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The Official Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Thread

Pimpbaa said:
I am going to play Jen. I can't see the benefit of being anyone else!

Heh, come to think of it, I think I'll do the same. I played through the first mercs as Jen and have been sort of regretting picking Mattias for that reason.

Gone through a bit more of it (just stole the villa) and it could be just because I'm so early in the game, but it feels a lot more cinematic than the first one. Overall the earlier impressions were pretty accurate; if you liked the first mercs, you'll definitely like this. Haven't tried out the co-op yet, but I'll probably be doing some of that later.


Just picked it up and I'm watching my bro play through the beginning. Even after watching all the vids, it's better looking than I expected as I went in with low expectations. Merc 1.1 level expectations, heh.

Bushes etc look like shit though. :lol The hazy heat effect from running engines is pretty bad as well.

Is it just me, or does this game have the slowest moving projectile weapons ever? I mean, you can literally watch bullets/rockets fly by you like they're in slow motion..

Peronthious said:
Just shoved it in the 360 and the first bit is loading now. Is anyone going to be playing someone besides Mattias? I can't really see the benefit of being anyone else.
Jen, as always. No one else matters.
Played a bit with the 360 versions. AI is decent at best but I'm okay with that. Bug-wise, I stumbled upon one with the 'toolbox' mini-game where I dropped it from a couple of hundred meters and it got stuck in the ground, I had to play around with it to get it unstuck.

Otherwise, it seems to be a fun game where you blow shit up. Nothing original or groundbreaking, but blowing shit up is fun and that's what I want in a game. Fun.

the pink bike
got me laughing so hard.
Brillantly hidden behind the tank so that the icon would show on it instead of the pink bike.
Kudos for that awesome joke.


It's been said before, but the Devastator is awesome. :O

"One less VC soldier!" & "Tell Solano and Cormona to send more troops! x100



Any reports on how the netcode is? Does the second player have laggy controls ala Crackdown? Is there any type of "bullet lag" or similar? This is a pretty big dealbreaker for me as I was planning to play coop with a few friends who are in different countries.


Sectus said:
Any reports on how the netcode is? Does the second player have laggy controls ala Crackdown? Is there any type of "bullet lag" or similar? This is a pretty big dealbreaker for me as I was planning to play coop with a few friends who are in different countries.
Twah? I've played with players across the ocean (US to Europe) and never had that happen on either side. No matter the host.

As for this, haven't tried yet.


raYne said:
Twah? I've played with players across the ocean (US to Europe) and never had that happen on either side. No matter the host.

As for this, haven't tried yet.
Were you the host or not in those matches? I've only played Crackdown once (where the host was in USA and I'm in Europe), and there definitely was lag to everything I did. The host played it flawlessly though.


I know this won't be too helpful because the person I played with lives in my city, but I played about an hour of lagless co-op last night and it was crazy fun.
Just finished up the listening post mission and got killed by a building that I swear has infinitely spawning RPG guys in the windows. Bombed it twice and the buildings and vehicles around it went boom, but not it. Got around it eventually, but damn that was frustrating.


Sectus said:
Were you the host or not in those matches? I've only played Crackdown once (where the host was in USA and I'm in Europe), and there definitely was lag to everything I did. The host played it flawlessly though.

raYne said:
Twah? I've played with players across the ocean (US to Europe) and never had that happen on either side. No matter the host.

As for this, haven't tried yet.
See bolded.

I've played with a handful of people multiple times with hosting duties shared depending on what we were planning to do (DLC or not). There's probably been one time out of, maybe, 15 games where we had noticeable lag. And even then it didn't last that long and worked itself out.
Um, played with Spudbud for a bit. We jacked an armoured van for to escort a dude and one dude near us who was on our side blew it up. Ok. Then we finally steal it, drive it to the dropoff, the door is shut and as the gates start to rise a rocket comes out at us and kills us. WTF is going on?


robut said:
Um, played with Spudbud for a bit. We jacked an armoured van for to escort a dude and one dude near us who was on our side blew it up. Ok. Then we finally steal it, drive it to the dropoff, the door is shut and as the gates start to rise a rocket comes out at us and kills us. WTF is going on?
I don't know if it applies, but if it's an enemy vehicle and you're disguised then they would fire at you.

Unless it's a glitch. In which case, lolers.


Add me to the 360 list:


Just got back with that and 50% off Eternal Sonata (bunch of discounts+ employee discount).

EDIT: What if two people play with the same character?


I'm loving this game. More of the same old Mercs gameplay, but honestly, that's all I wanted.

The freedom to beat missions any way you want is much appreciated.


robut said:
I was just playing with spud and we were both chris.
Gotta say despite the headaches playing co-op WAS a lot of fun.
*shrug* The previews said the joining player had to choose a character that wasn't being used.

