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The OFFICIAL Pikmin 2 Topic.


Dyne said:
I battled with my brother in some places. It was FUN, that's what I can say! :D Though I thought it was kind of bad in the Labyrinth level, because those Pill Bugs steal the marbles and you can't do anything after that! Me and my brother were strategically killing eachother for 20 minutes and I couldn't seem to do any damage to his character. So we had to quit.

But really fun. I just love how the opponent's pikmin run after you for some reason.. it's funny.
actually in that level, you have to kill all those worm guys. When they are ALL dead, all the marbles they've buried pop up. It's kinda odd, cause you end up working together to kill those worms guys, then in one instant of mayhem you fight for the goods that immediatly pop up around you lol

I got done playing 2-player battle for a few hours w/ some friends and I have to say IT WAS FUN. It's basically an odd version of capture-the-flag.

While the core rules are the same for all the maps, each map offers its own unique challenges. An example of this is the one I described above. While you're trying to grab marbles, there are these damned worms that steal them from you. You end up working together in killing these worms in order to retrieve all the lost marbles. Then, havok breaks loose and you turn on eachother as you try to get the marbles that popped out of the ground.

Every map is randomly generated too, so it just adds to the madness.

If there's one fault, it's gotta be that damn roulette wheel. IMO, random stuff like this is ANNOYING. It's just pure luck and almost cancels out the stratagy needed for the game. It's not smart, it's not clever, it's totally opposite from what the multiplayer game tries to achieve. For instance, you're about to bring the enemy's marble to your base and win the game, when he just stumbles on a roulette wheel and, by total chance, gets the reward that draws his marble BACK TO HIS BASE. IMO this is STUPID since you worked hard getting his marble. I hate random-reward junk like this and I dunno why Nintendo seems to like to put it in their games (SEE MARIO KART DD)

But other than that, 2-player battle mode is AWESOME. It won't replace smash-bros of course, but it can easily suck up a few hours. I suggest trying it out ASAP if you haven't.


Battle mode is mostly a great time, but fucking frustrating. Too often you can be dealt a poor hand and lose as a result. And the cherries, in that they can randomly destroy your opponent, are way too powerful.

Co-op challenge mode, though, is lots of fun.


Oh, crap. I forgot you were susposed to be able to do that. It wasn't mentioned anywhere in the game. Despite the rehashing over all of basic Pikmin 1 knowledge.

Which, by the way, was a little annoying. Pikmin 2's ammount of dialogue/cutscenes at the start was really weird.


That's more of an easter egg than anything. It isn't mentioned in the manual either. That's why we're using spoiler tags.

And I'm sure there are lots of people that are playing Pikmin 2 that haven't played the first. Such as in this thread.


This game is addictive crazy. I just got a few games zapped by electricity. The butterflies are beautiful. Random thoughts.


Junior Member
etiolate said:
This game is addictive crazy. I just got a few games zapped by electricity. The butterflies are beautiful. Random thoughts.

All the little extras, like knocking down the butterflies for nectar and taking them away. Those Pikmin are not to be fucked with. I'm loving the powder. Having about 25 purple Pikmin hyped up on 'PCP' dust (fuckin Miyamoto and his drug metaphors) will take anything out in short order.

What's the best way to take out the Bird-monster that comes out of the ground?

For that second dungeon where the rolly guy is, you have to call your Pikmin away from him right before he rolls. He kinda swings his head to the side and you have a few seconds to get them out of danger. The Birdman, however, is a problem. I can't get past him without losing a few guys. Those purple guys are precious.

I see myself playing this over and over trying to keep all my guys alive.

Definitely GOTY consideration.


You can't really use Purples on the Birds. At least I can't. They're strong, but too stocky and hard to toss.

They're getting easier to kill though (birds). It's just getting the aiming down. Just take a pack of reds, and hurl them onto the face, they're bound to get a couple Pikmin in their mouths eventually, but if you get 20-25 Pikmin pounding on them, they'll spit them out and retreat underground.

Also, sometimes, they'll take a 3-4 second delay where they're popping their beak out of the ground. You can rush a Pikmin swarm with the C-stick over that and when they fully emerge, the Pikmin will remain on the head.
Alex said:
You can't really use Purples on the Birds. At least I can't. They're strong, but too stocky and hard to toss.

