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The Official Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Thread

dark10x said:
I hate when 10 guys all start talking on the radio about "the guy that got shot in the ass". >_<

I hate when you clear out an area of hostile troops, then some guy way up a mountain or something sees you and start calling it in and you cant see or get to him in time. Easy way to get a chopper though I suppose....


Mesijs said:
Yeah but I have to pick the busters up first. I select to pick them up with triangle, as you pick up bombs or anything, and the heli doesn't arrive.

Ah yes, this has been said a ton of times in the thread cause it's never explained in the game. After hitting tirangle you need to go into your Dpad menu and hit "resource pickup." Do it for everything you need the chopper pilot to pickup.
Blimey, I thought the comparisons to Just Cause were just to do with the setting but the game feels very similar indeed (just with destruction instead of crazy stunts) even down to the Outpost captures. Lucky I loved Just Cause I guess! :D

For some reason the PC version runs fine on my system (Q6600, 4Gb, 8800 GTX) at 1600x900 with water effects off (and motion blur off as I prefer it without). Using a 360 pad is great for vehicles but a real pain in the ass in the middle of an on-foot firefight so I switch to KB&M when I'm on foot and fighting.


newsguy said:
Ah yes, this has been said a ton of times in the thread cause it's never explained in the game. After hitting tirangle you need to go into your Dpad menu and hit "resource pickup." Do it for everything you need the chopper pilot to pickup.
Not necessarily. You can also highlight something for pickup and it'll register that it's been picked up as soon as you leave the area (the item(s) goes off your radar range). So you don't really have to call in at all.


raYne said:
Not necessarily. You can also highlight something for pickup and it'll register that it's been picked up as soon as you leave the area (the item(s) goes off your radar range). So you don't really have to call in at all.

Really? So you can highlight multiple things and they will all register? That would be great for areas where there are tons of things laying around.


newsguy said:
Really? So you can highlight multiple things and they will all register? That would be great for areas where there are tons of things laying around.
I never tried to max it out or anything, but yeah they definitely get picked up.

If you just want to pick up multiple items without trying that method, like if you wanted to stay in the area.. You do know that you can just highlight a bunch of stuff and then call him in and he'll pick up everything in one go, correct?

Acid08 said:
I fucking hate how easily factions turn against you. I was trying to help is a fight, shot a rocket, shockwave hit someone, and the entire fucking faction turns against me.
As I said before, it's not the faction that turns.. just the people in the area/camp where you just killed someone.

The faction itself is never alerted unless someone manages to call in. So you can either kill everyone and the faction won't be the wiser (the safer method) or you can just kill the guy that's calling in and leave the area. In that case, even if you leave people alive it won't affect your faction status.

On a side note, thanks a lot Flunkie!
Flunkie said:
Oh, definitely. You can keep playing after you beat the main story. I'm planning to go through and get all the HVTs tonight.
You can keep playing yes, but if you play until the end where the
goes off, you can't get back into a certan area of the map anymore. So if you missed any HVTs or target buildings there, you won't be able to get to them anymore. :/


The church mission is the toughest one I got, and I'm almost done with the game I guess.
The Tank Buster is a must, but you'll also kill your allies with it... oh well, as long as it gets you through the mission.

I'm now working for the Chinese.. but one of their story missions involves doing something I might regret later on. Should I take care of stuff before accepting the contract?
DustinC said:
I'm kinda early into the game still, at least I think so, but I've got a couple questions regarding factions.

I've done just about everything I can do with the UP, so I'm friendly with them and hostile with one other faction, which I think is that rebel army down towards the south part of the map. I've gone up north when I gained the jet pilot, but I've yet to see any option to do missions for the pirates up there.

So my questions: Outside of bribes, how do I get my rebel army faction back to neutral? Do I just blow the hell out of the UP guys now until it goes back up?

When do I unlock the Pirate faction? Do I just need to keep checking with Fiona?

Bribing is not the only option! Check the map on your PDA- all of those turquoise triangles are associated with a specific faction, and they're either HVTs to capture/kill or buildings to destroy. One you put the reticle over one of them and press X/A, it will tell you which faction it's for. Just kill some HVTs that the rebels want dead and they should like you again. You can keep checking their opinion of you in the INFO pane on your pda.


