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The Official Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Thread


So I decided to do the
assassinate four UP execs PLAV mission
today. Got my sniper kit, but I decided going around in an unarmed VZ chopper isn't smart. I go to the city area UP resides in (whatever it's called), and land atop a high building so I can try to grapple one of the UP copters. Come to find out, I'm on too tall a building and must fly down to a smaller building. Hop back into my VZ copter, and... it disappears for absolutely no reason. What do I do?

I jumped off the building and grappled a UP helicopter in mid-air like I was fucking Spider-man. Thing is, I hijack it and promptly crash into a radio tower, which made me hit its support beams twice, effectively killing me.

Then I had to fly to the city and hijack a UP heli again! Oh well.
Yep - the game does start much slower, and more linear than I expected. I guess they did this to ease the player into all the systems that are at work in the game.

I wish they just did a better job at explaining things. From taking over outposts to equipping support options from your stockpile, to using beacons to drop airstrikes, to disguising yourself as a faction by using their vehicles. NONE of this is explained well, either in game or in EA's pathetic excuse for a game manual. I played the original Mercs so I was ready, but I had to explain a bunch of things to my friends.

Its too bad - the gameplay of Mercs 1 is not only still here, but its been expanded quite a bit. When you first start playing its all shanty towns and very simplistic jobs - but as you progress you start to get into the real meat of the game.

For example: I just finished a mission where I had to assassinate several key targets of a rival faction. Now these targets were not in the shanty towns - they were in the middle of large forts. We're talking bunkers, alarm systems, watch towers, vehicles, the works. At this point the game can require a lot more tactical thinking than any other open world game. Can you sneak into the camp without setting the alarm? Can you find a good sniper position? Jack the enemy vehicles? destroy them? lure them away? And which support options can you really use to still make a profit from the mission?

Its this tactical aspect of the game that I love most (I usually play stealth), and an aspect of the game that only really starts to appear after you're several hours in. This game is not just about the explosions... I just think that the beginning few hours of the game do little to sell the concept, or explain the mechanics of the game that make it so damn fun.


relies on auto-aim
PedroLumpy said:
They were different in the last one.

Mercs 1

Chris = Health
Mattias = Speed
Jenn = I don't really know. I think she took less time to adopt the disguise of whatever vehicle she was in

Mers 2

Chris = Ammo
Mattias = Health
Jenn = Speed

Can we get confirmations on any of these?

The differences in Mercs 1 were non-exsistant. :lol
Hazaro said:
Can we get confirmations on any of these?

The differences in Mercs 1 were non-exsistant. :lol

I can confirm the Mattias and Jen ones. Mattias can take alot more punishment than Jen, i've been down to 1-2 health and still getting shot and he doesn't die. And Jen is definitely faster. Even just her regular walking speed. Haven't played or been in a game where someone was using Chris yet though.
Hazaro said:
Can we get confirmations on any of these?

The differences in Mercs 1 were non-exsistant. :lol

The perks for the characters in Mercs 2 are correct. And I used to play Jenn in the original game. Her perk was stealth.

The differences in character perks in both games are pretty minor though. You can have just as much fun with any of them. So choose the one with the coolest character model and voice.


relies on auto-aim
SuperEnemyCrab said:
I can confirm the Mattias and Jen ones. Mattias can take alot more punishment than Jen, i've been down to 1-2 health and still getting shot and he doesn't die. And Jen is definitely faster. Even just her regular walking speed. Haven't played or been in a game where someone was using Chris yet though.

I went with Mattias because he seemed the most interesting, plus this time he fits the song much better :lol

I would imagine that walk/run speed doesn't matter too much because of the vehicles though.
Or does Jen magically add power to any vehicle she drives? :lol
Hazaro said:
I would imagine that walk/run speed doesn't matter too much because of the vehicles though.
Or does Jen magically add power to any vehicle she drives? :lol

I do appreciate her sprint speed when I'm on foot trying to dodge a bunch of 50 cal. VN jeeps.

But she does talk too damn much, especially early on.

"Oh look, an AK-47. This'll do" x a fucking gazillion.


relies on auto-aim
NullPointer said:
I do appreciate her sprint speed when I'm on foot trying to dodge a bunch of 50 cal. VN jeeps.

