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The Official NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams thread

MobiusPigeon said:
Now i'm a HUGE NiGHTS fan. When I started playing i immediately thought of R4 because a game that really had no story now had one beinhg unwrapped right before your eyes. A little kiddy but if you are a fan it'll still make you smile. I also find it amazing that they actually used so much of the old sound and music. From select screens to little melodies. My fave so far is the remixed level complete music!

I can't say enough how much I grinned when just hearing the classic character select music.
how the hell are you woodshop masters "fabricating a ring" for the nunchuk/cc/gamecube controller? I mean seriously, you all keep saying it like it's no big deal and easy and quick, but there have to be other gaf'ers out there that are scratching their heads at this. How are you doing this? Suggestions?
Segata Sanshiro said:
DLC for what?
A DLC version of the Japanese PS2 remake would make sense on any platform (except maybe the Wii since it would cannibalize the already released Nights game). More sense than a retail release for PS2, anyway.
So I'm confused. Why are people having problems understanding the Wiimote-only controls? They work like butter for me. I've played the majority of the game using only the Wii remote, and I've had absolutely no problems at all getting A's on the majority of the stages.
Colonel Mustard said:
So I'm confused. Why are people having problems understanding the Wiimote-only controls? They work like butter for me. I've played the majority of the game using only the Wii remote, and I've had absolutely no problems at all getting A's on the majority of the stages.

yessssssssss I wanted to hear someone say this!


Holy crap, the music in the Forest of Memory is absolutely phenomenal. That whole stage was great, even some interesting (but still cheesy) story. I'm starting think that Reala is the only character in the story bits that I like.

Does anyone know exactly how the My Dream world is created? I know things from the levels I've beaten are in there, but does it ever get really dynamic?
Colonel Mustard said:
So I'm confused. Why are people having problems understanding the Wiimote-only controls? They work like butter for me. I've played the majority of the game using only the Wii remote, and I've had absolutely no problems at all getting A's on the majority of the stages.
I just found them to be a bit imprecise for my liking. I will also admit that I like it better when it plays more like the original.
I'm headed out to pick NiGHTS up soon. I didn't see it anywhere around yesterday when I was out shopping. Regardless, when I finally do get to play it, I'm going to think lovingly of you, Segata.
Attack You said:
I'm headed out to pick NiGHTS up soon. I didn't see it anywhere around yesterday when I was out shopping. Regardless, when I finally do get to play it, I'm going to think lovingly of you, Segata.
Think of me if you like it! If you don't, think of Lobster!

Speaking of, I wonder how he's enjoying the game? He seemed pretty amped for it.


Well, played yesterday for some time and here are my impressions for those who still are on the fence:

- controls are fine. Wii controls DO work, but guess it boils down to taste, and they justa arent as fun for me as wii+nunchuck.

-when this game does something right it really does it right. The more "traditional" nights gameplay is VERY well executed here and just as fun as before, with great levels and polished graphics and sound.

-some of the secondary objectives are simple, yet kinda fun and dont detract from the experience. Love the persona masks.

- Bosses are cool

-Presentation. The cinematic sequences are indeed awful and pretty painfull to watch. I wish they did without them. This game would be SO much better as seem more polished. The hub world i really dont like. I wish they had kept the progression design from N:ID.

-Strong feeling this game was rushed. some slowdown during gameplay. Nothing too dramatic, and doesnt happen to often, but when it happens it drop to like 5fps.

So my thoughts so far is that it is highly enjoyable, but it seems to be a bit of a missed opportunity. I wish they hadnt added a lot of the shit they added (emphasis on story, hub world, extra challenges, My dreams or whatever that is, etc.) and they had focused more on a more "core" night experience which this game delivers in great form. It would have worked out better if they had plished the whole package some more. Still, enjoyable, and definatelly recommended for nights fans.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Think of me if you like it! If you don't, think of Lobster!

Speaking of, I wonder how he's enjoying the game? He seemed pretty amped for it.

I'll like it. Lest it turned out to be a disaster of Shadow proportions, which doesn't seem to be the case, I was heavily slanted towards liking NiGHTS 2 anyway. Also, I have very lax standards compared to most folks on these boards.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Thread is saved.

