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The Official Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Thread


i drove past an EB and decided, fuck it i'll impluse buy Merc 2, but they wouldn't sell it to me because i didn't preorder. Video game retail sure is a wierd business, they miss the chance to sell the game and now i'll probably buy it off ebay in month.
Finally, I moved all my BS top the new apartment, and I got the ps3 running. I finally have a chance to play more, I'll be on for co-op later if you see me.


Well, for an impulse buy, I am enjoying this. However, I get the feeling this will be up on Ebay within about 5 days. This is the type of game I will probably power through, enjoy, but never really think about again.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
ahhhh fuck I think I'm gonna buy it tomorrow because I'm bored

someone give me negative impressions ahhh i'm so poor
Only real negatives I have are:

-Helicopters are too slow (aka getting around the world takes a long time).
-Rough/Janky/Glitch-filled. Whatever you want to call it.

If you liked the first game, you will enjoy this. I am enjoying it quite a bit.

I actually got to play like, 10 minutes of co-op with someone (I don't remember who, but he wasn't on my friends list) and that was enjoyable. It seems like some aspects change for 2 people. Dying was easier, and enemies were harder.

Team Klimt said:
Does the PS3 version have Trophies? Seems like this is an awesome Acheivement-type game. I want more PS3 games though...

I was actually going to bring this up. This game is pretty fun for achievements, but a lot of that is because they are so easy.

I got 50 points for joining in a co-op game.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I liked the first game and I even like kusoge so the glitches probably won't bother me.
Y2Kev said:
I liked the first game and I even like kusoge so the glitches probably won't bother me.

The glitches aren't bad anyway, and most are pretty funny for being so bad.

My favorite so far is a helicopter that is stuck in a building (the tail is sticking out), or some guy who spazzed out and started to stretch out and eventually fade away. Another great one was when my extraction helicopter kept doing a circle to get by a tree, but couldn't and just faded away.
LAMBO said:
i drove past an EB and decided, fuck it i'll impluse buy Merc 2, but they wouldn't sell it to me because i didn't preorder. Video game retail sure is a wierd business, they miss the chance to sell the game and now i'll probably buy it off ebay in month.

Ok, that is bullshit. It's a pretty big release... especially considering its a street date title from EA.

Maybe they'll eventually get the point that reserving a game is not for everybody. If you have more than enough copies to cover your preorders, then sell them god dammit!
Played co-op for about an hour earlier, and it was a blast. No real problems aside from the occasional bits of lag, but those were few and far between and barely lasted a second. The whole game is amazing fun, just what I expected from playing mercs 1.


LAMBO said:
i drove past an EB and decided, fuck it i'll impluse buy Merc 2, but they wouldn't sell it to me because i didn't preorder. Video game retail sure is a wierd business, they miss the chance to sell the game and now i'll probably buy it off ebay in month.
I work at Gamestop, and sometimes we cant sell it because all we have left are pre-orders. We always get a few extra depending on the game so we do try to sell those as it raises our store rank. The thing is we are required to hold reserves for 48 hours.


LAMBO said:
i drove past an EB and decided, fuck it i'll impluse buy Merc 2, but they wouldn't sell it to me because i didn't preorder. Video game retail sure is a wierd business, they miss the chance to sell the game and now i'll probably buy it off ebay in month.

Whoever posted above, yes this is a big title. Infact we got almost 50% of our stock to cover walk-ins. We sold (according to my employees since I took the weekend off) all of our walk-ins within 2 hours of opening which left nothing left. Could be the same at this store or it's employed by retards...either one can work :lol
Peronthious said:
got killed by a building that I swear has infinitely spawning RPG guys in the windows

Yeah, the game should warn you about those at some point. If an enemy sounds the alarm in a base, it activates backup and defenses like those buildings. They do have infinitely respawning RPG guys. You have to destroy the building at that point.

