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The Official Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Thread


Slaylock said:
I played a couple of missions over the lunch hour, and I noticed that if I stopped to kill the bad guys at a checkpoint, they just keep coming.

Do enemies respawn, or is there eventually an end to them?

I think they keep coming.


This game is bloody sadistic. How will I be able to afford nukes if it keeps taking my money away everytime I blow up civilians?????


Llyranor said:
This game is bloody sadistic. How will I be able to afford nukes if it keeps taking my money away everytime I blow up civilians?????

Just milk your chopper pilot try with his winching games. They aren't even a challenge.
VALIS said:
Just played it for an hour and bleh. But I'll keep pressing on in hopes things pick up like people have said it does. I can take the ugliness even though it really is ugly, but it's just so behind the curve compared to other current gen sandbox games like Crackdown, Just Cause, GTA4 and Saints Row. The cities are lifeless, the driving engine is hideous, there's no strategy to the gunplay - just run at your enemies and shoot them because you can take an insane amount of bullets before dying.... ugh. I'm really hoping this picks up. Back to it...

Things ramp up quite a bit once you have your whole team recruited. Get the two pilots and the mechanic and things change as far as requiring more strategy then just running at your opponents. Of course, the driving controls don't really change, but things get more interesting in general I think.

I'll fully admit that the game is behind the curve, at least technically, when compared to GTA IV, although I"m personally having more fun with Mercs than GTA. But saying it's way behind the curve with Saint's Row, Crackdown, and especially Just Cause is just wrong. Saint's Row was a lot of fun and did some things really well, but Crackdown was lacking a lot of things, namely a story, things to do in the environment, real missions, etc. Just Cause had even bigger problems. Rose colored glasses ae coming into play a bit here.


Trucker Sexologist
Llyranor said:
This game is bloody sadistic. How will I be able to afford nukes if it keeps taking my money away everytime I blow up civilians?????
I don't think it's the game that's sadistic. :lol


SapientWolf said:
I don't think it's the game that's sadistic. :lol
I killed a civilian with just the shockwave from firing a tank's cannon with him a few feet awat from the barrel. Caused me to lose my "no civilian deaths" mission bonus too.. :/


relies on auto-aim
raYne said:
I killed a civilian with just the shockwave from firing a tank's cannon with him a few feet awat from the barrel. Caused me to lose my "no civilian deaths" mission bonus too.. :/

Ruptured eardrums can do that ya know.


dabbled in the jelly
GQman2121 said:
And how exactly do you use stealth? Mother fuckers open fire on me from down the street!!!
Never played the original I take it. Scope a situation and look for the best entry point with the least amount of hostiles. Try and disable any alarms before they turn them on and stay down whenever possible. Also sniper rifle is a MUST. Take them out before they even know what hit em. Other than that all I can tell you is be smart.
Fuckin' 12.5 million dollars for a bribe...TWELVE POINT FIVE MILLION. WHAT THE FUCK!

And it is really stupid that
China's last mission means you can't do anymore USA missions, so if you want all HVT you have to bribe one of them at some point.

The last set of HVT/destruciton shit for also ridiculous. They put everything so far away, and with no way to trave lto these places quickly, it just ends up becoming incredibly annoying.

Things that would have made this game so much better:
-Jet, or some other kind of fast transport option.
-Ability to get dropped off anywhere you want.
-No need to micromanage all your explosives. (Just charge me both fuel and money, but odn't make me go buy that shit at a store.)
-More polish. I failed a mission by falling through the Earth.
-Common sense. If you have a multiple save option, why not also have a load option? that makes sense, right?


One question; I can play with friends, but I can't see any custom games or do Quick search. Is that the norm or is something up?
Brannon said:
One question; I can play with friends, but I can't see any custom games or do Quick search. Is that the norm or is something up?

Check options and see if it is set to 'Friends', 'Invites', or Anyone


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Things ramp up quite a bit once you have your whole team recruited. Get the two pilots and the mechanic and things change as far as requiring more strategy then just running at your opponents. Of course, the driving controls don't really change, but things get more interesting in general I think.

I'll fully admit that the game is behind the curve, at least technically, when compared to GTA IV, although I"m personally having more fun with Mercs than GTA. But saying it's way behind the curve with Saint's Row, Crackdown, and especially Just Cause is just wrong. Saint's Row was a lot of fun and did some things really well, but Crackdown was lacking a lot of things, namely a story, things to do in the environment, real missions, etc. Just Cause had even bigger problems. Rose colored glasses ae coming into play a bit here.

