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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!

this game is awesome :lol

some of the jokes are so lame they're hilarious. Like, when you fight the Von Twirler guy, there are just randomly cows on the street (because of the movie Twister)


stuminus3 said:
See if you can get Sega to drop you a review copy.

This post was uncalled for.

That's not exactly outside of the realm of possibility but it's not like my mom would let me play it anyway.

edit: moneyshot game? DETAILS PLZ


Played the first two stages, and beat Jude the Dude.

It is what it is. Violence, violence, and more violence. Sometimes, it's cool, but there are only so many times you can throw a tire on someone, impale them through the head, and bash them against a spiked wall before it gets old. And even in those early stages, it happens a lot if you're trying to get multipliers up.

I feel encouraged to spend the majority of my time plopping objects on people and throwing them into things, but the gameplay systems don't work at their best that way. The detection on picking stuff up isn't flawless, and the camera can come into play as well.

I'm being very critical for now, though, and it can certainly be gleeful fun. I like the Bloodbath Challenges a lot as a way of breaking up the monotony and relishing the insane violence, and the story presentation so far has been almost unusually good. I'm just a bit concerned that, even for its short length, it'll get repetitive fast.
The_Dude said:
I'm confused. Didn't you say you'd only played it for 'a short time' four minutes before you posted this?

The game isn't terribly long, I go through most shorter games a few times. I wasn't terribly clear, I apologize ^-^


Dragona Akehi said:
Well, let's see: good game, good game, good game, not my thing, not my thing.

Technically, I find it unappealing rather than "disgusting". It just looks stupid, and isn't very fun.

Aeana said:
Yes, I find it to be pretty disturbing. I thought so before I played it, but since my fiancé bought it, I decided to give it a shot, and it's actually worse than I ever expected. :\

I don't mean to come in and crash your guys' party, though. Have fun with your game.

But I like Contra, Devil May Cry, and especially Viewtiful Joe. :\

So then its the over the top gore and the "pin the object on the human" style?

I really like the game so far, but I can see where the dislike may stem from with other people.

EDIT: Hard mode is going to be really fun to play through since everything will present a challenge.



this sculpture is called 'Three Groins in a Fountain'

"Dude, that's fucking obscure, even for you!"
Teknoman said:
I really like the game so far, but I can see where the dislike may stem from with other people.

So, just as a sort of inquisitive gesture, when you see the images in game, like: the gore, the exploding body parts, exploding...well everything. What is it that you think? Is it like, "cool!" or "awesome!"?

I realized I just made you potentially sound like a 15 year old sufer, but I am curious.


TheChillyAcademic said:
Good eye though!

What are your impressions of the game so far? I'm legitimately asking lol
Haven't got it yet, actually! Waiting for my order to ship.

I am interested to see how I feel about the violence, though. I was a bit put off by Ninja Gaiden II's gore at first, but after a while it didn't bother me so much - I wonder if MadWorld will be the same?


I think I expect the game to be deeper than it is (i.e. I'm missing something or don't know what I'm supposed to be doing), but then I realize I'm wrong. :D

There's probably a more efficient way about the big enemies and bosses, but I'll figure it out eventually if there is. Just beat the first boss so far to give it a whirl. As far as the violence goes, the only stuff that has so far made me cringe is impaling someone anally :lol Otherwise it's good times, particularly the flailing around part when dueling.


Survives without air, food, or water
Blame my parents, blame society, whatever, but my de-sensitization to videogame violence has reached unprecedented levels. I see a bad guy get anally raped by a rusty pole, I laugh.

Mind you, I'm not about to go do these things in real life. I just find it incredibly difficult to be "shocked" by any amount of violence on the T.V. screen.


TheChillyAcademic said:
So, just as a sort of inquisitive gesture, when you see the images in game, like: the gore, the exploding body parts, exploding...well everything. What is it that you think? Is it like, "cool!" or "awesome!"?

I realized I just made you potentially sound like a 15 year old sufer, but I am curious.

Well the first few times it was more of a "whoa...I cant believe that just happened ingame" kind of feeling. The soundtrack, graphic style, and voice acting made me think "cool", but the over the top kills for me are about on par with God Hand's super attacks (home run batting someone / Dragon kicking them into space, or kicking them in the groin, making their face turn blue) in that they arent funny in a "ha ha" kind of way, but funny in a disbelief kind of way. Much like God of War's kills.

