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The Official Prototype Thread

i'm positive i missed this trying to avoid the fighting - but how does it compare to infamous? if lady luck is answering her phone today, ill be playing it this evening


Rollo Larson said:
i'm positive i missed this trying to avoid the fighting - but how does it compare to infamous? if lady luck is answering her phone today, ill be playing it this evening


infamous has some nice touches (like the very generous mission restarts) and lots of different mission types so i'm thinking this might be a bit annoying in comparison, unless its as good?
panda21 said:

infamous has some nice touches (like the very generous mission restarts) and lots of different mission types so i'm thinking this might be a bit annoying in comparison, unless its as good?

I haven't played infamous but of what I've seen it is more generous with the restarts then Prototype but I think the checkpointing in prototype was farily forgiving to.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I read on some other forum that the PC performance ain't so great, especially for how poor the game looks;

On a more technical note, game installed fine and is running very well, framerate is in the 30-40 range on my 260GTX@1080p, but it feels very smooth at all time.
I love how you can just hold down the R-Trigger to sprint and automatically evade the public/cars/whatever. It's kinda like Assassin's Creed, only you don't have to worry about dying because you fall off a house. It makes the city really enjoyable to move around in, you're never being slowed down or having things get in your way.

The combat is kinda mixed. On the one hand, it's very hectic, and it's hard to lock on to the right person all the time. It's kinda like Crackdown in that regard, but seeing as Crackdown had guns it's was never a big deal, you could just free aim if you couldn't get a lock on. You use the right stick to switch targets, which works well enough, but when you have 3 or 4 huge mutant things after you it's not the easiest thing to juggle. But the powers and moves you have are really cool, the moves I've unlocked are useful and just feel good. Like the fist pound to send everything around you flying. I spam that in pedestrian areas all the time :D Because you always unlock new things, it's hard to judge the combat properly quite yet.

The city has magic orbs in it, like Crackdown. This means the game is automatically an 8/10. There's EXP orbs and Tip orbs, I think there's at least 200, maybe more.

The story bores me. I've basically got used to skipping it already. My main issue with the game at this point is it feels too fragmented. One minute you're moving freely, the next you're watching a cutscene, then it's mission mode. I guess they're going for a more linear experience, but I much prefer Crackdown's "go around, do what you want" style.

Graphically it's fine to me. The city itself isn't the most interesting looking thing in the world, but nothing about it is offensive. The game runs really smoothly, which is all you should care about in an open world game.

*edit* It's opened up a bit more now, you have a list of objectives you can do at any one time. I spend most my time just going around blowing stuff up. But there's trials like in Crackdown where you have to kill a certain number of guys in a timelimit, or do a race to get orbs.
The "mushy swamp" site, Gamereactor, reviewed it

5/10, second opinion is 4/10


+ Sweet chaos, varied battles, lively city
- Monotonous missions, strenuous controls, dumb enemies, mediocre graphics

Maybe someone else can be bothered to translate the whole thing, but the reviewer says that he is incredibly disappointed.

He also compares it to Web of Shadows, saying that it's almost shamelessly similar but also claims that it's worse.
AltogetherAndrews said:
The "mushy swamp" site, Gamereactor, reviewed it

5/10, second opinion is 4/10


Maybe someone else can be bothered to translate the whole thing, but the reviewer says that he is incredibly disappointed.

He also compares it so Web of Shadows, saying that it's almost shamelessly similar but also claims that it's worse.

I'd be careful if I were Gamereactor...some of these blokes around here are so bloody emotional about this game, they may well firebomb their headquarters.

I find the Spider-Man comparisons particularly interesting, because when I made them, I was endlessly lambasted for them. :lol

Since that time, others on this board and reviewers have made the same comparisons to nary a whisper.

The IGN review was actually written up and even broken down to be a similar 5/10, but it's as though he couldn't get away with giving that score and caved to a 7.5

The man's review or his breakdown doesn't read anything like his final tally.

Irregardless, keep fighting the good fight on here, Andrews. Don't let them run you out simply for speaking your mind.

Cheers, mate.
pixel monkey said:
Since that time, others on this board and reviewers have made the same comparisons to nary a whisper.