I'll have to wait a bit more to find out what I think of playing the game, but it sure is good to read impressions from both people that like and dislike it, helps put things in perspective. For instance, I'm already prepared to adjust myself to the notches in the GC controller.

Segata Sanshiro said:
Think of me if you like it! If you don't, think of Lobster!


butthurt Heat fan
I found out through one of the banned sites that the original Nights will be hitting Gametap next year. I would link, but it's wordfiltered, so hit the stick of joy to see the news.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
twinturbo2 said:
I found out through one of the banned sites that the original Nights will be hitting Gametap next year. I would link, but it's wordfiltered, so hit the stick of joy to see the news.
This info is also on the official site of JoD in "Story" -> "Behind the Story".

It was mentioned earlier on the thread but no one besides me cared much. :(
Y2Kev said:
Good news: It's great.

Bad news: What the fuck, sega.

I'll explain more later!

I am guessing bad is related to
(<do I even need to spoiler this, it is really early in the game)

that shit was fucking stupid.


butthurt Heat fan
Alaluef said:
This info is also on the official site of JoD in "Story" -> "Behind the Story".

It was mentioned earlier on the thread but no one besides me cared much. :(
I just found out about that today. Apparently, Sega jumped the gun, but Gametap has confirmed that they will have Nights sometime within the first half of 2008. Also, Sega Nerds is reporting that the PS2 Nights remake will have Christmas Nights, too.


butthurt Heat fan
Segata Sanshiro said:
It's okay, it's been a busy week what with the duke and all.
Like I said in the other thread, I'm hooking up my Saturn and playing some Duke 3D, just for old time's sake. :D


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I see, thanks, Segata.

I'm waiting for more info on that PC one. Unlikely, but it could be the remake version being released in English for all we know.


Alaluef said:
I wonder if the PC version will have some sort of upgraded graphics.

Aren't the other Gametap Saturn games emulated? I never used GT (not in USA), but I guess they are using a version of GiriGiri, the emulator Sega bought and used to distribute some Saturn games in a Japan-only download service a few years ago.

If it is based on Sega's GiriGiri emulator, you can run the 3D at whatever resolution you want, and you can even use anti-aliasing (but bilinear filtering was disabled - it caused too much graphics glitches).


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
M3d10n said:
Aren't the other Gametap Saturn games emulated? I never used GT (not in USA), but I guess they are using a version of GiriGiri, the emulator Sega bought and used to distribute some Saturn games in a Japan-only download service a few years ago.

If it is based on Sega's GiriGiri emulator, you can run the 3D at whatever resolution you want, and you can even use anti-aliasing (but bilinear filtering was disabled - it caused too much graphics glitches).
I was more concerned about the anti-aliasing possibilities, thanks for the information.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What an interesting animal. It's left me feeling very conflicted-- so conflicted that I actually deliberated for some time over how I wanted to approach writing my impressions and the length at which I should detail and direct them. The short story is that NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams is somewhat of a messy masterpiece, a Courtney Love or Amy Winehouse type that's often quite enjoyable when sober but always teetering on the edge of whatthefuck. And to be honest, every single "bad decision" in this game made me think, "What the fuck, Sega?" If anything, the evolution of NiGHTS from Nights 1 to Nights 2 is an interesting case study that sort of mirrors the way the industry itself has changed.

I think Sonic Team looks at industry trends (good and bad) and then attempts to implement them in their games, but though the sentiment is there, often they just completely miss the point. I think this is nowhere more evident than Nights 2, largely because the last example of Nights we actually have is so completely before all this stuff.

Consider in-game tutorials. Nights 1 is completely devoid of them. You pick a character, it loads, and you're dropped into the game world, clunky kid controls and all. There's a single, solitary arrow leading you towards your general goal, but your hand is not held. In 1996, this was kind of endearing. Certain "truths" of 3d gaming were still in their formative stages, so there was a certain level of tolerance for things gamers had never experienced before. Exploration in three dimensions was a completely new concept-- you almost didn't want someone telling you how to do it or where you should be headed. You wanted control of the camera because you wanted to look around for yourself. You wanted to experiment pressing buttons to see what everything did just because of the sheer marvel of watching your character jump in 3D space, or attack with some kind of interesting animation. Ten years later, the market has clearly changed. Now we've got hand holding and tutorials and guided first, second, and third (or even all) levels in games, and games without explicit tutorials are often marked down or whined about, what have you.

