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The Official Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Thread


Median said:
I must admit, I giggled a bit when I jumped off of a motorcycle today only to see it keep rolling, hit an incline, then jump off a cliff. Not sure what was so enjoyable about it, but it was great.
Speaking of which..

Must try to place C4 on bike and jump over the wall of an enemy base. Jumping off in mid-air and setting it off once it reaches the target. :D

HD Here


Lotsa tearing on the triple in that comparison vid. Is the Ps3 version missing blur too....?

Agent: does the ps3 version have motion blur?
Mr. Durden said:
Overall I like the color more in the 360 version. But the water and textures are better in the PS3 version. However, I noticed tearing in the PS3 version.
Yeah, I definitely saw that too and for me that's the most annoying shit ever. It's probably in both, but it seemed far more prevelent in the PS3 version in that comparo.

EDIT: Note especially that scene where he drops the grenade in the tank, it seems almost so awful that its unbelievable.
JB1981 said:
Lotsa tearing on the triple in that comparison vid. Is the Ps3 version missing blur too....?

Agent: does the ps3 version have motion blur?

Playstation3 DOES HAVE motion blur and looks identical to the 360 version
GitarooMan said:
So it doesn't have more screen tearing? (as the video seems to clearly indicate)

From my 2 hours or so of hands on time, I never once said to myself, "oh shit, there's tearing all over the place!"

Honestly, there's no more tearing in Mercs2 than there is in your average, non-vsync, game


lol @ the PS3 screen tearing in the video. Why the hell is it tearing madly in that indoor scene? The environment is completely plain and barren, no heavy details whatsoever.


One thing about these comparison vids is, while my PS3 games always look less 'contrasty' than the 360 version (360 has an exaggerated gamma curve, ps3 has a proper one), they NEVER look as washed out as they look in the GT comparos.

Still .. shame that the game has so much tearing on the triple.
Well, maybe a better comparision is the 360 and PS3 version of Battlefield: Bad Company then
...sure there was more tearing in the PS3 version, but barely and never prevented me from enjoying the game's visuals. See Uncharted

But as I said in other threads, I'm also a PC gamer who's been leaving Vsync off for more than a decade now


AgentOtaku said:
Well, maybe a better comparision is the 360 and PS3 version of Battlefield: Bad Company then
...sure there was more tearing in the PS3 version, but barely and never prevented me from enjoying the game's visuals. See Uncharted

But as I said in other threads, I'm also a PC gamer who's been leaving Vsync off for more than a decade now
So I watched the video again, and seriously people, if THAT amount of tearing bothers you....then wow

You make it sounded like it was Prey levels of tearing or something


AgentOtaku said:
So I watched the video again, and seriously people, if THAT amount of tearing bothers you....then wow

You make it sounded like it was Prey levels of tearing or something

the tearing was basically present throughout the entirety of the tank sequence .....


PS3 no AA
XBOX360 maybe 2xmsaa?? or 4xAA + some kind of post-proces effect or just blur at distance

i think Xbox version is better


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
BeeDog said:
lol @ the PS3 screen tearing in the video. Why the hell is it tearing madly in that indoor scene? The environment is completely plain and barren, no heavy details whatsoever.

Tearing has nothing to do with details...


Sinatar said:
Tearing has nothing to do with details...

O rly? I always thought tearing is a side-effect of letting the framerate reach higher numbers, and details in the environment is what would cause the tearing. And there are no real details in that closed off part, compared to the other environments shown in the video.


And I've noticed tearing in that version, too. :p Though I've played for over an hour and only noticed it like the one time.

No excuse for it though, the game DOES look PS-two-y. Granted, I found myself forgiving that a little as trees, fences, bushes destructed all around me, but damn... I swear Just Cause, an early 360 game and PS2 port, looked better than this.

And what's with the voice samples? Christ, if I hear one more comment about an AK-47, I'm really going to shoot someone.

Still, I couldn't help but smile upon calling in my first air strike, and the tank sequences have me laughing giddily out loud.

This game is definitely rough around the edges--shamefully so--but I will have fun with it.

P.S. My little Aussie radio operator sounds cute. ;)
PS2 level graphics?? Are we playing the same game? Seriously, the graphics aren't the best this gen, but they are still well ahead of last gen, and for an open world game where everything is destructible, I think it looks pretty damn good.