They're getting easier to kill though (birds). It's just getting the aiming down. Just take a pack of reds, and hurl them onto the face, they're bound to get a couple Pikmin in their mouths eventually, but if you get 20-25 Pikmin pounding on them, they'll spit them out and retreat underground.

Also, sometimes, they'll take a 3-4 second delay where they're popping their beak out of the ground. You can rush a Pikmin swarm with the C-stick over that and when they fully emerge, the Pikmin will remain on the head.

forget Zerg rush... we now have PIKMIN RUSH!!!!!
I keep telling myself I shouldn't get this game because I don't have tons of money to spare... but I'm slowly giving in. All of the posts about it in here make it sound so great.

I guess I can trade stuff in.


Tag of Excellence
skinnyrattler said:
The Birdman, however, is a problem. I can't get past him without losing a few guys. Those purple guys are precious.

What I did was when he pops his head out of the ground quickly toss a bunch of Purples on his head (need to practice your aiming) and let them whack him like crazy. Just a few though not a whole lot. Then after a bit quickly pull them back and away from the bird before it even has a chance to attack. This tatic worked wonders on the next boss as well.


Alex said:
Also, sometimes, they'll take a 3-4 second delay where they're popping their beak out of the ground. You can rush a Pikmin swarm with the C-stick over that and when they fully emerge, the Pikmin will remain on the head.
Yeah, that's what I do. I make sure to quickly push my purple Pikmin onto the beak before it fully emerges. If I've got enough of them, it generally dies after the first time.
Just picked it up! Been playing for about hour, and I can already say this...Adding Louie to the mix was a great idea. Keeps you a lot busier, which is awesome. I'll be back!


I just rush the birdsnake(c-stick) when he starts popping out of the ground.

Those electric chainingbeetles in area 3 just took out like 70 of my pikmin, and now I see I need white pikmin in my group to get one of the treasures in the first cave!
I just beat the "last" boss (I use quote marks because you can fight most bosses in any order, but for story purposes, this was the main one). It took over an hour, because most of my Pikmin died immediately and I had to continue fighting with just five left. Then it was four. Then, about halfway through the entire battle, all but one died and I had to go the rest of the way with just my little yellow friend. He even carried the treasure by himself after the boss finally died.


Got this game yesterday, and I've played a total of about 14-15 hours of it so far (late night to early morning usually).

I like this game, much more than the original. There are things in it which kept it fresh and eased things up- like being able to switch between Louie and Olimar, the spicy/bitter spray, the piklopedia and treasure thingies.

I also love how Olimar is Shigeru Miyamoto: his son is addicted to video games, and he's horrible at them, or how the ship explains things logically while Olimar likes to think of wild ideas- how the most common things in our world are viewed in an entirely different way since it's his first time witnessing something on Earth (kinda like how you'd think a child might think what something may be by looking at it and guessing). I also love in the Valley of Repose that there are sewer caps and curbs covered with snow, but they're absolutely huge since Olimar is so small- that since they are so huge, they're giant walls. It all reminds me of one of his quotes:

What if the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think.

Back to the gameplay, I've set a goal for myself never to consciously leave behind a Pikmin. So far I've been successful, except one day which I must had lost one moments before sunset. I've lost 330 Pikmin, 40 to the bird serpent things, 40 to Empress Bulbax (half of my original team). I have over 500 including 120 Yellow, 160 Red, 160 Blue, 22 White, and 23 Purple though, so it's alright. Currently on day 25 or 26 with 82.8% of the debt repaid. Went to the second cave in the Valley of Repose and left at the second escape with only 35 Pikmin... Most had been blown up or thrown over an edge on either the 6th or 7th level. So I spent a day in Awakening Wood getting 80 new Pikmin to replace the dead ones...

And Battle Mode rocks. After I found out how to play the game, I went head-to-head with my sister and won 13/15 matches. The first she won, she invaded my camp which I didn't know was right next door, and took the red marble before I realized what was going on. The second time (immediately after the one I just mentioned), I went to go make my Red Pikmin Flower Pikmin, and she invaded my camp again while I was gone. I returned in time to fight her off, but for some reason her Leaf Blues were able to defeat my Flower Reds.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Why the heck does everything look like its glowing?!


