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The Official Prototype Thread

Loudninja said:
wow this mission never ends :lol

I don't think he's on a mission. He just keeps going into infected areas and draws out strike teams.

I might be wrong though, but nothing seems to progress after he evades the strike team.
Like Hulk UD, then? You run around, cause mayhem and eventually deal with strike teams. Once the strike team is down, everything goes back to neutral. And missions are isolated from this.


BenjaminBirdie said:
This shit is really non-stop for this poor mass murderer.



IGN review
" Closing Comments
Prototype is a game with many cool features. However, it lacks many of the finishing touches that make for a great and memorable game. To say the graphics and game engine need work is a massive understatement and many of the missions are cookie cutter in design without any real focus or attention to detail. Thankfully, Alex Mercer's absorbing and shape shifting powers manage to overcome many of the shortcomings of Prototype. Though the missions themselves aren't anything special, the vast array of powers provides their own variety and flair. "




Judging by the stream, the graphics are not very good but the character's speed and agility look great and the action is pretty violent. The game looks like a fun rental.


beast786 said:
IGN review
" Closing Comments
Prototype is a game with many cool features. However, it lacks many of the finishing touches that make for a great and memorable game. To say the graphics and game engine need work is a massive understatement and many of the missions are cookie cutter in design without any real focus or attention to detail. Thankfully, Alex Mercer's absorbing and shape shifting powers manage to overcome many of the shortcomings of Prototype. Though the missions themselves aren't anything special, the vast array of powers provides their own variety and flair. "


"Lasting Appeal -6.5
You can do just about everything in well under 20 hours. I didn’t find myself compelled to play for a second time at all."

"Graphics - 5.5
If it weren't for some nice animations, this game wouldn't have anything going for it visually."

Yikes.. a little harsh no?
McLovin said:
"Graphics - 5.5
If it weren't for some nice animations, this game wouldn't have anything going for it visually."

Yikes.. a little harsh no?

I really didn't see anything exceptional visually but I certainly didn't see anything terrible either. But who knows how it looks on a normal sized television.
beast786 said:
IGN review
" Closing Comments
Prototype is a game with many cool features. However, it lacks many of the finishing touches that make for a great and memorable game. To say the graphics and game engine need work is a massive understatement and many of the missions are cookie cutter in design without any real focus or attention to detail. Thankfully, Alex Mercer's absorbing and shape shifting powers manage to overcome many of the shortcomings of Prototype. Though the missions themselves aren't anything special, the vast array of powers provides their own variety and flair. "



I don't know anything about lasting appeal, but what they say about the graphics certainly echo my own feelings towards the visual presentation, at least based on what I've seen so far. Flat and uninteresting game world, and with curiously poor explosions for being a game about mayhem. It's just not an attractive game, and it doesn't seem to do anything great, visually, to counter the blatant flaws.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I really didn't see anything exceptional visually but I certainly didn't see anything terrible either. But who knows how it looks on a normal sized television.
But they have so much stuff going on. So many people on screen, vehicles, monsters all interacting. The should take that into account. Don't see why the graphics got a 5.5
I hope IGN are wrong on this one, but it's not looking great. I don't care for their comments on graphics or replay value.. if the gameplay is good then 20 hours is a fair deal. I just worry that playing the game just isn't fun.

pixel monkey said:
Shhhhh...don't speak the truth in here, you'll make them cry.

I don't think anyone is so tethered to the game to the point of tears. Your posts make it seem like you're the one most emotionally invested in the game, only it's in its failure.


A case in point is the power set. There are a ton of upgrades to nab in Prototype and improving your character is some of the most rewarding gameplay offered here. There are so many powers, in fact, that cramming them all on a controller proved difficult. The most disappointing moment I had while playing Prototype came when I finally earned enough EP to unlock the Cannonball move. I don't think I need to point out how cool that sounds. And then I looked up how to do a cannonball: Hold the X Button and then hit B at the same time while in the air. X and B, two buttons that require you to tie your fingers in a pretzel to hit at the same time. That's just awful design.

McLovin said:
But they have so much stuff going on. So many people on screen, vehicles, monsters all interacting. The should take that into account. Don't see why the graphics got a 5.5

If it's ugly, it's ugly. You can give it a break for being ugly on the basis of being massively populated, but it'd still be ugly.


AltogetherAndrews said:
If it's ugly, it's ugly. You can give it a break for being ugly on the basis of being massively populated, but it'd still be ugly.
I'm not saying its pretty.. I'd say its like a 7 in graphics(from what I've seen) because of how the game is. 5.5 is sub wii territory, and its far from that.


PC version has no achievement, guess the advertised box with the huge GFW was a fake.

Really if you love crackdown, spiderman or hulk, this is the game for you. The game is insanely fast, your character moves at an incredible rate. The jumps you make and the ability to climb up buildings is really good.

The bad news is that crowd AI is bad, the graphics look below average (I max out everything with 1920 X 1080 with vertical sync on, so it will definitely look better then the PS3 and 360 version) some parts honestly look worse then Half life 2 , look at the chopers ... ugh...