The combat does seem to get me pumped up in about the same fashion as Street Fighter IV, or one of the high action games from last gen.
The_Dude said:
Haven't got it yet, actually! Waiting for my order to ship.

I am interested to see how I feel about the violence, though. I was a bit put off by Ninja Gaiden II's gore at first, but after a while it didn't bother me so much - I wonder if MadWorld will be the same?

I suppose they're two different examples, with extremely varied styles of gore. NG is a tad more realistic, plastic looking maybe, but certainly more human like. Madworld on the other hand is an ultra realized, manga/cartoon esque take.

Sort of like comparing the movie The Rock to 300.


Tons of ultraviolence, this game is satisfyingly crunchy.

Mmmm mmmm the sound of broken bones and splashy blood in the evening, an orchestra better than any ruckus in Wii Music.
Pseudo_Sam said:
Blame my parents, blame society, whatever, but my de-sensitization to videogame violence has reached unprecedented levels. I see a bad guy get anally raped by a rusty pole, I laugh.

Mind you, I'm not about to go do these things in real life. I just find it incredibly difficult to be "shocked" by any amount of violence on the T.V. screen.

I would think comic violence was the point here

I really, really doubt Nishikawa would want you staying up at nights sad that you effectively sped up the digestive system by shoving a pole up a guy's ass.
Picked it up this afternoon, put about an hour and a half into it so far. I'm trying to take it slow, make it last. Lots of thoughts I could type out but nobody cares, so I'll just say that so far it's a blast.


BrodiemanTTR said:
Picked it up this afternoon, put about an hour and a half into it so far. I'm trying to take it slow, make it last. Lots of thoughts I could type out but nobody cares, so I'll just say that so far it's a blast.

Oh I care. And I'm sure others do as well.
Teknoman said:
Well the first few times it was more of a "whoa...I cant believe that just happened ingame" kind of feeling. The soundtrack, graphic style, and voice acting made me think "cool", but the over the top kills for me are about on par with God Hand's super attacks (home run batting someone / Dragon kicking them into space, or kicking them in the groin, making their face turn blue) in that they arent funny in a "ha ha" kind of way, but funny in a disbelief kind of way. Much like God of War's kills.

The combat does seem to get me pumped up in about the same fashion as Street Fighter IV, or one of the high action games from last gen.

Thats actually a good parallel, between Madworld and God Hand I mean, and I suppose there isn't a great deal of difference between gutting an enemy in GOW and shoving one ass first onto a spike in Madworld. That being said, Madworld, literally, glorifies violence, revels in it. Its part of the Narrative and part of the gameplay. Desensitization towards extreme violence isn't anything new in video games, lord knows I don't give a second glance at anything in Killzone 2, but even so. Who's to say whats art and whats not though? An argument can be summoned for either side right?

And at the end of the day, violence or not, the game is pretty fun :lol

Amir0x said:
Tons of ultraviolence, this game is satisfyingly crunchy.

Mmmm mmmm the sound of broken bones and splashy blood in the evening, an orchestra better than any ruckus in Wii Music.

::pat pat::

Society needs it's psychopaths :D


TheChillyAcademic said:
I suppose they're two different examples, with extremely varied styles of gore. NG is a tad more realistic, plastic looking maybe, but certainly more human like. Madworld on the other hand is an ultra realized, manga/cartoon esque take.

Sort of like comparing the movie The Rock to 300.

Yeah. Really the only thing that I thought was a little much was the butt spike.


ultraviolence will have its fans and whatnot, but to me it's all about variety. Killing in games is an inherently fun mechanic, and the unique way in which games allow us to take part in that killing is something you can find no where else WITHOUT being a psychopath murderer. We don't take part in Gladiator games and I'm not going to war anytime soon, but it is something in all animals nature to have a fascination with brutality. It also makes similar sense that this brutality might be less appealing to females, who are by nature more nurturing. I think that's common sense.

