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The Official Prototype Thread

So far this game is fun. If I had to compare it with its closest counterpart, Web of Shadows, I liked that more. The controls in Prototype are kind of a mess when you first start, especially because it does that Metroid thing of giving you all your powers at the start.

Just a quick idea of how messy it can get. Tapping right trigger makes you do an evade roll, holding right trigger makes you run, hold right trigger and pressing A (jump) in the air makes you glide, tapping right trigger in the air makes you air dash. Going from air dash to glide is A, RT, RT again but hold, A. And all the buttons in this game seem to have a charge meter. Attacking and jumping feel delayed because you can tap or charge them up. It all ends up feeling really weird.

But it's still fun to play. I mean, you can walk down the street and be like "wow, I want to be that guy wearing a suit" and you can totally be him. As him, you can grab a another person and throw them into the wall until their head splats. It's made better because no one seems to notice. You can steal a soldier's identity, run up a wall, jump and glide down as several others watch, and they won't suspect anything until you attack them.

And yeah, the story is really bad. It doesn't help that the cutscenes are incredibly slow and vague. This is the only time I can make a direct comparison to Infamous. Infamous's bad story had very quick and stylish cutscenes, but you couldn't skip them. Prototype has slow, boring cutscenes, but you can skip them.
Linkzg said:
Just a quick idea of how messy it can get. Tapping right trigger makes you do an evade roll, holding right trigger makes you run, hold right trigger and pressing A (jump) in the air makes you glide, tapping right trigger in the air makes you air dash. Going from air dash to glide is A, RT, RT again but hold, A. .

I hate to make this a "your gaming skill suck" post, but within minutes of unlocking glide and dash I had it down pat. I was running up buildings, jumping up in the air, gliding, then dashing, and gliding like it was nothing. Hell I have no problem equipping a RPG, running up a building, dashing into a glide, and then targeting a helicopter and blowing it to shit.


Lovin' it! :)
Got the game..got the map/poster..and to my surprise, there were a good amount of people picking their preorders too.

Love to feel..so powerful.
Numerous times I've found myself, the moment a helicopter appears..just running trying to evade it, to then realize ...like..wait a sec, I can destroy that...to go and pick the closest car and throw it to the helicopter...or run on a building to then jump and cut it...

For all the talk about the lackluster visuals, the game looks darn fine..yeah, simple in many areas..but the amount of things going on and still have some nice textures and lighting effects.

Really great so far, glad I bought it. :)
Man i cant believe i just spend the last hour trashing the city instead of going to sleep. Its so fun but unfortunately i have also fallen for the trap of taking the easy way out and doing a frikin flying kick to the helicopters. Too much effort to go get something heavy to throw at em when you can just fly 30 meters through the air and swat them out of the sky.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Felix Lighter said:

That's good to see. If it wasn't for the iPhone 3GS I might buy the game now.

The number of button combinations you'd need to remember and bust out on the fly to utilize every last ability is too overwhelming for them all to be useful concurrently while you're in the thick of the game's often dizzying action.

Not so sure about this.
Also for AgentOtaku:

Brad Shoemaker in his review comments said:

I tested both versions and had no problems starting up the PS3 version (which was indistinguishable from the 360 one) so it seems the bug is hit or miss. I'd expect a patch to come out ASAP for that issue.

He was responding to someone who mentioned the install bug on the PS3. It seems beyond that one bug, which has a work around, the versions are identical.

neojubei said:
Not so sure about this.

A couple of the reviews mentioned that you have so many powers and combos that it can be a little overwhelming. It's hard to hold that against the game though.


Power spoiler->
Whipfist is awesome! *runs into crowd, does a quick 360 chopping everyone in half. Then pulls a helicopter out of the sky.


Zeliard said:
PC port holding up well overall?
Yeah, it's pretty good for me. I get a pretty constant 30 FPS (with dips into the 20s in REALLY heavy action) Q6600 w/ 4GB RAM and an 8800GT and I can run it at 1680x1050 with all in-game settings maxed.
backflip10019 said:
It's a good thing that a few of you completely freaked out and tried to convince everyone that it was garbage based solely on the fact that the embargo ended after the official release date.

Maybe if you didn't exaggerate to the point of lying, you'd have an easier time on this board. Just saying.
Felix Lighter said:
Also for AgentOtaku:

Brad Shoemaker in his review comments said:

He was responding to someone who mentioned the install bug on the PS3. It seems beyond that one bug, which has a work around, the versions are identical.

A couple of the reviews mentioned that you have so many powers and combos that it can be a little overwhelming. It's hard to hold that against the game though.



Will drop pants for Sony.
Felix Lighter said:
Also for AgentOtaku:

Brad Shoemaker in his review comments said:

He was responding to someone who mentioned the install bug on the PS3. It seems beyond that one bug, which has a work around, the versions are identical.