This game is amazing. 9/10, 9.5/10, I'm not sure. Maybe it will go higher. This is one of those games where reviewers are scared to give it a higher score because it's "just" fun and doesn't fulfill all the checklist items of a "great" game. You know, like with Excite Truck and EDF.
BobJustBob said:
Yeah, the game should warn you about those at some point. If an enemy sounds the alarm in a base, it activates backup and defenses like those buildings. They do have infinitely respawning RPG guys. You have to destroy the building at that point.

During the loading screen, there's a paragraph explaining that there are buildings with infinite troops coming out of it that can only be destroyed by tanks or bombs.
BobJustBob said:
Yeah, the game should warn you about those at some point. If an enemy sounds the alarm in a base, it activates backup and defenses like those buildings. They do have infinitely respawning RPG guys. You have to destroy the building at that point.

This game is amazing. 9/10, 9.5/10, I'm not sure. Maybe it will go higher. This is one of those games where reviewers are scared to give it a higher score because it's "just" fun and doesn't fulfill all the checklist items of a "great" game. You know, like with Excite Truck and EDF.

They do warn you at one point, but it is a while after you first encounter them.

I am enjoying this game quite a bit, but I really wish there was a plane to travel the land a bit faster.


Outcast2004 said:
Ok, that is bullshit. It's a pretty big release... especially considering its a street date title from EA.

Maybe they'll eventually get the point that reserving a game is not for everybody. If you have more than enough copies to cover your preorders, then sell them god dammit!
we do... as we have sales goals to meet.
Outcast2004 said:
Ok, that is bullshit. It's a pretty big release... especially considering its a street date title from EA.

Maybe they'll eventually get the point that reserving a game is not for everybody. If you have more than enough copies to cover your preorders, then sell them god dammit!
It's easier to just drive on by and go to Target, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Toys R Us, or the many other stores that have plenty of copies for walk-ins.


BobJustBob said:
This is one of those games where reviewers are scared to give it a higher score because it's "just" fun and doesn't fulfill all the checklist items of a "great" game. You know, like with Excite Truck and EDF.

I like your style.
BobJustBob said:
This is one of those games where reviewers are scared to give it a higher score because it's "just" fun and doesn't fulfill all the checklist items of a "great" game. You know, like with Excite Truck and EDF.
A pity that fun for fun's sake can't be rated highly. Seems like it has to have some value associated with it to be in the upper ratings range; that said, I completely agree with the 7-8/10 ratings it's received thus far. Enough bugs and little gripes to take out a few notches, but the whole product is quite the entertaining romp.

I've gotten a bit further, up to the fabled 40% marker when it's reported that the game speed starts to level out. Maybe it's just the missions I come across, but it seems like this game has far fewer missions tied to the story than mercs 1, with most of them revolving around HVTs and getting new landing zones. Fun, but it's starting to get a bit repetitive. It is seeming like the bulk of the game will be filling up those little side items, with the main story only receiving a passing glance.


Unlimited Capacity
I just drove a tank around inside of a house. This includes driving it up the stairs. Game is already officially awesome.


_tetsuo_ said:
I just drove a tank around inside of a house. This includes driving it up the stairs. Game is already officially awesome.



Minus the throw for me.
The game got more challenging for me once I recruited the Jet Pilot. That's not really a spoiler or anything, as you put together a team to assist you in your ops. I found myself dying more regularly after I completed that mission.


Interesting comments about how this looks sort of like a "last-gen" game.

And while it was thought to be PS3 exclusive, its screens were praised to high Heaven.

I have to say, I was never a fan of the game's look, but is it really that bad? The devs had quite a long time to work on this title - how could they not get this hyped game to look hot?

More concerning to me are the game's bugs. I'm considering a purchase but honestly, this is sounding like a rather rickety high-profile release.

edit: I enjoyed Just Cause, flawed though it was. Is this a safe bet for me, do you think?


Kolgar said:
Interesting comments about how this looks sort of like a "last-gen" game.

And while it was thought to be PS3 exclusive, its screens were praised to high Heaven.