But other then that, the way you unlock the memories by consuming key people plus, when memories connect they unlock further memories and super fast paced combat. I think it's pretty good.

In closing, if you do not like Crackdown, spiderman or hulk then seriously just avoid it. When I first saw the graphics I though I flushed down good money. But playing it for awhile..really makes me say wow..awesome.

Score 7.59/10
Karma said:
Fucking troll.

After all the shit I received from some of you fucking pricks on here for giving nothing more than my impressions...who's the troll?

Vindication, mother fucker. Vindifuckingcation.
pixel monkey said:
After all the shit I received from some of you fucking pricks on here for giving nothing more than my impressions...who's the troll?

Vindication, mother fucker. Vindifuckingcation.

Well for all its worth, I still think the game looks awesome (from viewing these streams, since Ive watched three already) and can't wait to play it. Sucks it didn't live up to your expectations. :( but I appreciated the early view on the game.
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Well for all its worth, I still think the game looks awesome (from viewing these streams, since Ive watched three already) and can't wait to play it. Sucks it didn't live up to your expectations. :( but I appreciated the early view on the game.

Thank you, slasher. I appreciate that. I really do.

As I said last week when I gave my impressions, everyone should absolutely try it for themselves. And I do hope you enjoy your time with it.

Cheers, mate.


pixel monkey said:
After all the shit I received from some of you fucking pricks on here for giving nothing more than my impressions...who's the troll?

Vindication, mother fucker. Vindifuckingcation.

You are. You setup camp in this thread and talked shit about a game YOU HAVE NOT EVEN PLAYED. Now you are happy about a below average review and making fun of people that like the game.
Karma said:
Now you are happy about a below average review and making fun of people that like the game.

Excuse me? I'm no happier about a weak review than I am with my disappointment with one of my most anticipated titles of 2009. I was laughing because my impressions that were ridiculed are vindicated by that write up.

As far as making fun of people that like the game goes...unbelievable. I've "made fun" of no one, nor have I even criticized anyone other than Activision and Radical for so much hype, and so little substance.

You've lost touch with reality, lad.

EDIT: for clarity.
check out pixel monkey's last fifty post or so

it's almost entirely dedicated to "warning" everyone about how much prototype sucks :lol
WickedLaharl said:
check out pixel monkey's last fifty post or so

it's almost entirely dedicated to "warning" everyone about how much prototype sucks :lol

I don't think he means any harm, well at least early on he didn't. He's just a little over enthusiastic.


pixel monkey said:
As far as making fun of people that like the game goes...unbelievable. I've "made fun" of no one

pixel monkey said:
Shhhhh...don't speak the truth in here, you'll make them cry.

What you are doing is like me going to the Haze thread when it came out and posting 40+ times about how crap the game is, even if I had not played it. Then laugh at low review scores and call people cry babies if they disagree with me. Pathetic.
pixel monkey said:
After all the shit I received from some of you fucking pricks on here for giving nothing more than my impressions...who's the troll?

Vindication, mother fucker. Vindifuckingcation.
7.5. Yes, you were so right. Now please leave the thread already and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Karma said:
What you are doing is like me going to the Haze thread when it came out and posting 40+ times about how crap the game is, even if I had not played it. Then laugh at low review scores and call people cry babies if they disagree with me. Pathetic.

"Make them cry" was a poor choice of words on my part. What I should have said is "incur their wrath" or something of that ilk.

If you (or anyone else in this thread) took that as a personal slap, if that's what you think my intent has been, to somehow relish in the failure of Prototype, and the anguish of those who supported the game...I apologize. That was never my goal.


pixel monkey said:
If you (or anyone else in this thread) took that as a personal slap, if that's what you think my intent has been, to somehow relish in the failure of Prototype, and the anguish of those who supported the game...I apologize. That was never my goal.
But..you made me cry!!!

Pixel Monkey, nowhere in your "impressions" of the game did that come off as a 7.5, you made the game out to be a 5.0. What is there for you to laugh at? This isnt an I told you so moment.

And since when is 7.5 bad? Like someone said in the ign review thread, push that by .5 or 1 and its a great game. You people sometimes...

Can't wait to see other reviews. Seems positive still so far, I may get this.
Infinitemadness said:
Pixel Monkey, nowhere in your "impressions" of the game did that come off as a 7.5, you made the game out to be a 5.0. What is there for you to laugh at? This isnt an I told you so moment.

And since when is 7.5 bad? Like someone said in the ign review thread, push that by .5 or 1 and its a great game. You people sometimes...

Have you actually read the review, or are you just staring yourself blind at the score?
AltogetherAndrews said:
Have you actually read the review, or are you just staring yourself blind at the score?

I've also read the other reviews as well as Sully's impressions. You do know other reviews and impressions are out there too, right?
Infinitemadness said:
I've also read the other reviews as well as Sully's impressions. You do know other reviews and impressions are out there too, right?

I know, and I've also read impressions from Truant and others. But you were talking about this review, and obsessing over the score ("And since when is 7.5 bad?"), so that's what I'm asking about.
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