Well now, it's not like negative reviews are the only reviews around for this game. But I do find it somewhat odd that poserdonut claimed that this site had given it an 8/10.

M.J. Doja

pixel monkey said:
I'd be careful if I were Gamereactor...some of these blokes around here are so bloody emotional about this game, they may well firebomb their headquarters.

I find the Spider-Man comparisons particularly interesting, because when I made them, I was endlessly lambasted for them. :lol

Since that time, others on this board and reviewers have made the same comparisons to nary a whisper.

The IGN review was actually written up and even broken down to be a similar 5/10, but it's as though he couldn't get away with giving that score and caved to a 7.5

The man's review or his breakdown doesn't read anything like his final tally.

Irregardless, keep fighting the good fight on here, Andrews. Don't let them run you out simply for speaking your mind.

Cheers, mate.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Well now, it's not like negative reviews are the only reviews around for this game. But I do find it somewhat odd that poserdonut claimed that this site had given it an 8/10.

Pixel Monkey certainly is invested in this, huh?

My game clock is at 1:30, I really like it. The missions are all basically the same thing, but you know. So's Crackdown. And that's a 10/10 game.

I guess it depends what you want from a game. It's basically an open world button masher.


AltogetherAndrews said:
The "mushy swamp" site, Gamereactor, reviewed it

5/10, second opinion is 4/10


+ Sweet chaos, varied battles, lively city
- Monotonous missions, strenuous controls, dumb enemies, mediocre graphics

Maybe someone else can be bothered to translate the whole thing, but the reviewer says that he is incredibly disappointed.

He also compares it to Web of Shadows, saying that it's almost shamelessly similar but also claims that it's worse.

I can translate the second opinion, since it's short and I'm lazy:

After spending nearly 20 hours together with inFamous it's physically strenuous to change to Prototype. While Sucker Punch's game offered a sharp setup, awesome story, great presentation and most importantly fantastic controls - Radical's slow competitor is instead a mushy mish-mash of rotten ingredients. Prototype is ugly, stiff, boring and oftentimes irritating. The controls are lacking, the enemies are unimaginative and the graphics are extremely mediocre. Compared to Crackdown and the above-mentioned inFamous, this game is a joke. 4/10

Holy fuck he slaughtered the game. :/


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Latest similar games I've played from these comparisons were Spider-Man 2 on the PS2 (long ago), Crackdown (some months ago) and the Infamous demo last week. I haven't had the chance to play neither Web of Shadows (well, the metroidvania DS version but that doesn't count for this) or the Hulk games so Prototype will probably feel fresh as a mayhen game to me.

TheGreatDave said:
I guess it depends what you want from a game. It's basically an open world button masher.
Yeah, that's what I'm looking for. Granted, I only got more interested in the game a week before release by watching the GT preview so I didn't had any sort of big expectations. But what do I know, I believe average games can be fun after all.
How the fuck was crackdowns missions not repetative? (great game imo still) They were all damn the same. Go to said target, kill said target!

Reviewers def pick and choose when they want to wine and bitch about gameplay mechanics in one game, versus the same damn gameplay mechanics they raved about in another game.

Never understood this.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Well now, it's not like negative reviews are the only reviews around for this game. But I do find it somewhat odd that poserdonut claimed that this site had given it an 8/10.

Absolutely, there were some early positive reviews. I only meant the comparisons to earlier Webhead games.

I've actually enjoyed those Spidey titles...really with the exception of 3. There were even aspects of Web of Shadows that were entertaining. And at least you could always say, "It may not be a great game, but I'm zipping around NYC as Spider-Man!"

One of my favorite arguments tossed about here in response to my impressions and opinion of the game is that my exposure to Prototype was limited to under two hours.

Imagine if you will that you were to bite into a sandwich only to discover that some cheeky bastard had laid out the brown fax where your pastrami should be...are you expected to now finish that sandwich or was that initial taste more than enough?


pixel monkey said:
Imagine if you will that you were to bite into a sandwich only to discover that some cheeky bastard had laid out the brown fax where your pastrami should be...are you expected to now finish that sandwich or was that initial taste more than enough?