Are me and you on the way to the tag team championship of defending Mercs 2? Sure seems like it. Same with Too Human, and I'll probably be doing the same with NHL2k9 in the next 2 weeks.

Out of all the sandbox games on the system, this one is easily the one with the most toys, the most random stuff going on, and the most dynamic and fun experience right now. It doesn't look the best (GTA4 does), but it is sure serviceable at what it does with the destruction. People need to invest about 8 hours into this game before they write it off.. .At least get to the 'castle crashing' mission before you make judgement.


Cool beans, I should retake my habit of reading instruction manuals more. My Jennifer Mui Chicken Girl Merc shall make them all rue the day!


Is there a physical stock pile somehere? I want to switch my abilities or whatever but don't know how. I feel like a retard haha.


Kingpen said:
Are me and you on the way to the tag team championship of defending Mercs 2? Sure seems like it.



If there was an Official MGO Community Leader, I'd be it
Acid08 said:
Is there a physical stock pile somehere? I want to switch my abilities or whatever but don't know how. I feel like a retard haha.
Open your PDA and change tabs, on the 360 you hit Back then Right Trigger


Is anyone else having trouble with the game locking-up or freezing sporadically (360)? I checked on the.... Gfaqs forums, and some people seem to attribute it to the update. I haven't tried the game unpatched yet.


Llyranor said:
Is anyone else having trouble with the game locking-up or freezing sporadically (360)? I checked on the.... Gfaqs forums, and some people seem to attribute it to the update. I haven't tried the game unpatched yet.

Nah it's been great for me. I didn't play without the patch either, but I've had nothing but smooth sailing. I haven't even noticed many of the bugs mentioned by some of the posters in here (only a set of levitating crates).


Llyranor said:
Is anyone else having trouble with the game locking-up or freezing sporadically (360)? I checked on the.... Gfaqs forums, and some people seem to attribute it to the update. I haven't tried the game unpatched yet.

No freezes here been playing 4-5 hours the last 3 nights coop over live on 360


Linkzg said:
Fuckin' 12.5 million dollars for a bribe...TWELVE POINT FIVE MILLION. WHAT THE FUCK!
If you want you can do the helicopter pilot's winching challenge over and over again with max wagers. After a dozen or so times you can milk $5 million in a minute, over and over again. I'm at 35 million and I haven't even tried the PLAV "paint the city" mission, so I'm not that far in the game.
Played some co-op tonight, beat the game, and now I have $140 million. You know what that means. That's right, one hundred and forty million dollars worth of pudding. Awww yeah.


Okay, I've just got my hands on Mercs 2 finally. People who say it's identical to Mercs 1 obviously haven't played it recently. Gunplay mechanics, driving physics, physics in general, amount of stuff you can blow up, framerate and other stuff is much much better.

I also got the PS2 version of Mercenaries 2 (which is literally almost identical to Mercs 1, it's obviously built with the exact same engine just with some enhancements) which makes the difference between Mercs 1 and 2 (on the 360) so much more apparent.

I haven't played very far but I'm personally having a blast. And Fiona Taylor's voice actor is still sex. Every game should have her as voice actor.

For the graphics whores, I've got some screengrabs taken from the game:

Not the best looking current-gen game, but I'd say it looks pretty good. Framerate is very solid most of the time too (especially compared to Mercs 1 on the PS2 which had one of the worst framerates you can imagine. the framerate is also much better compared to GTA4).

And for the heck of it, a few screengrabs from GTA 4 for the sake of comparison (which most review sites gave 10/10 for graphics
after they were bribed by Rockstar

And as a bonus, screenshots of the PS2 version of Mercs 2. Can you spot the difference in graphics quality?
Tons of fun so far, and there's a definite challenge. That one mission where
you have to make your way up that mountain island and use your first bunker buster
really busted my chops.

Those occupied buildings that you run into all over the place in the game are a real chore sometimes, where there's basically infinite missile guys who pop out the windows and shoot at you. I mean they're great for farming RPGs, but annoying when some douche hits the alarm and you end up having to go toe to toe with everyone else + those RPGers.

The game definitely gives you reason to use your tactical stuff, like airstrikes and whatnot. I just hate having to stand in the middle of a fight, select one from a menu to find that oh, I have to chuck a smoke bomb and run like a bastard rather than just designate a target from a distance.