Huggy said:
The church mission is the toughest one I got, and I'm almost done with the game I guess.
The Tank Buster is a must, but you'll also kill your allies with it... oh well, as long as it gets you through the mission.
Not really.

I'm now working for the Chinese.. but one of their story missions involves doing something I might regret later on. Should I take care of stuff before accepting the contract?
Yes. Especially if it's something like HVT hunting or target buildings for the reason I've mentioned earlier.

In terms of the sory however, you either have to choose one or the other. Whatever party you team up with, the other will be dealt with as a result. Which makes completing whatever last mission they had impossible.

notjackbauer said:
Bribing is not the only option! Check the map on your PDA- all of those turquoise triangles are associated with a specific faction, and they're either HVTs to capture/kill or buildings to destroy. One you put the reticle over one of them and press X/A, it will tell you which faction it's for. Just kill some HVTs that the rebels want dead and they should like you again. You can keep checking their opinion of you in the INFO pane on your pda.
This only works if you started doing missions for them in the first place. Which is the only time you get the lists.

They can very well be hostile to you before you do that (most likely your fault). In that case, bribing is the only option.


raYne said:
This only works if you started doing missions for them in the first place. Which is the only time you get the lists.

They can very well be hostile to you before you do that (most likely your fault). In that case, bribing is the only option.

Ah yeah, I should have picked this up before I started with the UP I suppose. Bribes it is I guess, thanks for the help NJB and Rayne.
I encountered a glitch during the jet/bombing run trials that got me back up to neutral with UP. They were hostile when I spawned to do the bombing missions and ran up the hill shooting at me, I just ignored them and finished the challenge. When I blew everything up for some reason it bumped me up to "neutral" status with UP. :D


I just keep getting bored by this game, and I think I've already played it... mercenaries 1.

Seriously, there is no difference at all between this and 1, and I mean AT ALL. Gameplay-wise the step from GTA3 to Vice City was for example a lot bigger. Mercs2 didn't improve anything and lets down in this way.

I expected a lot from this game but it's the same boring missions all over again, the same broken combat system that's rather ridiculously easy or lets you die by 1 rocket.

And they just put too much side-bullshit into it. They should have focused on the destruction gameplay and just give you all the insane shit to blow everything up. Now you have to do some dull searching stuff and whatever more to get new weapons. The should have rethought the whole mechanic completely but they didn't... as they didn't rethink the game at all in any way. That's quite embarassing to me.


Javaman said:
Is there a way to rearm or repair helicopters?

Land it at a friendly faction (preferably an outpost if you don't want to do the main storyline) and go inside to talk to whoever is the leader of the outpost. When you come out you'll find your chopper at the helipad like new.


GOTY 2008! Any reviewer who gave this game a score below 70 is a moron!

edit: Well almost. The repetitive dialog in this game is a mindblowingly stupid design decision. I don't need to be reminded every couple of minutes that I can come back to base if I'm, nor do I need a fucking description of an area every time I enter it (plus a million other overused dialog). This really needs to be fixed, because I wanna strangle Fiona.


I severely doubt the integrity of the gameclock.

It says I've been gaming for 64 hours, and I only have it a week. That's 9 hours a day. Right.


Pimpbaa said:
GOTY 2008! Any reviewer who gave this game a score below 70 is a moron!

edit: Well almost. The repetitive dialog in this game is a mindblowingly stupid design decision. I don't need to be reminded every couple of minutes that I can come back to base if I'm, nor do I need a fucking description of an area every time I enter it (plus a million other overused dialog). This really needs to be fixed, because I wanna strangle Fiona.
Or you're a moron?

No, seriously, the amount of errors this game makes is too vast to write down. It could have been so much better in every aspect, that's quite sad. I'm a reviewer and I most probably will give it a 6 but will play some more first.
Mesijs said:
Or you're a moron?

No, seriously, the amount of errors this game makes is too vast to write down. It could have been so much better in every aspect, that's quite sad. I'm a reviewer and I most probably will give it a 6 but will play some more first.

I'd give it a 7. Am I a moron too? :lol Game has problems but still fun game.


