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The Official Prototype Thread


I can't get over how fun this game is. It may not be the best game technically, artistically, or aesthetically, but damn is it just simply fun to play.


FrostuTheNinja said:
I'm also playing the PC version.

Everyone has already said why this game is a blast, so I won't even bother.

Quick question, though... Does the game have a frame rate cap?

Seems like it... my system won't go above 35 fps but it stays silky smooth no matter whats going on.
Just played another 3 hours; the game is great but the framerate issues I'm having make the difficulty skyrocket especially during missions. Is anyone else having these issues? I don't have any other HID devices plugged in at the time...


BigKaboom2 said:
Every less-than-stellar review seems to be knocking it for having TOO MANY combat options. I don't understand how this can be construed as a negative.

The battles are only "repetitive" if you do the same exact thing to defeat enemies every single time.

The problem isn't with the number of options, its that you can't seemlessly hot-swap them in the midst of the chaos, IMO. Many times you're involved in a massive battle with tanks and infected, and it can be cumbersome to constantly have to access a menu to switch between the claws to kill infected and the hammerfists to destroy the tanks. This only gets worse as you gain more diverse powers and the battles get more hectic. It really makes you a little more tactical with how you choose to fight though, which is kinda cool.

Ive gotten the hang of switching pretty quickly, but it still pulls you out of the immersion a bit. Perhaps they should have went with Fallout 3's weapon selection system instead of making you pause (slow) the action to access a menu. This mecahnic was also handled better in The Darkness.


I played it for about an hour then quit. It's not that it's a bad game, it actually seems pretty decent, but it's just not my kind of game. I really liked inFAMOUS though (though it's a very different game). In Prototype it seems you really have to play hard and aggressive for the controls to work properly. If you play it slower and want to do things accurately, the controls really show their flaws. The combat in inFAMOUS is a lot more satisfying to me, it has a lot more weight to it. Still it looks like a good game, but it's just not for me.


eXistor said:
I played it for about an hour then quit. It's not that it's a bad game, it actually seems pretty decent, but it's just not my kind of game. I really liked inFAMOUS though (though it's a very different game). In Prototype it seems you really have to play hard and aggressive for the controls to work properly. If you play it slower and want to do things accurately, the controls really show their flaws. The combat in inFAMOUS is a lot more satisfying to me, it has a lot more weight to it. Still it looks like a good game, but it's just not for me.

There's a good chance I'm going to do that too.
I already did that with Saint's Row 2. I'm more than halfway through inFAMOUS at the moment and I'm waiting for Red Faction to get good before I cut it loose (I was afraid I might do the same with it).

I may be getting "open-world-game fatigue"


RPS37 said:
There's a good chance I'm going to do that too.
I already did that with Saint's Row 2. I'm more than halfway through inFAMOUS at the moment and I'm waiting for Red Faction to get good before I cut it loose (I was afraid I might do the same with it).

I may be getting "open-world-game fatigue"
That's exactly why I haven't bought Red Faction yet. I'm going to wait until I'm done with Prototype and probably play a different game before I finally pick up RFG.


If you guys are so afraid of RF:G's open world aspect, you have to at least pick it up anyway for the multiplayer (assuming you pick up the 360 version) mode. I won't go into detail (we can leave that for the official thread) but it's essentially a completely different experience from the single player sandbox. I dare say it's like buying two games in one.
Bog said:
I've gotta say I find it interesting how many people are playing the PC version...
why? quite a few of us on GAF play these multiplatform games on PC. if you have the hardware they'll look nicer and run better on PC (stupid HID glitches aside). plus, if you have the right setup they play just as well (ie on the couch with surround sound and a 360 pad).

