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The Official NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams thread


Professional Schmuck
y2kev's awesome impressions HERE

You know what's funny? I kinda assumed that this game was going to be a typical standard-fare piece of SEGA shit. And now, through kev's friggin awesome impressions (with a good editor you could be a front line reviewer, kev!), i really, really want to play this game.

I mean, seriously. Those impressions alone took me from maybe renting it sometime next year to wondering if I should have asked for it for Christmas.

Thank you!


FYI the sloppy controls have nothing to do with the grooves on the Wii controler and everything to do with segas incompetence. If you dont belive me go back and play the original. The difference is like night and day.
Just like with the original NiGHTS, I can understand why anyone wouldn't like this game.

But also like with the original NiGHTS, I feel bad for a person that the game doesn't make them as happy as it makes me.


Y2Kev said:
So I was just playing and my mom came in and she asked me if I was gay.

Nights is never going to make it mainstream. :\ Hope the kids pick it up.
Cheer up! Your mom probably just meant "gay" in the non-homosexual way, as in "That's so gay that you bought that game," because she knew the game sucked! And she didn't call you the f-word because she didn't wanna be banned!


ivysaur12 said:
Ami, out of curiosity, how far in the game are you?

i already beat it, mainly because people in here thought one hour wasn't enough to determine this game was a disaster. Well the dark deed was done, I hope they're happy!


I didn't trade it in yesterday just so i could do that too! Anyway, there's not much I can do now except hope we get the NiGHTS PS2 remake, which I hope for SEGA's sake they couldn't possibly fuck up. The original NiGHTS was fucking amazing, one of my all-time favorite titles, so to see it ravaged like this is just a punch in the face.


Y2Kev said:
It's not that bad, ami :lol

I really think it is, honestly worst game I purchased with my actual money this year.

But to be productive, I did love the music and thought most of the bosses were rad.
Amir0x said:
I always find it amusing people are all "I cannot see how you would hate this if you are a fan of NiGHTS", and then proceed to list just one of many, many reasons why any fan of NiGHTS could easily question this games quality :lol

To each their own, of course, but this game was just a pure insult to original NiGHTS. It lost its compelling quality, while filling the in between with even MORE shit, and then lowering the quality of the actual flighty parts anyway for a kick in the nuts. You may like it, but if you say "I can't see why any fan of the original NiGHTS wouldn't like this" and then say the things you are, you're clearly turning a blind eye.

I didn't like NiGHTS for nostalgia whorism and lame fanservice, even if that too wasn't ruined by horrific storylines and NiGHTS hilariously awful voice.

The essence of what made Nights is there, it has not changed, and I lot of the missions are not bad, its Nights gameplay with objectives. When I say I dont understand how a fan would not like this game I am talking about the extreme cases of hatred, like in your case. I know it has flaws, I know its not as good as the original, but its not a bad game at all. You are making this out to be a Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) level disaster, that game was actually broken at points, this is nothing like that. Not liking it is one thing, but to say its trash is a bit extreme in my opinion, what I was trying to say is that fans of the original should be able to pick up on the redeeming qualities of this game.

But to each his own, just trying to explain myself, I totally respect your opinion and I have to disagree with you on this one.


DevelopmentArrested said:
So quick consensus - for someone who's never played Nights but loves the music and wants a new Wii game... Worth the purchase?

My vote is no. Even the original wasn't for everyone, and this version isn't even as good as that.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I rented it. I would definitely say it's a "must try," but if it's a "must buy," is up to you. I recommend playing it.


played the game with the VC controller, wavebird, and the nunchuck. it felt really sluggish compared to the Saturn original, and i found it much more difficult to make paraloops (at least nice, controlled, circular ones) regularly. it just didn't feel right.