Nights 1 is an interesting case because nothing is really every spelt out for you in-game. The scoring system, for example, is not really ever entirely made clear in game. You have some vague idea of what you're supposed to be doing from the outset, but the best way you figure things out is by experimenting. I remember my sister asking me that Christmas (as she was dying to put **** Raider back into our brand new Saturn), "How do you score?" And I was not entirely sure. Is it building links or is it being quick? Is it a combination of the two? Should I be attacking enemies...do I get extra points for messing with the Nightopians?

Sega must have seen the trend I was talking about and decided to load the game up with tutorials. And there's nothing wrong with that. I personally think that, for most gamers, Nights as an idea is fairly elusive. You're a little clown thing with big giant horn ears that flies around and collects these little orbs. Really, what the hell. You can't explain Nights to someone. It's not like explaining Super Mario Bros. or anything because the allure of Nights is really something you've got to mess around with for yourself to experience. Anyway, tutorials for Nights is not an inherently bad thing. But, like most of the stuff Sonic Team has done over the past few years, they just do it entirely wrong.

Do you really need a tutorial to teach me how to fly? Especially one I have to sit through for both kiddos? Something special about the flying in Nights 1 was that it was so incredibly intuitive. You felt this fabulous range of motion and momentum-- this tangible sense of being light and free. It was probably the most amazing feeling in any game aside from bounding face first into a painting in Mario 64. Sega absolutely nailed it. And the tutorials sort of strip away that sense of wonder. But then again, this is a minor complaint. The feeling of flying in Nights 2 is as strong as ever. It feels unchanged to me, which is both good and bad. It's amazing Sega nailed it again, but at the same time, it's kind of upsetting they didn't try to take it any further. Maybe it truly is that perfect.

But the point of my whining about tutorials is that I think Sega goes about it the entirely wrong way. I'm pretty happy they try and teach players the paraloop and stuff (though I think the tricks are gone, I didn't try), but they don't ever explain the scoring system. And from what I can tell, it's different than in Nights 1. And if you're going to make me sit through a tutorial explaining what a "dash" is, why don't you explain to me how the game actually progresses? I think it was on the first level that the little Owl companion, who is such a tard, said something to the effect of, "Look out, the bird spits out dangerous bombs!" or something like that. Do I really need to be told to avoid the shit coming out of the bird's ass? Why are you telling me this, which takes up 1/4 of the screen in this giant text window on my shitty SDTV I'm using over christmas break?

Compare this to what Nintendo is doing with Mario Galaxy, which really focuses on learning by doing-- something Nights 1 even stressed. This is often to a fault, mind you, as you might have to turn to the manual once or twice (like in the original Nights to learn how to score, or something similar). But Nights 2 is telling me so much anyway, it's like, I'd rather the Owl give me a list of things to choose from so I could ask about stuff I really want to know.

But then Sonic Team takes stab number 2, which is in the first few accessory (like, Non-Nightsish) levels, clearly function as the learn by doing stuff that Mario Galaxy does so well. One level makes you paraloop around Nightopians getting sucked into a void so that you learn how to paraloop. And I think that though I wasn't really enjoying this level all that much (because I'm using the gamecube controller and the analog stick is causing my finger to continually slip off the thing, and doing paraloops is giving me blisters), at least this is a gamey sort of environment where I'm learning and practicing.

That's not to say that all the levels are this way.

I have to say that the first set of levels on each world are really completely and totally enjoyable. Amazing even. I've only been through two dreams, but I was totally and completely impressed with both in every sense of the word. The graphics are absolutely stunning (when the framerate isn't chugging, which is pretty rare but does occur and is annoying), and the music...oh god the music. I think it's the best audiovisual presentation on the Wii. It's really a fantastic soundtrack with little cues everywhere that hint towards the original. I love it. Maybe it was just me, but I felt like the levels are a little taller, even. I seem to remember being able to feel the top and bottom of the level in the Saturn game, but now I feel like I'm a bit more in the middle of a large level. On the second level, for example, I feel like I'm barely scratching the surface of the level considering I haven't yet dove below the surface of the water in one area of the layout. Chasing the bird spices things up a bit (the ideya chambers of old are gone, for better or for worse), so now you have moving ideya chambers more or less...but I am not sure how thing work score wise. Without the requisite blue orbs to unlock the ideya chambers, do they function as merely linking devices? What's up with the game scoring structure?