Generalizations aside, like I said it's about variety. And what ultrabloody games like MAD WORLD give me is so many unique way to massacre people. And with its damn good control scheme and solid beat-em-up combat system, it is one fine package.
CoolS said:
Oh I care. And I'm sure others do as well.

Well for one thing, how come I haven't seen anyone mention the frame rate problems? Whenever the game spawns new enemies or you create some dynamic shift in what is being drawn on-screen (jumping off of one of the rooftops in Asiantown for instance) the game hitches pretty badly for a second. It hasn't affected gameplay too much, but it's annoying how frequently it happens.

I'm also a little disappointed by the lack of variety. The flat tire, caution sign, and rosebush are all introduced immediately, and most other things in the game just kind of iterates on those, including using the same animation. Trees and meat hooks are just rosebushes, anything that sticks in the ground behaves exactly like a caution sign, copious amounts of reskinned barrels. There are some new tools that get introduced (electricity, poles in the ground, fan blades, gongs) and cool unique spots like a meat grinder and sushi chopper, but I would have liked to see things mixed up a bit more. For example, how bout when I stab someone with a caution sign, it goes through their head, but a streetlight goes through their stomach, and a parasol comes out the top of their head, scissors in the groin, trumpet in the ass, etc. All in all I just feel the variety in unique methods of torture and death is a bit lacking at this point (that sounded weird). Granted I'm only through five ranked matches so maybe new stuff keeps being added -- I hope so -- but given how small the levels are I figured the focus would have been on unique implements of death and thus the tools would be wildly varied.

Speaking of, I was also surprised by how small the actual levels are, but there's generally enough stuff to do in each one that I don't mind it so much. Asiantown for instance is just a little intersection with three short offshoots and three buildings, but there's enough ways to kill people and little setpieces that you don't really notice unless you look at the map.

Complaints about the camera are warranted and the lock-on can be troublesome, but hey this is what we get for having no dual analog or true shoulder buttons.

The announcers get pretty repetitive too. I turned them off so I could play while my mom was around, and I might not turn them back on next time. Also the rap that plays in Asiantown is funky fresh.

Still though, the game is a lot of fun. Bloodbath Challenges are pretty cool (though some of them are definitely more fun than others), as are the little vignettes that introduce them (the motherfuckin' Black Baron, stop starin'). If this sounds overly negative, it's because the faults I listed are what surprised me while playing. That the game is a lot of bloody fun is no surprise. If you were hyped up by what you saw in videos, buy with confidence.

Oh yeah and whatever review said the bike parts are boring was right. So lame, hope there aren't many more.


TheChillyAcademic said:
::pat pat::

Society needs it's psychopaths :D
Believe it or not, I love this type of ultra violence even though I'm a very peaceful guy in general. I can't stand violence in real life, and I can't stand some forms of extreme violence in some movies, but I have no problems with MadWorld. If I had to compare it with movies, I'd say that stuff like Soldier Blue or Irréversible really disturbs me, but MadWorld is more like Braindead or Dobermann. And those movies were actually funny - and supposed to be funny. By the way, I still think Soldier Blue and Irréversible are great movies, but the violence has a completely different effect on me.
wsippel said:
Believe it or not, I love this type of ultra violence even though I'm a very peaceful guy in general. I can't stand violence in real life, and I can't stand some forms of extreme violence in some movies, but I have no problems with MadWorld...
You and I are the same, then!

That said, I may go buy this baby today at Fry's...I hope I get a chance to.

Eteric Rice

Pseudo_Sam said:
Blame my parents, blame society, whatever, but my de-sensitization to videogame violence has reached unprecedented levels. I see a bad guy get anally raped by a rusty pole, I laugh.

Mind you, I'm not about to go do these things in real life. I just find it incredibly difficult to be "shocked" by any amount of violence on the T.V. screen.

I blame 4chan. I've seen things that no man should see. Real things.


Edit: Speaking of that, I just passed a gif on 4chan of a dude pouring frosted flakes into a funnel, which is in another dude's ass.



wsippel said:
Believe it or not, I love this type of ultra violence even though I'm a very peaceful guy in general. I can't stand violence in real life, and I can't stand some forms of extreme violence in some movies, but I have no problems with MadWorld. If I had to compare it with movies, I'd say that stuff like Soldier Blue or Irréversible really disturbs me, but MadWorld is more like Braindead or Dobermann. And those movies were actually funny - and supposed to be funny. By the way, I still think Soldier Blue and Irréversible are great movies, but the violence has a completely different effect on me.

