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The Official Prototype Thread


High resolution shot (2048x1536) from PC: Link

The game controls better than I thought with Keyboard+Mouse but it'll take some getting used to after playing on 360.


I just got Red Faction a couple of days ago. I really want Prototype, but for an SP only game I can't justify buying it right now.


Maybe cause I liked Web of Shadows and intense stupid fun wacky gameplay is why I'm interested in prototype but yeah definite purchase for tommorow. That 10 reasons video confirmed it for me again. Plus it's what i like about Red Faction.


JRW said:
High resolution shot (2048x1536) from PC: Link

The game controls better than I thought with Keyboard+Mouse but it'll take some getting used to after playing on 360.

It supports the 360 pad, though, right?


Zeliard said:
It supports the 360 pad, though, right?

It should I don't have a PC capable 360 pad to try, but PCs version does let you change the control to Gamepad.
4 hours in and I think i probably like it more than infamous. The thins that Alex can do and the feeling of power is so much more satisfying. Although the exploration element might not be as good. But then again i think crackdown is still the best out of all 3 games when it comes to that point.
ugh i caved and bought it.

It is FUN but very B level fun Not nearly in teh same league as Infamous. Combat is not as fun because the AI is dumb (atleast right now) NPCs barely react to you jumping around.
Impressions and reviews are all over the place. A buddy of mine is buying it, so I'll be able to borrow it from him. I'm definitely still very interested in the game.


After staying up until 3am playing this last night, the one thing I have to take away is that this is a perfect example of gameplay absolutely mattering more than graphics. It's hard to believe they couldn't do a better job of texturing and shading (playing Prototype directly after Infamous is slightly painful) but then you start killing everybody and going on ridiculous rampages and you just stop caring anymore.

I was wondering if it would at least be possible for some kind of player-made mod to up the graphics a bit (think Freespace 2 mods). However, when you go into the PC version's game directory you see that the game is basically 3 gigantic .rfc files. It looks like it's impossible to improve the game without being the original developer. They _really_ didn't want people hacking this game, huh?


JRW said:
High resolution shot (2048x1536) from PC: Link

The game controls better than I thought with Keyboard+Mouse but it'll take some getting used to after playing on 360.
Can't you just use a controller (360 or otherwise)?


Picked it up earlier today, and have played through about an hour and a half so far. So far I'm digging the powers and the story isn't too shabby either. I like the way they present it to. Only spot I had trouble in was fighting the infected for the first time...but other than that I've been having a blast.
Kabuki Waq said:
ugh i caved and bought it.

It is FUN but very B level fun Not nearly in teh same league as Infamous. Combat is not as fun because the AI is dumb (atleast right now) NPCs barely react to you jumping around.

I've played through the good side story, and half way through evil story with inFamous, and have put in 3 hours so far in Prototype... please tell me how inFamous isn't as "B level" as Prototype is.
mysticstylez said:
I've played through the good side story, and half way through evil story with inFamous, and have put in 3 hours so far in Prototype... please tell me how inFamous isn't as "B level" as Prototype is.

Both games have their weak points. I honestly thought the morality system in inFAMOUS was a load of crap. Normally I'm fine with the black and white stereotypes that developers put in games, but some of the choices that they labeled evil was down right insulting. Being told that I'm evil because I'm not a utilitarian made me want to donkey punch the developers. (PUNish)

Prototype has graphical issues, but overall the game is pretty fun. Both have their ups and downs.
vandalvideo said:
Both games have their weak points. I honestly thought the morality system in inFAMOUS was a load of crap. Normally I'm fine with the black and white stereotypes that developers put in games, but some of the choices that they labeled evil was down right insulting. Being told that I'm evil because I'm not a utilitarian made me want to donkey punch the developers. (PUNish)

Prototype has graphical issues, but overall the game is pretty fun. Both have their ups and downs.

After playing both, they are both B level. Both games have a distinct lack of polish in many areas.
vandalvideo said:
Both games have their weak points. I honestly thought the morality system in inFAMOUS was a load of crap. Normally I'm fine with the black and white stereotypes that developers put in games, but some of the choices that they labeled evil was down right insulting. Being told that I'm evil because I'm not a utilitarian made me want to donkey punch the developers. (PUNish)

Prototype has graphical issues, but overall the game is pretty fun. Both have their ups and downs.

It has nothing to do with being good or evil. The Infamous-Hero ratio seems to be more about how the public percieves you than how good or bad you actually are.
PsychoJecht said:
It has nothing to do with being good or evil. The Infamous-Hero ratio seems to be more about how the public percieves you than how good or bad you actually are.

I might have been inclined to agree, had the achievement not popped up afterward saying, "Evil intentions".
mysticstylez said:
I've played through the good side story, and half way through evil story with inFamous, and have put in 3 hours so far in Prototype... please tell me how inFamous isn't as "B level" as Prototype is.

The combat, AI ,and level design in Infamous is light years beyond this. Platforming was way more fun as well.
Shouldn't it be damned obvious now that the games simply aren't similar enough to warrant these never ending either or arguments? I've only played Infamous so far, but based on the streams and other media I've come across of Prototype, there seem to be far more differences than there are similarities. Overwhelming differences, even.