just to see if it was the notches (because i could definitely feel them resisting the stick when doing circular motions), i plugged my Gamecube-to-PS2 controller adapter into the Wii and tried a PS2 controller, MUCH MUCH better. it's still feels a bit less responsive than the Saturn original, but it's a HUGE improvement over using the GC pad/VC controller/nunchuck. i would have definitely docked my opinion of this game a lot if i had to use them instead, this time of game just wasn't meant for the nintendo analog sticks. the notches in the controllers really ruin the feel/flow of the control for me. the ps2 analog stick has more of a dead zone than the nintendo ones, but being able to rotate it smoothly and fluidly has made the game much more enjoyable for me. i never used that GCN-PS2 controller adapter much, it's been gathering dust for years, but now i am definitely glad i had it.

as a side, i feel like this game should have almost been called "NiGHTS Adventure" (like Sonic Adventure, ie there are different play-styles, cutscenes, a "hub world", etc). i do wish they had kept the arcadey "beat my score again" feel of the original, but i don't think this game is bad. i probably would have considered it to be bad if i had kept playing with the normal nintendo notched analog sticks, though. they're great for other games, but not this. those who have an adapter like this, i definitely reccomend trying it. it worked wonders for me, and improved the gameplay a LOT.



Disagree with the hate and the disappointed/negative reviews. Still, these cautioned me so I didn't buy it, simply rented it for now. I am not too far yet but from what I've experienced, those doom-doom negative reports greatly exaggerated the game's minor faults. I'm having fun and I must admit to feeling significant nostalgia and even excitement as I saw the new interpretation! Love the look and the music. Only squeeled like a little girl once or twice though. SEGA's art of cheesy / fruity dialogue & designs is obviously still around ... in one sequence NiGHTS gives the boy a big dorky "thumbs up" which makes me laugh every time.

I'll have to play more to be sure, but so far I do not mind NiGHTS having a voice. It mostly sounds like a british young boy that is perhaps voiced by a woman voice actor. It is not bad, certainly nothing like "Big the Cat's" voice, if you recall that. "After all," I thought to myself, "what did I expect NiGHTS to sound like?" The cinemas ... just get thru them. Stupid that you cannot skip them, but so far from what I've seen, it is only the very beginning that you have to watch lengthy ones. Some sequences CAN be skipped by pressing the + button but not all. Finally, the game in action is more vibrant than any screenshot I've seen so far.

Gameplay -- not quite as easy to control as the original, I noticed. There is just a tiny different feel when I paraloop, and at first I was missing some blue chips and paraloops until I adjusted. I've been using the nunchuk & remote & having no problems. Using the remote alone is truly as awful as reported elsewhere -- there is a lag as you move your cursor! You could probably play that way, but who would want to? Stick with nunchuk's 3D stick. I noticed that tilting the remote left/right does flying / style tricks.

Bosses -- the bosses from the original NiGHTS game were a real treat, strange, fresh and unique from any other game. So far in Journey of Dreams, I have fought one boss (a descendent of the original's "Puffy") twice, which was a nice surprise. First battle was smaller and easier; the second battle came a few stages later and it covers significantly more territory. You have to grab or drill-dash the fat ball jester higher and higher, smashing transparent blockades and walls as you go, until you finally pop it on the nightmare level's sharp fangs at the top. Super-strange yet awesome music, great visuals and frame rate here -- I was loving it even as I failed over&over. I saw Caf Jr fighting a magician / card-playing lizard boss -- neither of us could figure it out because it was so un-traditional. Which is a compliment!

The normal levels feel very similiar to the original but in truer 3D, perhaps a bit slower, with the camera pulled further back. Very very similar and I'm not really sure yet of the best ways to score high. Thus, I suspect there is a hidden level of depth to the levels that I haven't discovered yet. But it is different from the original's Bonus Time multi-laps concept so I'm not sure exactly what I should do to get higher scores, except for the obvious getting links as you fly thru the 1 lap.

So far, I am enjoying the game, at first thinking it was a bordering on dull but changin my mind. I now find some of it bewildering at times and growing more fun as I continue to acclimate to it. That's all for now. Dualize! ;)
I am totally addicted to the game right now. I find myself not being able to put the wiimote down, its always one more level. I finished both Will and Helen's missions, now its time to get A ranks in all levels. Helen's side had the only missions that frustrated me a lot, she had too many platforming levels plus that cat boss, terrible. But I give that a pass cause of the unique musical notes mission, now that is an interesting mission. Oh and the final level, superb for both characters.