A couple of the reviews mentioned that you have so many powers and combos that it can be a little overwhelming. It's hard to hold that against the game though.

I suppose so. If I have any money left over, probably not, I might buy the game.
Linkzg said:
Just a quick idea of how messy it can get. Tapping right trigger makes you do an evade roll, holding right trigger makes you run, hold right trigger and pressing A (jump) in the air makes you glide, tapping right trigger in the air makes you air dash. Going from air dash to glide is A, RT, RT again but hold, A. And all the buttons in this game seem to have a charge meter. Attacking and jumping feel delayed because you can tap or charge them up. It all ends up feeling really weird.

Do you need to use all (or the more complex) powers, or can you get by using more basic attacks? The whole trigger usage thing has me thinking that I might end up getting the Ps3 version instead, due to the more tap-friendly triggers.

Linkzg said:
And yeah, the story is really bad. It doesn't help that the cutscenes are incredibly slow and vague. This is the only time I can make a direct comparison to Infamous. Infamous's bad story had very quick and stylish cutscenes, but you couldn't skip them. Prototype has slow, boring cutscenes, but you can skip them.

If Prototype has a story that is equal in quality to that of Infamous, then it's quite good, then? By game standards, I mean. I'm totally involved in the goings-on in that world, shitty supporting cast be damned.

Another question, how is the balance between your own upgrade path and that of the enemies? I thought they handled this really well in Hulk UD, so I'm hoping it's done well here too.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Do you need to use all (or the more complex) powers, or can you get by using more basic attacks? The whole trigger usage thing has me thinking that I might end up getting the Ps3 version instead, due to the more tap-friendly triggers.
As far as I've gotten, I didn't need any "too-flashy" powers, but it's certainly more fun being creative. As for the triggers thing, you may have a point..

AltogetherAndrews said:
If Prototype has a story that is equal in quality to that of Infamous, then it's quite good, then? By game standards, I mean. I'm totally involved in the goings-on in that world, shitty supporting cast be damned.
Prototype's story is a total shitfest compared to inFamous.

For your third question, I'm not far enough in the game to tell. Hasn't seemed like a problem so far 2 1/2 hours into it.
Flunkie said:
Prototype's story is a total shitfest compared to inFamous.

That's saying something. inFamous has a really shitty story that's only mildly interesting in a few ways when you beat it. It's a good thing I don't play these types of games for the story!


AltogetherAndrews said:
Do you need to use all (or the more complex) powers, or can you get by using more basic attacks? The whole trigger usage thing has me thinking that I might end up getting the Ps3 version instead, due to the more tap-friendly triggers.

The parkour requires a little button mastery, namely the dash/glide/dash combo (once you unlock the second airdash) to get around the large environment.

The combat on the other hand can be as precise or button mashy as you want it to be with basically the same result (so far). Defense is relegated to a pretty nifty roll manuever (tap RT), and if you've played Ninja Gaiden, you'll be slicing through multiple enemies like a pro in no time.

If Prototype has a story that is equal in quality to that of Infamous, then it's quite good, then? By game standards, I mean. I'm totally involved in the goings-on in that world, shitty supporting cast be damned.

As stated, the story is an insipid, cliche mess.

Another question, how is the balance between your own upgrade path and that of the enemies? I thought they handled this really well in Hulk UD, so I'm hoping it's done well here too.

Different parts of the city provide the different levels of challenge, not leveled oppponents (again, so far). You can attack military installments, you can go to infected areas and wreck shop on zombies, or you can go stealthy and relax in the nicer parts of town.

For my gaming tastes, the extreme feeling of bad-assery in this game cannot be overstated. People who have an attachment to the near polar opposite platforming of inFamous, or folks looking for something genre-defining may be dissapointed...but if you got a thrill out of Spidey's acrobatics, enjoyed Crackdowns slick leveling of powers, had a blast with Neo's bullet time ass-kicking melee in enter The Matrix, or you just want some visceral, mindless hack and slash, all in a world with damn fine physics and decent grafix, this game delivers HARD.

BTW, I agree with you on the character design. I guess its a tribute to the concept artist, as the original art may have looked fabulous, but in-game his get up looks ridiculous, IMO. Much more fun to run around in another skin, lol.
mysticstylez said:
I hate to make this a "your gaming skill suck" post, but within minutes of unlocking glide and dash I had it down pat. I was running up buildings, jumping up in the air, gliding, then dashing, and gliding like it was nothing. Hell I have no problem equipping a RPG, running up a building, dashing into a glide, and then targeting a helicopter and blowing it to shit.

yeah, I never said I'm bad at the game; the controls just aren't good. Believe me, I've been playing these open world super hero games for a while. I am more than used to dealing with wonky controls, and the controls in Prototype are quite messy. The only thing they really did get right about the controls is the lock-on camera. It's fairly smart at aiming what you want to aim at, and if it isn't, it's very easy to switch to what you want.

