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The Official Prototype Thread


I haven't run into any orbs on poles, but could you not use the precise climbing mechanism? Circle (or... B, I guess?) to grab onto the pole and climb slowly but precisely?


Jesus did this game grow on me! At first I was all "meh" going into it right after I finished Red Faction. But now when I got some powers going and the missions and everything is starting to ramp up I'm totally loving it!

One gripe, why the hell doesn't it sounds crunchy and loud when I run up buildings? Alex rips trough the walls but doesn't hardly make any sound. Small gripe, but still.


Well I finally found McMuffin.

Before someone asked me what I meant with the graphical problems in the game. The fact that I can't see the orbs past 10-15 feet of my characters is pretty bad.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
vandalvideo said:
Have you been doing the web of intrigue and side missions? You miss out alot of story if you don't do the web. It took me a good 14 hours to complete the game, InFAMOUS around 10.
I beat it in 14 hours too, and I didn't do a bunch of the side missions. I plan on doing them to unlock all the stuff in the free roam mode that you do after you beat the game.
BobsRevenge said:
I beat it in 14 hours too, and I didn't do a bunch of the side missions. I plan on doing them to unlock all the stuff in the free roam mode that you do after you beat the game.

Have fun. You're in for a treat once you get gold in all of the missions. >_< Still the stupidest surprise ever.
JRW said:
Yea I had the same problem with an orb way up on a pole, it took me awhile & some luck to reach it but afterwards realised I could have hijacked a helicopter and flown right to it instead.

No problems with the text here.

vandalvideo said:
You're generally not supposed to be getting a lot of orbs until later on in the game when you have a helicopter. That is how I got those spire orbs.

Oh, thanks.

Ri'Orius said:
I haven't run into any orbs on poles, but could you not use the precise climbing mechanism? Circle (or... B, I guess?) to grab onto the pole and climb slowly but precisely?

Even if you use B and UP on left stick, it's not working as it should. Alex will go sideways or jump off the pole instead of up. But as others mentioned, helicopter is better option.


Been playing for a good 3-4 hours and having a blast. Yes there things I can complain about but Im just going into this with the same mindset I had playing Spiderman and the Wolverine games and having a lot of fun with it.


I'm having a blast with this game; I like Alex's characterization as a total reason for the same reason I liked the main character in Saints Row. It's not particularly deep, but unlike pretty much every other open world game the crazy murderous crap he gets up to is more or less in-character with the cutscenes. It feels consistent.

I've never played the games this one apparently borrows heavily from, so it's a fresh experience for me, and honestly the whole wallrun/leap/air-dash/glide combo is so fun I'll just randomly take a twenty minute break to zip around the city orb-gathering (The draw distance for orbs on rooftops is decent; ground-level less so.)

I also like that the chaos you cause has wider-spread implications than in most open-world games; panic may only spread a block or two, but it beats the subdued reaction of bystanders I'm used to.

Ri'Orius said:
I haven't run into any orbs on poles, but could you not use the precise climbing mechanism? Circle (or... B, I guess?) to grab onto the pole and climb slowly but precisely?

I'm playing the 360 version, and there are some poles that the B-cling-climb doesn't work so well with; it's some weird collision-detection thing. The poles are narrow enough that Alex grabs on, then swings like he's going around a corner. Only the character is drawn as clinging to air a foot or two off of the pole when you first grab, and after the swing the game realizes you're not actually holding onto anything but air, and Alex goes crashing earthwards.

That said, I've been able to grab pretty much every orb through a combination of wall-running up the building, cling-climbing up the initial narrowed sections, then charge-jumping the height of the 'needle' part--Usually there's a small foothold Alex can stand on at the base of the needle part.
Ri'Orius said:
I haven't run into any orbs on poles, but could you not use the precise climbing mechanism? Circle (or... B, I guess?) to grab onto the pole and climb slowly but precisely?

Drop onto from helicopter. Most can be jumped to, but there is one that I cannot get to normally.
Justin said:
Just beat the last boss with 1 second left. The person who decided to add a timer for the last 25% was a asshole.

The last boss was easy.
You just had to kamehameha him with Critical Pain. That took almost all that 25% away. I had a good 50 seconds left on the clock when I beat him
MacBosse said:
One gripe, why the hell doesn't it sounds crunchy and loud when I run up buildings? Alex rips trough the walls but doesn't hardly make any sound. Small gripe, but still.

Or hell, why doesn't he just fall through windows? Hulk could get away with it based on his big old feet, but this dude?

K' Dash

Clearly the game is a trap :lol you start as an overpowered bastard, but when the game progresses you find out that it is actually quite difficult in the later missions.

It seems that theres always an "easy way" to do every mission, I don't want to spoil anything so if any mission feels frustratong, just try different things (weapons, vehicles, etc)
Zzoram said:
So I am on mission 27? out of 31 for the main story.

This boss fight is total bullshit. I've been at it for 2 hours and finally I gave up, because my hands hurt. I don't even want to play this game anymore.

