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The Official Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Thread


just got the game, some of the AI is unintentionally hilarious. I doubled back to pick off some guys and a jeep with a mounted gun reversed all the way back to attack me. Seeing a jeep reversing through traffic was ace! :lol

See what you mean about it being hard to die, its like the health bar is on a curve.
Up for co-op in 45 if anyones around hit me up, I'll be having fun just b;owing shit up :D


macksplack said:
press y when you are at a cash dump or fuel tank, after that press up on the d-pad and choose pick-up it's a chopper icon.

no one
Thanks man. But damn it's stupid, why doesn't the chopper just drop by automatically.


chespace said:
This game sure is buggy. :p

And its missions are the same thing over and over again.

So why can't I stop playing it?
Because the explosions are fucking huge.

gowans said:
just got the game, some of the AI is unintentionally hilarious. I doubled back to pick off some guys and a jeep with a mounted gun reversed all the way back to attack me. Seeing a jeep reversing through traffic was ace!
Just wait until you're hightailing it on a mountain road or something, seeing the car behind you just rocket off the mountain because they went too fast into the corner - now that's hilarious.


EA Online is APPALLING!!! What is this, the online in the game is region locked? is this right? Just tried to join a game and it says it wont allow be as the player is in another region.



formerly cjelly
Gowans007 said:
EA Online is APPALLING!!! What is this, the online in the game is region locked? is this right? Just tried to join a game and it says it wont allow be as the player is in another region.

They pulled the same shit with Army of Two.


yeah, just googled and its true EA online is terrible!!!!

looks like its single player only for me (none of my UK buds have it :( )

think another EA online hate thread is brewing

Viva later?


im having a real hard time finding spare parts, i found 3 right away, played co-op a bit, since then ive done 40% of the game and not seen a single one???
Gowans007 said:
yeah, just googled and its true EA online is terrible!!!!

looks like its single player only for me (none of my UK buds have it :( )

think another EA online hate thread is brewing

Viva later?
Same here, can't okay with my 'usual co-op partner' because of this. :/


Haruspex said:
My brother bought this game despite me warning against and after watching him play I can confirm it is boom-boom dipshit fodder for teenage boys. Not to mention there are technical problems abound, shoddy AI and cheap attempts to rein the player in to specific areas of the map.

Wow, thats for the enlightning post. We already knew that because its a sequel to a game that was pretty much the same.

It's FUN, isnt that what matters?


How do you increase the resolution in the PC version past 1280x720? I don't know why they didn't have a higher widescreen resolution than that.


Outcast2004 said:
Ok, is there ANY reason I cant join or even search for co op games?


I had to change the join permissions in my single player game from "by invite only" to the anyone choice.


So I was looking for spare parts in Maricaibo (or whatever it's called) using the map that's been posted... and I can't find any spare parts. This is after
the allies and chinese enter the game though, and the city is essentially leveled.
Am I screwed?


zsswimmer said:
How do you increase the resolution in the PC version past 1280x720? I don't know why they didn't have a higher widescreen resolution than that.

You don't. Pandemic (or whoever they paid to port it) made a direct console port. Which means you're stuck with the maximum console resolution.


saunderez said:
You don't. Pandemic (or whoever they paid to port it) made a direct console port. Which means you're stuck with the maximum console resolution.

Not true, it's dependent on your video drivers. I was able to select 1920x1080 res on my setup.


dabbled in the jelly
WrikaWrek said:
Oh my god, have you guys played this on the PC?

It runs like fucking shit.
My version runs perfectly. Like Crysis you need to restart the game when you change any graphical options but after that It looks better than the console versions and runs at about 48fps on my rig.

This is pure Mercenaries and I am loving it. I haven't really started the missions yet and have just been collecting all of my team and picking up supplies and capturing targets. People better buy this game because Mercenaries is the only game that can give you this sort of open world gameplay. We'll see what Red Faction 3 does but I'm not expecting anything on the scope and scale of the Merc games.

