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The Official Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Thread

LOLOL OMG the Oil rig mission in the middle of the game is so fun I did it three times by reloading my save. I managed to do it in a drastically different way each time, and thats really what I love about this game.
I bought this game from ea store, the pc version, and my god is it horribly optimized! I have a top end pc and it runs crysis better on max settings than this game.

This is completely unacceptable and I feel like I just wasted 50 bucks.....


So the rum running missions for the Jamaicans is hard as shit. How does one improvise (something this game is so good at allowing you to do)? Get on co-op, Call in a big chopper, winch the pickup truck with the rum in it, and take it while your co-op buddy rides ahead of you in another chopper and draws the attention from enemy choppers and ground troops. Works like a charm.


newsguy said:
So the rum running missions for the Jamaicans is hard as shit. How does one improvise (something this game is so good at allowing you to do)? Get on co-op, Call in a big chopper, winch the pickup truck with the rum in it, and take it while your co-op buddy rides ahead of you in another chopper and draws the attention from enemy choppers and ground troops. Works like a charm.
Hmm? the one time I winched the truck the rum flew out automatically.

lvl1- Did it normally. Killing everyone in the base and taking the truck.
lvl2- Same deal, but once I started driving, I jacked the attack chopper to get him off my ass. Then crashed into the water (landing close to the truck results in losing all the rum from the "impact") and went back in the truck.
lvl3- Didn't finish it yet since I have a UP bounty on my head and they have infinite choppers after me in the area. Trying to dodge rockets and keep the rum in the truck isn't a good idea. So I'll get back to it after I pay the bounty.


You can winch it gently and while it does lose some rum, it's very little. We had UP bounty on our heads, and that's the only way we were able to beat it. I was in the chopper ahead either blowing up resistance or taking the attention away from my partner. If you want you could have 1 person drive and the other do the chopper thing and I'm sure it would still work fine. The Castro V chopper is great for clearing a patrh because of the four .50 Cal guns on it. You can blow up jeeps in a second with it, and it still has plenty of missiles for the bigger gun trucks that sit at the sides of intersections.


newsguy said:
You can winch it gently and while it does lose some rum, it's very little. We had UP bounty on our heads, and that's the only way we were able to beat it. I was in the chopper ahead either blowing up resistance or taking the attention away from my partner. If you want you could have 1 person drive and the other do the chopper thing and I'm sure it would still work fine. The Castro V chopper is great for clearing a patrh because of the four .50 Cal guns on it. You can blow up jeeps in a second with it, and it still has plenty of missiles for the bigger gun trucks that sit at the sides of intersections.
Nice.. :D

Sounds like a plan, if I can't do it on my own.

My brother just cheated his ass off in the lvl3 airstrike challenge. Similar to when Jedi was doing it and there were soldiers there for some reason, as soon as he started a soldier fell off the tower right next to him.. dropping a sniper rifle. So he takes his sniper and shoots the barrels with it :lol. By the time he ran out of ammo, he already had like 102 points and still had both strikes to do.


dark10x said:
I'm curious, though, as someone who has completed Just Cause, how do you feel Mercs 2 compares?

The two games are extremely similar. Except for their major differences (Just Cause = beautiful scenery and map size, Mercs 2 = destructibility) it's almost like the same game. Both have sub par vehicle handling and and enemy AI. Both have similar selections of cars, trucks, bikes, copters and boats. The game worlds are virtually the same -- tropical jungles, mountains and rivers dotted by small jungle camps and mostly barren cities on the edges of the jungle. It's really uncanny how similar the two game worlds are. Just Cause has both more vertical and horizontal landscape, though.

They're both games that feature significant negatives and positives, and for me in both cases, the positives have outweighed the negatives enough to have made both games well worth the purchase. Just Cause ended up finishing around #8 or so on my top-10 2006 list, and I think Mercs 2 might end up doing the same depending on the quality of the rest of the year's releases.


I'm around 20% in and I'm loving the fuck out of this game. So much more fun than GTAIV.