Co-op is easy as can be. As soon as you launch your game, it connects to EA's servers. Your settings allow anyone, friends, or invitees only to join your game. There's no waiting on the host's part. You play and when people come in, they pop in. When they leave, they're gone. Simple as that. Those choosing to join someone else's game pick a character not being played by the host (Mattias Nilsson, Chris Jacobs, or Jennifer Mui) and hop on in.


raYne said:
See bolded.

I've played with a handful of people multiple times with hosting duties shared depending on what we were planning to do (DLC or not). There's probably been one time out of, maybe, 15 games where we had noticeable lag. And even then it didn't last that long and worked itself out.
Well, that's odd then. There was definitely noticable input lag in the game I played. Playing singleplayer afterwards was a gigantic difference, I could suddenly aim and jump around without trouble.
JB1981 said:
so the ps3 version is buyable?

i actually want to play this game.

yup. The online is very solid so far. My friend and I played for 5 hours without any problems. Definitely worth playing in co-op. Framerate is pretty good as well. A lot of fun so far.

It's a good game.


robut said:
I was just playing with spud and we were both chris.
Gotta say despite the headaches playing co-op WAS a lot of fun.

Good. Played as Chris in the first game, doing the same here. Miss that hat though.


oooohhhh kaaaayyy...

Had to reset my date to 11/15/2005 and it works.


Whatever. It works. Let's do this.
(DJ Brannon)


1. Is this worth buying? I love Sandbox games if they are FUN. I loved Just Cause, loved Crackdown, hated GTA4. Played a very, very little of the original Mercenaries and thought it was alright but didn't get far. Oh and I hate frustrating sandbox games where you die and have to redo a ton of mission over (aka why I hate GTA).

2. Which version is better if you don't care about achievements/online? Which one just runs/looks better?
Bebpo said:
1. Is this worth buying? I love Sandbox games if they are FUN. I loved Just Cause, loved Crackdown, hated GTA4. Played a very, very little of the original Mercenaries and thought it was alright but didn't get far. Oh and I hate frustrating sandbox games where you die and have to redo a ton of mission over (aka why I hate GTA).

No, it sucks, Mercs is fail, don't buy it; hell just read the thread, that's what all the posts point to.

Or you could actually read the thread and find that all of your questions are answered already =P

Seriously, though, Mercs is a blast if you're into sandbox games that let you just go around and blow shit up. In my experience, there's so much to do and mess around with that I haven't had any problem with the last issue you bring up.

El_TigroX said:
I've had the game since last week, but have been away from my house since Friday - I saw that someone mentioned that there was a patch for the game when he started up...

Can anyone confirm this?

I'd be interested to see what they patched from the pre-release version I was playing last week to now. I will be back home tomorrow and want to see if there is a big difference in the amount of bugs.

Aye, there's a patch. Dunno what it fixed, though; I didn't play it prior to the patch.

Just got Eva's car and it is
fucking awesome.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
I've had the game since last week, but have been away from my house since Friday - I saw that someone mentioned that there was a patch for the game when he started up...

Can anyone confirm this?

I'd be interested to see what they patched from the pre-release version I was playing last week to now. I will be back home tomorrow and want to see if there is a big difference in the amount of bugs.


Bebpo said:
1. Is this worth buying? I love Sandbox games if they are FUN. I loved Just Cause, loved Crackdown, hated GTA4. Played a very, very little of the original Mercenaries and thought it was alright but didn't get far. Oh and I hate frustrating sandbox games where you die and have to redo a ton of mission over (aka why I hate GTA).
If you like blowing a ton of stuff up it's great. It's got a linear structure to it without feeling like super linear. Plus nothing is too hard or frustrating and if you die there seems to be a checkpoint system involved if you die in missions so you don't have to do the entire thing over again like in GTA4.

Can anyone confirm this?
Yeah there definitely was a patch at least with the 360 version. Couldn't tell you what it did or didn't do though.
Picked the game up today, and spent the afternoon playing. The game isn't as polished as GTA IV by any means, but it's been a lot more fun for me so far. I haven't seen any major glitches or bugs at all either. Graphics are much better than the early reports were letting on. Of course they aren't the prettiest you've seen this generation, but when you start blowing everything up, you forget all about it.

Only downside is that it seems pretty short.


duffey said:
If you like blowing a ton of stuff up it's great. It's got a linear structure to it without feeling like super linear. Plus nothing is too hard or frustrating and if you die there seems to be a checkpoint system involved if you die in missions so you don't have to do the entire thing over again like in GTA4.

Thanks. That sounds like the kind of game I enjoy. Will try to grab it later today probably. Need a break from slow repetitive rpgs, and nothing is better for that than blowing shit up.