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Well, that magic is hurting my eyes. I find myself squinting alot. The glow/lighting is too much and distracts from the action.


AniHawk said:
I also love how Olimar is Shigeru Miyamoto: his son is addicted to video games, and he's horrible at them, or how the ship explains things logically while Olimar likes to think of wild ideas- how the most common things in our world are viewed in an entirely different way since it's his first time witnessing something on Earth (kinda like how you'd think a child might think what something may be by looking at it and guessing). I also love in the Valley of Repose that there are sewer caps and curbs covered with snow, but they're absolutely huge since Olimar is so small- that since they are so huge, they're giant walls. It all reminds me of one of his quotes:

This is what I truly love about the game. The sense of discovery and adventure is easily conveyed. Pikmin is really a game about video games in the sense that the Pikmin's world has its own set of rules and Olimar's adventure is mainly about realizing what those rules are and adapting to them to get further along.

I think it's funny that people say that Nintendo isn't sophisticated when it comes to putting together a narrative for their games. Pikmin is far more philosophically sophisticated than other games that pride themselves on having a good story, and it does it with out it beating it into you with long cutscenes and uncreative symbolism.


ge-man said:
Pikmin is far more philosophically sophisticated than other games that pride themselves on having a good story, and it does it with out it beating it into you with long cutscenes and uncreative symbolism.

Damn straight.


ToyMachine228 said:
What does the spicy spray stuff do? I'm near five hours in now...Can't wait to get back to it.

It makes your Pikmin into PCPikmin. They are a helluva lot stronger and faster than before.

I used it on 10 purple Pikmin and they took down an Emperor Bulbax in THREE SECONDS.


Still Tagged Accordingly
ge-man said:
Pikmin is far more philosophically sophisticated than other games that pride themselves on having a good story, and it does it with out it beating it into you with long cutscenes and uncreative symbolism.
well said
Picked this up today. I'm on Day 7 and just got 30% of the debt repaid.

I loved the original Pikmin, but this is so much better it's incredible. Ten minutes in you realize just how many little things have been added or adjusted to make this a better game. I'm loving it. It still kept the entertaining translation style from the first and expanded on it quite a bit thanks to this whole Pikipedia thing. Worth the trade-ins.

I had one question. I apologize if it was answered.

Most of the time things your Pikmin can attack can be used for some purpose. However, in one of the caves I came across a green light. The Pikmin attack it and it flashes. That's about it.

Does it have any other purpose?


I've been playing this gem since I purchased it a few days ago. I can't believe how much better this one is compared to the original. Not that the first one was a bad game, but things like the time limit and the lack of replay caused me to sell it after I beat it. All the details and small touches that have been added have truly made a remarkable difference in the sequel.


A buddy of mine filled the debt and beat all but one dungeon in just 17 days. Wah? Maybe I'm just taking my sweet time, but he was way faster than the pace that I'm on. I'm on the fifteenth day, recovered $6289, and still haven't unlocked the fouth level, let alone done much of anything on the third.


Damn, that is pretty quick. I just finished the debt today with 26 days under my belt with plenty of dungeons to go. I'm definately going to get 25-30 hours out of the game.


"Pikmin is far more philosophically sophisticated than other games that pride themselves on having a good story, and it does it with out it beating it into you with long cutscenes and uncreative symbolism."

Please do not tack Pikmin down with Ico-esque stupidity. One game with unreadable threads due to creepy shut-in, game obsessed fanboys is more than enough. The hardcore Ico fans are almost as tasteless as Xeno fans, which is saying quite a bit (and heck, I like Ico)

Anyway. Pikmin 2 is becoming a lot more interesting as of late. The last few dungeons, and espically bosses have been really, really big improvements I did not expect of the series.

Pikmin 2 has been very fun and engaging from the get-go, but it's really starting to evolve to an honest to goodness fantastic game whereas at first it merely felt like the Smash Bros. Melee stamp being applied to the solid, but rushed and flawed launch game Pikmin was.