Haven't really encountered any serious bugs, either.


relies on auto-aim
WrikaWrek said:

I can run Crysis on DX10 well, can't believe this shit runs so bad. I messed up with the setting, btw, the resolution options are HORRIBLE, 1024*768 then it jumps to 1280*920 or some shit, and no higher.

I finally figured out a way to get better performance, put shaders on low but still this game is running at sub 30 fps, and i ain't turning off shadows and shit like that.

And i have AA off btw. Uninstalling.

Oh god what...


Costanza said:
So much more fun than GTAIV.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so. I think it has a lot to do with the driving physics (Mercs 2 is a lot more forgiving/fun) and the shooting (GTA relied too much on cover; Mercs is silly run and gun).

I'm looking forward to Saints Row 2 now. I like fun.


Gigglepoo said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so. I think it has a lot to do with the driving physics (Mercs 2 is a lot more forgiving/fun) and the shooting (GTA relied too much on cover; Mercs is silly run and gun).

I also like the way it doesn't feel so scripted either.
Sorry if already posted...anyone seen this? EA gave away £20,000 worth of fuel today at a petrol station in north London. It caused havoc on the roads, no doubt because of the crazy fuel prices.
A stunt in which £20,000 of petrol was given away in north London to promote a computer game has been criticised as "irresponsible and dangerous".

Traffic was gridlocked outside the Last Stop garage in Finsbury Park as drivers queued for £40-worth of free fuel each.

The promotion began at 0630 BST and ended about four hours later.

Lynne Featherstone, MP for Hornsey and Wood Green, said: "Whilst a lucky few might have got free petrol, hundreds of residents have faced misery".

The Liberal Democrat said: "Trying to recreate Venezuelan-style fuel riots on the streets of London is completely irresponsible and downright dangerous.
Full story at the link.
Pancakes R Us said:
Sorry if already posted...anyone seen this? EA gave away £20,000 worth of fuel today at a petrol station in north London. It caused havoc on the roads, no doubt because of the crazy fuel prices.Full story at the link.

They did the same in L.A. last weekend.

And I'm with you Costanza. Said it several times in this thread as well. Way more fun than GTA IV for me as well.

Ploid 3.0

Pancakes R Us said:
Sorry if already posted...anyone seen this? EA gave away £20,000 worth of fuel today at a petrol station in north London. It caused havoc on the roads, no doubt because of the crazy fuel prices.Full story at the link.

That's a darn good way to advertise your game lol. The people at the pumps, on the streets, trying to get home, hearing about it from people, and reading the news about this event will know about Mercenaries 2.

Kung Fu Jedi said:
They did the same in L.A. last weekend.

And I'm with you Costanza. Said it several times in this thread as well. Way more fun than GTA IV for me as well.

One less reason for EA to buy Rockstar. Just make Merc 3 more polished.


Where does Ewan go when he picks up resources for you? Lately he's getting shot a lot when he's returning with the resources, so maybe an enemy camp or armor has set up near where he returns with the resources... but I don't know where that is! It's not your main base. You can't see him on the PDA map once he leaves your sight. I don't know.


VALIS said:
Where does Ewan go when he picks up resources for you? Lately he's getting shot a lot when he's returning with the resources, so maybe an enemy camp or armor has set up near where he returns with the resources... but I don't know where that is! It's not your main base. You can't see him on the PDA map once he leaves your sight. I don't know.

:lol Here's an idea, call him in while you have your own chopper. Follow him and see where he goes. I have a feeling he disappears into thin air, but who knows.


newsguy said:
:lol Here's an idea, call him in while you have your own chopper. Follow him and see where he goes. I have a feeling he disappears into thin air, but who knows.

Yes! I am making this my quest right now. Unraveling the Mystery of Ewan.


dark10x said:
Wow, that sounds wretched. Considering that the console games actually hold a pretty solid framerate, I'm surprised the PC version would perform so poorly. Sounds like a really low quality port.
I'm having quite a different experience here - it's running ok to decent (meaning roughly equivalent to the console versions - 30fps most of the time, with dips when the action gets hot) on my rig (Athlon X2 4200+, 8800GT, 2GB RAM). Game immediately recognised my Logitech pad (playing this on the TV) and the 1280x720 widescreen resolution + 2xAA produces a very nice IQ here. Love the explosions and the large scale.