Obviously you should finish it as you may grow to like it, common sense really.


pixel monkey said:
Irregardless, keep fighting the good fight on here, Andrews. Don't let them run you out simply for speaking your mind.

We get it dude, you've made your stance on this game quite clear by now. You don't get to play the defense card when you're basically begging for confrontation. Leave it be.
pixel monkey said:
One of my favorite arguments tossed about here in response to my impressions and opinion of the game is that my exposure to Prototype was limited to under two hours.

Imagine if you will that you were to bite into a sandwich only to discover that some cheeky bastard had laid out the brown fax where your pastrami should be...are you expected to now finish that sandwich or was that initial taste more than enough?
But didn't you just watch the game being demoed for you? I thought that you hadn't actually played the game for yourself but rather watched it being played. Your analogy is faulty, then, since you were more or less just watching the sandwich being eaten rather than taking a bite and experiencing it yourself. I mean, I've watched dozens upon dozens of videos online but that doesn't make me feel qualified to review it and call it shitty. Once the controller is in your hands and you've played a fair amount of the game, then your opinion will be valid.

jax (old)

slasher_thrasher21 said:
How the fuck was crackdowns missions not repetative? (great game imo still) They were all damn the same. Go to said target, kill said target!

Reviewers def pick and choose when they want to wine and bitch about gameplay mechanics in one game, versus the same damn gameplay mechanics they raved about in another game.

Never understood this.

well, no one is saying crackdown isn't repetitive but this game comes out 2-3 years post Crackdown and it doesn't seem to improve on it? It should at least do that.

although... he didn't say it is more or less repetitive compared to crackdown. He's saying that compared to crackdown as a game, its much worse.

- Monotonous missions, strenuous controls, dumb enemies, mediocre graphics


again. bring on the 1up/giantbomb/gamespot reviews.


pixel monkey said:
Imagine if you will that you were to bite into a sandwich only to discover that some cheeky bastard had laid out the brown fax where your pastrami should be...are you expected to now finish that sandwich or was that initial taste more than enough?
But aren't you playing up the 'I told you so' card a bit too much? No one in here was even remotely frothing at the mouth for this game so I'm not sure why you're baiting so earnestly. That's why you were getting the 'agenda' accusations because most are interested in general impressions and you posted yours. Do you think your one impression is enough alone to suddenly convince everyone to just leave the thread, not talk about it, and never touch the game?

If that's even too long to read, just answer this: why are you playing the victim here? No one put you down for your opinion but more for your puerile way of expressing it (and as something DEFINITIVE) INCESSANTLY. I apologize for capitalizing but it doesn't seem to be getting through to you.

That said, it looks like Prototype is definitely a wait-for-price-drop game. Still it sounds like a lot of fun for an hour at least.
hulot said:
Do you think your one impression is enough alone to suddenly convince everyone to just leave the thread, not talk about it, and never touch the game?

I never remotely even suggested that, mate. To the contrary, even after I posted my displeasure and disappointment with the title, I've repeatedly encouraged everyone to try it for themselves.

And unlike others in this thread, I haven't told anyone to get out of the thread and not discuss the fucking game.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again...this was one of my most anticipated releases of the year. Why shouldn't I, and others who are disappointed in this effort, not be welcomed to discuss it in an open forum?

And I'm not talking about you specifically, hulot...but some of these posters are just fucking rude horses arses.


And I found your impression in that earlier thread informative but there's something to be said for rolling with the punches. I just found that what you responded to wasn't proportionate to your responses and it'd probably be best for the thread to shift from who's eating crow to more impressions about the game.

Edit: and I'm not trying to excuse some belligerent responses from other posters either.

Coin Return

Loose Slot
Enjoying the game a lot so far, and I think the controls are one of the best parts of the experience. Reminds me if somebody mashed the freedom of early GTA games and Crackdown with the brutality and brawler aspects of Ninja Gaiden. Prototype has "Earth Defense Force 2017 Syndrome"; it's not the prettiest game out there, but the gameplay more than makes up for it. Just wish it had co-op.
So how much Prototype did you play, pixel monkey? You never answered my inquiry a few pages back.