Yup. I cant really stand over violence in non-action movies like Saw or Hostel. That kinda stuff just makes me wince.

As for framerate hitches, I think thats just the game loading up stuff so you dont really run into many load screens.
Amir0x said:
ultraviolence will have its fans and whatnot, but to me it's all about variety. Killing in games is an inherently fun mechanic, and the unique way in which games allow us to take part in that killing is something you can find no where else WITHOUT being a psychopath murderer. We don't take part in Gladiator games and I'm not going to war anytime soon, but it is something in all animals nature to have a fascination with brutality. It also makes similar sense that this brutality might be less appealing to females, who are by nature more nurturing. I think that's common sense.

Generalizations aside, like I said it's about variety. And what ultrabloody games like MAD WORLD give me is so many unique way to massacre people. And with its damn good control scheme and solid beat-em-up combat system, it is one fine package.

You're absolutely right. I believe, given my obvious feelings about the violence in this game, that it really is dependent on personal preference. There are some that say the reception we all have to digital (or any fabricated) violence is directly proportionate to the exposure we've had to actual violence. This can be argued I suppose though.

Is an ACTUAL soldier in an army going to have less sensitivity towards shooting a "badguy" in a videogame because he's actually fired a gun at another human and knows that the two experiences do not necessarily correlate?

Or is that same soldier going to be even more sensitive to firing that same gun in a game because he knows the impact taking another life can have?

Useless argument? Maybe :lol

But is the main tenement of a game to be fun?

Teknoman said:
Yup. I cant really stand over violence in non-action movies like Saw or Hostel. That kinda stuff just makes me wince.

I cannot stand those torture flicks, absolutely vile.


I just got my copy, going to put it in the Wii here shortly

Gamestop had sold 5 copies and had 8 on the new release shelf behind the counter alongside Halo Wars, SFIV, and KZ2

I went to Target to get a phone card for my brother and they were completely sold out of MadWorld and had 2 copies left of HoTD Overkill, I was surprised MadWorld was even made available after Target refused to carry No More Heroes last year


Baiano19 said:
So, does this game have a 3.5 update? will it corrupt the homebrew channel or anything like that?

my retail copy wont boot using homebrew channel.... :sigh: guess i need to get my other wii from the in-laws :lol


Pseudo_Sam said:
Blame my parents, blame society, whatever, but my de-sensitization to videogame violence has reached unprecedented levels. I see a bad guy get anally raped by a rusty pole, I laugh.
That reminds me, I've got to see my proctologist!


TwIsTeD said:
my retail copy wont boot using homebrew channel.... :sigh: guess i need to get my other wii from the in-laws :lol

Its because MadWorld uses IOS 38, 53, and 55 which were not part of the main Homebrew

To fix it you just need to search google and the fix takes under 1min
Y2Kev said:
I got Error #2. Beelze got the same before and now link joins.

Also LOL at the conduit ad. LOL at this game.


god the art is so bad

If that's all that's happening, someone made a GeckoOS...modified to fix the error 2 problem (which I guess why I never complained, as I updated Gecko with that fix a while back...)

If anyone needs a link, I'll post a rapidshare of it I have (the GeckoOS with error#2 fix)
MadWorld came with an update, but I just tested it and the Homebrew channel works fine. So don't worry about that.

Can someone tell me how to pull off finishers? I keep wanting to do them, but I can't damage someone enough to start one without killing them. When I start tapping the punch button, Jack usually just goes on a roll and ends it with a head-exploding, killing punch to the face before I can get him to stop so I can do something a little more spectacular. Any ideas?

Also, lol at a head-exploding killing punch to the face being one of the less spectacular moves in the game :lol
For the Castle-Courtyard Area:
I can't counterattack the Grim Reaper when you get grabbed and he tries to auto-kill you. I see the prompt come up and do the motion, but still get killed. Had to do that level like 3x just cuz I kept getting insta-killed. How did you guys do it?
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