Not the best console port I've seen (considering the graphics it should run 30+ at all times), but definitely not a disaster or anything like it. Decent to competent port and certainly on par with the console versions, imo. (And no, I don't just want to defend my impulse purchase) :D

edit: the encoded story videos are pretty low-res, they should've just stayed in-engine for all of the cutscenes.


so i got this game on the ps3 and it seems like all the assets from the 360 verision are intact.

seems pretty ok so far .. haven't had much time to play but as 'ports' go it seems to be pretty decent.


Wow, this is possibly the glitchiest game I've ever played, and easily one of the most unpolished. I love Mercs 1, and bought this with some hesitation on Sunday due to one of my friends telling me how fun it was co-op. Early on it's pretty fun co-op, and I had some bugs/glitches, but nothing too major. I was pretty much with the positive posts in this thread. But as the game progresses I just keep noticing more and more disappointing flaws to the point where I don't think I've regretted buying a game this much since Devil May Cry 2.

A ton, if not the vast majority (without doing an exact count) of the "main" missions you get from factions are total bullshit driving challenges...with three versions of each. Drive me this cargo full of rum! Then twice more! Then birds! Then twice more! Then race this boat! You get the idea. Most of the remaining missions are almost all Outpost missions which are fine, but are disappointingly similar locations aside. The "non" main missions are HVTs, Targets, and sometimes something else (IIRC the PLAV have billboards, I don't recall if any other factions had a 3rd thing). The targets (blow up buildings) are cool, no problems there. The HVTs are similar to the first game in that you're going after a target, preferably alive. While repetitive in the first game, they were still mostly enjoyable since the game did a pretty good job of making the settings and setup different. In this one however, it's disappointingly rote, and on top of that the HVT's own troops will kill the HVT all the fucking time, sometimes even before I get anywhere near close and sometimes before they've even spotted me.

Right now I literally cannot beat the game, because on the last (?) mission for the
Chinese faction
, the VIP on the roof? He jumps off and kills himself every time I get anywhere close to the building he's on, no matter how fast or slow I get there. I can usually get close enough to actually see him jump off. He has full health, then he jumps and dies. I've reloaded I think 7 times now. I'm not finding anything similar to this online, so I don't think I'm missing anything as far as the mission itself goes.

Glitches THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED in the past 5 days:
-I'm invisible
-I load with no guns
-I'm stuck on a red screen but invincible
-I'm stuck in bushes
-I'm stuck in the ground
-The helicopter I was driving literally just disappears (NOT blown up)
-I'm driving an invisible vehicle
-My character will have C4 armed and beeping on my hand, when I have no C4
-Enemies 5 feet from me are invisible but I can still kill them by using a sniper rifle and zooming in so I can see their faction logo above their invisible bodies
-Enemies are randomly invincible
-I call in supplies and nothing happens (various examples: he doesn't show but isn't blown up, he shows but his winch is not carrying anything, I break the crate and nothing is inside)
-HVTs being stuck in the middle of buildings for no particular reason
-Textures don't load
-I'll be driving or even stationary, and all of a sudden a ton of stuff will load all around me
-Myself or others I'm playing with will be dropped or unable to connect to the EA servers for no reason whatsoever for extended periods of time (technically not a game glitch, but..)
-I've seen enemies in water that are apparently supposed to spawn in boats, but the boat doesn't spawn; so they spawn in mid-air, sitting down, then fall immediately to their deaths.

And there's so many little interface and control problems:
-You can't bring up your supply/drop menu while moving
-You have to target a pickup, then drop a grenade to pick it up
-The PDA interface isn't as smooth and has minor annoyances (you can't just hit B to back all the way out to the game, you can't look at specific faction missions and mark your GPS, you have to back out to the main PDA screen to drop a beacon, etc)
-The GPS is seriously retarded
-Why the hell are so many of the airstrikes smoke based? I like how I have to call for a fucking fuel-air bomb with a smoke grenade then run the fuck away, what happened to the good laser/satellite system most of the crazy ones in the first game had? Oh, and when I do have laser pointer drops, my (admittedly funny) drunk pilot COMPLETELY MISSES half of the time. Crisis in the cockpit indeed!