I'm finally going to get to try some two-player tonight too, yay.
I'm about seven hours in, and I've got about 50% of the debt payed off...Haven't unlocked the fourth area yet, and haven't got blue Pikmin yet either. Great stuff.


Alex said:
"Pikmin is far more philosophically sophisticated than other games that pride themselves on having a good story, and it does it with out it beating it into you with long cutscenes and uncreative symbolism."

Please do not tack Pikmin down with Ico-esque stupidity. One game with unreadable threads due to creepy shut-in, game obsessed fanboys is more than enough. The hardcore Ico fans are almost as tasteless as Xeno fans, which is saying quite a bit (and heck, I like Ico)

Hey, it's true. The way the game portrays exploration and childlike wonder and imagination is one of the pros of this game. It helps make Pikmin 2 just that more interesting for me: finding out what Olimar will call the next random object we'd view as trash (where in Pikmin, he was just finding things which were alien to us).

I probably wouldn't have given it much thought had it not been for the comment on Olimar's son and video games.


Alex said:
"Pikmin is far more philosophically sophisticated than other games that pride themselves on having a good story, and it does it with out it beating it into you with long cutscenes and uncreative symbolism."

Please do not tack Pikmin down with Ico-esque stupidity. One game with unreadable threads due to creepy shut-in, game obsessed fanboys is more than enough. The hardcore Ico fans are almost as tasteless as Xeno fans, which is saying quite a bit (and heck, I like Ico)

Don't take my post as my way of talking the game up as some kind of masterpiece. My point was that the game is far more interesting and sophisticated in its approach than certain games that try way too hard to show that they are intelligent (coffee book Nietzche in Xenosaga for example).


Everything is more sophisticated than the slop Takahashi puts out. Thankfully his empire of tasteless teenagers seems to be burning.

I'd agree that Nintendo games always have a quiet sophistication for the childlike themes they use, which typically makes for a really interesting experience. But I wouldn't take it to such extremes, myself.

"Don't take my post as my way of talking the game up as some kind of masterpiece"

Wouldn't be anything wrong with that, as far as I am concerned, I love Pikmin 2. One of the best sequels they've ever released, and considering some of the stuff that gets talked up...


Alex said:
I'd agree that Nintendo games always have a quiet sophistication for the outrageously childlike themes they use..

I was skimming this Digital buying guide and they called Zelda a CHILDREN'S GAME. It made my blood boil!

Nintendo needs to make a revolutionary (first party-- I'm talking EAD goodness here) game that starts a franchise on the same level as Halo, Metal Gear Solid, and Resident Evil. Metroid just didn't cut it. :( It's not as big as MGS in Japan for example nor is it as big as Halo in the U.S.


I'd prefer they keep doing what they do best.

They already pissed me off enough changing the style of Wind Waker, which is easily one of the best looking game of the gen, IMO. To Zelda 2K5, which looks remarkably average at this point.

Wind Waker needed a coat of maturity and a lot of fixes, but not in it's artstyle.


Alex said:
I'd prefer they keep doing what they do best.

They already pissed me off enough changing the style of Wind Waker, which is easily one of the best looking game of the gen, IMO. To Zelda 2K5, which looks remarkably average at this point.

Wind Waker needed a coat of maturity and a lot of fixes, but not in it's artstyle.

I like the new artstyle fine. Would be great to see it cel-shaded as a Revolution game. TWW had enough maturity in the game as well (hell, they're all about a young boy becoming a man). One of the main problems was that it would be contrasted with something else. For example, the ending:

Ganondorf stands behind that veil, looming over Zelda. He is completly dark except for crimson red hair and white eyes. Definitely more chilling than he was in any Zelda game prior, he actually looked evil. Then he goes on this great speech- but when he says "YOUR GODS DESTROYED YOU!" not only does it sound cheesy as a line, but the music which plays completely destroys the mood.

Later, on top of the castle, Ganondorf gives the best lines of the game, and proceeds to beat the shit out of Link very quickly. Why did Nintendo have to make the music there cheesy as well? The other major thing I disliked was Daphnes saying, "IT WILL BE YOUR LAND!" in caps. So damned out of place in an otherwise nearly perfect ending.


It looks like OoT 1.5 to me. Just bland and boring. Not really flashy as the usual Nintendo game.