I have the PS3 version and I bought a copy for me and my buddy to play co-op. Couldn't play with my friend or random people.

FYI: I already called customer service and they have said that it is a problem and they are working on a patch.


Huggy said:
I severely doubt the integrity of the gameclock.

It says I've been gaming for 64 hours, and I only have it a week. That's 9 hours a day. Right.
Where do you go to look for that (your playtime)?


Trucker Sexologist
Mesijs said:
I just keep getting bored by this game, and I think I've already played it... mercenaries 1.

Seriously, there is no difference at all between this and 1, and I mean AT ALL. Gameplay-wise the step from GTA3 to Vice City was for example a lot bigger. Mercs2 didn't improve anything and lets down in this way.

I expected a lot from this game but it's the same boring missions all over again, the same broken combat system that's rather ridiculously easy or lets you die by 1 rocket.

And they just put too much side-bullshit into it. They should have focused on the destruction gameplay and just give you all the insane shit to blow everything up. Now you have to do some dull searching stuff and whatever more to get new weapons. The should have rethought the whole mechanic completely but they didn't... as they didn't rethink the game at all in any way. That's quite embarassing to me.
I'd definitely pay to play Mercs 1 HD, as I enjoyed the original more than anything in the GTA series. Just not $60.


This game is just so much FUN.

Me and Aladuf did the church tonight with almost all of its health left, by the way. You just have to plan right.


Flunkie said:
This game is just so much FUN.

Me and Aladuf did the church tonight with almost all of its health left, by the way. You just have to plan right.
Yeah that ended up being really easy, but my god when we were verifying
and the game crashed leaving us to redo the mission pissed me off.


Gekko87 said:
I have the PS3 version and I bought a copy for me and my buddy to play co-op. Couldn't play with my friend or random people.

FYI: I already called customer service and they have said that it is a problem and they are working on a patch.

I played co op on PS3 the other day.

Unfortunately I didn't find this game much fun, so I sent it back to gamerang already for NHL 09. Can't try it out with you, sorry.


Mesijs said:
Or you're a moron?

No, seriously, the amount of errors this game makes is too vast to write down. It could have been so much better in every aspect, that's quite sad. I'm a reviewer and I most probably will give it a 6 but will play some more first.

No, you and people that think this deserves a 6.


FTWer said:
Well seems that the shooting is mediocre in this game & that is a very large part of the game...

It's a 3rd person shooter. You point at something and shoot. What is wrong with it?


raYne said:
Options -> Manage Saves.
Thanks! It says that I've played for over 24 hours in the past 8 days... somehow I doubt that, but who knows.
FTWer said:
Well seems that the shooting is mediocre in this game & that is a very large part of the game...
The shooting is fine. Blowing shit up with a shitload of vehicles and bombs is fine. The game, for the most part, is very fun and satisfying.

What's not fine are the countless bugs and glitches, the lack of explanation for many things, forgetting to have a comprehensive garage system and new-game+ and several other things.

Also, big question for people who've beaten the game:
I've heard you either nuke the allies or the chinese at the very end. If that's true, if I, for example, nuke the chinese, do I lose the ability to purchase items from their shop?
I'd really like to know ASAP because I'm renting it and would like to get as far as possible, while acquiring as large a supply selection as possible, for a probable purchase in the future at a discounted price.
Mesijs said:
I just keep getting bored by this game, and I think I've already played it... mercenaries 1.

Seriously, there is no difference at all between this and 1, and I mean AT ALL. Gameplay-wise the step from GTA3 to Vice City was for example a lot bigger. Mercs2 didn't improve anything and lets down in this way.

I expected a lot from this game but it's the same boring missions all over again, the same broken combat system that's rather ridiculously easy or lets you die by 1 rocket.

And they just put too much side-bullshit into it. They should have focused on the destruction gameplay and just give you all the insane shit to blow everything up. Now you have to do some dull searching stuff and whatever more to get new weapons. The should have rethought the whole mechanic completely but they didn't... as they didn't rethink the game at all in any way. That's quite embarassing to me.