As with the original, this game has that same addictive quality where you want to master the level. I found myself trying some levels over and over to see how high my score can get. The online rankings makes score attack more interesting, too bad Sega made it a pain to get scores. I am right now ranked 5th in Helen's Forest Chase level, I somehow beat the boss in like 10 seconds and got the full 2x bonus. On Will's side, on one of the Octopaw missions I had a chain of 580, that nabbed me 22nd place overall. I have not even begun to search for the drops, there is so much to do.

Right now this game to me is like Nights with a lot more content. Some of the content is a miss but most of it I believe is a great success. String all the chase levels together and I feel you have something that can match the original, the stage designs in this game are just as good, maybe better in some aspects. On top of that there are some stand out missions that are a welcome addition to the series. The game could have used a bit more polish to be sure, they could have tightened up the controls, that kind of stuff. Other than that, its a damn good sequel to Nights.


thanks for all of the impressions guys.


this is an awesome example of how nights journey of dreams should be played. it looks absolutely phenomenal whenj someone plays properly.

check that Bchips guys other videos out, he has some awesome JOD playthroughs. game looks phenomenal to me.


I must unlock clairis and eliot and the original soundtrack. Only have to collect all the teardrops and get all As. Yikes!
Amir0x said:
I didn't trade it in yesterday just so i could do that too! Anyway, there's not much I can do now except hope we get the NiGHTS PS2 remake, which I hope for SEGA's sake they couldn't possibly fuck up. The original NiGHTS was fucking amazing, one of my all-time favorite titles, so to see it ravaged like this is just a punch in the face.

Glad to see you made sure the sun rose.

MiamiWesker said:
The essence of what made Nights is there, it has not changed, and I lot of the missions are not bad, its Nights gameplay with objectives. When I say I dont understand how a fan would not like this game I am talking about the extreme cases of hatred, like in your case. I know it has flaws, I know its not as good as the original, but its not a bad game at all. You are making this out to be a Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) level disaster, that game was actually broken at points, this is nothing like that. Not liking it is one thing, but to say its trash is a bit extreme in my opinion, what I was trying to say is that fans of the original should be able to pick up on the redeeming qualities of this game.
This is a futile effort.

You see, Amir0x has a terrible condition. He's only allowed to express a limited amount of opinions each year that aren't misinformed/wrong/terribly elitist.

His extereme love for Super Mario Galaxy drained his yearly supply of "right" opinions, and as such he can only express the other kinds until January 1st, 2008.

Oh if only Sega had released this game a month later, things would be different.


I never owned the original, but I really like this game. Only issue is the noted grooves in the analog sticks.
I think I love this game now, yes its flawed, who cares its Nights! They did it, they made a worthy Nights sequel. I guess I was shielding myself from even caring for this game, I figured it would be a letdown but now its all coming at me like a flood, I am playing a sequel to Nights, hell yeah!

I am starting to appreciate the levels of this game maybe even more so than the original. I have been looking for tear drops and it adds this layer of exploration to the levels that was not in the original. For instance in the first Elliot level, you need to use the dragon mask that you got later on in the game to pass this section that was blocked by wind to get the hidden drop. Who knows what else I missed on every level, its fun to go back and look around.

I am having a blast with this game, thank you sega, I still love you. :D


Just picked it up last night and...god this feels awfully disjointed. FWIW I was a huge fan of the original. My theory is that multiple developers worked on this. Like the main team worked on the core NiGHTS gameplay which is pretty solid if unimproved on the original. And then a bunch of hack college drop outs made everything else.

JESUS do the boss battles suck. They don't even make sense! Why on earth would dumping those weird poorly animated cat...ball...things hurt the second boss? The ungraceful transition from the first boss "swimming" underground and bursting through the surface frankly looks unfinished.

The cinematics somehow look worse and have a worse framerate that the normal in-game engine.

