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The OFFICIAL Pikmin 2 Topic.


I've had mine for a couple days and I've only played a couple days in the game...
But I must say that this game is a huge improvement over the first and that it's a lot of fun.

I love the Piklopedia music too... Sounds like something that should be in a Pilotwings title.
I can't wait to get further into the game.


Pikmin 2 challenge mode stomps the absolutely useless one the original had. It's like a whole 'nother section of game. Hooray.

Buggy Loop

Hehe, probably late to the party but i just realized that by pressing the R trigger in the intro menu that the pikmins form the word nintendo, pressing L makes them form pikmin 2 again, X and Y brings criters. Really cool :)


Buggy Loop said:
Hehe, probably late to the party but i just realized that by pressing the R trigger in the intro menu that the pikmins form the word nintendo, pressing L makes them form pikmin 2 again, X and Y brings criters. Really cool :)

This game just keeps giving and giving. :D


I must say the Piklopedia is the best thing to happen to gaming in a long time. Interactive gallery of every item, enemy, and plant you encounter in the game? Amazing.

I can't wait to see how they expand on that in Pikmin 3. I would imagine the ability to place them in any environment you want, change lighting/time of day, and interact with them than more than just the pikpik carrots.
And I don't know if it's possible, but it would be nice to have accurate soft shadows cast by plants and enemies in the gallery.

It would be neat to have little mini-games with certain enemies too. Perhaps play a game of fetch with Bulborb? Choose the angle and intensity of your toss, toss it and let it bounce realitistically until it finds a resting place... then watch your Bulbord go fetch. I like it.


Arg...Future Shop had this for $50 Canadian on Saturday and here I was moving into University. Fuck...I would have picked it up for that cheap, damnit.


If it weren't for the absolutely superb Zelda Four Swords, this would quite easily be my Gamecube game of the year. It's incredibly ingenius, inventive, and each puzzle is as interesting or even more so than the last. I am on day 10 or so, inside the citadel of spiders. I completed the Glutton's Kitchen dungeon before it though, as I didn't see the CoS slightly to the left of the start.

Only reason I stopped playing was that I felt jipped! I attacked one of those yellow frogs with 100 pikmin. He had a sliver of life left and about fourty pikmin on him, so he could not jump, but as he died he did somehow miraculously lift himself and fourty pikmin up off the floor, and crushed a good 20-25 of my guys! Ridiculous. I am aching to get my freaking blue guys already, sheesh. Awesome game. I'm at about 50%.


Perplexing Pool - Submerged Castle

How am I supposed to get inside? Only my blue Pikmin can reach it. I assume that there's a drain that I can crack open, but I haven't found it.


Socreges said:
Perplexing Pool - Submerged Castle

How am I supposed to get inside? Only my blue Pikmin can reach it. I assume that there's a drain that I can crack open, but I haven't found it.

Blue Pikmin ONLY.

Careful, it's a BITCH inside.


Buggy Loop said:
Hehe, probably late to the party but i just realized that by pressing the R trigger in the intro menu that the pikmins form the word nintendo, pressing L makes them form pikmin 2 again, X and Y brings criters. Really cool :)

Control them with the c-stick, and eat while controlling a Bulborb with Z
I just played the two-player mode for the first time...It's pretty cool. The best part was the very first time, both of our Pikmin forces, massed together, and waged a huge Pikmin war. Good stuff...Another highlight...I used the Spicy Berry spray on some of my red flowered Pikmin, and they all jumped on him (Louie). So funny.


ToyMachine228 said:
I just played the two-player mode for the first time...It's pretty cool. The best part was the very first time, both of our Pikmin forces, massed together, and waged a huge Pikmin war. Good stuff...Another highlight...I used the Spicy Berry spray on some of my red flowered Pikmin, and they all jumped on him (Louie). So funny.

One of my favorite things was Louie running around and my sister yelling, "GET THEM OFF! GET THEM OFF!" :lol


Deku Tree said:
Yes, that is cruel. Why not put them in your onion? Why not find some nectar for them to chew on? Pikmin live only to serve you and this is how you reward them?
IMO, it's an HONOR for them to serve me. No inferior pikmin may be allowed to live in my game. I only want a super-breed of pikmin, the flower.


last night i lost nine pikmin to the wilderness after sunset. at first i felt bad, but then i realized that if they were stupid enough to get seperated from the group, well, they probably had it coming.


BuddyChrist83 said:
last night i lost nine pikmin to the wilderness after sunset. at first i felt bad, but then i realized that if they were stupid enough to get seperated from the group, well, they probably had it coming.