Co-op is the only redeeming feature this game has, and the only reason I'm not filled with blinding-hot rage. Too bad I can't play with a bunch of my friends, who are in the UK! And then half the time one of us cannot connect to the EA servers for no reason whatsoever, but it's fine later. The game is also seemingly completely built around co-op; it appears that the challenges and missions are the exact same difficulty by yourself as in co-op. This results in extremely frustrating missions single player that are easy as hell co-op (furthered by the fact you can revive the other person in co-op). Also the large amount of racing/driving challenges that I mentioned are actually usually more difficult in co-op, since usually you both have to make it. If one of you gets blown up, the other person pretty much has to turn around to get you since if they don't, you'll often wind up going outside the co-op maximum range.

The opening movie after the little mini-opening mission is actually pretty funny, and apparently intentionally cheesy; however the rest of them are just flat-out stupid. We honestly couldn't tell if they were trying to be serious or cheesy, but they failed horribly either way. I don't think anyone was expecting a good story, but most of the cutscenes are just seriously embarrassing, and sometimes don't even make sense.

It's kinda funny, supposedly (no idea if this is true or not) the reason the graphics and engine have these problems is because it's built on a scalable engine so they could use it on the PS2 version, which makes sense business-wise. What's hilarious however is that the PS2 version is apparently total shit; it's completely missing weapons, vehicles, and other things (I think missions?), and still has all the glitching problems. So we get a heavily flawed current-gen version...so they could release a shitty last-gen version? What?

Anyway, I don't want to totally rain on anyone's parade who's having fun with the game; the game does have some redeeming features (mainly in co-op), but as time progressed it became more and more a sum of it's flawed parts. I honestly think that even with all the flaws, if it had less of the bullshit driving/racing challenges and more other stuff to do I would have enjoyed it a lot more. All in all this is a terribly disappointing game considering the developer, and all more so because the first game was so good, and they've pushed this back so long, and it's still a fucking mess.

Ploid 3.0

JB1981 said:
so i got this game on the ps3 and it seems like all the assets from the 360 verision are intact.

seems pretty ok so far .. haven't had much time to play but as 'ports' go it seems to be pretty decent.

So now it's back to being a port?


Trucker Sexologist
SailorDaravon said:
Glitches THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED in the past 5 days:
-I'm invisible
-I load with no guns
-I'm stuck on a red screen but invincible
-I'm stuck in bushes
-I'm stuck in the ground
-The helicopter I was driving literally just disappears (NOT blown up)
-I'm driving an invisible vehicle
-My character will have C4 armed and beeping on my hand, when I have no C4
-Enemies 5 feet from me are invisible but I can still kill them by using a sniper rifle and zooming in so I can see their faction logo above their invisible bodies
-Enemies are randomly invincible
-I call in supplies and nothing happens (various examples: he doesn't show but isn't blown up, he shows but his winch is not carrying anything, I break the crate and nothing is inside)
-HVTs being stuck in the middle of buildings for no particular reason
-Textures don't load
-I'll be driving or even stationary, and all of a sudden a ton of stuff will load all around me
-Myself or others I'm playing with will be dropped or unable to connect to the EA servers for no reason whatsoever for extended periods of time (technically not a game glitch, but..)
-I've seen enemies in water that are apparently supposed to spawn in boats, but the boat doesn't spawn; so they spawn in mid-air, sitting down, then fall immediately to their deaths.
It sounds like we need to get the Buggy Saints Row guy to make a Mercs 2 musical. :lol


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
newsguy said:
:lol Here's an idea, call him in while you have your own chopper. Follow him and see where he goes. I have a feeling he disappears into thin air, but who knows.