Wait! What? How is this just like Mercs 1? The setting, for starters, is completely different, and changes the feel of the game to a degree. The options for finding bombs in the field, and the need for fuel is a new dimension, requiring resource management to a a degree. Putting together your own team for a helicopter and jet pilot, along with the mechanic adds a new dynamic to the game, and the factions that you deal with are also new and different. There are new vehicles, weapons, and attack methods, and a number of other additions to the game, not to mention the ability to completely destroy just about anything in the world.

I played, and loved Mercs 1, and I'm enjoying the hell out of Mercs 2. There are plenty of differences between the two.


Unlimited Capacity
lol@ shooting at something to kill or destroy it. around these parts, we wench cars with choppers and toss them at outpost WITH PEOPLE STILL IN THEM, and then we crash land the chopper on a gas tanker to blow up whatever else was left.
Duck said:
Also, big question for people who've beaten the game:
I've heard you either nuke the allies or the chinese at the very end. If that's true, if I, for example, nuke the chinese, do I lose the ability to purchase items from their shop?
I'd really like to know ASAP because I'm renting it and would like to get as far as possible, while acquiring as large a supply selection as possible, for a probable purchase in the future at a discounted price.

You don't nuke either side, that's some untruthful rumors,
you will come to the point were you work for one side or the other and you loose the others shops and missions
its very late in the game though, something like the last two missions.


_tetsuo_ said:
lol@ shooting at something to kill or destroy it. around these parts, we wench cars with choppers and toss them at outpost WITH PEOPLE STILL IN THEM, and then we crash land the chopper on a gas tanker to blow up whatever else was left.
:lol that's beautiful.


Is it just me or does this game get pretty hard when you get to the China vs. USA missions? I've hopped onto the wagon, and I just started on the mission where you have to
destroy the UP buildings
. That mission is pretty hard imo., any tips?

And seriously, the tank busters are crap. I find that most strikes that goes off by throwing smoke are crap. How do you hit a tank with a smoke bacon when it moves around all the time >.<


FINALLY beat the church mission on my 11th attempt, the church had 1 bar left, and i was lucky because for some reason the two enemy tanks were messed up, clipping each other and unable to shoot.. phew


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Wait! What? How is this just like Mercs 1? The setting, for starters, is completely different, and changes the feel of the game to a degree.

Of course the setting is different but really doesn't feel that much different. It's not a feeling as different as Vice City compared to 3 managed to achieve for example. It's only a but sunnier (but that's also due to the amount of fog in part 1...) but doesn't give it another vibe in any way.

The options for finding bombs in the field, and the need for fuel is a new dimension, requiring resource management to a a degree.

It just gives you more bullshit to worry about. Mercs2 shouldn't be a game AT ALL about resource management. It doesn't give a new dimension, it just adds needless bullshit. Its dumb to put resource management in your game when you want the player to blow everything up.

Putting together your own team for a helicopter and jet pilot, along with the mechanic adds a new dynamic to the game, and the factions that you deal with are also new and different.

It's not 'putting together your own team'. You just do missions and get some guys and keep on playing... The could have done the same without the team, it's just an excuse to limit you a bit and give you some more missions. It's not even a game mechanic.

There are new vehicles, weapons, and attack methods, and a number of other additions to the game, not to mention the ability to completely destroy just about anything in the world.

The only real new thing is indeed the destroying of everything and I love it. But the factions just got other names (of course, no NK in Venezuela...) and the vehicles are just a quantity-wise thing.

I played, and loved Mercs 1, and I'm enjoying the hell out of Mercs 2. There are plenty of differences between the two.

I really don't see them. The things you mention either add more of what was already in Mercs (like the resource management) or are just same things with new names or just some more... Just look at the gameplay, it's the same. If you compare it with the evolution that GTA makes every part, it's embarassing.

And don't say 'if it's not broken, don't fix it', because there are A LOT of things they could have improved, especially because it's a new generation of consoles.

Double D

Just started the game last night. I'm playing the PC version with mouse/keyboard and feel like I need to be playing with a 360 controller. The mouse just doesn't feel right for this game. Anyways, I think I only played like the first two missions, and am finding it pretty fun so far. I had my expectations in check, and I never played the original, so that probably has some bearing on that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Gekko87 said:
I have the PS3 version and I bought a copy for me and my buddy to play co-op. Couldn't play with my friend or random people.