Dead Space, Assassin's Creed, Alone in the Dark (lol), Mirrors Edge, Prototype, and next week Ghostbusters all games i have BOUGHT and played on PC.

honestly, if you have the right setup, why wouldn't you get it on PC? only real downside I can see is no universal achievement system, and no trading the game in when you're done. still, given that PC games start at $10 cheaper than PS3 and 360 and can go as low as half price, i think that negates the trade in thing.

i play prototype at a locked 60 fps on my HDTV in surround sound with 4xAA and 8xAF using my 360 pad.

if i can afford all that shit, you think I can't afford $50 for the game?


I've been playing the PS3 version for 2 nights now, for about 4 hours straight per session. :D
Fun is an understatment.

Sure the controls take some getting used to, but once you get the handle...it's almost god-like. I've done maybe 4 story missions so far...and put about 8 hours in. It's like the game that doesn't end!

There's something just so satisfying about running full speed up the Empire State Building, jumping off with lvl 3 Jump Upgrade, and Gliding across town while there is an alert out for you...then targeting a helicopter and yanking it out of the fucking sky.

I love this game. :D
Picked this up last night and only had time to get into it for an hour. Here's my impressions thus far. (No need for spoilers, I'm not that far though it!)

Lets get the Infamous comparison out of the way. So far, I'm finding Infamous' progression to be a bit more of a rigid affair than PT's. INF's powers are doled out in time with difficulty ramp up and story progression, so the overall experience there was largely a lot more refined and handled by the developers. PT does that to a point, but by and large you're purchasing your upgrades and powers as you see fit with specific exceptions which come as the game plays out.

You have a similar protagonist here in a few ways, in that your player's generally regarded as a jerk by everyone. In INF you can sway their opinions by playing "good", whereas with PT there's basically two sides: you vs everything else -- everything else in this case consisting of two antagonists, the military and the infection consuming New York.

Graphically it's tough to say since I haven't got far enough through PT to give a rundown of the full experience. Those whinging about how "bland" PT looks are missing the point. While your'e shredding people into chunks gore and buckets of blood then picking up someone's car and hurling it up into the sky at a helicopter sending it crashing to the ground in flames, you're not giving a flying fuck that you can't seen the individual granules of concrete on the structure of the building behind you.

Speaking of which, it's worth noting that Infamous is like a G rated game compared to this. Your "protagonist" doesn't give a rats ass about turning a crowd of civilians into a giant pile of chunky salsa. If you're hurt you have to heal, and the main way of doing this is consuming individuals you've grabbed. It's a really awesome effect to watch, as you grab some innocent guy, crush his head with your hand, and the reddish-black tendrils of the virus splay out from your arm and encompass your victim, pulling the remnants of his body into yours (while the other civilians nearby scream in shock and horror).

Control wise it's not like Infamous. If you've played Hulk: Ultimate Destruction you'll be pretty at home with this actually. Run up walls, parkour across the city, glide from building to building, it's all pretty easy to do.

So far it's been pretty amazing just how much shit can be going on onscreen in this game at any given time. If you haven't already guessed this is a much much MUCH more action oriented game than Infamous. The whole city's open to you though, so you can feel free to roam and explore for collectables, do side missions and quests, or just plain wreak havoc as you see fit.

Gaffers were giving it some shit pre-release, but honestly I think the reviewers this time have nailed it: it's not PERFECT, but it's a lot of fun (so far, for me).

Really looking forward to getting home to playing more.
unsurprisingly, it reminds me a lot of how i felt about Spider-Man 2 and Ultimate Destruction. sure, the mission design wasn't brilliant. sure, the side missions weren't that varied. sure the story was pap... so i can see why it's getting marked down (just as i understood why those games got marked down) but none of it takes away the unbridled joy of playing as a super-hero with that much power, that you have that much control over.

the sense of freedom is amazing in and of itself. i may never beat the story line, but i will more than get my moneys worth out of it marauding around the city like the biggest bad ass in the world.