Man, I could use a tutorial. And no, I don't have the manual to read through. I have to download the PDF!

Anyway, the boss levels so far have been completely enjoyable. The camera lost the first boss a few times, but the second boss absolutely blew my mind. Totally creative, inventive stuff. I was so impressed when I was playing it. The graphics were stunning and the music was fabulous, and the game scenario was innovative and different from typical Nights boss fare.

But it's so interesting that Sega added so much stuff to this formula, which honestly, as Segata has indicated, is flawlessly recreated from the original. Some of the levels are just so tedious and uninteresting. Linkzg mentioned boat Nights...what the hell? What the fuck, Sega? Why Boat Nights? Why a boat? Why would you transform this game priding itself on impressively light and ebullient system and then you tie the player down to a freaking river? Why? The level isn't really fun, either. I mean, Sega tried this with SATSR: let's make a set of very solid levels and then make you play them many times over doing various tasks on each level. I just don't understand this concept. Maybe it's like money saving or something.

You definitely get the sense of like, "Damn, I want to get this part over with so I can get on to the next NiGHTS stage."

And that's both good and bad. Some of the off-NiGHTS levels are pretty cool, like saving the Nightopians by doing paraloops. But boat nights? But the point remains that Sega has created a really fun, addictive (if poorly explained) formula that you really really want more of and often have to "stick with" to get it. Now your mileage may vary, of course. Maybe you enjoy all of these levels, I don't know. And I haven't even played the entire sort...which speaks to the variety that's encompassed in the package. I've heard there are platforming levels with the kids. Segata has said they are not to bad, some of the media has said it's dreadful. I generally trust Segata, so I imagine it won't be all that horrible when I do get there. But damn if I won't be thinking, "Mmmhmm, where's my little favorite androgynous jester..."

And speaking of the androgynous jester, if Sega nailed the gameplay, the other "industry trend" they've picked up on is unskippable cutscenes. And voice acting. And though you don't have to repeat entire sets of levels after failing sequences (I don't know what EGM is talking about here...), you can't skip cutscenes if you fail a mission. Like I do, often. And what the fuck, Sega? The voice acting, writing, cutscene graphics, framerate during cutscenes, everything (except Reala, who is badass) is really atrocious. It's not close to the quality of the core gameplay. I just don't really get it. I mean, aside from the fact the writing is kind of ass, it's really repetitive and lazy too. Will apparently only remembers things that his father used to do with him. And he talks about it a lot. And Nights is voiced by the woman who played the purple teletubby on the BBC. Or something. It's just wholly unnecessary and you have to wonder why it's even there.

So in the end you have this game that really communicates an experience to you-- one of wonder, flying, excitement, even happiness. At the same time, you have one that may make you very frustrated. Make no mistake about it: Nights 2 is a faithful sequel to the first game. And after 11 years, that can be a little underwhelming. This is probably the game that should have followed Nights about a year or two after the original release. But that never happened, so we'll have to settle for what we have in our linear conception of time.

Nights 2 is fantastic. Only momentary lapses of, "Oh Sega, what the fuck?" shine through. This is by far the best game Sonic Team USA has ever made.

I highly recommend it. I'm going back to play it now. :)

BTW I'm pretty unhappy with how this turned out. But it took a while to write it, so just deal with it and pretend it's Tim Rogers.


Alaluef said:
I was more concerned about the anti-aliasing possibilities, thanks for the information.