I have to say, I was never a fan of the game's look, but is it really that bad? The devs had quite a long time to work on this title - how could they not get this hyped game to look hot?

More concerning to me are the game's bugs. I'm considering a purchase but honestly, this is sounding like a rather rickety high-profile release.

edit: I enjoyed Just Cause, flawed though it was. Is this a safe bet for me, do you think?

Mercs 2 is much better than Just Cause. The graphics are fine for an open world game.


I can still remember this game from back when it looked like Uncharted for crying out loud.

They had a great tech demo where a dune buggy is airlifted to the player and then driven through a series of makeshift buildings and huts - shuddering the walls in a spectacular display of light and shadow. I know I have it on some PSW DVD or somewhere.

Anyway, the end result looks very different. I would not say that I am disappointed, but they toned down too many things. The physics feel wonky, most of the world reminds me of Saints Row and overall there is a feeling of a QA team just throwing in the towel.

The scale of it all seems off - broken in places.

I still recall the great videos of the "real" mercenary visiting the studios and all the hilarity that ensued, but none of it is in the game. I also recall the tattoo contest for Nilsson's appearance, but his ultimate character model is too weak - rendering yet another good idea pointless.

Overall, it is a mediocre entry where it should have been a true next-generation overkill game.
Tobor said:
Mercs 2 is much better than Just Cause. The graphics are fine for an open world game.

Especially an open world game where literally everything can be destroyed. Watching a copse of trees go up in flames for the first time was awesome. :D


Tobor said:
Mercs 2 is much better than Just Cause. The graphics are fine for an open world game.

Gotcha. Plus, I just watched the IGN video review. Looked pretty good to me.

Best Buy, here I come.
glaurung said:
I can still remember this game from back when it looked like Uncharted for crying out loud.

I remember that hilarious motion blur screen of Mattias in front of some trees. It never looked as good as Uncharted though, even that tech demo video of the shacks being run over.
Eurogamer review: 5/10


Given its troubled, delayed development, hope remained that Mercenaries 2 would deliver on the series' promise. Instead, the usually reliable Pandemic has produced a game that not only fails to compete with any current-generation openworld, but somehow takes a backward step from the original. With uninspiring combat contributing to a succession of desperately poor missions, the only remaining question is whether the developer will get a third chance to rectify matters.


Trucker Sexologist
Tobor said:
Mercs 2 is much better than Just Cause. The graphics are fine for an open world game.
I played this at PAX, and the game looked really crisp and vibrant, albeit a bit sterile. The explosions were impressive, however, as was the destruction. As was mentioned earlier, if you liked Mercs1 or EDF you can't go wrong with Mercs 2.


SapientWolf said:
I played this at PAX, and the game looked really crisp and vibrant, albeit a bit sterile. The explosions were impressive, however, as was the destruction. As was mentioned earlier, if you liked Mercs1 or EDF you can't go wrong with Mercs 2.

This is all true. And I have to admit, the mediocre AI is really entertaining. Watching an RPG trooper blow up his own guard tower? Priceless.
Anasui Kishibe said:

No way this game is a 5 out of 10. I can understand some sites giving it an average score, as there are some glitches and bugs, although I personally haven't really seen many of them yet. About the worst thing I've come across is a series of crates stacked up neatly and floating about 3 feet of the ground.

Anyway, there are far worse games than Mercs 2 out there that have gotten better scores than that.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Impressions from a friend who bought both versions (X360 and PS3):

Just wanted to pass along the word to you, in case you wanted to pass it along to the GAF faithful. Believe or not I bought both version of Mercenaries 2 on Friday, like a retard, at my local Sears. They had them out early. :)

I intended to open one of them, but curiosity got the best of me, and I opened both. The comparison? They're about as close as multiplatform games get to being identical. PS3 version has better reflections in the water, but that is about the only difference I would detect visually. The PS3 version might be a touch more buggy though, as I have seen a few tiny visual glitches a little more frequently than I saw them on the 360 version. Also, I had the PS3 version completely lock up on me once. But basically they are 99.5% identical as far as I can tell.