Infamous is certainly nowhere near flawless, but it's still a damned good game and the most fun I've had with a game in a long time because I'm in a comic book, beating the living shit out of fucked up enemies with lightning. I'm hoping Prototype packs a similar level of fun, albeit in a completely different way.


Loudninja said:
Three different reviewers exposing the silliness of the current review system, nice. :lol

No red flag coming up looking at Metacritic/Gamerankings as well (pretty much the only worth they have), good good. Will get this
used, thanks Kotick.

AltogetherAndrews said:
Infamous is certainly nowhere near flawless, but it's still a damned good game and the most fun I've had with a game in a long time because I'm in a comic book, beating the living shit out of fucked up enemies with lightning. I'm hoping Prototype packs a similar level of fun, albeit in a completely different way.
Exactly, because in Prototype you're a larger-than-life protagonist with outstanding, almost superhero-like powers in an open city, beating the shit out of enemies with light- I mean some red/black power stuff. Man, so different.

Just get over it, Andrews, they're similar, they will get compared, even with their different approaches to city traversal and mission structure. :)

edit: if it helps, I only heard great things about the full version of Infamous from a friend of mine, who wasn't grabbed by the demo as well.

edit²: on a related note, I don't even want to argue this with you (again), so let's just agree to disagree here since it's late and I need to go to fucking bed. >_< sorry.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Haunted said:
Exactly, because in Prototype you're a larger-than-life protagonist with outstanding, almost superhero-like powers in an open city, beating the shit out of enemies with light- I mean some red/black power stuff. Man, so different.

Just get over it, Andrews, they're similar, they will get compared, even with their different approaches to city traversal and mission structure. :)

edit: if it helps, I only heard great things about the full version of Infamous from a friend of mine, who wasn't grabbed by the demo as well.
The thing is, the thread is getting on a good track now that more people are actually playing the game and most seem to be enjoying it so it would be good if we avoided going down the comparison path too heavily. The discussion that will ensue will certainly take us nowhere good at this point in time and imo it would be best to have a dedicated separate thread to such a subject in the near future (that will probably end up in flames).


Fuu said:
The thing is, the thread is getting on a good track now that more people are actually playing the game and most seem to be enjoying it so it would be good if we avoided going down the comparison path too heavily. It will certainly take us nowhere good at this point in time and imo it would be best to have a dedicated separate thread to such a subject in the near future (that will probably end up in flames).
Yes, yes, you are right, I apologise.

I don't even want to argue this. I'm just happy people are liking the game, and I know I will, too. ^_^


Sysgen said:
Bought this on lunch after watching youtube videos including Top 10 Reasons You Must Have Prototype. Per #8 I remember when people got all giddy about being able to throw someone off a building in Crackdown. Game *looks* outrageous.

When you walk through a crowd, you shove people out of the way. I pushed this one guy and he turns and calls me an asshole...so I grabbed his ass and ran straight up the nearest skyscraper, dangled him over the ledge for a few seconds and then flung him a few blocks to his death. Like everything else in this game, it felt tremendous, lol. I LOVE this game.
Some dude talked shit to me, so I picked him up and kept throwing him at a wall. Then when I picked him up again he was alive and calling me an asshole. Threw him in the water :D
Kabuki Waq said:
dear god man just stop.

what? ...it's the platform I own and I'm just curious as to what the hell is actually looks like running on the hardware. This wouldn't be a big deal to me but I find it pretty fascinating when this happens with Multiplat titles and I think it's utter bullshit that 3 years in to this console cycle, this still happens


Darklord said:
Not wireless unless you buy an adaptor thing...which they don't make anymore.

They dont?

I have 1 wired and 1 wireless pad, so at least I never have to worry about that.
AgentOtaku said:
what? ...it's the platform I own and I'm just curious as to what the hell is actually looks like running on the hardware. This wouldn't be a big deal to me but I find it pretty fascinating when this happens with Multiplat titles and I think it's utter bullshit that 3 years in to this console cycle, this still happens

no I just meant .....you only have one choice and in your heart you the answer to your question already :lol
HMC said:
When you walk through a crowd, you shove people out of the way. I pushed this one guy and he turns and calls me an asshole...so I grabbed his ass and ran straight up the nearest skyscraper, dangled him over the ledge for a few seconds and then flung him a few blocks to his death. Like everything else in this game, it felt tremendous, lol. I LOVE this game.

Yeah, the shoving is awesome. If you just barely push the stick so you're walking slowly, you still give a forceful shove to everyone you meet. Everyone gets pissed and starts yelling and staring at you. "What the hell?" "What the hell?" "What the fuck?"

M.J. Doja

TheGreatDave said:
Some dude talked shit to me, so I picked him up and kept throwing him at a wall. Then when I picked him up again he was alive and calling me an asshole. Threw him in the water :D
:lol :lol
Kabuki Waq said:
no I just meant .....you only have one choice and in your heart you the answer to your question already :lol

I got a decent PC too ....just prefer to play my games on the ol' triple


I also like how you "skate" on buildings when you let up on the RT. You can actually shred a little bit on near vertical surfaces.

This game is Spiderman on Crack(down).
The story is pretty shitty. I have no idea what's going on. Every time I try to watch a cutscene I can't force myself to do it.

The sprinting in this game makes it. It's just so easy to play and feel like a bad ass. Running across a street and see a car in your way? Tap B, pick it up, keep running at the exact same speed and throw it at the nearest building. So fun.
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