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The Official NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams thread


can someone who owns this tell me what the frame rate is? 30 or 60? If i could find a god dman wiii i wouldnt have to ask, but there are none available.
I believe its 30, with some dips in the cut scenes.


Really nice impressions, Kev. Thanks. I'm feeling a little more confident about my purchase now. I'll probably tear into it once I conquer Fire Emblem.


Y2Kev said:
Great impressions, I think it's the problem with all SEGA games these days. Sonic Adventure 2 had some really awesome Sonic/Shadow levels, but they filled the game with other shit like searching for emeralds and shooting missions. SATSR had this problem as well, the first mission is always amazing. Running through the stage trying to get the fire-souls, rings etc. In the next mission you need to kill 10 enemies, next mission collect 40 rings, if they just removed the crap and just stick with the normal and hard challenges it would've been an awesome game although a bit short. It seems that they want some more variation in the game. But the time and resources they used on the filler content should've been used to make even more traditional levels which often work very well.


[Nintex] said:
Great impressions, I think it's the problem with all SEGA games these days. Sonic Adventure 2 had some really awesome Sonic/Shadow levels, but they filled the game with other shit like searching for emeralds and shooting missions. SATSR had this problem as well, the first mission is always amazing. Running through the stage trying to get the fire-souls, rings etc. In the next mission you need to kill 10 enemies, next mission collect 40 rings, if they just removed the crap and just stick with the normal and hard challenges it would've been an awesome game although a bit short. It seems that they want some more variation in the game. But the time and resources they used on the filler content should've been used to make even more traditional levels which often work very well.

It's the Mario 64 effect. Billy Hatcher did the same thing, in a way.

Some of the missions are really fun though; there's one with NiGHTS collecting jewels and then another one with musical notes. I enjoyed both of them a lot (and they were flying levels. I haven't enjoyed one platforming level yet)

And the boat was kind of meh...
You know I'm actually happy that there is variation in missions. Even though they're nothing special, it always makes going back to the more traditional Nights levels that much more awesome/special! :D
What helps with the "varied" levels is that they're usually pretty short and you only have to beat them once. You need to get a "C" on them to get the last Ideya, but the Cs aren't very hard to come by. After that, if you don't like them, you don't have to touch them again and can just go back to play the "traditional" levels.

So to explain the scoring system in the "traditional" levels:

First off, once you have the key, you can't do more laps. The chain will stop you from flying above or below the cage, and once you enter the cage, it's onto the next path. When you enter the cage with the key, your bonus is tabulated, and it's entirely based on time remaining.

On the face it seems like your score is only based on what you collect during the run and the time remaining when you finish, but! Whenever you end a link, you get seconds added to your time remaining. The bigger the link, the more time is added. It is thus instrumental to make an extremely large link en route to getting the key, then making a speedy beeline for the cage while making another link or links on the way. If you go more than one lap, the blue chips will NOT be replaced, which in virtually all paths of all levels means your link is going to end if you run more than one lap.

If you can still chain smaller links on that second, third, whatever laps, you can still come out ahead on the deal. I'm still playing around with this to see what works best.

So that's the explanation on the scoring system of the "traditional" levels. More posts to come in the following days explaining the scoring systems on other levels.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
Nice to hear it Kev. I'm getting it anyway, no matter what the reviews say (it's the sequel to my favorite game of all time for God's sake), and it's nice to see that it's possible to overlook the bad even though it smacks you in the face throughout the game. It's important to me that the look and feel of the old title is still there, and it sounds like it is.

On a side note, how's the A-Life garden? I'm very interested in that, particularly if it's as detailed (or more so) than Sonic Adventure 2's Chao Garden.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Glad you guys liked it. It's not a perfect game, but if you liked the original, I don't really think you can not like this one.
Y2Kev said:
Glad you guys liked it. It's not a perfect game, but if you liked the original, I don't really think you can not like this one.

I was a fan of the original but didn't think it was the best game EVER... and I still LOVE Nights 2. I'm so addicted to it. Anyone that is even remotely interested in the game should give it a chance and play at least halfway through one character scenario before passing judgement.
Segata Sanshiro said:
What helps with the "varied" levels is that they're usually pretty short and you only have to beat them once. You need to get a "C" on them to get the last Ideya, but the Cs aren't very hard to come by. After that, if you don't like them, you don't have to touch them again and can just go back to play the "traditional" levels.