Is Merc 2 confirmed to only be one map this time? The first game had 2 huge maps to explore and I was hoping for the same thing for the sequel.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Is Merc 2 confirmed to only be one map this time? The first game had 2 huge maps to explore and I was hoping for the same thing for the sequel.
It's only one map. This map is much larger and full of more variety than anything in Mercs 1, though. The devs noted that the maps were divided in the original due to hardware limitations, but they wanted to deliver one giant seamless world this time (and they did succeed on that front). The map is large, but not unreasonably so. There is a surprising amount of variety between the different areas.


Every night I play co-op I find something new to giggle at like a little school girl. Bikes and jetskis are my new obsession.
Dropped a bunker buster into a huge cluster of buildings at UP's refinery last night to see what happens. My GOD...

Thing burrows through a refinery tower like butter, and a second later this gigantic explosion rocks the area, and the shockwave of the bomb starts detonating buildings and oil tanks near where I dropped it. I was like "holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit".

Things blow up really nice in this game. :)

Tried some co-op last night with my brother, finally had a stable enough EA connection to do it. It worked out pretty well, we did a pretty tough mission for the PLAV together that went a lot more smoothly when we both hijacked tanks. And just general screwing around with the hostile factions was fun.
joelseph said:
Every night I play co-op I find something new to giggle at like a little school girl. Bikes and jetskis are my new obsession.

The off road bikes are a blast. I love driving them off the side of cliffs and going Evil Knievel with big jumps! :D


I'm a huge fan of EDF (one of my most played games of this gen). I think it was a bargain at $40.

Is it safe to say that I'd get my $60 worth out of this bad boy?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I have to admit, despite the bugs, I had a blast playing CO-OP yesterday. A friend of mine came by with his PS3 and we played for about 6 hours straight (Haven't done that in a while). So much fun.

In general, I found that the bugs made for some good laughs, but there are a few issues that become annoying over time. The way the whole hostile/friendly system works is a bit annoying at times. When we were trying to take out targets, having so many radio guys trying to call in with the same voice and phrase got old really quick. The worst involved an HVT where we carefully took out everyone in camp before they could call...and then some guy who was a behind a giant set of boulders (that we could not possibly get behind quickly) starting calling the boss and caused the UP to become hostile. I suppose that stuff really isn't the typical bug, per se, so much as it is a game design problem.

I must say, despite the repetitive nature of the side missions, they do become so much more fun when you're playing in CO-OP. Outside of a few issues when dealing with different factions, we had a lot of our runs down to a science. Roll into a base disguised, park turrent with alarms in view, one of us watches the alarms with the turrent and the other takes care of the HVT. Worked really well in most cases and prevented the sides from going hostile. Obviously this varies depending on the layout of the camps so we had to mix it up.

I'm really anxious to play some more.
Just did the island fortress mission, and the game is officially badass. It's really picking up at this point- they throw you into a giant sandbox arena with multiple objectives which you can accomplish in any order and in any way. At this point you've got enough of a stockpile to be calling in tanks and supply drops, tossing artillery beacons like crazy, and tag-teaming the badguys with a partner. So much fun!! It has frozen on me twice now, which blows.


well thats it, i just absolutely cannot carry on with the game. I cannot protect the church, the game is simply broken to me. Ive played for hours and if the game doesnt glitch tanks out of nowhere, they become stuck and unable to be shot, or my AI walks in the way and becomes hostile when I blow them up, or the tanks shoot out the stationary guns and hijacking the tanks is useless because the tank jacking animation is so long.. i give up, fuck this shitty game.


Dammit! I got hit with the glitch that changed my character on me. Now I have a Mattias with Chris' ammo perk. : /

I want my "The People's Republic of Chris" jacket back! :lol


I may be doing something wrong, but the fact you have to throw the smoke grenade (which doesnt go very far) to call in some sort of airstrike is dumb because you have to like run into the battle and almost die just to do it. I want to be able to do it from far away..


dork said:
I may be doing something wrong, but the fact you have to throw the smoke grenade (which doesnt go very far) to call in some sort of airstrike is dumb because you have to like run into the battle and almost die just to do it. I want to be able to do it from far away..
Seriously, every time I want an airstrike I think twice about it because just about every time I run into about 5 tanks shooting at me I lose all of my heath down to 1 or 2, or I just flat out die.
dork said:
I may be doing something wrong, but the fact you have to throw the smoke grenade (which doesnt go very far) to call in some sort of airstrike is dumb because you have to like run into the battle and almost die just to do it. I want to be able to do it from far away..

