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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!


markatisu said:
Could be an embargo, also Sega has not released many of their games to the media more than a few days before it releases

They did that with HoTD Overkill, Sonic and the Black Knight and now MadWorld

IGN for instance has had the game for at least a week now but their review is not up yet even though they finished the game multiple times, that leads me to believe there has to be some kind of embargo up about reviews
Hopefully they are up soon, I want to see the final verdict on the game.


Dascu said:
The enemies are quite literally on the fence.



Hail to the KING baby
Haunted said:
Who is really on the fence about this game?
me. i just have WAAAY too many other things to play being an all-system owner as many of you may know.

ok, peggle


Haunted said:
Who is really on the fence about this game?

Not me, I actually just cancelled my RE5 preorder because I was not thrilled with the demo and am more excited about MadWorld (I can wait for a sale or price drop on RE5)


Not Wario
Haunted said:
Who is really on the fence about this game?

Well, I still am. I love the developer but the gameplay doesn't look appealing to me at all and the senseless violence (which is what I'm seeing here- and, believe me, I usually don't have a problem with violence provided I see a reason) is a huge turnoff. It really does look exactly like what I always pictured the mainstream seeing when they accuse gaming of being nothing more than adolescent male fantasies. Nothing about that IGN walkthrough changed my mind either.

In fact, pretty much the only reason I've been keeping an eye on it is the developer. Viewtiful Joe was one of my favorite games of the last generation and I've yet to see a bad Clover game.
(Although I didn't really like God Hand)
Art style is great, too and the game IS receiving positive criticism. So I dunno. I've posted a lot about this in various Madworld threads, so I don't want to keep bringing it up, but, yeah, I'm still not entirely sold and I'd love to be.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
ThePeacemaker02 said:
IGN review up
9.0, better than I expected actually

Crazy solid review. I was expecting high 8's, and not to break the 9 (not that the sub-digits matter).


EatChildren said:
Crazy solid review. I was expecting high 8's, and not to break the 9 (not that the sub-digits matter).
Exactly what I was thinking. Now I just have to wait on amazon. The game will probably come in the same day I get RE5. I think I know what I will be playing first though.


Do not watch the video review if you don't want to get spoiled. It shows a couple of bossfights and areas that haven't been in any of the previous footage so far.


Dude that video review was so awesome. If you don't buy this game you're defaintly part of the problem.


Not Wario
Gino said:
Dude that video review was so awesome. If you don't buy this game you're defaintly part of the problem.

The first few lines of that video review echo almost exactly what I feared. Why, exactly, would I be "part of the problem" if I did not decide to buy this game?


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I don't care for reviews but I love seeing high scores just so people don't start bitching left and right.

Dascu said:
Alright, let's go y'all.
Let's go, let's go, let's go y'all!

I can't take this blackout anymore, come out gaaame.
traveler said:
The first few lines of that video review echo almost exactly what I feared. Why, exactly, would I be "part of the problem" if I did not decide to buy this game?

On the IGN Wii podcast, Bozon and Matt have said that several publishers are watching the sales of this game, and if it bombs you can pretty much expect no more like it on Wii.


Not Wario
Famicom said:

On the IGN Wii podcast, Bozon and Matt have said that several publishers are watching the sales of this game, and if it bombs you can pretty much expect no more like it on Wii.

Well, I don't see why that would compel someone not planning on buying the game to get it. If I'm not buying it, clearly I don't think I'll enjoy it and, by extension, games like it. In other words, if I don't care about Madworld existing on the Wii, I don't really want more games like it, now do I?


traveler said:
Well, I don't see why that would compel someone not planning on buying the game to get it. If I'm not buying it, clearly I don't think I'll enjoy it and, by extension, games like it. In other words, if I don't care about Madworld existing on the Wii, I don't really want more games like it, now do I?

Well they're obviously talkning about people who bitch all the time that there are no high profile, mature titles from third parties. And this is clearly a title in that vein.
traveler said:
Well, I don't see why that would compel someone not planning on buying the game to get it. If I'm not buying it, clearly I don't think I'll enjoy it and, by extension, games like it. In other words, if I don't care about Madworld existing on the Wii, I don't really want more games like it, now do I?

I think they're speaking more towards the rental/Netflix crowd with that comment (I still see your point; I don't personally subscribe to the "you are part of the problem" deal).
preordered it over the weekend

don't want to watch the video review due to spoilers but what did they gave it?
Edit never mind i saw the subject of the other thread


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Famicom said:
On the IGN Wii podcast, Bozon and Matt have said that several publishers are watching the sales of this game, and if it bombs you can pretty much expect no more like it on Wii.

Then we're screwed. I'd love to see MadWorld take the Wii market by storm and have a killer launch world wide, and while I've got my copy safely pre-ordered, I just have this inkling feeling it's going to do average at best in the sales department.