So to explain the scoring system in the "traditional" levels:

First off, once you have the key, you can't do more laps. The chain will stop you from flying above or below the cage, and once you enter the cage, it's onto the next path. When you enter the cage with the key, your bonus is tabulated, and it's entirely based on time remaining.

On the face it seems like your score is only based on what you collect during the run and the time remaining when you finish, but! Whenever you end a link, you get seconds added to your time remaining. The bigger the link, the more time is added. It is thus instrumental to make an extremely large link en route to getting the key, then making a speedy beeline for the cage while making another link or links on the way. If you go more than one lap, the blue chips will NOT be replaced, which in virtually all paths of all levels means your link is going to end if you run more than one lap.

If you can still chain smaller links on that second, third, whatever laps, you can still come out ahead on the deal. I'm still playing around with this to see what works best.

So that's the explanation on the scoring system of the "traditional" levels. More posts to come in the following days explaining the scoring systems on other levels.

Thank you, thats the best description of the scoring system so far. I don't like how they try to make it one lap and your done, how big are these laps? A lot of my favorite laps in the original were the first ones where its tiny but you can repeat it a ton of times and pull off insane links.
MiamiWesker said:
Thank you, thats the best description of the scoring system so far. I don't like how they try to make it one lap and your done, how big are these laps? A lot of my favorite laps in the original were the first ones where its tiny but you can repeat it a ton of times and pull off insane links.
They're all medium-to-long by the first game's standards. No real quickies. You can get up to 200 links in one lap on some of them.
can someone tell me how to beat
the lizard boss?
i just dont get it. BTW making a ring for the controller worked well but i need to make something more stable and even permanent. Used cardboard. I may try molding that hardening clay onto the 8 way to make a removeable ring or just drill the controller into a permanent ring. i've always hated the 8 way notches.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
How do you beat the second
boss, Segata?

edit: Doh, I forgot the persona masks. Lol.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Okay, just finished the last level with Will.

Man, even Sega's smart enough to do some things right when it comes to treasuring their own greatness. People who played the first NiGHTS are going to LOVE the final level (and the music), even though they added some junky story dialog into it. But still, they tread in their own nicely-laid footsteps and it largely works.
MobiusPigeon said:
can someone tell me how to beat
the lizard boss?
i just dont get it. BTW making a ring for the controller worked well but i need to make something more stable and even permanent. Used cardboard. I may try molding that hardening clay onto the 8 way to make a removeable ring or just drill the controller into a permanent ring. i've always hated the 8 way notches.
He's tricky.

Reveal parts of the background until you see cards. Follow the cards up in in suit from 2- King and find the Ace. Watch for a distortion then loop around that area, then loop around him when he appears. Once will do the job.

And Kev, you figured yours out, but just in case someone is having problems with Will's third boss

Use the rocket NiGHTS persona mask from a distance to speed towards the link in his chain, which you can then grab and throw
Sounds like this is the "Sonic Adventure 2" of the Nights series.

Some great levels that are really, really fun, followed by some really boring and really shitty levels that just leave you scratching your head as to why they're there in the first place.

I guess it's a buy, then. Still, sounds a bit disappointing. But it's a Nights sequel, and I've been waiting a long time for one. I hope it's fun.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The end is so corny that I enjoyed it :lol

I really liked the game! I kind of want to see how the score attackers break things down.
SonicMegaDrive said:
Sounds like this is the "Sonic Adventure 2" of the Nights series.

Some great levels that are really, really fun, followed by some really boring and really shitty levels that just leave you scratching your head as to why they're there in the first place.

I guess it's a buy, then. Still, sounds a bit disappointing. But it's a Nights sequel, and I've been waiting a long time for one. I hope it's fun.
That's how it was sounding to me, too, SMD. Once I played it though, I found that the proportion of shit levels you don't want to play vs fun levels was quite a bit different from SA2. SA2 was like... 33% awesome, 67% stuff you didn't care about/didn't like, whereas NiGHTS it's more like... 70% awesome, 30% stuff you don't care about/don't like.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
YAY! It has sound test.

I wish they put in an original style mode where you just did laps.
Segata Sanshiro said:
That's how it was sounding to me, too, SMD. Once I played it though, I found that the proportion of shit levels you don't want to play vs fun levels was quite a bit different from SA2. SA2 was like... 33% awesome, 67% stuff you didn't care about/didn't like, whereas NiGHTS it's more like... 70% awesome, 30% stuff you don't care about/don't like.

Glad to hear that! Hopefully I can replay the good levels infinitely like you could in SA2, after you've beaten them.