Love the challenge though. :) And stuff blows up really nicely in this game.


I actually tried the PS2 version of Mercenaries 2: the game is technically inferior to the first one, the view distance is literally non-existent, enemy choppers and cars and characters pop in totally random, I managed to kill a bunch of civilians that I could not see.

The PS3/XB360/PC and PS2 versions are totally different.


I've been playing it at work a bit and it's pretty fun so far, but I normally don't play games like this so I'm not used to much. From the hour or so I've played it feels a lot like Just Cause (only played the demo), but with better controls.


Winterblink said:
Tons of fun so far, and there's a definite challenge. That one mission where
you have to make your way up that mountain island and use your first bunker buster
really busted my chops.

I had that mission yesterday.
The path from the beach up the mountain was well so I looped around the mountain well out of range from the base and used some C4 on the back walls of the base. After clearing out a handful of enemies, it was a piece of cake to lase the bunker from the hole in the walls.
What an awesome game. :)


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Things ramp up quite a bit once you have your whole team recruited. Get the two pilots and the mechanic and things change as far as requiring more strategy then just running at your opponents. Of course, the driving controls don't really change, but things get more interesting in general I think.

I'll fully admit that the game is behind the curve, at least technically, when compared to GTA IV, although I"m personally having more fun with Mercs than GTA. But saying it's way behind the curve with Saint's Row, Crackdown, and especially Just Cause is just wrong. Saint's Row was a lot of fun and did some things really well, but Crackdown was lacking a lot of things, namely a story, things to do in the environment, real missions, etc. Just Cause had even bigger problems. Rose colored glasses ae coming into play a bit here.

Once again I agree fully with KFJ. This game is easily as much fun as Crackdown, if not more, since I prefer the mission structure.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Based on those shots, the game really doesn't look half bad. Nothing amazing, but certainly miles beyond the ugly PS2 game. I think time tends to distort our memories. There are a lot of things going on in Mercs 2 that we never would have seen last generation in a game of this sort.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Tobor said:
This game is easily as much fun as Crackdown, if not more, since I prefer the mission structure.

ahhh... I'm not QUITE there yet. Crackdown has a very special place in my heart, however, in terms of a co-op experience, it's close to on-par.

This game definitely has it's moments (where you forget that a large tanker boat appeared 2 feet in front of your speeding vessel or that your partner is dead, yet floating in the sky like a witch) and you just blow shit up and laugh.


Unlimited Capacity
just completed the team. Eva's mission was so ridiculous, lol. Loooong with no checkpoints. Game is just flat out a blast to play. It says I'm 41% completed but I've only done 16/51 contracts :lol
El_TigroX said:
ahhh... I'm not QUITE there yet. Crackdown has a very special place in my heart, however, in terms of a co-op experience, it's close to on-par.

This game definitely has it's moments (where you forget that a large tanker boat appeared 2 feet in front of your speeding vessel or that your partner is dead, yet floating in the sky like a witch) and you just blow shit up and laugh.

No doubt that co-op was fun in Crackdown, and the game was a lot of fun in general, but when you look back on it, a lot of the fun of that game was stuff you had to do on your own. Scaling to tall heights, collecting orbs, etc. There was very little direction or story. It was simply, clear a zone and capture a bad guy, now repeat through four more zones to get the final boss. Missions were all pretty much the same, what there were of them, and variety was non-existent for the most part, and the game was still fun.
absolutely loving this game, it plays like I wanted GTA 4 to be. As amazing as GTA4 is technically, as someone who loves driving/sailing/flying I didnt enjoy messing around with GTA4 like I did with GTASA or Vice City. Mercenaries gives me that sense of enjoyment just exploring. The vehicles control great and have a great sense of weight. The water may looked tiled, but I love the wakes that ships leave behind.