Oh, one final note I think you would want to mention if you posted this in the GAF thread. For some stupid ass reason you can't copy the PS3 save file at all. Some people may care about that, like me, since I own two PS3's, and often move my save file from one machine to the other. In all honesty, I didn't even bother checking for this on the 360 version yet.


AI bad my foot. Those guys are relentless. Sure they arent smart...but they have a Contra esque tenacity to them. They'll keep coming until you move along.

Also the graphics are pretty vibrant and arent as bad as some other reviews seemed to make them out to be. The ocean water isnt all that great though, but as a whole, the game kicks ass and does have its moments.

The explosions REALLY pack a punch though, and physics are always nice.

No bugs for me yet either. Also jumping off a motorcycle and not almost dying is refreshing, especially after coming out of GTA IV. Got max speed on a sport bike and launched it into a barracade at the beginning of the game (the mansion) :lol took out both guys, the gunner, hit a box, and flew away ET style :lol

Was not expecting a tank to come crashing through the mansion.


Picked it up on 360 and played a bunch of SP (more or less just exploring) and 3 hours of co-op. So far I haven't experience any game breaking bugs at all. Hell, the only bug I've noticed is the occasional post mission completion where if the co-op player is in a vehicle, he'll sort of float out of it. Though as I said, it's only been a couple times and lasts like 4 seconds from the mission complete to the cutscene trigger. It seems that day "one" patch fixed whatever problems the game initially had.

My first drop in co-op was hilarious. I don't know what it looks like from the host's end, but when I jumped into my friend's game, he didn't even notice another player was there for like 5 minutes. He just saw another Mercenary running around helping him and thought it was an AI. Eventually he got stuck and didn't know he had to air strike a specific target and after seeing him wonder around for a while I said, "Uh.. you do know you have to air strike it, right?". Then I see his character stop moving, hear fumbling around like he's plugging in his mic and he gives out, "The fuck? How long have you been in here? :lol!

No problems to report on the co-op end. For the most part everything's just as smooth as just playing SP. The only immediate difference is when driving down the highway at high speed the other vehicles spawn much closer to you (just the join-ee?) compared to SP. You still have plenty of time to react though.. so it's no big deal. It's pretty awesome seeing another Mercenary on the battlefield going about his business. Plus having one person on the ground and the other doing chopper support or someone doing sniper support or whatever else you can think of = amazing. The vehicle jacking QTEs especially look great from the other person's end because you can watch the entire thing play out while you go about fighting or whatever. Going by the radar HUD, there's a co-op player tether keeping you together, but it's HUGE. So unless you try to exit the city or something, you should have no problem staying in the area.

Overall, the framerate is pretty steady, but it has a bunch of tearing. Nothing that distracting, but it's definitely noticeable. Still, loving it so far, as it's pretty much Mercs with better sound/visuals and awesome co-op. I unlocked my chopper pilot on my end and have been collecting HVTs and airstrikes left and right. I also unlocked a bunch (3 so far) of new outfits for Jenn by beating the Grenade, handgun and fixed weapons trials on level 3. This unlocked a sniper trial, so I'm guessing there's more to get there as well.

Teknoman said:
No bugs for me yet either. Also jumping off a motorcycle and not almost dying is refreshing, especially after coming out of GTA IV. Got max speed on a sport bike and launched it into a barracade at the beginning of the game (the mansion) :lol took out both guys, the gunner, hit a box, and flew away ET style :lol
That's exactly what we said when we hopped out of a burning vehicle at high speed.

Then while watching my brother play and do it on his file, he sorta sighed and said something about how terrible Niko is. :lol


I must admit, I giggled a bit when I jumped off of a motorcycle today only to see it keep rolling, hit an incline, then jump off a cliff. Not sure what was so enjoyable about it, but it was great.
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