I guess ill ask here: Is SATSR better than SA2? i really liked the good parts on the latter and been thinking of giving the wii effort a try. What do people think about it? Yay or nah?
CrisKre said:
I guess ill ask here: Is SATSR better than SA2? i really liked the good parts on the latter and been thinking of giving the wii effort a try. What do people think about it? Yay or nah?
It's a lot different from SA2. I liked it a bit better, but it's a really odd game, so the only way I'd recommend it without renting it first is if it's cheap. Like, $20 and under cheap.


ha, I was messing around in the My Dream area and one of the nightopians sat down next to a tv and brought out a Sega Saturn. good stuff.


It's a lot different from SA2. I liked it a bit better, but it's a really odd game, so the only way I'd recommend it without renting it first is if it's cheap. Like, $20 and under cheap.

Thanks segata. I may give it a spinn in january when my backlog is a bit less crowded then.


Segata Sanshiro said:
What helps with the "varied" levels is that they're usually pretty short and you only have to beat them once. You need to get a "C" on them to get the last Ideya, but the Cs aren't very hard to come by. After that, if you don't like them, you don't have to touch them again and can just go back to play the "traditional" levels.

So to explain the scoring system in the "traditional" levels:

First off, once you have the key, you can't do more laps. The chain will stop you from flying above or below the cage, and once you enter the cage, it's onto the next path. When you enter the cage with the key, your bonus is tabulated, and it's entirely based on time remaining.

On the face it seems like your score is only based on what you collect during the run and the time remaining when you finish, but! Whenever you end a link, you get seconds added to your time remaining. The bigger the link, the more time is added. It is thus instrumental to make an extremely large link en route to getting the key, then making a speedy beeline for the cage while making another link or links on the way. If you go more than one lap, the blue chips will NOT be replaced, which in virtually all paths of all levels means your link is going to end if you run more than one lap.

If you can still chain smaller links on that second, third, whatever laps, you can still come out ahead on the deal. I'm still playing around with this to see what works best.

So that's the explanation on the scoring system of the "traditional" levels. More posts to come in the following days explaining the scoring systems on other levels.
Thanks, Segata.

Honestly, not too sure what to think of that from just reading it. I mean, they've changed things up, which is good.... But I don't think that would be better than the original scoring system.
temjin said:
Thanks, Segata.

Honestly, not too sure what to think of that from just reading it. I mean, they've changed things up, which is good.... But I don't think that would be better than the original scoring system.
It's different, to be sure, and I think you need to approach it that way. I'd have loved another game with a similar scoring system, and I hope we get that some day, but I like figuring out a new one, too. This one is a lot more urgent and has far less room for error. Time will tell if it'll hold up to repeat play like the old scoring system does.


It's funny, my first reaction is to tell people to rent the game first, but in a way I'm not sure if that's the best way to approach it. Mostly because I hated it at first, and only stuck with it because 1) I bought it with my own money, and 2) I have to review it. If I only had $4 on the line, I think I would've quit a half hour in and never looked back.

But now that I've forced myself to play through it, the game's better qualities are easier to enjoy. It's still not a great game, but it has some aspects that approach great - and a few moments that are downright fun, reminding you of what it was like to play the original for the very first time.

I'd be very reluctant to recommend the game to anyone who wasn't familiar with the Saturn game, though. Nostalgia and a fondness for the original definitely soften some of the sharp edges. There are definitely points where NiGHTS is simply an ugly game that's just not very fun to play. Whether you should pay good money for it depends on your willingness to suffer those parts for the ones that are more enjoyable.
I picked this game up yesterday. I'm not very far. I got lost after the first NiGHTs mission, so any hints would be welcome, but I can vouche hat playing as NiGHTs is actually really awesome. Not enjoying the kids to much yet, but NiGHTs is a blast.
Got it today, played for 3 hours straight, got all the way to Will's last stage. This game is awesome! If you are a fan of Nights I cannot see how you would hate this game. yes its different, this game doesn't have that arcade game like feel that the first one did, it feels like a more fleshed out action/adventure game. The nostalgia factor is high in the game, the classic music really sets the mood.

I had this fear that a lot of this game would be spent running around as the kid, thats not the case at all, you are Nights 95% of the time. The new missions are pretty cool, I had no problem with boat nights as some of you did. Some of the missions had you doing some interesting stuff. I love the mission with the creature that generates rings, those missions allow for crazy linkage, it feels a lot like the classic levels. The bosses are great so far
I didn't know you could transform Nights during the bosses, I beat cerberus two being just Nights

As for the main levels, its not as good as the first game, but the essence is there. You are still flying through interesting courses, chaining rings, and many times going off on all sorts of interesting paths that break up the straight flying. The scoring is not as interesting as the first nights but its not terrible either. The best I can say about it is that it feels right, it feels like Nights, I just think the levels of the first game are better.