You can throw grenades from fairly far away if you angle the throw enough. Each type of airstrike has a different method of calling in the attack, for instance a bombing run uses the smoke, the artillery homes in on a beacon you attach to a building, and the bunker buster uses a laser from a distance. It's part of learning how each works. But you can toss a grenade a lot further if you aim up in the air.
painey said:
well thats it, i just absolutely cannot carry on with the game. I cannot protect the church, the game is simply broken to me. Ive played for hours and if the game doesnt glitch tanks out of nowhere, they become stuck and unable to be shot, or my AI walks in the way and becomes hostile when I blow them up, or the tanks shoot out the stationary guns and hijacking the tanks is useless because the tank jacking animation is so long.. i give up, fuck this shitty game.

The Church mission is pretty easy actually.
Use the recoiless rifles to fend them off at a distance or just hijack them all. It CAN be done.
It also seems if you replay the mission, the CPU makes the mission easier.

My only gripe is the factions turn on you way too quickly.

Javaman said:
I had to change the join permissions in my single player game from "by invite only" to the anyone choice.
Did that. I can't even SEARCH for a game. You press A and nothing happens. WTF.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
painey said:
well thats it, i just absolutely cannot carry on with the game. I cannot protect the church, the game is simply broken to me. Ive played for hours and if the game doesnt glitch tanks out of nowhere, they become stuck and unable to be shot, or my AI walks in the way and becomes hostile when I blow them up, or the tanks shoot out the stationary guns and hijacking the tanks is useless because the tank jacking animation is so long.. i give up, fuck this shitty game.
Ah yes, that mission. We went through it yesterday in CO-OP and failed due to one of those issues. Actually, we had a perfect run right up until the end. My partner's tank blew up for no reason and injured the nearby troops who turned hostile and started firing on us (which resulted in contract cancelled). Having "friendlies" fight alongside you is really awful in this game as you can easily cause them to turn on you with a stray shot or two. Up until that point, however, the mission went very smoothly. In fact, it seems designed for CO-OP as it took both of us to stay on top of the tanks. Seems like it might get out of hand in single player.

We also encountered a unique bug in the CO-OP game after a while. We were playing for a while and after about 5 hours we had to quit to the main menu and restart. Basically, as the player who joined the game, I lost the ability to perform many of the triangle based actions (or Y on the 360, I suppose). I could not revive my partner, couldn't steal money, or do any other similar action. Also, has anyone noticed that the object draw-in becomes worse in CO-OP? In single player, most detail objects are visible at a great distance, but in multi, they draw-in fairly near the camera. Is it similar on 360, I wonder?


I'm kinda early into the game still, at least I think so, but I've got a couple questions regarding factions.

I've done just about everything I can do with the UP, so I'm friendly with them and hostile with one other faction, which I think is that rebel army down towards the south part of the map. I've gone up north when I gained the jet pilot, but I've yet to see any option to do missions for the pirates up there.

So my questions: Outside of bribes, how do I get my rebel army faction back to neutral? Do I just blow the hell out of the UP guys now until it goes back up?

When do I unlock the Pirate faction? Do I just need to keep checking with Fiona?


dark10x said:
Ah yes, that mission. We went through it yesterday in CO-OP and failed due to one of those issues. Actually, we had a perfect run right up until the end. My partner's tank blew up for no reason and injured the nearby troops who turned hostile and started firing on us (which resulted in contract cancelled). Having "friendlies" fight alongside you is really awful in this game as you can easily cause them to turn on you with a stray shot or two. Up until that point, however, the mission went very smoothly. In fact, it seems designed for CO-OP as it took both of us to stay on top of the tanks. Seems like it might get out of hand in single player.
A couple well-timed Tank Buster airstrikes took care of nearly all of the tanks for me. I took out the rest with the recoilless rifles stationed outside. Was a pretty close call, though.