For me, nobody gets left behind. Except once in a cave when one prolly started carrying a small bulborb and I didn't notice. The closest I got was 2 seconds until sundown, and I found one red guy next to a flower I forgot to whistle for.
Tenguman said:
IMO, it's an HONOR for them to serve me. No inferior pikmin may be allowed to live in my game. I only want a super-breed of pikmin, the flower.

CONGRATULATION! You win tonight's "Creepy Award".


Buggy Loop said:
Hehe, probably late to the party but i just realized that by pressing the R trigger in the intro menu that the pikmins form the word nintendo, pressing L makes them form pikmin 2 again, X and Y brings criters. Really cool :)

I had my 4 year old niece walk up to the TV while the game was at the intro screen and at

the count of 3 I had her blow on the screen while I pushed L. She was amazed! She

thought she blew the Pikmin away!

I laughed uncontrollably because well...you know...kids are stupid.


AniHawk said:
For me, nobody gets left behind. Except once in a cave when one prolly started carrying a small bulborb and I didn't notice. The closest I got was 2 seconds until sundown, and I found one red guy next to a flower I forgot to whistle for.
I try, but you know, I'm no miracle worker.


AniHawk said:
For me, nobody gets left behind. Except once in a cave when one prolly started carrying a small bulborb and I didn't notice. The closest I got was 2 seconds until sundown, and I found one red guy next to a flower I forgot to whistle for.
It's the worst feeling when you think you've gotten everyone back, but then you notice the cut-scene at the end of the day is a little different than usual. To imagine what goes on inside the ship:

Olimar: Wait... are those... Louie, we left some behind!

Louie: No time. We have to save ourselves.

Olimar: But.. red, yellow, blue... there are 20 of them! We can't just leave.

Louie: ...and we have lift-off.

Olimar: Noooooo...

*Pikmin run towards Onions as they fly away* *chomp* *blood-curdling screams*

Olimar: You BASTARD.

Louie: Relax. We'll just make some more tomorrow.

Olimar: ...you heartless....

Louie: Those ones were slackers anyhow.

Olimar: Those were FLOWER PIKMIN.

Louie: Plenty 'o jelly to go around.

Olimar: You mother fuc-

Louie: Shhh.. quiet for a sec. I love this song.

Olimar: ....

Louie: ......Ground control to Major Tom.....

Olimar: I fucking hate you.

Louie: ...take your protein pills and put your helmet on....


Tag of Excellence
thom said:
I had my 4 year old niece walk up to the TV while the game was at the intro screen and at

the count of 3 I had her blow on the screen while I pushed L. She was amazed! She

thought she blew the Pikmin away!

I laughed uncontrollably because well...you know...kids are stupid.
That was so awesome, reminds me of all the fun tricks I have planned for when I have children. They will beleive the moon is a horrible monster that will devour their bodies at night unless they wear their tinfoil helmets like good children.



stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I can't believe you all are so careful with your pikmin. I lost like 500 over the course of the game, and birthed about 1100. The game informs you of your stats after you clear the 10K pokos.

Even with losing that many I never felt a Pikmin crunch or wished I had more of one color. If I was ever running a bit low I just spent the last half of a day propogating more...


GDJustin said:
I can't believe you all are so careful with your pikmin. I lost like 500 over the course of the game, and birthed about 1100. The game informs you of your stats after you clear the 10K pokos.

Even with losing that many I never felt a Pikmin crunch or wished I had more of one color. If I was ever running a bit low I just spent the last half of a day propogating more...

You are evil.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Socreges said:
No joke. What the fuck
is that thing rolling over everything? Do I need to stone him? Because I can't do that yet.

He appears on every floor of that dungeon (besides the first I believe) after you've been there a set amount of time. I'm fairly sure it's like 5 minutes. The best thing to do is check out a floor and try to learn all it's ins and outs, and then reset and try to go through it collecting treasure as fast as you can. You should be able to be nearly finished by the time he drops.

Also, he's drawn to your two heros more than the pikmin themselves. I had some success luring the frog with louie and then trying to sneak the treasure back with olimar, C-Sticking the pikmin up against the wall when the bastard came rolling by.


Socreges said:
It's the worst feeling when you think you've gotten everyone back, but then you notice the cut-scene at the end of the day is a little different than usual. To imagine what goes on inside the ship:

Olimar: Wait... are those... Louie, we left some behind!

Louie: No time. We have to save ourselves.

Olimar: But.. red, yellow, blue... there are 20 of them! We can't just leave.

Louie: ...and we have lift-off.

Olimar: Noooooo...

*Pikmin run towards Onions as they fly away* *chomp* *blood-curdling screams*

Olimar: You BASTARD.

Louie: Relax. We'll just make some more tomorrow.

Olimar: ...you heartless....