There seems to be a good amount of things to do in the game. I see there are hidden "drops" all over the world, so there is some exploring to be done in the Nights levels. Your journal keeps track of everything and has an online leaderboard, no names but you get to see where you rank. My Dream seems kind of pointless, maybe as you get more nightopians it gets more interesting but its nothing like the chao's.

I like it a lot, not a game I recommend to everyone but for fans of the original its a no brainer, play this game.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
So I was just playing and my mom came in and she asked me if I was gay.

Nights is never going to make it mainstream. :\ Hope the kids pick it up.


MiamiWesker said:
Got it today, played for 3 hours straight, got all the way to Will's last stage. This game is awesome! If you are a fan of Nights I cannot see how you would hate this game. yes its different, this game doesn't have that arcade game like feel that the first one did, it feels like a more fleshed out action/adventure game. The nostalgia factor is high in the game, the classic music really sets the mood.

I always find it amusing people are all "I cannot see how you would hate this if you are a fan of NiGHTS", and then proceed to list just one of many, many reasons why any fan of NiGHTS could easily question this games quality :lol

To each their own, of course, but this game was just a pure insult to original NiGHTS. It lost its compelling quality, while filling the in between with even MORE shit, and then lowering the quality of the actual flighty parts anyway for a kick in the nuts. You may like it, but if you say "I can't see why any fan of the original NiGHTS wouldn't like this" and then say the things you are, you're clearly turning a blind eye.

I didn't like NiGHTS for nostalgia whorism and lame fanservice, even if that too wasn't ruined by horrific storylines and NiGHTS hilariously awful voice.

Y2Kev said:
So I was just playing and my mom came in and she asked me if I was gay.

Nights is never going to make it mainstream. :\ Hope the kids pick it up.

man i hate this game but that was a dumb thing of your mom to say


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Amir0x said:
man i hate this game but that was a dumb thing of your mom to say

I was falling into the sky as a girl with the light music playing. Then the cutscene of owl, NIGHTS, and Helen pushing the bubbles around came on and she was like wtf. lol


Y2Kev said:
So I was just playing and my mom came in and she asked me if I was gay.

Nights is never going to make it mainstream. :\ Hope the kids pick it up.


My mum called me gay and a girl for playing KH..

I think the game will sell well in NA and Europe. Not 1 million well, but 500k well.


Y2Kev said:
I was falling into the sky as a girl with the light music playing. Then the cutscene of owl, NIGHTS, and Helen pushing the bubbles around came on and she was like wtf. lol

Well, at least it wasn't your girlfriend/wife questioning your sexuality.

Lobtser said:
Not 1 million well, but 500k well.

500k well? Damn Lobster, I'd lower my expectations... (250k per territory, ok maybe... though I'd doubt that too... but not 500k in each)


Amir0x said:
500k well? Damn Lobster, I'd lower my expectations... (250k per territory, ok maybe, but not 500k in each)

I don't know. Sonic Wii did 350k in NA, that bombed in Japan too. Yeah I meant 250k per territory btw.


Lobster said:
I don't know. Sonic Wii did 350k in NA, that bombed in Japan too. Yeah I meant 250k per territory btw.

SONIC is an infinitely larger brand than NiGHTS in North America and Europe. I don't even know how you'd compare the two at all, other than being by SEGA.
Nights is going to bomb harder than even the lowest of expectations.

Prepare to see a lot of laughing smileys when the NPD is released.

Wait, Nights won't even make the top 10...I guess we'll never know the truth.


Amir0x said:
SONIC is an infinitely larger brand than NiGHTS in North America and Europe. I don't even know how you'd compare the two at all, other than being by SEGA.

Dunno..I belive the marketing campaign may help it..and also being released in December on Wii should help..

Its 2:20AM though..maybe im saying stuff im really not thinking about clearly. I just have this weird thought in my head that SEGA is going to push this game.

I hope they do anyway..SEGA is still a good company in my books and they deserve to stay alive.

SonicMegaDrive said:
Nights is going to bomb harder than even the lowest of expectations.

Prepare to see a lot of laughing smileys when the NPD is released.

Wait, Nights won't even make the top 10...I guess we'll never know the truth.

Matt and Bozon might give us numbers when they're back from holidays.
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