Also, there are tons of little touches that are nice and some fun physics going on. For instance, I was in the middle of a fire fight and shot out the stake holding down a rope that was keeping a pile of pipes in place. The pipes then rolled down and crushed a couple of bad guys. Definitely a cool moment.

Also, I finished off a mission, with a helicopter in hot pursuit at the time. I got the contract complete message, accepted my payout, and I figured that was that. I drove off looking for some new things to do, and noticed that the helicopter was still following me! Just because the mission was done for me, doesn't mean it was over for him! :lol I had to take him out to get him off my tail.

Fun stuff!


DMPrince said:

Both are ugly but the rock is blurred on 360 ;o

Doesnt look like that in motion anyway.

Man are "car missles" fun to use. Especially when loaded with allies. Full speed, find the right angle, hit it and jump out mid air.


AgentOtaku said:
So I watched the video again, and seriously people, if THAT amount of tearing bothers you....then wow

You make it sounded like it was Prey levels of tearing or something
^^When this man speaks of PS3 versions of games, I listen^^ I trust AgentOtaku when he breaks down the PS3 version of a multiplatform game. I share the same concerns he does, from how well the PS3 version of a multiplatform game looks and runs, if any features may have been cut out, if (especially if) fps or third person shooters on the triple have shooting mapped to the dreaded R2 (please tell me it's R1 for Mercs 2?) Impressions seem pretty solid on this, now I just need the money:D
Played a couple hours of co-op last night. It's a damn fun game single player, but co-op takes it to another level. The seamless integration is awesome, my buddy didn't even know I had joined his game till I jumped in car with him. I wish it would spawn more enemies or increase the difficulty though, it's almost to easy with two people.

Saw another hilarious glitch, a motorcycle was coming down the street with noone driving it, steering and everything, lol. Also these two VZ jeeps had rolled a UP truck over, they drove right up to it and kept shooting till it blew all three of them up, was hilarious. It also froze once loading a mission.

Game just keeps getting better though as you get more into it.
fps fanatic said:
^^When this man speaks of PS3 versions of games, I listen^^ I trust AgentOtaku when he breaks down the PS3 version of a multiplatform game. I share the same concerns he does, from how well the PS3 version of a multiplatform game looks and runs, if any features may have been cut out, if (especially if) fps or third person shooters on the triple have shooting mapped to the dreaded R2 (please tell me it's R1 for Mercs 2?) Impressions seem pretty solid on this, now I just need the money:D


here's the controls...R1 is mapped to fire

Though, I've actually gotten over my days of loathing R2 fire. I've gotten used to actually (thanks to extensively playing GTAIV)


AgentOtaku said:

here's the controls...R1 is mapped to fire

Though, I've actually gotten over my days of loathing R2 fire. I've gotten used to actually (thanks to extensively playing GTAIV)
Yeah baby! Damn, I hate being broke. This game looks like it could be a nice time waster till the other big hitters start coming out. I just had to pick up a new game so I ended up getting Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Greatest Hits price with original packaging, can't beat that!) But I still have some Gamestop credit and this game looks like a lot of fun. What to do....


Does anyone know how to capture/pick up tanks with your transport heli so you can deploy them for future situations (like gasoline, munitions, etc)? Or is that not possible?
That Eurogamer review is horrendous. Calling the game devoid of excitement and personality is the absolute most incorrect thing you could say about it. Maybe they were accidentally playing GTA4.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
BobJustBob said:
That Eurogamer review is horrendous. Calling the game devoid of excitement and personality is the absolute most incorrect thing you could say about it. Maybe they were accidentally playing GTA4.

Devoid of excitement? Shit everywhere is rigged to explode, everytime my friend and I raided an enemy compound it was like world war fucking 3.

Jaded reviewers need to take some time off from gaming.
Sinatar said:
Devoid of excitement? Shit everywhere is rigged to explode, everytime my friend and I raided an enemy compound it was like world war fucking 3.

Jaded reviewers need to take some time off from gaming.

I dunno I think ppl with low standards should quit gaming. I mean all that destruction just does not feel dynamic it seems like things just crumble in the same way each time. It got repetitve IMO. The game still pretty fun but a definate rental.
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