Louie: Those ones were slackers anyhow.

Olimar: Those were FLOWER PIKMIN.

Louie: Plenty 'o jelly to go around.

Olimar: You mother fuc-

Louie: Shhh.. quiet for a sec. I love this song.

Olimar: ....

Louie: ......Ground control to Major Tom.....

Olimar: I fucking hate you.

Louie: ...take your protein pills and put your helmet on....

You must write for VGCats.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
The lack of a time-limit on days removes the challenge of harvesting and protecting the pikmin. Also, stocking up on pikmin seems fairly simple with the large amount of posy pellets and easy enemies nearby the landing site (at least at "awakening wood".)

Resources were more scarce in the original game.


It's supposed to be more laid back, giving people the chance to explore. If you need more challenge, try the "challenge mode" and don't lose any Pikmin.


thom said:
I had my 4 year old niece walk up to the TV while the game was at the intro screen and at

the count of 3 I had her blow on the screen while I pushed L. She was amazed! She

thought she blew the Pikmin away!

I laughed uncontrollably because well...you know...kids are stupid.

that's funny, I gotta try that with one of my little cousins one day...


hyperbolically metafictive
the local gamerush had a copy of pikmin 2 mislabeled at $39.99. i traded in my redundant ps2 copy of capcom vs. snk 2 (which i keep in the car for just such a contingency) and got it for $30. score one for cheapassery.


I agree that the first is more of a 'game'. It challenges you with scarce pikmin building resources and with a 30 day time limit. I do prefer the 2nd because it seems to have a little more structure and linearity even though you do have more freedom to explore if you choose.


AniHawk said:
You have to get the Yellow Pikmin from the third area first.

I know and I have them. It's just that I can see the blue onion on the map in awakening woods but I have no idea how to get there. I'm at the bulbax cave now... maybe something there will help?


Socreges said:
No joke. What the fuck
is that thing rolling over everything? Do I need to stone him? Because I can't do that yet.

You'll be able to defeat him... Eventually. If you don't know how, ask again and I'll be able to tell you. There are ledges and little caves to hide your Pikmin. If your group is ever split up, make sure they're near safe areas in case he drops, and I recommend having the camera angle which is furthest away from your heroes. As suggested earlier, it's a good idea to lure him away while other Pikmin get the treasure. I was able to do the cave in one try, but it cost me 75 Pikmin (many of those were Bulbmin though- they were extremely handy).


Chrono said:
I know and I have them. It's just that I can see the blue onion on the map in awakening woods but I have no idea how to get there. I'm at the bulbax cave now... maybe something there will help?

Where the plants are that drop berries, keep heading straight up until you reach a ledge you cannot climb. Throw your Yellow Pikmin up onto the ledge (away from a nearby enemy which tends to be more towards the right side). When you've done that, go around to the right, through the water, and up the ramp to gather your troops. Kill the enemy as quick as possible to avoid deaths, and have the Yellow Pikmin take down the electric wall.


Nintendo has some serious issues. I'm 19, I've seen tubgirl, and I was disturbed seeing the Pikmin drag the bird's head back to the ship.

Is there a way to turn off the Love Tester Radar? Annoying as all hell.


olimario said:
Is there a way to turn off the Love Tester Radar? Annoying as all hell.

I have no clue. I just learned to tune it out by now.

Anyone know a great place to get lots of Purple Pikmin?


AniHawk said:
You'll be able to defeat him... Eventually. If you don't know how, ask again and I'll be able to tell you. There are ledges and little caves to hide your Pikmin. If your group is ever split up, make sure they're near safe areas in case he drops, and I recommend having the camera angle which is furthest away from your heroes. As suggested earlier, it's a good idea to lure him away while other Pikmin get the treasure. I was able to do the cave in one try, but it cost me 75 Pikmin (many of those were Bulbmin though- they were extremely handy).
Yeah, even hugging walls did the trick.

One of the most interesting bosses I've ever faced. The actual design in having to beat him was nothing special, but I just really enjoyed the appearance and presence.


I took various images of the items you will find (the ones with name brand), so I figured if anyone was interested, or who doesn't have the game could take a peek. Spoilers for the nitpicky. It's not complete as I haven't even paid off the debt yet. :p



Thoughts on Pikmin 3:

New Pikmin types which are extremely rare.
Like with the Bulbmin, these Pikmin would have the ability to infect an enemy Bulborb and you could control them. This would only happen after you defeat the enemy. Only walking ones count.

You should be able to select whether you want to take Flower, Bud, or Leaf Pikmins out of your ship.

Add co-op for the main game.

Make the Pikipedia or whatever it's called a tad more interactive. Would be a bonus if it was like Seaman where you flick them or pet them.