BTW, this screenshot:

...was taken from the game running on an old version of GiriGiri, with 4x antialiasing. Ignore the bilinear filtering: my broken drivers were forcing it always on somehow. This particular screenshot doesn't show it, but the polygons have nasty borders on them with filtering enabled.
Linkzg said:
I am guessing bad is related to
(<do I even need to spoiler this, it is really early in the game)

that shit was fucking stupid.
no different than the last section of frozen bell.
MobiusPigeon said:
no different than the last section of frozen bell.

no, that was kind of almost like the Sonic 2 special stage.

the boat feels so sluggish and slow, if you dont prepare for where you wanted to turn in advance, you will never get there because its its almost like the is invisible molasses around you. Not to mention it looks stupid to see NiGHTS as a freaking boat.
Linkzg said:
no, that was kind of almost like the Sonic 2 special stage.

the boat feels so sluggish and slow, if you dont prepare for where you wanted to turn in advance, you will never get there because its its almost like the is invisible molasses around you. Not to mention it looks stupid to see NiGHTS as a freaking boat.
he turns into a sled at the end of frozen bell. it's no different. gameplay is clunky tho. :)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Who hates the Octopoaw levels? Those feel the most like the original nights for me. I LOVE making links.
What a turn around the opinions have taken. Not just here but on other forums the general consensus is that while it is flawed it captured most of what made Nights great and that it is worth it for fans. I am now going to get it for christmas. :D


MiamiWesker said:
What a turn around the opinions have taken. Not just here but on other forums the general consensus is that while it is flawed it captured most of what made Nights great and that it is worth it for fans. I am now going to get it for christmas. :D
That's what me and some (few) others has been saying since..always:
TRY THE GAME! or taking in consideration the scores, then: READ THE REVIEWS! (not base an opinion based on a number)
Many were hating this game because of the 6.5 from IGN, even when the actual-written review says the game is good and fun, etc...(and also ignoring the reviews from other places)

We were called apologists, bitter tears, fanboys...pfft... :p
Do you think I should buy this? I haven't played the original yet, but I don't own a PS2 or a Saturn, and my computer is a Gateway that costed around $500 in 2002, so my hopes of getting it are remote. I'm really hoping for a 360 port of the original, possibly for XBLA, with DD 5.1, HD, and other aesthetic touch ups, but that'll never happen...


Fry Daddy
Well, this game has jumped back onto my "early 2008 Christmas money purchases" list along with NMH.

Sounds great!


Just beat the game with all As for Helen and finished Will's first level with all As.

Some more thoughts:

- The final level is amazing. Musically, gameplay, scenery, it's just unbelievable. The music though... wow. I would love to get that song.
- If they were going to do a story, they needed to really work on the production values a lot more. Voice acting, writing, and especially the reasons why the kids need help. At least in Helen's story, she talked about her mother once.
- I've gotten used to the controls, and the flying segments are really fantastic. I really love them. All of the levels thusfar have been really excellent in that sense.
- The platforming for the kids sucks. At least Will only has one.
- As for the other flying levels where there are other things to do, I like most of them. The bubble one is stupid as was collecting the flying Nightopians, but the jewels in the volcano were great, as was the musical note challenge (I really enjoyed the later).
- Bosses are fantastic, I just wish you didn't have to start the first stage over again if you mess up on one.

Overall, it's really fun, with a couple of "wtf" moments. I was just really angry that first hour I was playing it, sorry guys :lol

Oh, and can someone please explain to me how My Dream works. I really don't understand what goes in it. Just things from the levels that I've done? Can I move things around? Can I interact with the Nightopians any more than picking them up?


Y2KEV said:
Nights 2 is fantastic. Only momentary lapses of, "Oh Sega, what the fuck?" shine through. This is by far the best game Sonic Team USA has ever made.

Lobster said:
Believe dammit!




Can't wait to buy this!

Gotta wait till next year though... :(


Y2Kev said:
BTW I'm pretty unhappy with how this turned out. But it took a while to write it, so just deal with it and pretend it's Tim Rogers.
Thanks for the hands on! ^^
Can't wait to try the game...


ok guys, I've never played nights before but Ive got to say I actually like this. The music is fantastic and the game is pretty fun. Controls are taking me a bit to get used to and I'm using the gamecube controller. Wii controls for this game aren't really good, I don't understand why the IR feels so detached when multiple games before have nailed it. Quick question, i haven't played very far but how do you save, does it just automatically happen?


can someone who owns this tell me what the frame rate is? 30 or 60? If i could find a god dman wiii i wouldnt have to ask, but there are none available.
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