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The Official Prototype Thread

AltogetherAndrews said:
I know, and I've also read impressions from Truant and others. But you were talking about this review, and obsessing over the score ("And since when is 7.5 bad?"), so that's what I'm asking about.

Ah, Apologies. Yea man, I mean...I saw your discussion in the ign review thread and well, hell I'm sure you and I can point to other games where the write up is amazing and the score is low or the other way around.

Either way, lets just enjoy what we enjoy and buy what we wanna buy.


DrBo42 said:
I have a feeling something terrible is on the horizon.


Plausible deniability.

Plausible deniability.



AltogetherAndrews said:
Because people are arguing with him? Or at least, because people couldn't move along past his impressions in that other thread.
Nothing to do with the other thread. He's shitting up this one too.
comrade said:
Nothing to do with the other thread. He's shitting up this one too.

You guys are shitting up the thread just as much by obsessing over his impressions. Something to think about. This mess would like not even be a mess had people been capable of moving along past his initial impressions.


Holy crap I'm stuck on this mission where you have to evade the military, its like having 10 strike teams inbound at once, rockets are constantly raining from the sky and ground troops all over the place. I think ive lasted maybe 30 seconds its amazing how difficult it is.


JRW said:
Holy crap I'm stuck on this mission where you have to evade the military, its like having 10 strike teams inbound at once, rockets are constantly raining from the sky and ground troops all over the place. I think ive lasted maybe 30 seconds its amazing how difficult it is.

You sound like the game throws a ton at you but how is the quality of the AI and the missions themselves?


Fuck, this is the worst official thread I've seen in who knows how long. Since when are people allowed to troll like this in an official thread?
People do realize that scores are all over the place for another recently released open-world game, right? What I really don't understand is why people feel the need to force their opinions down other readers throats. Its cool to state your opinion, and if you don't like it, great. But if someone attacks you for it, hanging around and just continuing to attack back makes you just as bad. People need to learn to take the high road every once and awhile, it'd make the internets a much better place.

With that said, I'd like to touch on something that I have seen brought up, that being the city not being as "pretty" or "organic" as 'that other game.' Sure it is not the best graphically, but what each game does a good job of is working to the benefit of the locomotion of the player through the environment. In 'that other game' the city is built for climbing and shooting from the sides of buildings, etc. In Prototype, the city is there to run up and move through very swiftly. Could it look a bit better? Sure, but it gets the job done.

I will say that a 5.5 in graphics seems a bit on the low side, but I'm more apt to notice things like a stoplight that has cars behind it, like 20 of them, and they all are taxis. I'm not a huge graphics whore, but things like that make me giggle.

I've only played for about two hours, and the best I can say for comparing the two games is this: One is a great game in which through the course of the narrative you become the ultimate badass, the other is a good game in which you can probably quickly get every and just be the ultimate badass. Both are fun, you'll likely find one slightly more enjoyable than the other, but won't loose with picking up either.
How is that douche not banned yet? I want to read about this game and all I see is a string of posts from "Pixelmonkey is on your Ignore List".

I'm off to pick this up at Toys R Us right now (yay $20 gift card!!) Hopefully this thread will be more productive upon my return...


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Sinatar said:
This thread is a god damned train wreck. Lock this shit so we can start over.
lol, c'mon now.

There's much worse that can happen to a thread around these parts. And if you read the thread in full it mostly ranges from "adjusted expectations" to "cautious negativity" (I'm reading every single post, I did the OP after all).

There's a lot of conjecture being thrown and the embargo certainly didn't help at all, but now the review floodgates were open. This will go on for a while no matter the thread. After some time only the people renting or buying the game will stay around discussing it (or not).


bigswords said:
PC version has no achievement, guess the advertised box with the huge GFW was a fake.

GFW is not the same thing as GFW Live. GFW games do not have achievements, GFWL games do.


i'm about half way through the game and it's really quite fun. it's a little slow at the beginning but once you rack up some points to get powers it becomes fun - atleast as much fun as i remember having with crackdown. the graphics aren't pretty but you get over that because you are rooftop hopping most of the time anyway. the controls are little chaotic at first and the game is very frantic so it might take some people a little bit to adjust; especially the targeting system. all in all the game is fun and worth playing. some of most fun aspects of the game isn't all out carnage either, there is the option of doing things in disguise; sneaking up to people and morphing/consuming into them, you can do it for memories or just missions. your powers don't make you into a god either and weapons are also pretty useful/effective so there is alot options when you get into a fight. the later parts of the game where the entire city becomes full of infected really gives the game a sense of chaos, like the streets of 28 days later except you are a total badass.


Just played for an hour or so. Did a few missions and some site-seeing, really enjoying it so far. Just running around aimlessly is fun since it's so fluid and and buildings are pretty much the only thing that can get in your way! It definitely feels like a sequel to Hulk UD, so that's something to keep in mind depending on whether or not you liked that game. Don't know what's up with that 5.5 for graphics - it's not the greatest looking game, but it's not that bad, either.

I also couldn't help but laugh that the Alex Mercer pre-order bonus figure has 'Ages 17 and up' on it, especially considering the game is rated 15+ in Australia. So 15 year-olds can buy the game, but apparently aren't allowed to have the figure :lol


Tobor said:
Fuck, this is the worst official thread I've seen in who knows how long. Since when are people allowed to troll like this in an official thread?

I wish we had PC impressions but yeah so far this game seems to be getting ripped and pissed on unfortunately.

No matter how many troll or downplay what for whatever reason here - 7.5 is a good score.