Well I was going to say that I picked this up for the PC last night but apparently that makes me a pirate so I'll say I picked it up for the 360. Not digging it so far. I'm not comparing it to inFAMOUS in terms of quality since I haven;'t played nearly enough but I just finished playing inFAMOUS and I think I'm just burned out on the open world stuff. I'll probably put it aside for a few weeks and come back to it. Hopefully we'll see a few patches in that time to smooth the game play a bit.


This game is insane. It's like an R-rated Hulk: UD plus Assassin's Creed on steroids.

The story...I'm barely even following it. Constant flashbacks, flashforwards, and story tidbits being fed randomly are just too much. I think that's the one thing Infamous really nailed that this misses. The number of times you had to sit through a bunch of puppet-mouthed 3d models blabbing to each other was kept to a minimum, and mission conversations were often handled in-game as you moved around the world.

The movement can be rough sometimes because of the insane speed and scale, but when it clicks and you get a gold medal in one of those race side missions it feels damn good. I also like that you're pretty much forced to use stealth, the different combat abilities and firearms to finish the missions because they can be pretty difficult.


HMC said:
The problem isn't with the number of options, its that you can't seemlessly hot-swap them in the midst of the chaos, IMO. Many times you're involved in a massive battle with tanks and infected, and it can be cumbersome to constantly have to access a menu to switch between the claws to kill infected and the hammerfists to destroy the tanks. This only gets worse as you gain more diverse powers and the battles get more hectic. It really makes you a little more tactical with how you choose to fight though, which is kinda cool.

Ive gotten the hang of switching pretty quickly, but it still pulls you out of the immersion a bit. Perhaps they should have went with Fallout 3's weapon selection system instead of making you pause (slow) the action to access a menu. This mecahnic was also handled better in The Darkness.

Not only this, but your power-change can be interrupted by enemies.
Darklord said:
How are the PC controls? Will I be ok with a keyboard/mouse setup?

Also I haven't heard anything but any DRM?
seems to be an old school CD check. there's no CD key.

i'd play this one with a 360 pad. if you're playing this kind of game on PC and don't have one yet... trust me... it's time.


Having played it some more last night, I feel Prototype is a perfect example of a game that gets better the more you progress through it. The pacing when it comes to you gaining new powers which vary up the gameplay is done pretty flawlessly, and the more you get acclimated to the more advanced sort of controls (like timing the air boost to keep yourself gliding), the better everything flows and feels more coherent.

In these sorts of games, I always find myself being distracted by the side missions and just the general sandbox stuff you can do. With Prototype, I've actually been doing the story missions because I enjoy seeing what new powers and upgrades I get so much.
Truant said:
Not only this, but your power-change can be interrupted by enemies.
On the other hand, you're a walking tactical nuke, for all intents and purposes. There's gotta be SOME sort of balance here :D


Holy shit this game is amazing. :lol :lol My friends and I were DYING yesterday as I threw an air conditioner off the roof of a skyscraper and took a helicopter down, then damaged another one and kicked it to death out of the sky. :lol oh my god hilarious. Taking down bases is the coolest fucking thing ever. Seriously, this game rules. I can't wait to go home and play it again :D


Put around 2-3 hours into it last night and I don't like it all...

: The introduction/tutorial sucked.

: The controls stink. It's one of those games where it's a chore to even run in a straight line.

: I have no idea how many total powers are in the game, but it seems like you get way too much EP. Everytime I paused, I usually had over 100,000 and could buy a buttload of stuff. I've only done 3-4 story missions and I already have
Shield, Jump 3, Sprint 3, Air Dash "2", Glide, Hammerfists, Dodge, a bunch of weapon special attacks, Health 2
, and I'm sure twenty other things I can't remember.

: The disguise system is just stupid until you get
Stealth Consume (which is preposterous in its own right)
. The first time you enter an army base, 50 guys watched me consume the general and started shooting me. I ran away, came back in ten seconds, and they let me walk right through the front door still disguised as the general they watched me kill. Those situations should just be an automatic mission fail and checkpoint continue.