Seems like every single thing can be destroyed which will make it hard to go back to games where things like walls are permanent. I never tire of completely obliterating all the buildings and vehicles. Thats one of my minigames - when enemies attack me unprovoked, I destroy their entire village every single building.
I finally got an extended co-op session in last night, and I had a blast. It is really stupid that there isn't any voice chat, that makes it much harder to coordinate. We were taking lots of fire while trying to capture a HVT so I dropped a helicopter and shot them from the air. My buddy took a rocket to the back, killing the HVT. So i land and help him kill everyone in the area in revenge. A few minutes later someone stole our chopper, which I didn't think could happen. We almost die again you I drop a gunship and shoot the chopper out of the sky, and it lands on us blowing us up. Great fun and big money : )


BobTheFork said:
I finally got an extended co-op session in last night, and I had a blast. It is really stupid that there isn't any voice chat, that makes it much harder to coordinate. We were taking lots of fire while trying to capture a HVT so I dropped a helicopter and shot them from the air. My buddy took a rocket to the back, killing the HVT. So i land and help him kill everyone in the area in revenge. A few minutes later someone stole our chopper, which I didn't think could happen. We almost die again you I drop a gunship and shoot the chopper out of the sky, and it lands on us blowing us up. Great fun and big money : )

What the heck? Do some versions lack voice chat?
well I haven't been able to talk to either of the people I've played with, but maybe they didn't have mics. I assumed niether version had it.

Edit: Looking at the back of the box, it says headset compatable, so PS# version has voice chat. Why don't people use it more? :p


Kolgar said:
What the heck? Do some versions lack voice chat?
Maybe it was b0rked for him, I played coop for a good hour last night and voice chat worked great.

Single player the game is 'fun' but doesn't really shine, coop the game is a LOT more fun, especially with friends. My mind is changing about the game, I had a lot of fun coop, perhaps because it feels a lot more open ended because some of the crazy shit that can happen when you have 2 brains thinking of destruction.


My copy of Mercs 2 for PS3 has shown up. I'll be home later tonight if anyone wants to get a co op session in.

PS3 tag: Mrbob2k7

aim tag: mrbob2k1

Add me on if you want to play. I have a mic as well which could be tried.
BobTheFork said:
well I haven't been able to talk to either of the people I've played with, but maybe they didn't have mics. I assumed niether version had it.

Edit: Looking at the back of the box, it says headset compatable, so PS# version has voice chat. Why don't people use it more? :p

How could you think that neither version of the game had voice chat? It is mandatory on 360 multiplayer games, and even if the game didn't have it, you could still use the system's built in, game independent, chat.

On the PS3, on the other hand, I'd just assume the other players didn't have mics since that seems to be far more common on that system.


Completed the Castle destruction level for the PLAV last night. Amazing mission and long.. Well, for me anyway.

I was trying to do the whole thing without calling in any airstrikes/support and almost managed to do it:
-Sniped the guards in the tower, the ones manning the 50cals on the jeeps and anyone near the alarm. Then stormed the beach on the north end taking out people with gunfire and grenades.
-Jacked an APC and headed east, dodging rocket spam from the alarmed rocket house soldiers, and eventually got myself close enough to take out both houses with some C4.
-Continued down the path and grabbed the mounted recoiless cannon to take out more troops/rocket houses. Then headed to the top of the castle.
-Took out what seemed like 30 soldiers and made my way to the east side of the main entrance bridge. Took out half of that with C4 and headed back down my path of destruction.
-Grapple jacked a chopper in mid-air and used it to clear up the stragglers. Including a couple attack choppers which ended up being an almost 5 min fight itself.
-Made my way east to a few more rocket houses.. Having no more C4, and not being able to bring them down with just gunfire, I winch a fuel tank and carry it high above. Dropped it between both houses and setting it off with my choppers chaingun. :D
-Landed and headed on foot to the remaining section of the main bridge. Luckily I find some C4 on the way and use that to bring it down completely.
-Hopped back into the chopper and flew up to the remaining main section of the castle. Looked around for a while to find an alternate means to bring it down. Finding none, I call down an artillery strike on my own position. Starting up the chopper to escape, I guarantee you've never seen someone use that much force on a single button in your life. The strike actually started hitting before I managed to take off. Sections of the castle are falling around me and I'm like, "Fuuuuuuck...". I just barely managed to lift off before the entire building imploded. It was like the last action scene at the end of a movie.
-Mission complete, full bonus given.

I <3 mission freedom. :D

Also, one memorable "holy shit!" moment, was when I was making my way on the castle to plant the C4 on the bridge. Some guy blew up the entire tower I was on and it started imploding when I was on top. So I'm running around with the thing collapsing under my feet trying to find a way to escape. I can't see anything, so I just randomly jump through the smoke and debris towards my initial entrance point and just barely, and I mean barely landed safely.

Holy shit, those PS2 shots are God-awful. It's actually worse looking than the first? Wow.
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