PC version is what I'm after. Gonna head to the mall tomorrow and see if they have it in.
Angelus said:
No matter how many troll or downplay what for whatever reason here - 7.5 is a good score.

And no matter how many times this idiotic comment is thrown out there, the review text and the category break-down rips the game apart.


AltogetherAndrews said:
And no matter how many times this idiotic comment is thrown out there, the review text and the category break-down rips the game apart.

Do you own the game? Have you played the PC version? If not shut the fuck up and get out of this thread already. Douche bags like you need to sit this one out.
Angelus said:
Do you own the game? Have you played the PC version? If not shut the fuck up and get out of this thread already. Douche bags like you need to sit this one out.

Yep, because I'm the one bitching my little heart out about trolls and desperately focusing on the traditional numerical values in hopes that the review text will just go away. Get bent.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Yep, because I'm the one bitching my little heart out about trolls and desperately focusing on the traditional numerical values in hopes that the review text will just go away. Get bent.

Youre the guy who doesn't own the game,and attacking people for saying shut up and play it instead. Again..shut the fucking hole under your nose if you haven't played it,especially the PC version. I see no impressions from you of all people. Instead I see fucking smileys and mocking from you,where is your play time,where is your stance other than shit like this :lol all over the thread?

Thats your material for a rebuttal?
Angelus said:
Youre the guy who doesn't own the game,and attacking people for saying shut up and play it instead. Again..shut the fucking hole under your nose if you haven't played it,especially the PC version. I see no impressions from you of all people. Instead I see fucking smileys and mocking from you,where is your play time,where is your stance other than shit like this :lol all over the thread?

Thats your material for a rebuttal?

What? :lol You repeated a crappy, score-gazing argument and I called you on it. Now you're trying to dictate who should or should not be in the thread, based on what? Me laughing at a high score for graphics, and its justification? I most certainly have seen enough of the game to comment on that bit. As said, get bent.
I request a separate BobJustBob impressions thread, please. This thread is a cesspool.

AltogetherAndrews said:
Yep, because I'm the one bitching my little heart out about trolls and desperately focusing on the traditional numerical values in hopes that the review text will just go away. Get bent.
No, you've just been the one just bitching about everything else. Enough already.


This game is a 5/10, in my opinion. Got a chance to play some more, and the game hasn't done anything to make me want to like it more.

Web of Intrigue seems fairly open-ended, as you have certain nodes you can access at all times if you can find them. I managed to kill one of the NPC's, but the game told me he would respawn later.

The game feels really empty when not on a mission. It's enjoyable to run around the city, but the controls make it impossible to scale the highest towers to get collectibles, etc. What I liked about inFamous was that there was always something going on, even when you're just exploring. So far the story isn't anything special. Too much gore, swearing and exposition too early in the game. This feels like it's own cash-in sequel.

inFamous did a fairly decent job introducing you to its world, while introducing the main character to the transformations in himself and the environment. He reacts somewhat accordingly. The problem with both is that their main characters are completely disgusting. How these psychopaths managed to get girlfriends is beyond my understanding. They both look and sound like serial rapists, and the other is more morally bankrupt than the other.

I guess this is a problem inherent in most open-world games, but it's been done better. So far I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone, at least not at full price. Combat system is clunky, power selection is harder than it has to, and there's no real sense of progression.


Just got done with a session.

Don't get the hate.... game's pretty fucking awesome if all you want to do is wreck some buttholes.
DevelopmentArrested said:
Any thread that AltogetherAndrews posts a message a minute usually ends up that way.

Can't wait to rent this tomorrow.

There has been a large post with impressions of the game that could be discussed, but by all means, you can always just spend the rest of the thread bitching at me and whining about how the thread has been ruined, all the while being completely oblivious to the role you yourself play in the ruination of the thread. Get bent.
AltogetherAndrews said:
I couldn't find a review on any of the gamereactor sites. Was it in the magazine?

It's not out yet.

The guy who said the swamp thing is not the guy who reviewed the game, but you probably guessed that.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Have you gotten any sense of justification for your actions yet?


Think about it this way. An evil corporation gives you insane superpowers, and you respond by getting really pissed off by this, killing thousands of innocent people in the process of getting revenge on the people who made you this way - with the very same powers that made you upset in the first place. It's not like these powers are beyond your control.


What the fuck is going on in this thread?

I came in here looking for more impressions or to see if any new reviews have been up, and all I see are the same fucking people fighting. (yes I saw the IGN review)

I could care less if the game is good or bad, but for fuck sakes If you have 10 posts in here talking about how much you dislike that game in less than 4 pages of a thread, don't you think that's enough?
I finished the story last night and I clocked in at around 20 hours played. I've got all upgrades and I have gold in all events.

Played it on normal and during some missions the difficulty ramped up quite a bit and you needed a couple of tries before you found the best way to tackle it.

If you're looking for a deep game this is probably not for you, I didn't really try to engage myself in it either. For me the game was more about the fast paced traversing of the city and the crazy combat. There is something very compelling about running up a building, jumping of it, and body slamming a tank to explosion. There's no moral choices, you're pretty much just out to finish your "mission" and you don't care who gets in your way.

I'm sad that the collection of orbs is a bit jacked since you don't get any indication if you are near a orb and the draw distance hinders you from seeing orbs sometimes even though you should see it.

The stealth parts of the game fit in pretty good and they are very forgiving, especially when you have some of your skills upgraded. This isn't splinter cell.

If I should put a number on the game it would probably be between 7-8 out of 10. It was well worth playing and even though I've completed it I still feel that I want to get back to it to try to get some more achievements.

I have inFamous at home and I'm thinking about starting that up so I can compare the two.
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