FYI: I already called customer service and they have said that it is a problem and they are working on a patch.
That's odd. I played online CO-OP with the PS3 version for 6 hours the other day with a friend of mine. It worked extremely well for the most part.


Anybody who wants some co-op, please add me on PSN: Mezijz

Other thread about it seems pretty dead...

I hope I'll be liking it a bit more when I played more, but I'm quite some hours in and don't think my opinion will change.

By the way that church missions that everybody talks about, that's when you first have to destroy the 3 buildings and then protect the church? If so, it wasn't hard at all for me. Died one time by a tank but just detroyed/hijacked the tanks.
Mesijs said:
Anybody who wants some co-op, please add me on PSN: Mezijz

Other thread about it seems pretty dead...

I hope I'll be liking it a bit more when I played more, but I'm quite some hours in and don't think my opinion will change.

By the way that church missions that everybody talks about, that's when you first have to destroy the 3 buildings and then protect the church? If so, it wasn't hard at all for me. Died one time by a tank but just detroyed/hijacked the tanks.

I think you friended me yesterday - psn = trimble. We should tear it up some more together, maybe you'll like it more. Co-Op is really fun, but i've barely scratched the surface.
Mesijs - I couldn't disagree more.

Mesijs said:
Of course the setting is different but really doesn't feel that much different. It's not a feeling as different as Vice City compared to 3 managed to achieve for example. It's only a but sunnier (but that's also due to the amount of fog in part 1...) but doesn't give it another vibe in any way.

The big change in the setting is the addition of water, boats and oil rigs. That changes things up quite a bit IMO. Its also nice to see vibrant colors in contrast to the bleak as hell North Korean setting from the first game.

Mesijs said:
It just gives you more bullshit to worry about. Mercs2 shouldn't be a game AT ALL about resource management. It doesn't give a new dimension, it just adds needless bullshit. Its dumb to put resource management in your game when you want the player to blow everything up.

Scattering munitions and money around the map rewards exploration, which is a must in an open world game. It also saves you many and gives you access to airstrikes that wouldn't be otherwise available, especially if you've pissed off the faction that sells them.

Mesijs said:
It's not 'putting together your own team'. You just do missions and get some guys and keep on playing... The could have done the same without the team, it's just an excuse to limit you a bit and give you some more missions. It's not even a game mechanic.

This I agree with for the most part. But the crew missions are just there to ratchet up the scale.

Mesijs said:
The only real new thing is indeed the destroying of everything and I love it. But the factions just got other names (of course, no NK in Venezuela...) and the vehicles are just a quantity-wise thing.

Destruction was always there. I think the only real changes are that trees aren't indestructible anymore :) And now there are larger structures to blow up with even larger munitions. The vehicle choices DO matter though. Using a vehicle of the same faction as the one you're attacking gives you all kinds of benefits, from scouting, to surprise attacks to easy exfiltrations. Play some more co-op and you'll see the differences between each type of vehicle - some are better for solo play, others are better for co-op, some are more armored, can drive right up mountains, etc.

Mesijs said:
I really don't see them. The things you mention either add more of what was already in Mercs (like the resource management) or are just same things with new names or just some more... Just look at the gameplay, it's the same. If you compare it with the evolution that GTA makes every part, it's embarassing.

It does have new mechanics. Oil as a really destructive resource. Alarm systems, and reporting for backup - those are new. Also the outpost systems feels new anyway - but I'm not sure how new that really is. But since taking outposts not only changes the faction controlling the area, it also affects their opposition - what areas of the map are now mired in conflict, and which areas are closed off with barricades, mine fields and the like.

Mesijs said:
And don't say 'if it's not broken, don't fix it', because there are A LOT of things they could have improved, especially because it's a new generation of consoles.

Just about everything was improved, but they did take a step back in controls. Dropping artillery was a lot easier in the first game - in part 2 you have to stand still, right on top of your target, bring up your support options and select it. All the while you're probably getting shot and/or rocketed. Worst change to the game imo.

But one last bit too that I still think everybody misses. You can just run around blowing everything sky high - but you can also play the game tactically. Managing factions and being cost effective in your missions. Planning strategies with your co-op buddies. At least that how I play - its a great game for you to find your own fun.
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