I hope this game has the replay value that the first one did for me, otherwise I might have buyer's remorse.
I picked this up last night, but I am not opening it until I hear about something... unskippable cut-scenes. Does that mean every time I play a level I have to watch this? Is there a way to re-play levels you've beaten without watching the cut-scenes?
AndoCalrissian said:
I picked this up last night, but I am not opening it until I hear about something... unskippable cut-scenes. Does that mean every time I play a level I have to watch this? Is there a way to re-play levels you've beaten without watching the cut-scenes?
You can't skip the cutscenes the first time you play through (although there are some you can press + or start to skip at certain points) Afterwords, you can skip the cut-scenes after any other playthrough.


Being released soo close to Christmas, if this had some sort of a Christmas Nights mode that came on, on the 25th the world would of exploded due to awesomeness.


Flock said:
Being released soo close to Christmas, if this had some sort of a Christmas Nights mode that came on, on the 25th the world would of exploded due to awesomeness.
actually, the My Dream portion of the game right now is playing the old Christmas NiGHTS music from frozen Bell. For me anyway.


kinggroin said:

I didn't like the game, but that was at least one of the few quality aspects of it.

Really? Popular opinion is that these boss battles are good? I think I would have to question everyone's judgement then, because they are beyond terrible. Broken, cheap (as in production value), amateurish, abysmal, etc.


Yusaku said:
Really? Popular opinion is that these boss battles are good? I think I would have to question everyone's judgement then, because they are beyond terrible. Broken, cheap (as in production value), amateurish, abysmal, etc.



EDIT: I really like this game, but I can definitely see how someone would dislike it. But the boss battles? Except for Will's second boss, they're really outstanding and creative.


I beat the game with Will, and I'm at least half-way thru with Helen.

The boss battles have been very faithful yet augmented to the original ones, and I've enjoyed them. You battle an easy and then later a harder version of each boss. The puffy-like one actually gave me the most trouble. I kept running out of time. I beat pretty much all the other bosses first time through, though my grade wasn't always that high. THe cat/witch boss was my least favorite so far, but the cameleon/cards one was pretty cool, and the fish one seemed very similar to Gulpo so I liked it too. The spider queen one is quite fun I thought and I lost to it the first time.

The music is very good. I especially love the puffy-like boss's music.

Any NiGHTS fan is going to totally spazz-out when they see
the final flight, as the child and not as NiGHTS, over the city at night!!!
Wizeman is much more sinister in the game and his battle is (although not hard once you figure it out) again very similar but upgraded over the Saturn version.

The kids' levels aren't as bad as I've read - they are over quickly and aren't that hard. Once you play them, never go back again if you don't like it.

I don't know if what kind of replay this game is going to have, but I haven't gotten a lot of A's yet. Perhaps replaying levels once you possess all the persona masks will alter the experience? I don't know but after playing 4 days, I'm still very pleased with the game and it evokes an expanded version of the original quite well, IMO.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Count me in the crowd who like the game.

Thanks for the explanation on the score system, Segata, if you have any more information or discoveries, please post. :)


sooo, does anyone know what the hell this portion of the journal is for?

I know it's for the My Dream area, but does anyone have any of these filled in?


Ignorant Scrub
I'm really enjoying the game despite the fact that I've never played the original. The controls seem pretty solid to me. Don't see what all the complaining is about. SEGA did a decent job on this one IMO.
I recieved the game today and have played it for awhile, and as someone who's a fan of the original I have decided that JoD is a legendary game.
While the added missions quality is debatable, the main NiGHTS style levels (the first mission in each Dream) is fucking quality! I really don't understand how anyone can say these levels suck and claim to be a huge fan of the original. I would wager though these people have probably not understood the new game's style of scoring, like alot of people with the original game.
I've already started score attacking the levels I've unlocked so far, and it's as addicting as the original game. It has been changed from the original, but I really like this new method.
I'm guessing the people claiming the masks are useless just don't know how/when to use them. I've recieved the rocket mask, and it's absolutely neccessary when after the first lap to continue your link. Also, you won't grab the bird if you're morphed. In the first lap of the first stage for example, after I finish the first lap, I can keep the link still going (over 100 link) by changing into rocket form.

People saying the scoring game is gone in JoR are wrong. How can anybody say this?

I can't wait to see the score attack vids of this game on youtube.
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