And I hit my first annoying glitch in another mission (the one where you have to level that castle "Fortress Island" or something), I was in a tight spot, surrounded by RPG troops, barracks, and a heli hovering overhead and I was out of ammo. No prob, I thought, just call in an RPG package - but what my pilot dropped was.... an invisible box. The icon was there, I could run against the invisible package, but I couldn't open or do anything with it. :/

BUT the game redeemed itself a minute later by virtue of me noticing that I can grapple on to attacking helis and jack those fuckers mid-air. Fuck awesome situation as I dodged several rockets to approach the heli and took out another heli and most of the ground troops before having to bail. What a rush.

So yeah, it does have its glitches (although I luckily avoided really game-breaking ones so far) but when the game pulls through, it really shines.

Did I say that the explosions are fucking huge? Daisy Cutter = :eek:


The church mission is fucking me up too right now, I tried it about 4 times last night before I gave up. Hopefully I'll be able to just get my buddy to co-op it with me tonight and it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

dork said:
All I did for the Church was sat in a helicopter and hovered over ir
That's the second thing I tried too, I was shot down instantly by some tanks or whatever. I was pissed because it seemed like it was gonna work.
I had my first major glitch over the weekend. I was storming a base, getting pounded on by rockets, and down to nearly no health. I killed a bad guy and noticed that he dropped a health pack so I made a bee-line for it, while glancing at my health meter which read "2". I was getting shot at and I think I took a bullet just as I stepped on to the health pack.

I ended up flopping over like I was dead, and laying on the ground, arms and legs akimbo. Turns out I was still alive, and regenerating health, but no matter what happened, my character would not stand up. Crazy!
Kung Fu Jedi said:
I had my first major glitch over the weekend. I was storming a base, getting pounded on by rockets, and down to nearly no health. I killed a bad guy and noticed that he dropped a health pack so I made a bee-line for it, while glancing at my health meter which read "2". I was getting shot at and I think I took a bullet just as I stepped on to the health pack.

I ended up flopping over like I was dead, and laying on the ground, arms and legs akimbo. Turns out I was still alive, and regenerating health, but no matter what happened, my character would not stand up. Crazy!

The EXACT same thing happened to me yesterday. I was dead and could only pan the camera around, but at the same time, regenerating health. I had to restart and go back to PMC base. The game is a buggy nightmare, but fun as heck. Mind you, it's getting pretty repetitive now, the more you play it. I was killing some guy yesterday and as I was chasing him on foot, the AI cheated. I stepped into my jeep and as soon as I did that, he immediately warped into a jeep in front of me as I chased him to the helicopter. Unreal. I'm about 70% in and done with it for now as again, it's getting really repetitive and mindless.


I really hate to do this because the thread looks to be going so well....but...

Are both versions pretty much identical? Thinking about picking up the PS3 version for a change.
Z_Y said:
I really hate to do this because the thread looks to be going so well....but...

Are both versions pretty much identical? Thinking about picking up the PS3 version for a change.

Pretty much, both feature a fair ammount of tearing, but apparantly the 360 version has some rocks that might look slightly lower-res than the PS3 rocks :lol


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
One question about the Church mission...

As noted above, we failed on one attempt yet pretty much had finished it. The game said "Contract Cancelled", but the mission could not be retried. When we went back to the leader (that gave us the mission) they moved onto the next mission instead so we never actually had the chance to finish off the Church mission properly. Any ideas why that is?

Are both versions pretty much identical? Thinking about picking up the PS3 version for a change.
Yep, it's pretty close. The 360 version has slightly better image quality and a few more streaming hiccups, but other than that, they are virtually the same. Despite all of the technical problems, it's actually a pretty solid multiplatform release.