_tetsuo_ said:
i just impulse bought this, lol

Same here; I had a 10%-off coupon at Best Buy... so, why not?

So far its fun, but damn are the visuals unimpressive. Mostly I bought it because I find that I keep playing GTA4 over and over and over, just to drive around aimlessly and shoot up some shit. Sounded like this was my kind of game.
I think this game is a great rental, but I'm not sure how much lasting appeal it will have. I have played for maybe ~5 hours or so, maybe less, and the game says I'm near 50% complete. That is pretty damn short for an open world game.

I am enjoying it for the most part, but I do wish there was a jet or something I could fly. Helicopters are so slow, which is a problem considering how massive the world is.
Linkzg said:
I think this game is a great rental, but I'm not sure how much lasting appeal it will have. I have played for maybe ~5 hours or so, maybe less, and the game says I'm near 50% complete. That is pretty damn short for an open world game.

I am enjoying it for the most part, but I do wish there was a jet or something I could fly. Helicopters are so slow, which is a problem considering how massive the world is.

I've played for maybe 3 hours and it says I'm 28.5% complete or something. Feels like it's moving along very quickly as well, but I haven't done a lot of the side stuff yet. I've captured two of the HVT's so far, and have only found a few of the items and cash that are laying about. There are a lot of things to discover and the world encourages exploration to say the least.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
I've played for maybe 3 hours and it says I'm 28.5% complete or something. Feels like it's moving along very quickly as well, but I haven't done a lot of the side stuff yet. I've captured two of the HVT's so far, and have only found a few of the items and cash that are laying about. There are a lot of things to discover and the world encourages exploration to say the least.

I was just coming in here to say the same thing... I am at the same progress as you (just got the mechanic), and I basically have done jack shit as far as doing all the little side missions. There are 55 HVT's to capture, random piles of money/oil to collect, and also buildings that have been identified to destroy, plus finding spare parts lying around to construct new vehicles. There is a ton of side stuff to do. I have a feeling that the scripted story line maybe short, but to get 100 % is going to take at least 20-30 hours.

Not only that, but Venezula is huge and there is always skirmishes going on between factions (on the side that are always fun to either watch, or help out in). This island is going to be fun to explore.

Let me also say that at 28%, I don't have any air strikes (except for one I was loaned), and maybe have 1 tank in my drop arsenal as well... In reality I have probably only done 10% of the game in 3 hours played.
Kingpen said:
I was just coming in here to say the same thing... I am at the same progress as you (just got the mechanic), and I basically have done jack shit as far as doing all the little side missions. There are 55 HVT's to capture, random piles of money/oil to collect, and also buildings that have been identified to destroy, plus finding spare parts lying around to construct new vehicles. There is a ton of side stuff to do. I have a feeling that the scripted story line maybe short, but to get 100 % is going to take at least 20-30 hours.

Yep. Just got the mechanic too. Exactly the same spot. While driving around in that crazy vehicle she had, I kept thinking that I would have to come back to that area later to collect all the stuff, and drive some more vehicles around the strip mine. Awesome area! :)


Kingpen said:
I was just coming in here to say the same thing... I am at the same progress as you (just got the mechanic), and I basically have done jack shit as far as doing all the little side missions. There are 55 HVT's to capture, random piles of money/oil to collect, and also buildings that have been identified to destroy, plus finding spare parts lying around to construct new vehicles. There is a ton of side stuff to do. I have a feeling that the scripted story line maybe short, but to get 100 % is going to take at least 20-30 hours.

Not only that, but Venezula is huge and there is always skirmishes going on between factions (on the side that are always fun to either watch, or help out in). This island is going to be fun to explore.

Most of what I did in Mercenaries 1 was earn money and fight with different factions, then move on to the main sections. It really is fun to mess around in Mercs.


I am on an early mission for the oil company, trying to deliver the three sound posts, but when I drop the smoke grenade to mark where the helicopter should drop the item, it keeps telling me I need to drop the smoke grenade 'closer to the marker.' I have dropped a smoke grenade about twenty times..?

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
lawblob said:
I am on an early mission for the oil company, trying to deliver the three sound posts, but when I drop the smoke grenade to mark where the helicopter should drop the item, it keeps telling me I need to drop the smoke grenade 'closer to the marker.' I have dropped a smoke grenade about twenty times..?

Yeah. :( That bug happened to a few people... I think a guy on one of the first pages mentioned it... just keep trying.

This is one of my biggest complaints with all the little bugs... the bugs that prevent the game from recognizing you did something.
I really don't understand... how is this game any different from the original version that came out on PS2 and Xbox?

It seems like it's the same game with better explosions...
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