: Combat is atrocious. Without the lock on, you don't "stick" towards enemies. The very first time I hit the punch button by an army guy, I flew past him and started fucking hitting a pile of sand bags behind him. The lock on just pisses me off because I don't understand why it has that two second slo-mo effect when you use it.

: Why can't you manually aim weapons except the tank's gun? Do you have to get a tank everytime you want to
take down a hive building
? I saw no other way to actually hit the things.

Feel free to tell me I'm wrong or something, but I only rented the game so I probably won't play it again anyway.


HMC said:
The problem isn't with the number of options, its that you can't seemlessly hot-swap them in the midst of the chaos, IMO. Many times you're involved in a massive battle with tanks and infected, and it can be cumbersome to constantly have to access a menu to switch between the claws to kill infected and the hammerfists to destroy the tanks. This only gets worse as you gain more diverse powers and the battles get more hectic. It really makes you a little more tactical with how you choose to fight though, which is kinda cool.

Ive gotten the hang of switching pretty quickly, but it still pulls you out of the immersion a bit. Perhaps they should have went with Fallout 3's weapon selection system instead of making you pause (slow) the action to access a menu. This mecahnic was also handled better in The Darkness.

Prototype wants you to preset your powers by mapping them to the DPAD. If you want to access the menu then the game slows down when you hit LB giving you time to do so. I don't see this as a major issue and I don't see a better solution. Mass Effect kinda did the same the same thing so this mechanism has become more of a standard.

Truant said:
Not only this, but your power-change can be interrupted by enemies.

Why is this a big deal?


Baker said:
: The introduction/tutorial sucked.

Yeah I was pretty confused too. D: Kinda weird that they introduce you to the powers....and then take them away!

Baker said:
: The controls stink. It's one of those games where it's a chore to even run in a straight line.

I dunno about this one. I think they're pretty solid. My only little complaint is that jumping feels delayed. Like after I tap A, it'll take like half a second for Alex to actually jump.

Baker said:
: I have no idea how many total powers are in the game, but it seems like you get way too much EP. Everytime I paused, I usually had over 100,000 and could buy a buttload of stuff. I've only done 3-4 story missions and I already have
Shield, Jump 3, Sprint 3, Air Dash "2", Glide, Hammerfists, Dodge, a bunch of weapon special attacks, Health 2
, and I'm sure twenty other things I can't remember.

Uhhhh that's not a bad thing. There are SO many different powers. They're expensive

Baker said:
: The disguise system is just stupid until you get
Stealth Consume (which is preposterous in its own right)
. The first time you enter an army base, 50 guys watched me consume the general and started shooting me. I ran away, came back in ten seconds, and they let me walk right through the front door still disguised as the general they watched me kill. Those situations should just be an automatic mission fail and checkpoint continue.

Well, all the commanders look the same so maybe they thought you were another one :lol

Baker said:
: Combat is atrocious. Without the lock on, you don't "stick" towards enemies. The very first time I hit the punch button by an army guy, I flew past him and started fucking hitting a pile of sand bags behind him. The lock on just pisses me off because I don't understand why it has that two second slo-mo effect when you use it.

If he moves, you'll miss him.

Baker said:
: Why can't you manually aim weapons except the tank's gun? Do you have to get a tank everytime you want to
take down a hive building
? I saw no other way to actually hit the things.

If you wanna be cool about it, you can just run around the face of the building and
both the infected and the military will try and kill you, and the rockets from the military will destroy the base. :D
outsida said:
Seems like it... my system won't go above 35 fps but it stays silky smooth no matter whats going on.
no. there is a known glitch with numerous human interface devices causing slowdown. disable all the ones you don't need to play the game and it should run fine. hopefully they'll still be able to fix it with a patch.