But she does talk too damn much, especially early on.

"Oh look, an AK-47. This'll do" x a fucking gazillion.

Dodge. :lol

I'll play Mattias and spam RPG's to the face. :lol :lol :lol

Probably play as Jen next play through like I did with Mercs 1
Kung Fu Jedi said:
Pallets are too large. Recruit I chopper pilot, then "steal" the money, and call him in to airlift it out. Super easy and you're $100k richer.

Or you can smash or explode the pallet and it turns into a bunch of regular cash pickups. Only $50k worth though.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I had a very brief love affair with the original back in the day, but eventually grew bored of it and sold it. And I very rarely sell my games.

I was reading some reviews of Mercs 2, since I grew bored with the delays and eventually lost touch with it entirely. So I haven't been following it. Eurogamer DESTROYED it. WTF? They flat out state that it's inferior to the original, and just about any major sandbox OR general third person shooter released in the past half dozen years or so. Is it really that fucked?

They listed a bunch of potential deal-breakers, from awful AI, to invisi-boundaries, to severe hand-holding in missions, to bad mission structure, to worse level design, etc. Did Pandemic drop the ball that badly, or is Eurogamer full of it?

I don't usually pay much attention to reviews anymore, but that one really stood out, and Eurogamer has typically struck me as the most rational/consistent reviewer in recent history...


relies on auto-aim
Mejilan said:
I had a very brief love affair with the original back in the day, but eventually grew bored of it and sold it. And I very rarely sell my games.

I was reading some reviews of Mercs 2, since I grew bored with the delays and eventually lost touch with it entirely. So I haven't been following it. Eurogamer DESTROYED it. WTF? They flat out state that it's inferior to the original, and just about any major sandbox OR general third person shooter released in the past half dozen years or so. Is it really that fucked?

They listed a bunch of potential deal-breakers, from awful AI, to invisi-boundaries, to severe hand-holding in missions, to bad mission structure, to worse level design, etc. Did Pandemic drop the ball that badly, or is Eurogamer full of it?

I don't usually pay much attention to reviews anymore, but that one really stood out, and Eurogamer has typically struck me as the most rational/consistent reviewer in recent history...

UROPE haet sandbox sploin' shootan :lol



Pros: Fun, explody, open

Cons: Lots of bugs, unpolished

I'm going to check out the PC version, play it with my 360 pad.


Surprised with all the negatives I'm seeing today. I played co-op with a friend until 6am last night. The game is even more fun than I initially thought. We found different ways to attack HVT camps. We fucked around like crazy. And the best part, you get the cashe earnings from the co-op match, but only the host gets the progress. So we tackled a shotload of stuff on my save, and then turned around to do it on his save but in a different manner. I can't stress enough how awesome it was to improvise. We throw 3 C4's on a jeep. He rides the jeep, I take it on the chopper and drop him on the enemy, he then jumps out mid fall and detonates the shit out of it. HOT DAMN I can't wait to play some more.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Anyone on PS3 wanna co op some later tonight? Having fun so far, in what few hours I had yesterday to try it.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Lonestar said:
Anyone on PS3 wanna co op some later tonight? Having fun so far, in what few hours I had yesterday to try it.
MrBob and I rented it.Maybe tonight after I play Livewire in NCAA.


Seems like the professionals have spent so long ragging on the Wii that they've forgotten what BALLS TO THE WALL FUN feels like.

You know what the best thing about Merc 2 is? It's bold proclamation. "I am a video game". Actually it's more like "I AM A FUCKING VIDEO GAME MOTHER FUCKER". Which I like.

Totally agree with the guy that mentioned Excite Truck and EDF.


notjackbauer said:
I'm glad people aren't shitting all over this game. It's really growing on me. When do I get the jet pilot??!

Oh man, if it's grown on you and you STILL don't have airstrikes, you're going to end up loving it. You get him up north on the map, he's a drunk Russian, you can't miss him.


Well I guess the initial gamertag list isnt being updated anymore, so i'll just add the 360 people unless i've already got em.