Get rid of the sound for the item tracker/finder thing.

Have Olimar/Louie use their environments- like a large leaf or lillypad could be used to transport some Pikmin across the water. Or Pikmin could take out chunks of walls/curbs and use them as projectiles against enemies, or if they're first to be thrown onto an enemy, they can cause more damage than with their teeth/fists.

Deku Tree

AniHawk said:
Thoughts on Pikmin 3:

New Pikmin types which are extremely rare.
Like with the Bulbmin, these Pikmin would have the ability to infect an enemy Bulborb and you could control them. This would only happen after you defeat the enemy. Only walking ones count.

You should be able to select whether you want to take Flower, Bud, or Leaf Pikmins out of your ship.

Add co-op for the main game.

Make the Pikipedia or whatever it's called a tad more interactive. Would be a bonus if it was like Seaman where you flick them or pet them.

Get rid of the sound for the item tracker/finder thing.

Have Olimar/Louie use their environments- like a large leaf or lillypad could be used to transport some Pikmin across the water. Or Pikmin could take out chunks of walls/curbs and use them as projectiles against enemies, or if they're first to be thrown onto an enemy, they can cause more damage than with their teeth/fists.

Didn't they say somewhere that they tried co-op for the main game and decided not to put it in b/c it would have forced them to sacrifice too many of their new idea's for single player?

Anyhow, I agree that adding all this stuff would make a better Pikmin 3. Plus I think they should work on alot of new enemies. Plus a difficulty setting would be nice even if it just adds more health to your enemies (I know I'm dreaming...).


umm. I have never played any pikmin game. Is it worth picking up pikmin 2 even though I haven't showed any interest in the series? Is it a RTS type of game?
SantaCruZer said:
umm. I have never played any pikmin game. Is it worth picking up pikmin 2 even though I haven't showed any interest in the series? Is it a RTS typ of game?

This gets a big resounding yes. You should play this game especially if you haven't played the games before. Most people are very taken by the unique qualities of the game when they play it for the first time. Since Pikmin 2 is a much better game in every regard, especially for beginners, I would definitely suggest picking up this game.

It's an RTS type of game but it throws out a lot of what the stereotypical RTS games have here in the west. Essentially it's like an eastern take on the RTS formula, but is completely suited for a console since you control a "commander" and your "helpers" are smart enough to know what you want them to do. If you throw a Pikmin near a flower they will understand that you want them to cut it down, if you throw them near an enemy they will understand that you want them to attack it. There are also things not really seen before in a game like having Pikmin thrown onto an enemy whereby they litterally cling to it while it tries to shake them all off. One large enemy in particular can have his legs weighed down if you throw many pikmin onto it. Very cool stuff.


JasoNsider said:
This gets a big resounding yes. You should play this game especially if you haven't played the games before. Most people are very taken by the unique qualities of the game when they play it for the first time. Since Pikmin 2 is a much better game in every regard, especially for beginners, I would definitely suggest picking up this game.

It's an RTS type of game but it throws out a lot of what the stereotypical RTS games have here in the west. Essentially it's like an eastern take on the RTS formula, but is completely suited for a console since you control a "commander" and your "helpers" are smart enough to know what you want them to do. If you throw a Pikmin near a flower they will understand that you want them to cut it down, if you throw them near an enemy they will understand that you want them to attack it. There are also things not really seen before in a game like having Pikmin thrown onto an enemy whereby they litterally cling to it while it tries to shake them all off. One large enemy in particular can have his legs weighed down if you throw many pikmin onto it. Very cool stuff.

Thanks! I will give it a try then :)

I have never really liked the western RTS war games, but this sounds like more fun.


Knows the Score
AniHawk said:
I have no clue. I just learned to tune it out by now.

Anyone know a great place to get lots of Purple Pikmin?

Area 1, Cave 2(Subterranean Complex in the JP version), Level 8. Go in here with only a few pikmin and run past everything. You should find three normal candypops and two purple ones. Each visit should net you 15 new purples.


I haven't read this thread for fear of spoilers, but:

--After purchasing this last night and playing for three hours, I'm taking a sick day off work today just to continue to play it.

--I was already amazed by this in Pikmin 1, but this game has some of the most incredible AI I've ever seen. It's easy to take it for granted that you can control 100 of the little guys and that they sort themselves out in categories and behave context-dependently, but that's the point.

--I thought I'd miss the time constraint of Pikmin 1, but in retrospect I think the new play constraints work better.


This game rocks.

Having 20 Pikmin of each kind in your party at the same time is a fun little secret. :)

I love the enemies. Lots of clever designs and ways to beat them.

GOTY so far.
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