If anyone beat this boss easily, let me know.
It's where you fight Greene as a giant tentacle monster, you have to kill the tentacles for her weak spot to get exposed, you hit it a bit then you have to kill stronger tentacles to get to her weak spot, and it keeps repeating but gets harder each time. She shoots homing acid at you constantly, along with rocks, and there are an unending stream of hunters that attack you. What the fuck are you supposed to do. I got her down to half health using the whip arm to poke her, tossing a few cars, and having to eat constantly, and it took forever to get her down to half health

It's rather silly that the game goes smoothly and steadily along right until this mission where the bosses and your powers completely disconnect from one another.
not to mention that it's totally a vagina monster...and she calls herself mother. Freud would have a fieldday.

Funny thing is Hulk: UD didn't run into this issue.

Must have been a different designer or something, because the difficulty spike in these last few missions is just ridiculous and almost seems to have nothing to do with the rest of the game.

The fact that your consume animation can be interrupted doesn't help in these missions either.

Didn't really have a problem with the last boss, just with getting enough health before he could hit me again. Thank god for the low health version of the devastator (critical pain was also the way to do things with Hulk btw).


iammeiam said:
I'm having a blast with this game; I like Alex's characterization as a total reason for the same reason I liked the main character in Saints Row. It's not particularly deep, but unlike pretty much every other open world game the crazy murderous crap he gets up to is more or less in-character with the cutscenes. It feels consistent.

Yeah, one thing Prototype does particularly well is that it reconciles the problem with open-world games where what you do often involves murdering tons of innocent civilians, usually whether you intend to or not, and despite whether or not it makes sense with the characterization.

With Protoype, it's basically in Alex's character go around doing that, because he's a pissed off, near-demonic being who doesn't really give a shit about anything but finding out what happened to him. Sucks for whoever gets in his way.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
vandalvideo said:
The last boss was easy.
You just had to kamehameha him with Critical Pain. That took almost all that 25% away. I had a good 50 seconds left on the clock when I beat him
I just
ran around and threw helicopters and shit at him. I had a bunch of extra time too.
vandalvideo said:
Have fun. You're in for a treat once you get gold in all of the missions. >_< Still the stupidest surprise ever.

It's not a surprise! The game tells you that if you get gold in all the side missions, you'll unlock the platinum versions.


IGN Insider has a Prototype "Head-2-Head" article up: http://insider.ign.com/articles/994/994361p1.html

For those without access they basically gave PC the overall win due to fastest load times,capable of higher resolution, antialiasing options, more control options, but also noted PC version has the same pop-in distance as console versions and lacks Achievements / Trophies.

As for Xbox360 vs PS3 they called a Tie except they noted PS3's version is slightly brighter on default settings. Nothing was mentioned about the framerate so I'm assuming it wasnt worth mentioning, Other head2head's normally comment if one version ran worse than the other.

Some quotes from the article:

"Prototype retails for $59.99 on both 360 and PS3 which is 10 dollars more than you'll pay on PC. In these tough times that could play a major role in which version you want to purchase. "

"The controls are identical on PS3 and Xbox 360 and are set in stone aside from the options to invert the X or Y axis, toggle vibration, or switch the way targets are selected. On PC, there are more options. You can plug an Xbox 360 controller into your PC and get the identical console experience, but the PC also affords the player full keyboard and mouse support. Hot keys can be assigned and every action can be mapped to the key of your choice giving this version far more flexibility than what you get on consoles."

"The PS3 and Xbox 360 are closer in visual fidelity though I did find the PS3 slightly brighter and more attractive on the default settings. The difference is small enough that the advantage is minimal, but it is worth noting.

Load times were fastest on our PC (Core 2 Quad, 2GB RAM, Nvidia 8800 GTX) with minimal differences between PS3 and 360. The PS3 version has a mandatory install which has a reported bug. I didn't experience the bug and a patch has already been released to fix it. "

"Final Verdict:
The Prototype experience is largely identical across all three platforms. Visual differences exist with the PC coming out on top. Though the PS3 version looks brighter, it isn't enough of a reason to pick it over the Xbox 360 (or vice versa). The added ability to map your keyboard to any command and add hot keys gives the PC version flexibility in control you can't find on the console. In the end, the graphics and control options put the PC version on top with a coin toss between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions."
I love this game. The story is shit, the controls can be bad, and the mission are mostly very similar and predictable, but I love it anyway. It's addicting, and fun, and flashy.

In the same way I got addicted to Assassin's Creed despite it's flaws, I love this game.

Throwing cars, the rediculous superpowers, and flying around the city is so satisfying that it overrides the other (significant) shortcomings.

I don't expect everyone will love it, but those who do will have a great time.
BobJustBob said:
It's not a surprise! The game tells you that if you get gold in all the side missions, you'll unlock the platinum versions.

I totally didn't read that. All I know is I was mad pissed when it said, "Grats on gold, heres platinum!" Made me want to shank someone.

PS: The story is better than alot of people are letting on. Especially once you get far into the Web of Intrigue. I'm about 116/130 mind scompleted and I like it.