I've gotten used to them by now and each upgrade makes everything more smooth. I even figured out to climb buildings in no time at all, which seems like it wasn't intended since you can get insane times on the side missions.

ultron87 said:
Power spoiler->
Whipfist is awesome! *runs into crowd, does a quick 360 chopping everyone in half. Then pulls a helicopter out of the sky.

ooh, is that was that power is? I totally avoided it in favor of upgrading my claws and GIANT FISTS

AltogetherAndrews said:
Do you need to use all (or the more complex) powers, or can you get by using more basic attacks? The whole trigger usage thing has me thinking that I might end up getting the Ps3 version instead, due to the more tap-friendly triggers.

If Prototype has a story that is equal in quality to that of Infamous, then it's quite good, then? By game standards, I mean. I'm totally involved in the goings-on in that world, shitty supporting cast be damned.

There are really only two moves you need to learn to get by the game. First is grabbing an object and throwing it, second is the flying kick. But that would get boring.

And no, Prototype's story is genuinely bad. Infamous is just cheesy and a bit cliche. It doesn't matter. The missions are straight forward and fun without long...boring...dull...cutscenes.


Zzoram said:
All 360 pads are PC capable.

True, I meant mine are all wireless controllers and I don't have the wireless receiver that's needed for PC use. Ill have to go pick one up.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
My brother got the game tonight, he loves it.

I'm not feeling it. It's pretty fun to just run around and fuck everything up because you are the most badass character in video game history, I mean you are just DESTROYING everything. It's pretty neat, but very shallow. The character, Alex, is just stupid. "I don't know who I am so I am going to KILL EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!". He's not exactly a character that you cheer for. The story is just... stupid. I don't know what else to say about it other than that, it's absolutely mindless and they might as well not even have one.

This game is a combination of Wolverine, Spider-Man, Venom, Carnage, Hulk ideas all thrown into one. The game also reminds me a lot of Destroy All Humans!

The city itself feels very boring. Every block and street feels the same, and really doesn't have any sort of personality. Not really engaging to me. The game is fun, but like I said I'm not into these open-world sandbox games. Not my thing, I guess if you're into just messing everything up for absolutely NO reason, then this is your game.
I played/watched the beginning of the game at my friends house tonight, it seems pretty cool - the controls take alot of getting used to but the way the game plays you always look like you're doing something amazing with little actual input. The slow-mo combined with the air dashes, gliding, and melee lock-ons make combat look spectacular when really you're just jumping up tapping R2 then L2+Square (on PS3) half the time. Flying through the city is extraordinarily fast, almost feels small despite the fact that it's humongous.

Overall I was impressed, especially coming off of reading some pretty rough reviews, but I think the game is lacking a bit in some departments. I'm going to happily be jumping in and out of the game with my friend whenever I go over but I think I'm just going to wait until he finishes and then borrow it for my own play-through instead of paying $60 for it. That or hope there is a sale and some patches on the PC version :D


About 3 hours in and I am loving the game. I think the controls are great. It goes a step past Assassins Creed and Prince of persia where you just hold down the button to a mixture between that and also having to correctly time the flying thing and the dashes so you dont lose you momentum. It makes you feel awesome when you make it a long distance in a short period of time because you were able to hop from building to building without slowing down.
Alright, thanks for the answers. Last two, I promise. Is there any variation to the music? Watching the streams, it seems to be bombastic action movie score or nothing at all, is that how it actually is? And on a somewhat related note, is there any, er, downtime in the game? Like, slower missions?


AltogetherAndrews said:
Alright, thanks for the answers. Last two, I promise. Is there any variation to the music? Watching the streams, it seems to be bombastic action movie score or nothing at all, is that how it actually is? And on a somewhat related note, is there any, er, downtime in the game? Like, slower missions?

The music is awesome but I have only really noticed it swell during big huge fights. There are various non combat events to do like rooftop races like in Crackdown and there is also a target jump thing where you start on top of a building and have to jump into a target on the ground. You can also explore for the 250 orbs hidden in the enviroment that give a pretty good amount of XP, atleast at the start. There have also been a few really cool side missions that I wont ruin.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Alright, thanks for the answers. Last two, I promise. Is there any variation to the music? Watching the streams, it seems to be bombastic action movie score or nothing at all, is that how it actually is? And on a somewhat related note, is there any, er, downtime in the game? Like, slower missions?

The music is mostly just that action movie score stuff (as you put it) outside of cutscenes.