NullPointer said:
I wish they just did a better job at explaining things. From taking over outposts to equipping support options from your stockpile, to using beacons to drop airstrikes, to disguising yourself as a faction by using their vehicles. NONE of this is explained well, either in game or in EA's pathetic excuse for a game manual. I played the original Mercs so I was ready, but I had to explain a bunch of things to my friends.

How do you take over outposts? Perhaps I hadn't gotten far enough in the game to do that, but you're right it hasn't been mentioned yet.


That's easy. Destroy enough of the enemy, then set up a friendly soldier drop right in front of the HQ building, and they'll take over the HQ.

But before you do that, claim all the oil and weapons (if you've unlocked the helicopter pilot) since it's easy pickings. Once the outpost is re-claimed, the oil and weapons revert to the conquering faction.

However, the enemy knows that and will try to destroy the oil before you can claim it!

I have the PS3 version, and while it's not the prettiest game in the world, it's really solid and loads of fun. I've had none of the bugs reported happen so far.\\

The whole dynamic with having to find your PMC team and hire them is ingenious. I also love how everything's purchased with oil. Makes things much more challenging.

I also wonder if the 360 version is the one with the majority of the bugs. IGN's review is another identical 360/PS3 Hilary Goldstein special, so I have doubts if he even played the PS3 version at all...
russ99a said:
I have the PS3 version, and while it's not the prettiest game in the world, it's really solid and loads of fun. I've had none of the bugs reported happen so far.\\

just wanted to quote this as I too have seen NONE of the bugs that have been reported with the 360 version
AgentOtaku said:
just wanted to quote this as I too have seen NONE of the bugs that have been reported with the 360 version

Haven't seen any sudden draw in of vehicles or anything of the like? Granted I love the game but thats one thing that irks me.


dork said:
Lets play!

I would, but im trying to knock out something on DDS2 real quick. That and im eating atm (cant really play Mercs 2(or any crazy fun action game) and eat... :lol )

Gonna be on later?


So stealth is never an option in this game huh? I mean, the AI can see you no matter where you are, so I assume that sniping or creeping in and getting out unseen is out of the question. I hope I'm wrong though and I'm missing something.......
Teknoman said:
The game doesnt really need smart enemy AI since they throw so much at you at once.

This is true IMO. A lot of reviews mention the AI, but realy, how many games have decent AI? I'd put Mercs 2 AI at a higher level as GRAW and COD4.

The enemies in Mercs 2 are stupid, don't get me wrong. But they do respond to aerial, ground vehicle, and on on-foot threats differently. They will commandeer vehicles, including your own, man weapon emplacements, as well as report your activities to their comrades, run to activate alarms and call for reinforcements. That’s not shit AI – its just not very good AI, like most games have.

Better AI would have been nice of course, but not completely necessary for this game. Mercs 2 is all about mayhem and overcoming static defenses for the most part.


If the AI is so bad then how come when I winched a manned tank and proceeded to drop him 300 feet, he timed his cannon shot after I let him go and blew me out of the sky?
Hazaro said:
Can we get confirmations on any of these?

The differences in Mercs 1 were non-exsistant. :lol


I've played through the first one a couple times, I'm not making those up. I guess you could check gamefaqs.com or something.

As for Mercs 2, they are all in the character video they released recently.


newsguy said:
If the AI is so bad then how come when I winched a manned tank and proceeded to drop him 300 feet, he timed his cannon shot after I let him go and blew me out of the sky?

:lol I know you said something out loud after that.


Just played it for an hour and bleh. But I'll keep pressing on in hopes things pick up like people have said it does. I can take the ugliness even though it really is ugly, but it's just so behind the curve compared to other current gen sandbox games like Crackdown, Just Cause, GTA4 and Saints Row. The cities are lifeless, the driving engine is hideous, there's no strategy to the gunplay - just run at your enemies and shoot them because you can take an insane amount of bullets before dying.... ugh. I'm really hoping this picks up. Back to it...


relies on auto-aim
PedroLumpy said:

I've played through the first one a couple times, I'm not making those up. I guess you could check gamefaqs.com or something.

As for Mercs 2, they are all in the character video they released recently.

I know you aren't, but I didn't feel there was any difference, gonna check the video now.


VALIS said:
Just played it for an hour and bleh.