And why do you feel the need to only quote the review blurbs that allow you to validate your own opinion? Is it really that fun for you to say "I told you so"? It's really quite sad.


I've got mine in the shrinkwrap and I'm still debating whether I should take it out or not...
dammitmattt said:
And why do you feel the need to only quote the review blurbs that allow you to validate your own opinion? Is it really that fun for you to say "I told you so"? It's really quite sad.

That's rich. An Auburn Tigers fan calling me sad. How's that new football coach working out for you down there on the plains?

It's going to be a long year, eh? :lol

EDIT: I'm not an Alabama fan...but Roll Tide. :D

Coin Return

Loose Slot
pixel monkey said:
That's rich. An Auburn Tigers fan calling me sad. How's that new football coach working out for you down there on the plains?

It's going to be a long year, eh? :lol
Now you're just being a dick.
dammitmattt said:
And why do you feel the need to only quote the review blurbs that allow you to validate your own opinion?

Seems to be the default method around here; hell, I even saw one dude call the AU review more appropriate. Just be happy that PixelMonkey doesn't know Swedish, or he would have plenty nastier things to quote.

BenjaminBirdie said:
Eurogamer: 7/10

Hopefully, Tom Bramwell actually played this one.


Coin Return said:
Prototype has "Earth Defense Force 2017 Syndrome"; it's not the prettiest game out there, but the gameplay more than makes up for it.
This sounds great but didn't EDF come out at $40?
AltogetherAndrews said:
Hopefully, Tom Bramwell actually played this one.

He definitely at least saw someone do it. He describes a particularly ridiculous boss fight.

The game really does feel like a strenuous experience with a lot of flaws that actively become a detriment, yet the immediate gameplay experience appears to be quite fun. Certainly a buy someday but it doesn't sound like a game worth a day one purchase.
pixel monkey said:
That's rich. An Auburn Tigers fan calling me sad. How's that new football coach working out for you down there on the plains?

It's going to be a long year, eh? :lol

God I hope you are gone before there's any possibility of you shitting up the OT NCAA thread. I can already tell you're one of those people.

I don't know who you are a fan of and I don't care, but I'm an Auburn GRADUATE and I'm damn proud of it, regardless of whether we have one down football season or we win the national title.

You never answered my question, by the way.
I don't understand why the game is getting low scores. I mean, it isn't like the game is plagued by bugs or is extremely frustrating to play. It has a great variety of missions, the combat is satisfying, the thrilling of navigating in this game easily trumps every last sandbox I've played in the last few years, and how the story untangles itself is unique. I simply do not understand how this game could possibly get a 4 or 5 out of 10. It is beyond me.
vandalvideo said:
I don't understand why the game is getting low scores. I mean, it isn't like the game is plagued by bugs or is extremely frustrating to play. It has a great variety of missions, the combat is satisfying, the thrilling of navigating in this game easily trumps every last sandbox I've played in the last few years, and how the story untangles itself is unique. I simply do not understand how this game could possibly get a 4 or 5 out of 10. It is beyond me.

It sounds like at some points it actually is frustrating (for some) to play. In terms of controls and enemy density.
BenjaminBirdie said:
It sounds like at some points it actually is frustrating (for some) to play. In terms of controls and enemy density.

When there are lots of enemies on the screen, I just pick up a M16. That stuff can plow throw a platoon of military men in a matter of seconds. I find that your powers are best when you don't have thousands of people bearing down on you. I think that if people take full advantage of all the weapons at their disposal (ie; Environmental lift, guns, powers, navigation, etc) they wouldn't have a problem.
vandalvideo said:
When there are lots of enemies on the screen, I just pick up a M16. That stuff can plow throw a platoon of military men in a matter of seconds. I find that your powers are best when you don't have thousands of people bearing down on you. I think that if people take full advantage of all the weapons at their disposal (ie; Environmental lift, guns, powers, navigation, etc) they wouldn't have a problem.

What you say makes sense and sounds promising.
dammitmattt said:
God I hope you are gone before there's any possibility of you shitting up the OT NCAA thread. I can already tell you're one of those people.