One thing of note, and I'm not sure I understand this myself, but tearing seems to vary depending on the display. I let my buddy use my plasma yesterday and I retreated to my smaller Sony CRT for our session. On the plasma using HDMI, I noticed that most of the tearing lines were relegated to the top most portion of the screen (less than an inch from the border) which almost gave the impression of v-sync being enabled. I also noticed this in a couple of videos. On the CRT (using component), however, there was tearing all over the screen. I watched the camera rotate while we each stood in basically the same spot. I don't know WHY this occured, but I found it odd. Perhaps it was a random occurance, but when I tested it, I saw what I described. No clue why this was occuring.

I noticed tearing in both versions when testing, but it's really not a huge deal as the framerate stays much higher than most sandbox games (even the craziest of situations remain quite smooth).

Pretty much, both feature a fair ammount of tearing, but apparantly the 360 version has some rocks that might look slightly lower-res than the PS3 rocks
That's not true. The textures are exactly the same. The 360 version doesn't seem to stream data as fast, however, and will occasionally stutter here and there or load a distant texture slower than the PS3 version. Both games have texture draw-in at points. I didn't see multiplayer in action on 360, but I noticed that draw-in (in general) was MUCH worse while playing CO-OP. In single player, I really never saw anything significant (other than really distant stuff). The texture thing seems to have originated from Gametrailers, but they took a 360 shot before the texture had loaded.


So, I'm now in the mission to get the jet pilot.

I think there's some bug or I'm just stupid, please help me. Have to get 4 bunker busters and I can easily get to them. However, when I do the pick up thing, nothing happens. I did destroy every enemy threat already, but the pilot just doesn't pick up the stuff. Wtf?

And anybody with a PS3, add me: Mezijz


Mesijs said:
So, I'm now in the mission to get the jet pilot.

I think there's some bug or I'm just stupid, please help me. Have to get 4 bunker busters and I can easily get to them. However, when I do the pick up thing, nothing happens. I did destroy every enemy threat already, but the pilot just doesn't pick up the stuff. Wtf?

And anybody with a PS3, add me: Mezijz

I'm not sure I remember this. Do you mean the chopper pilot (the jet pilot doesn't do pickups)? I'm so far along I can't remember how I got them. I think the jet pilot mission just involved going to a heavily guarded fort and calling him in to drop a bunker buster.


I fucking hate how easily factions turn against you. I was trying to help is a fight, shot a rocket, shockwave hit someone, and the entire fucking faction turns against me.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Mesijs said:
So, I'm now in the mission to get the jet pilot.

I think there's some bug or I'm just stupid, please help me. Have to get 4 bunker busters and I can easily get to them. However, when I do the pick up thing, nothing happens. I did destroy every enemy threat already, but the pilot just doesn't pick up the stuff. Wtf?

And anybody with a PS3, add me: Mezijz

This is not very well explained.

Once you mark something to be picked up by the heli pilot, you then have to press up on the dpad and select "helicopter pickup" and throw smoke at the thing you marked.
Mesijs said:
So, I'm now in the mission to get the jet pilot.

I think there's some bug or I'm just stupid, please help me. Have to get 4 bunker busters and I can easily get to them. However, when I do the pick up thing, nothing happens. I did destroy every enemy threat already, but the pilot just doesn't pick up the stuff. Wtf?

If the chopper won't pick up the bunker busters try calling in a supply drop, or calling in a resource pickup and see what happens.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Acid08 said:
I fucking hate how easily factions turn against you. I was trying to help is a fight, shot a rocket, shockwave hit someone, and the entire fucking faction turns against me.
I hate when 10 guys all start talking on the radio about "the guy that got shot in the ass". >_<


newsguy said:
I'm not sure I remember this. Do you mean the chopper pilot (the jet pilot doesn't do pickups)? I'm so far along I can't remember how I got them. I think the jet pilot mission just involved going to a heavily guarded fort and calling him in to drop a bunker buster.

Yeah but I have to pick the busters up first. I select to pick them up with triangle, as you pick up bombs or anything, and the heli doesn't arrive.
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