It takes about 3 hours to get going IMO. I played for probably 5 or 6 hours last night and was having a ball by the end of it, had to force myself to go to bed.


the also have serious clipping issue. on the second stage the mansion. If u on the pool area, first part is shallow water so u can walk. the second part is deep so u get to swim but if u go the shallow water again half of ur body is going through the floor and ur still swimming.

this game got delayed for wat to add some shiny reflection

i'll play through some more since everybody is saying 3-4hrs in will get better


Well peoples, I've got quite a few solid hours spent playing the game and I must say, I'm having a blast.
See what I did there!

The story missions are lame, but I'm having a laugh tracking down HVT's and targeted buildings, assessing the situation and tackling it in cleanest way possible. And "clean" most of the times means that nothing is left standing.
It feels very free form.

Also raiding places filled with mercs you're on good terms with adds a whole new level to the constant blasting, as occasionally you'll have to track that one guy down who's making the phone call to report your actions to the boss of that faction. I like it.

The only thing I don't like are the level 3 Fiona missions. I want new costumes damnit.
The pistol and snipe courses are hard as hell with them analogue sticks.


VALIS said:
Just played it for an hour and bleh. But I'll keep pressing on in hopes things pick up like people have said it does. I can take the ugliness even though it really is ugly, but it's just so behind the curve compared to other current gen sandbox games like Crackdown, Just Cause, GTA4 and Saints Row. The cities are lifeless, the driving engine is hideous, there's no strategy to the gunplay - just run at your enemies and shoot them because you can take an insane amount of bullets before dying.... ugh. I'm really hoping this picks up. Back to it...

I dunno about insane amount. Who are you playing as? Also the LT handbrake is your friend. Driving and powerslides work nicely. Game doesnt really look all that ugly to me...then again im a sucker for tropical atmospheres.


Flunkie said:
Dork (or anyone else), add me. I'm playing on the 360.

will do

Teknoman said:
I would, but im trying to knock out something on DDS2 real quick. That and im eating atm (cant really play Mercs 2(or any crazy fun action game) and eat... :lol )

Gonna be on later?

Maybe around 10pm central or so

I hate when you cant call in airstrikes for whatever reason.

How many factions are there?
VALIS said:
Just played it for an hour and bleh. But I'll keep pressing on in hopes things pick up like people have said it does. I can take the ugliness even though it really is ugly, but it's just so behind the curve compared to other current gen sandbox games like Crackdown, Just Cause, GTA4 and Saints Row. The cities are lifeless, the driving engine is hideous, there's no strategy to the gunplay - just run at your enemies and shoot them because you can take an insane amount of bullets before dying.... ugh. I'm really hoping this picks up. Back to it...

Just wait until you have helicopters, tanks and airstrikes at the ready. Instead of just blowing up shanty towns you'll be tasked with capturing a high level person-of-interest, alive, for the big bounty. He'll be in a sprawling fort, ringed with barracks, weapon emplacements, alarms and patrolling vehicles. The base will have winding roads of layer after layer of defenses. The fort will be ringed with mountains, and on those mountains will rest artillery, AA guns and Radar Jammers.

THAT right there, to me, is the ultimate Mercenaries experience. You have to be tactical to be effective at that point.

Also, for those who want some added difficulty, try to complete your missions with two points in mind:
1 - Make a profit. That means not using bunker busters on contracts that are only worth 50K.
2 - Do your work without turning your friendly factions into hostile factions.

Not that there is anything wrong with just dropping missiles on everything - that's fun as hell. But that's where the challenge is.

Going Jennifer Mui as sniper/carbine, always making a profit and keeping the factions at friendly is just the right difficulty for me.


I played a couple of missions over the lunch hour, and I noticed that if I stopped to kill the bad guys at a checkpoint, they just keep coming.

Do enemies respawn, or is there eventually an end to them?
Slaylock said:
I played a couple of missions over the lunch hour, and I noticed that if I stopped to kill the bad guys at a checkpoint, they just keep coming.

Do enemies respawn, or is there eventually an end to them?

If you set off an alarm, the barracks (marked as little bunkers on your mini-map) will endlessly respawn bad guys. At that point you have to destroy the building in order to stop them.

Playing stealth has its advantages sometimes. Stealth or high explosives that is :)
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