The game has some huge and obvious lapses in logic when it comes to the disguise element, but all of those quirks are obviously done to make the gameplay more convenient. If you have to disguise yourself as a guy that no other soldier has seen every single time, it would get annoying quickly. Same thing if you weren't able to parkour and and have access to your movement powers while disguised. It would just limit you far too much for a game that's so over-the-top and kinetic.

Those things don't make a lick of sense logic-wise, but they were obviously conscious design decisions, and smart ones. Realism doesn't always pan out effectively in games.


Sai-kun said:
Well, all the commanders look the same so maybe they thought you were another one :lol
One that glides into the base after jumping off a nearby building? =P

Baker said:
: The controls stink. It's one of those games where it's a chore to even run in a straight line.
Controls can be clunky until you get used to it. It's definitely not about finesse but that problem only comes up during the race events and orb collecting.

Baker said:
: I have no idea how many total powers are in the game, but it seems like you get way too much EP. Everytime I paused, I usually had over 100,000 and could buy a buttload of stuff. I've only done 3-4 story missions and I already have
Shield, Jump 3, Sprint 3, Air Dash "2", Glide, Hammerfists, Dodge, a bunch of weapon special attacks, Health 2
, and I'm sure twenty other things I can't remember.
Once you start buying up devastator attacks, EP gets more scarce if you're only doing story missions.

Baker said:
: The disguise system is just stupid until you get
Stealth Consume (which is preposterous in its own right)
. The first time you enter an army base, 50 guys watched me consume the general and started shooting me. I ran away, came back in ten seconds, and they let me walk right through the front door still disguised as the general they watched me kill. Those situations should just be an automatic mission fail and checkpoint continue.
I enjoy the way it works if only for how absurd it is. And it's also a game. I wouldn't want to play the game that you're suggesting.

Baker said:
: Why can't you manually aim weapons except the tank's gun? Do you have to get a tank everytime you want to
take down a hive building
? I saw no other way to actually hit the things.
Throwing does quite a lot of damage and there's never any shortage of things to throw.

Baker said:
Feel free to tell me I'm wrong or something, but I only rented the game so I probably won't play it again anyway.
Hmm, okay then.


hulot said:
Controls can be clunky until you get used to it. It's definitely not about finesse but that problem only comes up during the race events and orb collecting.

The controls only become annoying if you attempt anything that requires precision. The movement in the game is way more about straight-up speed and covering a lot of ground very quickly.

I came to Protoype after inFamous and was annoyed at first trying to make precise jumps - when I realized that doesn't matter much in the game, and that you're almost always in a constant state of motion, it was more tolerable.


TheSonicRetard said:
OK, the PC version of Prototype has pissed me off so badly.

I booted it up today to play some more, and I found myself getting sub 10 FPS. which is crazy since I was getting a steady 60 fps yesterday. So I check to make sure nothing in my background is eating up my resources... nada.

I try lowering the resolution. nada. I turn everything down to minimum, and try running it at 640x480... still sub 10 FPS. So I go to look online, and found this piece of ridiculous bullshit...

if you have any HID device attached to your PC besides a controller, a mouse, or a keyboard, Prototype slows to a fucking crawl.

Now, I have prototype installed on my gaming PC, which is in my living room attached to my TV. I control my PC with a gyroscopic remote which shows up as, you guessed it, a HID device. If I want to play prototype, I have to go behind my TV and disconnect the receiver every time I start up Prototype. I have software which maps a ton of specialized functions to various keys on my remote, but it only works if the remote is plugged in on boot up. So after I'm done playing prototype, I have to shut my PC down, go behind my TV, plug in the receiver, and then reboot my PC, or else I'll have a gimped media remote.

FUCK this is infuriating. Judging from forums I've been reading, Activision is being slow as shit to even address the situation. UGH.

I knew there had to be a specific reason the game ran so poorly on my rig even at 800x600 (GTX 260 card) I have a crapload of usb devices (6 show up as HID in device manager) Activision should address this one pretty quick i'd hope.