Alex said:
It looks like OoT 1.5 to me. Just bland and boring. Not really flashy as the usual Nintendo game.

Well it's been reported to be using all of the GC's effects. Since the game is still a year away, it might receive slight graphical upgrade as well. TWW had changes made to its graphics a year and a half before release, and this game is not as hard to do graphically as TWW. I think Nintendo will find ways to make it look pretty (most areas we've seen are stone dungeons, empty plains, and probably to-be-cut or unfinished forests).


Alex said:
It looks like OoT 1.5 to me. Just bland and boring. Not really flashy as the usual Nintendo game.

OOT was the first 3D zelda and so we got to see the forests, rivers, and mountains of hyrule in 3d for the first time in OOT. Every game coming after it will "look" like it. The only way for it to not look like OOT in the way you're saying is for it to be like WW and be set in a completely different hyrule like in WW or have a different art style and just because they did it once doesn't mean they have to do it for every new Zelda game. The 2D Zeldas looked the "same" too but nobody complains about those.
Back to the topic at hand...

I've put about 3 hours in single player now, in an hour in multi, and I really an enjoying myself. I enjoy just watching the pikmin march with you, as there is so many, really, the whole game sernades you.

I also love how the stratagy of the game is hidden under a very simple interface. Two player battle is the most fun 2p multiplayer game that I own. It's too bad that you can't turn off cherries, but you just have to make a house rule of no cherries.

So far, I'm glad I didn't wait for Pikmin 2 to drop in price, really worth the launch price.
I've got about 8 hours in now, and I've found the Blue Pikmin. As you mentioned, it's really great how deep of a strategy you can actually have going, but yet the interface, and everything is so simple. This is the type of stuff that Nintendo means when they say control schemes are getting too complicated...Pikmin 2 is one of those games that anyone can pick up and play, like Nintendo wants. Not only is a game that anyone CAN pick up and play, it's a game that everyone SHOULD pick up and play.

And if you want to talk about Zelda, I'll do it. I actually did find The Wind Waker to be very mature at points. And the art syle...Loved it. Loved the entire game. The best adventure game I've played all generation, right in front of Beyond Good & Evil.


I just got the yellow pikmin and it's starting to get good. :)

I like marching in caves with 95 Pikmin! purple for fighting, yellow for the touchy yellow-only tasks and red for sacrificing--er, I mean kamikaze attacks. :p


Is it wrong to only allow flower-pikmin to live? Am I the only one who doesn't allow inferior pikmin to live at the end of the day? I don't even give them a chance to fend for themselves during the night. I kill them before I leave.


Tenguman said:
Is it wrong to only allow flower-pikmin to live? Am I the only one who doesn't allow inferior pikmin to live at the end of the day? I don't even give them a chance to fend for themselves during the night. I kill them before I leave.
I've never before witnessed such terrible discrimination.

Just turn them into flower Pikmin then. Or keep them in the Onions until you can. If you kill them often enough, it might catch up to you eventually.


Chrono said:
I just got the yellow pikmin and it's starting to get good. :)

I like marching in caves with 95 Pikmin! purple for fighting, yellow for the touchy yellow-only tasks and red for sacrificing--er, I mean kamikaze attacks. :p

Whenever it's all four types, I usually bring 40 Red, 10 White, 10 Purple, 20 Blue, and 20 Yellow.

That backfired on me just now though. Lost three Blue Pikmin and I needed all twenty to carry an object in the water. Now I'll have to go back to that cave again.

Right now I'm about 16-17 hours through. Paid off the debt, loved the ending CG and FMV. Good music. There's one area left after I finish off Perplexing Pool which I have not been to at all yet, so I imagine there's still another 12 hours or so left in this game for me.

Very surprising. I was not expecting it to be this addicting, and this good.

Deku Tree

Tenguman said:
Is it wrong to only allow flower-pikmin to live? Am I the only one who doesn't allow inferior pikmin to live at the end of the day? I don't even give them a chance to fend for themselves during the night. I kill them before I leave.

Yes, that is cruel. Why not put them in your onion? Why not find some nectar for them to chew on? Pikmin live only to serve you and this is how you reward them?
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