He vanishes into thin air. My friend and I in a coop game used the transit feature and after we were dropped off my friend got stuck in the chopper, wouldn't let him out. Ewan flew out over the ocean then vanished dropping my friend into the bay.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
VALIS said:
The two games are extremely similar. Except for their major differences (Just Cause = beautiful scenery and map size, Mercs 2 = destructibility) it's almost like the same game. Both have sub par vehicle handling and and enemy AI. Both have similar selections of cars, trucks, bikes, copters and boats. The game worlds are virtually the same -- tropical jungles, mountains and rivers dotted by small jungle camps and mostly barren cities on the edges of the jungle. It's really uncanny how similar the two game worlds are. Just Cause has both more vertical and horizontal landscape, though.

They're both games that feature significant negatives and positives, and for me in both cases, the positives have outweighed the negatives enough to have made both games well worth the purchase. Just Cause ended up finishing around #8 or so on my top-10 2006 list, and I think Mercs 2 might end up doing the same depending on the quality of the rest of the year's releases.
I actually just compared the two myself. It's been a while, but the controls in Just Cause are pretty awful. I absolutely hate the driving controls as it feels as if you are out of control the entire time. The sense of speed is nice and I love the motion blur, but the vehicles just don't feel right. Mercs 2 actually handles pretty well and I never feel as if I'm going to spin out of control. The first thing I did in both games (once free to explore) was jump on a bike. I was surprised at how much control I had in Mercs 2, but damn, Just Cause is just out of control.

I do think the mission design is flawed in both games, but the missions in Mercs seem to have more design behind them. Everything in Just Cause has this generated feel. The terrain in Mercs feels as if someone spent time designing it while Just Cause feels as if someone used a random terrain generator on it. It's a beautiful game still today (mostly due to lovely lighting), but it's not very well designed. I DO love the aerial acrobatics, though. THAT is absolutely awesome still today. Everything else feels lesser than Mercs 2.

It's kinda funny, supposedly (no idea if this is true or not) the reason the graphics and engine have these problems is because it's built on a scalable engine so they could use it on the PS2 version, which makes sense business-wise.
That's BS. If you go back and look at the Mercs engine, this is a HUUUUGE step forward. It's not a bad looking game and is employing most of the standard features you find in similar engines this gen. It was clearly built for the new machines. The PS2 game is based on the old Mercs engine, however (stated by the producer).

It's unfortunate that you've encountered so many bugs. Hopefully I don't. I've played the game for a good 3 hours now (stopped to compare with Just Cause for some reason) and only encountered two bugs (both being extremely minor). It sounds like it gets worse as you play, though. I guess we'll see.


I've played the game over 20 hours and the only time I see funky glitches (none game breaking so far) is when playing co-op. Last night everytime I would retry a mission, my co-op partner would land next to me (on the grass) and a huge water splash, including the sound effect, would follow him.


Man, those glitches do not sound good. Hope I'm staying lucky, haven't encountered any game-breaking bugs/glitches so far (except for some funky collision detection).

This is basically Mercenaries in HD, and that's fine by me because the original was the second best sandbox game last gen.

Plus the explosions are fucking huge. Like, almost World of Conflict kinda stuff.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
How do you get more ammo for tanks and helicopters (like the Rogue anti-tank)?

This game is sloppy fun. But so damn sloppy.


chespace said:
How do you get more ammo for tanks and helicopters (like the Rogue anti-tank)?

This game is sloppy fun. But so damn sloppy.

Can you imagine if it had a money glitch where you could buy anythi... oh wait.

When you land your chopper by a friendly faction and enter their area, when you come out it replenishes your ammo and armor.


chespace said:
How do you get more ammo for tanks and helicopters (like the Rogue anti-tank)?
Go to any non-hostile faction's base, go inside and then come back out and your vehicle will be rearmed and repaired.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Okay, thanks.

Now, am I retarded or is there no way for me to choose which saved game I want to load?

Argh, wtf...


Wow, here's a new one; my friend who is playing as Jen joined another friend's (not mine) game where his character was Mattias. When he joined, his Jen character became Mattias...permanently. Now on his main profile/game screen, the character portrait and name are blank, and in-game he is permanently Mattias now. Wow :lol


WrikaWrek said:

I can run Crysis on DX10 well, can't believe this shit runs so bad. I messed up with the setting, btw, the resolution options are HORRIBLE, 1024*768 then it jumps to 1280*920 or some shit, and no higher.