The side missions are fun, and I guess you can say they are slower paced. They are racing from orb to orb, which I find enjoyable considering how fast you can move around. Actually, I guess staying in disguise and finding the commander guy to kill can be considered slow. But the way the game is set up, you can literally run in, kill the guy, run away, turn into Alex, hide out, walk back in as commander.

The game is a lot fun. It is pretty much Hulk UD + Spider-Man Web of Shadows, and that's fun.


I just played about an hour and all I have to say is :lol. This game is complete and utter destructive nonsense. If you're looking for an experience where you create complete havoc on a whim, this is your title. Do not go searching for a deep story or any kind of game mechanic that's revolutionary. This is just pure destructive bliss. As a bonus, you can go around climbing and causing havoc as an old woman. I have not laughed this hard in quite a while.


Linkzg said:
The music is mostly just that action movie score stuff (as you put it) outside of cutscenes.

The side missions are fun, and I guess you can say they are slower paced. They are racing from orb to orb, which I find enjoyable considering how fast you can move around. Actually, I guess staying in disguise and finding the commander guy to kill can be considered slow. But the way the game is set up, you can literally run in, kill the guy, run away, turn into Alex, hide out, walk back in as commander.

The game is a lot fun. It is pretty much Hulk UD + Spider-Man Web of Shadows, and that's fun.

The run in and kill the commander strat got harder later in the game since when you get detected in the base there will be a shirt storm of missiles coming towards you which often end up in the commander getting killed before you can consume him.
I don't get the hate; I rike it. I wasn't expecting much from it. It's pretty addictive too. Nice variety of powers and abilities, amazing destructability in the environment, ahd an amazingly smooth framerate (PS3 version runs GREAT) make up for the steep learning curve on the controls and the visuals being a mixed bag. If the videos for the game had you remotely interested, you really should check it out. It's fun, it's addictive, and it runs without a hitch. What more could you want?


Good graphics, an engaging story, precise controls, free aim, good writing.

To name a few.

The game has its moments of fun, I'll give it that.


Got the game this evening,haven't had too much time to play since I was at the gym doing extra sets. The whole time I was "hoping" the game was gonna be great. Once I got home and installed it on the PC I had graphic errors everywhere,turns out I needed to get the latest ATI drivers. Not off to a great start. Then I finally got the game to play nice,I'll say this though,the beginning was all fucking chaos. My dual core was having quite a time keepit at 30 frames on max setting but then thats the opening level. Once you start the real game the frame rate behaves better. So far I'm just experimenting with wall climbing and skill upgrades. Animation os rough but for a sandbox game with this much craziness going on its forgiveable.

I do like the straight to the point missions. Get to the top of this building,next mission take out two helicopters,etc. Arrows pointing the way for you. They made the game very hands on,it could have been confusing as hell considering all that they throw at you early in the game,but the maps and arrow pointers make the game very hands on and it flows pretty well.

First impressions are that yeah its a 7.5-8.0 game. Nothing ground breaking,but very fun and with so much going on its keeps you striving to keep going from mission to mission as the pace is steady and hectic.

Btw-hows the frame rates on both the PS3 and 360 versions? 30 frames all the time or does it chug abit?


Angelus said:
Btw-hows the frame rates on both the PS3 and 360 versions? 30 frames all the time or does it chug abit?

Havent played PS3 version but it runs at a solid 30FPS on 360. Very few framerate drops in the 10+ hours ive put into it.


This game to me feels like a cross between Dead Rising and Hulk: UD. The huge number of NPCs on the street might as well literally be hordes of zombies that you're ripping to shreds, since they don't act much differently. Prototype's the very definition of stupid fun. I like it.


Little is the new Big
I'm having fun but I must say I'm dissapointed with the graphics... it always looked better in the videos somehow but now playing it myself I don't know it feels really weird.

Either way, i'm 3hours in and it's cool so far, will see how things pick up from here on :O


I'm loving this game. I played for a little over 4 hours straight last night :D.

Body Surfing= :D PS3 code: in case no one has it (works for Xbox360 too I believe)Right, Right, Left, Down, Up, Up, Up, Down

The graphics are very meh, but because of all the frantic shit that's going on at once, it's not an issue; hundreds of people and cars on screen, explosions, etc.

I'm finding that the civilian AI is dumber than the trees in the game...there's an Army base entrance that seems to be like, literally in the middle of a main street--and there's always a HUGE traffic jam of cars trying to continue down the road.

The cars just pile up and honk their horns because there's no where to go :lol :lol :lol It's like they are programmed to follow the road, but not programmed to deal with any obstacles in the road. :D Also, a lot of the cars drive backwards at full speed when I am charging at them when there's an alert out for my capture...it's crazy shit.

But yeah, this game is a fucking blast to play!
Consume an army dude, run to the top of a building across the street, call in an air strike to take out the base,
then just glide away in to the sunset like it never happened. Awesome.
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