding place and you can almost always pop them before they're even in range.

Why would anyone play on normal?

I found on Advanced it was significantly harder than the other four campaigns. The Special Infected seem to behave more intelligently and the director seems like more of an asshole. And we got like 3 Witches and 2 Tanks in a row. On Advanced.

Only played one round, but we were unable to beat the finale with 3 human, 1 AI after 4 tries, then one of us had to go. Gonna try again tonight.


Prodigal Son
Hmm. Someone attempted to change my password while I was logged in, so I put in a more complicated one in right after. The nerve, huh?


Anyone down for a game right now?

I'll be playing for a bit, if anyone wants to play a game, Campaign, Versus or Survival just hit me up. nintendohero on Steam.


My Crash Course Coop (Expert) impressions:

- It exceeded my expectations. Went in expecting a simple two map corridor crawl-type experience, but I got a lot more out of it than that.

- There's a lot of open space in the campaign, it's kind of got the room of Death Toll and some of the city-styled visuals of No Mercy.

- The possibility of a bridge entered my mind a few weeks ago, but I dismissed it because I figured they'd save the traffic bridges for L4D2 (there's one with jets and the like in that). I liked the lead up to it, where you jump down onto the cars and trucks and you walk beneath the traffic bridge. You can get stuck under some of the trucks on the road, but you can free yourself (eventually).

- The Howitzer and the minigun on the truck encounter was pretty cool.

- The new wall writings and the new character audio are hilarious :lol

- Wasn't expecting the individual maps to be so long and intricate.

- This seems like it's the longest/hardest finale in the entire game. There's weapons and items everywhere, but you're absolutely punished for it :lol . I liked how the abundance of propane tanks increased their tactical value against Tanks.

- Two more stub campaigns like this could link up the rest of the game (Death Toll to Dead Air, Dead Air to Blood Harvest). Maybe it's already on Valve's mind, as it would only require 4 more maps.

The No Mercy - Crash Course - Death Toll Expert marathon kept me up until 3 in the morning, was a hell of a good time though. Scarlet has footage of some wacky antics (One such lol moment: Me being grey and walking through the finale and blasting a zombie, that zombie was standing in front of two propane tanks slightly hidden by a tree. I die instantly). Can't wait to give this a whirl on Versus.


Anyone care to gift a poor student L4D to try on my new laptop?

If you are familiar with the B/S/T then you should be familiar with me. Could work out a deal.
Botolf said:
- Two more stub campaigns like this could link up the rest of the game (Death Toll to Dead Air, Dead Air to Blood Harvest). Maybe it's already on Valve's mind, as it would only require 4 more maps.

That would be really cool. Chet has said they are most likely going to return to the story of these 4 survivors after L4D2, so that sounds perfect for some more small campaigns. Although there's a rumor that Valve wants the two groups in each game to eventually meet up, so maybe there's an 8 player 6 campaign L4D3 coming out Nov 2010 for $60 while L4D2 only gets one mini campaign of it's own.

/cue gamer rage.


the bloody movie poster for crash course is a tease.

zoey dual wielding a pistol and desert eagle? Old guy holding an Mp5? Expected francis to be holding a bloody skillet.

Red Scarlet

Botolf said:
Scarlet has footage of some wacky antics (One such lol moment: Me being grey and walking through the finale and blasting a zombie, that zombie was standing in front of two propane tanks slightly hidden by a tree. I die instantly).


You shot a propane and then I did immediately after it looks like, which mine killed you. If you look carefully, you can see you teleported, too!


Crash Course is glitchy as FUCK

You can glide through the containers in all the yards (unfair hiding spot for infected) and on top of that apparently survivors can see through containers since you can't spawn anywhere around them, and when we finished our match (and won, by the way), we didn't get the win Crash Course in versus achievement and on top of that we glitched through the truck and didn't get to see it escape.

Red Scarlet

Achievements are messed up on the PC one too, so don't feel so bad. They're like how Lamb 2 Slaughter was; you'd have it on your Steam Profile, but every time you play the game, you lose them/don't have them there.

So to get that 5000 zombies one, you'd have to kill that many in one play session without exiting the game. :lol

Has anybody gotten any of the new dialogues to work as binds? I've tried a handful but they haven't worked.



Item density calculation corrected for Versus games

Fixed weapon density in Crash Course

mp_gamemode now a valid command

New localized audio for Crash Course now available

Fixed achievement issues in Crash Course

Fixed dedicated servers not updating correctly to master server

Increased the timeout to fallback to listen server when searching for a dedicated server to 45 seconds


and for 360 users:

Left 4 Dead (360 dedicated only)

- Item density calculation corrected for Versus games
- Fixed weapon density in Crash Course
- Player controlled special Infected will no longer be trapped if they spawn in rescue closets

- Weapons and health kits in cabinets are now correctly respawned in the second Versus round
-Fixed a deploment issue on Xbox 360 dedicated servers that resulted in collisions not being properly detected. This issue is a server only issue


Okay, a few GAFers have friended me on my Steam account because I got the message for it but I don't see those names popping up on my friend list. Do I have to accept them right away or what?


go to the community tab in steam and accept the requests

and it seems like valve just sent a ninja update for l4d. no update notes.


Amir0x said:
Crash Course is glitchy as FUCK

You can glide through the containers in all the yards (unfair hiding spot for infected) and on top of that apparently survivors can see through containers since you can't spawn anywhere around them, and when we finished our match (and won, by the way), we didn't get the win Crash Course in versus achievement and on top of that we glitched through the truck and didn't get to see it escape.

It was like this last night for us and it was unplayable. But we played it on Tuesday night and it was perfect - no glitches at all. I've no idea why but the game was just so glitchy when we played last night
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