I finally figured out a way to get better performance, put shaders on low but still this game is running at sub 30 fps, and i ain't turning off shadows and shit like that.

And i have AA off btw. Uninstalling.
Dunno why it runs so badly for you. I'm running the PC version with an aging Core 2 Duo E6600, 2gb ram and a 8800GTS. With all settings at high (except AA which is turned off) and 1024x768 resolution I get 60 fps most of the time. When it goes down it's around 40 and it's never gone below that so far.

The PC version has some other stupid problems though. Like you can't turn off autoaim at all, and the game will show generic icons for certain actions instead of showing the actual key. This making hijacking a real chore on the PC version. (Press the [hand icon] key now! Mash the [foot icon] key now!)

Besides that, it seems like a good version. Coop may be more of a hassle to get going (no direct connect or LAN options), but it's flawless once you're in a game. And I don't think there's that stupid region protected multiplayer in the PC version.

SailorDaravon said:
It's kinda funny, supposedly (no idea if this is true or not) the reason the graphics and engine have these problems is because it's built on a scalable engine so they could use it on the PS2 version, which makes sense business-wise. What's hilarious however is that the PS2 version is apparently total shit; it's completely missing weapons, vehicles, and other things (I think missions?), and still has all the glitching problems. So we get a heavily flawed current-gen version...so they could release a shitty last-gen version? What?
Not true, I've played the PS2 version and it's obviously just an update of Mercs 1, literally. It's also made by a different company.

I'm surprised to read you're encountering that many bugs. The only bugs I've encountered so far has only been minor graphics bugs I don't care about (a few boxes hovering above the ground and some clipping issues), or bugs which are just hilarous, like troops I called in walks out of the helicopter midair instead of landing on the ground. I've had no game-breaking bugs so far.

chespace said:
Okay, thanks.

Now, am I retarded or is there no way for me to choose which saved game I want to load?

Argh, wtf...
It is possible, just a bit out of place for some mysterious reason. To load a specific savegame go to Options->Manage Saves->Select Savegame->Load Game.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Okay, so what the hell.

I hijack a tank, destroy one of the target buildings, and figure I might as well keep the tank so I drive it all the way back to my home base.

I go inside, talk to Fiona, then come out and the tank is gone.

Can we not keep vehicles or something?
SailorDaravon said:
-Why the hell are so many of the airstrikes smoke based? I like how I have to call for a fucking fuel-air bomb with a smoke grenade then run the fuck away, what happened to the good laser/satellite system most of the crazy ones in the first game had? Oh, and when I do have laser pointer drops, my (admittedly funny) drunk pilot COMPLETELY MISSES half of the time. Crisis in the cockpit indeed!
Admittedly it's pretty stupid to have things like a daisy cutter fired at a smoke grenade, I mean that makes little or no realistic sense. Then again from a game's perspective it makes it so you can't just drop that thing on a target from 5 miles away, never getting in danger.

And with regards to the laser strikes, accuracy goes up to almost 100% if you keep lasing the target, after he's confirmed the drop. The laser guides the bomb, not the plane. :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
chespace said:
Okay, so what the hell.

I hijack a tank, destroy one of the target buildings, and figure I might as well keep the tank so I drive it all the way back to my home base.

I go inside, talk to Fiona, then come out and the tank is gone.

Can we not keep vehicles or something?
I'm not sure, but I do know that when I left a vehicle outside before a mission, I thought it was gone when I came back out as well. Turns out that the game simply chose to park it for me in a different (but very nearby) place. Make sure it's not sitting around somewhere else.


People having PC problems, turn off the motion blur. It looks and runs amazing, on my 8800gt at 1080p, after I did that. It looks 10 times better than the PS3 version I rented.

That being said, the game is kinda meh.
Finally played coop with a coworker for an hour .....SO FUCKING AAAAWESOOOOME!!!!! :D :D :D

...oh and in case anyone out there was still wonder, Voice chat is indeed present in the Playstation3 version ....just turn on your mic and you good to go!


How big is the install on PS3?

tried looking around but I couldn't find it.. Probably going to be picking this up tomorrow.
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