Zeliard said:
The controls only become annoying if you attempt anything that requires precision. The movement in the game is way more about straight-up speed and covering a lot of ground very quickly.

I came to Protoype after inFamous and was annoyed at first trying to make precise jumps - when I realized that doesn't matter much in the game, and that you're almost always in a constant state of motion, it was more tolerable.
Except when you try to get those blue orbs on the highest buildings, i was soooooo fucking frustrated with the controls :lol .
Naeblish said:
Except when you try to get those blue orbs on the highest buildings, i was soooooo fucking frustrated with the controls :lol .

Simmer down on the run button. It is pretty easy to get those orbs by scaling and jump pressing.


vandalvideo said:
Simmer down on the run button. It is pretty easy to get those orbs by scaling and jump pressing.

I think you nailed it. I for one always have the right trigger pressed. B allows for precise scaling though I haven't tried it on uneven surfaces.


Ive only encountered one issue with grabbing an Orb and it was sitting on top of a tall pole of a building ..It was insane how long it took me to finally grab it and this was without running.
vandalvideo said:
Simmer down on the run button. It is pretty easy to get those orbs by scaling and jump pressing.
yeah. no.

the ones on top of spikes... you can't scale the spikes... and they're almost impossible to run up. until your leap is good enough that you can leap as high as the spike it's really hard to get them.

that didn't stop me having fun trying though :) the one ontop of the scaffolding took me ages. was working on the Chrysler building when i called it a day. that one's tough.


Played a bit of PROTOTYPE at a friend's house. I was sceptical towards it because of the whole embargo affair but whoah, this game is senseless fun :lol

Definitely going to pick it up as soon as I have the chance.


hulot said:
Controls can be clunky until you get used to it. It's definitely not about finesse but that problem only comes up during the race events and orb collecting.
Yeah, during a race event is where I really got ticked off at it.
Baker said:
Yeah, during a race event is where I really got ticked off at it.
i enjoyed the races so far. yeah, they're hard and require quite a lot of precision, but working on them has definitely upped my movement skills elsewhere.
So I tried it for about two hours last night. It's not exactly gorgeous and the controls aren't exactly tight but I gotta say, the attack you use with the "Y Button" and it shoots big black spikes up out of the ground...holy fuck.

I was giggling to myself after that one busted out.

I'm not craving to play it again but it already smells a bit complicated regarding combat options and I want to finish inFamous first.

My brain is old and I like to finish one game completely so that I can purge the controls for the game from my head before moving onto another.

Not great, but certainly fun. I find myself putting it on the same level as Wolverine: Origins. There are things about it that I find very sloppy but overall, it's a buncha fun.
plagiarize said:
yeah. no.

the ones on top of spikes... you can't scale the spikes... and they're almost impossible to run up. until your leap is good enough that you can leap as high as the spike it's really hard to get them.

that didn't stop me having fun trying though :) the one ontop of the scaffolding took me ages. was working on the Chrysler building when i called it a day. that one's tough.
Charge your jump, do not move, and hit the in place glide. You glide right down onto the needle. It is extremely, extremely easy to do. That is kinda the point though, you're not supposed to get all the orbs at once.
vandalvideo said:
Charge your jump, do not move, and hit the in place glide. You glide right down onto the needle. It is extremely, extremely easy to do. That is kinda the point though, you're not supposed to get all the orbs at once.
right. like i say, until you can jump as high as the needle it's really hard to get them. i knew i should just wait until i upgraded more and to come back at them later... but like i say i was having fun. be best if Alex didn't even try to run or crawl on those spikes though, cause they are one of the things his powers really glitch out on.


vandalvideo said:
Charge your jump, do not move, and hit the in place glide. You glide right down onto the needle. It is extremely, extremely easy to do. That is kinda the point though, you're not supposed to get all the orbs at once.

The one I had issues with was up higher than any surrounding buildings, so you couldnt "glide down" to get it.
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