Not Wario
CoolS said:
Well they're obviously talkning about people who bitch all the time that there are no high profile, mature titles from third parties. And this is clearly a title in that vein.

But I would argue this is not a "mature" title. It's got content suitable only for mature audiences, sure, but I've yet to see actual maturity in it, both in terms of gameplay and story/aesthetics. This isn't a dark tale that justifies its content through its themes or narratives nor is it a game with mechanics simple, yet refined in their execution to the point of sublimity like Galaxy or deep in their potential like CoH- it's a beat-em-up. As Edge said in that article posted about the game awhile back, it's perhaps the most "casual hardcore" game on the Wii. (And, once again, just to add a disclaimer- I could totally be wrong about all this; I've just yet to see anything that convinces me otherwise)

All this is to say- not buying Madworld isn't a conscientious vote on my part against "maturity" on the Wii, it's simply a vote against what I see in Madworld. I'm saying "this isn't what I'm looking for when I say I want to see "hardcore" alternatives to the various training simulators, casual titles, etc. on the Wii" and nothing more.


CoolS said:
Well they're obviously talkning about people who bitch all the time that there are no high profile, mature titles from third parties. And this is clearly a title in that vein.
there are a lot of third party games on my wii hit list this year, so i'm pretty-sure i'm excluding myself from the "problem group".

i think this is going to sell fine, but:
a) it's unlikely to be a blockbuster due to content
b) ign begging doesn't really help, does it?
c) i don't think anything i've seen of the actual game suggests to me that it's funny in the way that evil dead is funny. (i'd love to be wrong, really).

<mandatory compliant about 3d action games still not having camera controls figured out goes here>

also: what traveler is saying, generally.


traveler said:
But I would argue this is not a "mature" title. It's got content suitable only for mature audiences, sure, but I've yet to see actual maturity in it, both in terms of gameplay and story/aesthetics. This isn't a dark tale that justifies its content through its themes or narratives nor is it a game with mechanics simple, yet refined in their execution to the point of sublimity like Galaxy or deep in their potential like CoH- it's a beat-em-up. As Edge said in that article posted about the game awhile back, it's perhaps the most "casual hardcore" game on the Wii. (And, once again, just to add a disclaimer- I could totally be wrong about all this; I've just yet to see anything that convinces me otherwise)
1. Story is actually fairly deep (written by Matsuno, the guy behind Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story's plot), and the violence is explained and motivated to an extent. I suggest you read: http://blogs.ign.com/SEGA_MadWorld/2009/03/04/114151/

2. There's depth in the combo system, trying to rack up the points. It's not super-deep, but it isn't a straight-forward beat-em-up either.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Who fucking cares about supporting this game because of what people want on the Wii?

The game speaks for itself. I don't think I have to convince anybody of why they should support this game when the game is so strong on its own merits. If you aren't interested in this game by now, something is wrong with you!


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
ZealousD said:
Who fucking cares about supporting this game because of what people want on the Wii?

The game speaks for itself. I don't think I have to convince anybody of why they should support this game when the game is so strong on its own merits.
I'm tired of this too. I don't really care about what platforms games are released on, I like the games themselves.

The "part of the problem" mentality is very silly as is the "now there's no excuse" thing that goes on when a game goes down in price. Buying a game you think you'll like or not buying it because you're not interested is the best excuse ever instead of focusing on how it will affect future support or the developers of said product. This is entertainment, your money, your free time.

It's nice to see a good effort being rewarded with good reception and of course it's ok to care about the other side of business but it's all just so overblown these days.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
ZealousD said:
Oh it's always been overblown.
Having a market leader on console sales without the usual software support a market leader gets made things worse imo. But again, I don't really care. When everyone gets the game we'll be talking about it regardless of the industry impact it will or won't cause. :D


i have this great system:

i buy games i want to play at a price that i figure is reasonable for the amount of awesome contained within.

this sends a clear financially-based message that i'm willing to buy said game variety at said price (on said platform).

i also like to complain on gaf a lot.


traveler said:

The first few lines of that video review echo almost exactly what I feared. Why, exactly, would I be "part of the problem" if I did not decide to buy this game?
Because it's a game for gamers. Not because it's mature or whatever but just because It's for gamers.

It's a silly thing to say obviously, but I just went ahead and said it.

For the record I dont' care if you don't buy it.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Don't know if its been posted, but Official Nintendo Magazine gave MadWorld 85%, stating;

+ Top-notch presentation
+ All-out arcade action
+ Laugh out loud funny
+ Fantastic character design
- Gets repetitive quickly
EatChildren said:
Don't know if its been posted, but Official Nintendo Magazine gave MadWorld 85%, stating;

+ Top-notch presentation
+ All-out arcade action
+ Laugh out loud funny
+ Fantastic character design
- Gets repetitive quickly

Yeah, the negative point bothers me a bit. 5-6 hour and repetitive quickly? Not a good combination if you ask me :/
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