I don't know who you are a fan of and I don't care, but I'm an Auburn GRADUATE and I'm damn proud of it, regardless of whether we have one down football season or we win the national title.

You never answered my question, by the way.

I could make a crack about Auburn entry requirements, but it would likely be lost on you.

And I answered your "question" in my OP, thank you. I'm a University of Colorado GRADUATE, proud Colorado resident and Golden Buffalo for life, thank you very much.

And don't worry about my involvement in your NCAA thread, I couldn't care less. I've only been in this country since the late 80's and while I went to quite a few games, I never developed a real passion for your college football.


Unconfirmed Member
slasher_thrasher21 said:
How the fuck was crackdowns missions not repetative? (great game imo still) They were all damn the same. Go to said target, kill said target!

Reviewers def pick and choose when they want to wine and bitch about gameplay mechanics in one game, versus the same damn gameplay mechanics they raved about in another game.

Never understood this.
I guess it's just in the presentation? Dozens of action flicks come out each year that do basically the same thing (blow shit up and show cleavage), but some are great while others are terrible.

Crackdown just had that intangible something that kept it fun that this game is lacking, I guess.
pixel monkey said:
I could make a crack about Auburn entry requirements, but it would likely be lost on you.

And I answered your "question" in my OP, thank you. I'm a University of Colorado GRADUATE, proud Colorado resident and Golden Buffalo for life, thank you very much.

And don't worry about my involvement in your NCAA thread, I couldn't care less. I've only been in this country since the late 80's and while I went to quite a few games, I never developed a real passion for your college football.
Do actually gain anything from being so needlessly antagonistic?


An blind dancing ho
played just 3 hours , so you can ignore my post .

nothing new , it's part Web of Shadows and part Incredible Hulk with different skin , and yeah , uh ,it's indeed repetitive , can't help myself but it feel like a licensed game in every part of it , intro , menu , Cutscenes , music , voices all feels low budget and rushed somehow , gameplay wise again it's repetitive and don't "force" you to do creative and unique stuff .

again it play exactly like Spider-Man:WoS but with the decent fighting system this time ( but nothing special ) and good framerate , same missions you do over and over again , go there fights tons of everything go there and repeat , not a bad thing if you like mashing everything , but it's nothing more than that , it's lack many things I dunno maybe no depth or soul.

and I dunno why but unlike Crackdown and Infamous I didn't connect with the game's City or the characters yet , maybe it's my fault since I played two sandbox ( Red Faction and Infamous ) in the last three weeks .

anyway PS3 wise , game run very good , tight control , I didn't notice any difference with my game on my HDTV and other videos of 360 version , nice port again from Activision .


pixel monkey said:
And I answered your "question" in my OP, thank you. I'm a University of Colorado GRADUATE, proud Colorado resident and Golden Buffalo for life, thank you very much.

Alot of small e-penis waggling in this thread. Time to gtfo and keep the talk to Prototype.
pixel monkey said:
I could make a crack about Auburn entry requirements, but it would likely be lost on you.

And I answered your "question" in my OP, thank you. I'm a University of Colorado GRADUATE, proud Colorado resident and Golden Buffalo for life, thank you very much.

And don't worry about my involvement in your NCAA thread, I couldn't care less. I've only been in this country since the late 80's and while I went to quite a few games, I never developed a real passion for your college football.

If you don't care about football, why derail the thread with ridiculous football jokes, especially when your own team hasn't been nationally relevant in years? And then you ignorantly insult my school (what in the world do you know about it, anyway?). All because I asked you how much you've played it before you constantly forced your opinion down everyone's throats?

You are a class act.
I can't be the only one who thinks AltogetherAndrews and pixel monkey care about this game a little too much. It's just abnormal. What did Prototype ever do to you guys?

Unless I missed something the hype was never that huge (it barely got picked up by Activision) and it's just another game 5/10, 7/10, 6/10 whatever. It's just hillarious to see the investment in discrediting a game that no one will remember in six months.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
The negative reviews make me sad. I was really looking forward to this game but I can't justify spending $60 on something that is getting panned by most review sites. Will wait until it's $20, which in all reality probably won't take long with this one.
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