grif1020 said:GG all around. Because of you Gaf, I can't stand to go back to pubs.
Gotta love Frusmod
grif1020 said:GG all around. Because of you Gaf, I can't stand to go back to pubs.
vertopci said:Gotta love Frusmod![]()
grif1020 said:Yeah thats the other half of it. I really hope 2 either has those settings built in or that Frusmod gets updated for it real fast.
Volcynika said:Unless they changed it a good bit, I found Dead City to be awful.
You're too kind, since I thought I was running off by myself and getting half-killed part of the time. At least it worked out in the finale!vertopci said:GG tonight.
Also for once, I must say, GJ to Blizzard
Blizzard said:You're too kind, since I thought I was running off by myself and getting half-killed part of the time. At least it worked out in the finale!
Shadowlink's melee is overpowered though. I think the next mod should nerf him. :lol
So long as it isn't something that's considered cheating, you'll be fine. Some people even mod their game to make items stand out more and that's okay.speculawyer said:I install the hilarious teletubby mod. Will I get banned if I try to plan online? Would it work?
(I'm thinking that is a bad idea.)
If I want to uninstall, do I need to carefully deleted EVERYTHING? Can I just re-download the game? Do I have to wipe the current version to re-download (will random extra files cause a ban)?
grif1020 said:GG all around. Because of you Gaf, I can't stand to go back to pubs.
Teknoman said:Yeah, thats what happened to me...trying to get out of it though :lol
Decent 10 L4D map list? Think i'll try a few (I know i've heard some of these before) before inviting people.
EDIT: Frusmod?
Yeah, it was good times for the most part. The unexpected waves of zombies definitely helped keep things interesting and the levels were short enough that I wasn't getting frustrated. I liked the gauntlet stuff at the end, too. I'd like to see more of that, actually.Volcynika said:Just played Blackout (custom map) with one of my other friends, Fallout, and Sonicspear.
Kind of a cool map, but the minuses have to be some weird spawning issues, a bit overuse with random crescendos coming around, and hardly any molotovs/pipebombs until like the last map.
But the finale map was pretty cool, if a bit anticlimactic. Gauntlet style, so it never ends till you get to the finish!
Join a game, play it regularly, and if you do below average and you get flak, don't give a damn about it. It's a game, meant to have fun. Want to get rid of the flak? Mute them beforehand (I don't think you can mute ingame?DA Link to the Snitch said:I really need to get into VS., but I'm always wary of playing competitive games like that, especially since I don't have much experience playing the Infected.
A Link to the Snitch said:I really need to get into VS., but I'm always wary of playing competitive games like that, especially since I don't have much experience playing the Infected.
VaLiancY said:GG Bulleta and Hero for the exception of the rage quitter and that annoying person on our team.
TheOneGuy said:I blame Twig.
EDIT: And Frusmod, for existing.
Louis > Twig.Volcynika said:I want Lous back! LOUIS FOR PRESIDENT!
This is a lie.fallout said:Louis > Twig.
TheOneGuy said:I blame Twig.
EDIT: And Frusmod, for existing.
grif1020 said:Great game last night Gaf, pretty epic stuff as usual. I always feel bad when I am on the winning team and we win more than one mapHowever, Vert saving me on the bridge in BH4 was holy shit epic. I can't believe no hunters pounced me while I was laying there on the ground and that Vert some how out ran the tank, resurrected me, and we took out the tank before he was able to hit us. Lol at the haystack killing me in the finale... a true Blood Harvest.
A Link to the Snitch said:I really need to get into VS., but I'm always wary of playing competitive games like that, especially since I don't have much experience playing the Infected.
How would anyone have any experience playing as the Infected without having just manned up and played some damn Versus mode?A Link to the Snitch said:I really need to get into VS., but I'm always wary of playing competitive games like that, especially since I don't have much experience playing the Infected.
Yeah Frusmod is fucking stupid. And so is anyone who supports it.Volcynika said:Sorry, I'll play on regular servers! I'm part of the Frusmod boycott.
123rl said:I'll join. I only just got the PC version so I'm still adjusting from Xbox pad to mouse and keyboard. My Steam ID is rlench
Same. The only thing better with friends than L4D's versus mode is fake outrage.Volcynika said:Sorry, I'll play on regular servers! I'm part of the Frusmod boycott.
grif1020 said:Why don't you guys like Frusmod?
grif1020 said:Why don't you guys like Frusmod?
Haeleos said:While on the topic, is there any way to filter out these mods when joining games?
Volcynika said:I just want to play the game the way it's set up, even with it's issues, because I'd rather do that than a way that the game is made to a point where the survivors have even more of an imbalance compared to the special infected.
:lol Vert. I've watched some vids of it. It's goddam awful.
Though I can't wait to see how FrusMod will help ruin the fun of L4D2!
grif1020 said:I find it to be a lot more entertaining and rewarding to be limited to tier 1 and pills as survivor in VS. It doesn't bother me that we usually die, I feel like I earn every bit of distance in the map and no medkits pretty much requires that survivors be coordinated if they want a chance at surviving.
Just my preference though.
Vert, I'm buying a mic today I think so I will install Vent in preparation if we are going to switch.
vertopci said:No need to filter. Almost no one except the competitive community uses CEVO/FrusMod
How is it imbalanced? Even with just 4 kits, survivors almost ALWAYS make it. Frusmod makes it more even and actually makes levels like NM4 or BH4 actually worth the 1.40 multiplier.
Also, watching vids of it doesn't mean shit. The gameplay is practically the same, just a tad harder for the survivors. There's no way you could tell if a config is awful from a video. Unless you were watching total noobs play or something in case even vanilla L4D would look awful.
vertopci said:Nice. In that case, you are coordinating from now on if you're on my team :lol