Just beat the game on PC with all gold missions. Overall I had my share of fun, but the repetetive missions and sloppy controles started to annoy me half way through. As for the story I started to skip every WoI scene after 1/3 of the game because it bored the hell out of me. I think a 6,5/10 would be my score for it.


MacBosse said:
Jesus did this game grow on me! At first I was all "meh" going into it right after I finished Red Faction. But now when I got some powers going and the missions and everything is starting to ramp up I'm totally loving it!

I had the exact same experience. After the first hour, I thought I'd made a huge mistake buying this game - it felt like a big, sloppy, unrefined chaotic mess. A few hours in, though, and I'm really enjoying it a lot despite its faults (though complaints from others of frustrating difficulty spikes has me a bit concerned).

MacBosse said:
One gripe, why the hell doesn't it sounds crunchy and loud when I run up buildings? Alex rips trough the walls but doesn't hardly make any sound. Small gripe, but still.

I can't believe anyone else was bothered by this besides me. They even went through the trouble of adding a shattering glass visual effect with each step when he's running on windows, but no accompanying sound effect.

The absence of a sound for vehicles impacting surfaces is also disappointing - two tons of metal crashing into the ground after a 3 story fall doesn't make a deafening crash?


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Got to the ending earlier today but I can't really stop playing. Now I'm free roaming, doing random shit, events, missions, unlocking more WOI and upgrading my powers while listening to my own custom music. This game has its shortcomings but the more I played the more it clicked with me in the fun department.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Nice touch on having a
Karen Parker
optional scene. :lol

I wonder what happened to
Dana after the end
. Mercer
left her with Ragland
and that was that.


I just did the boss fight in Times Square against
giant mutated Elizabeth.

Wow, that was insane. Hard, but not unfairly so. And I think there was more going on in that scene than in the entire course of a lot of games, what with the giant monsters and the military and the zombie horde and the poor delicious pedestrians.
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Well I finally found McMuffin.

Before someone asked me what I meant with the graphical problems in the game. The fact that I can't see the orbs past 10-15 feet of my characters is pretty bad.

I've yet to encounter an orb that I couldn't see from that far away, I've seen orbs farther than 10-15 feet away.


pretty awesome game, all things concidered. I'm playing it on my pc using a sixaxis, works great. The performance is acceptable. Wether i turn on AA x4 or completely turn it off, or play at 1650 x 1050 or 1280 x 720, the framerate always chugs at around 30. Quite a shoddy pc port i'd say.
Also, the game takes itself way too serious. The cutscenes are fucking aweful and i have no idea wtf is going on. Some bitches apperantly hacking networks, classified shit going on i don't know. The presentation is totally fucked and i just can't be arsed to watch these crappy scenes.

Other then that its been quite a thrill. Hulk:UD was one of my most played games last gen so its nice to finally see a worthy (spiritual) succesor. Yes its not a goodlooking game, but you gotta love the sheer chaos in the streets after cleaning the house with a critical mass move. Its rough, but great fun. Kinda like..nvm


mysticstylez said:
I've yet to encounter an orb that I couldn't see from that far away, I've seen orbs farther than 10-15 feet away.
It's weird. There's a middle distance where orbs will disappear.

I've spotted orbs from high up that vanish as I approach then reappear with 30 feet.


Sai-kun said:
Another user in the inFamous thread linked us to this. :lol It's hilarious./
Ugh..edit it! :p
There's a thread already about it..and if things continue as they are, heads will continue flying.. :p

K' Dash

ultron87 said:
I just did the boss fight in Times Square against
giant mutated Elizabeth.

Wow, that was insane. Hard, but not unfairly so. And I think there was more going on in that scene than in the entire course of a lot of games, what with the giant monsters and the military and the zombie horde and the poor delicious pedestrians.

I just finished this part, cuaiiizeeeeeeee, so much shit going on the screen, it lasted like 1/2 hour, fuck shit, the almost
1 hit KO move from that bitch
was really cheap.

Men, I just don't feel like an overpowered bastard anymore :lol
Could anyone tell me what this game is like on the IBM compatible?
I have a 1gb ATI 4850 Super VGA card and was wondering how well it would run at 1980X1200 resolution?
I can Run Crysis warhead at FULL 1080P resolution no AA on high settings 30fps-45fps or so.
I was thoroughly enjoying infamous before my Trey broke, will this game fill that void?
Thanks to anyone who replies.


CurlySaysX said:
Could anyone tell me what this game is like on the IBM compatible?
I have a 1gb ATI 4850 Super VGA card and was wondering how well it would run at 1980X1200 resolution?
I can Run Crysis warhead at FULL 1080P resolution no AA on high settings 30fps-45fps or so.
I was thoroughly enjoying infamous before my Trey broke, will this game fill that void?
Thanks to anyone who replies.

CPU speed??


CurlySaysX said:
Intel Dual Core E8400 3.55ghz.
Using Windows 7 X64 with 4 giga rams.
Can I use a game controller on the pc instead of keyboard mouse?

It should run like a dream. 40-45fps @ 1980X1200 bare minimum. Oh and if you don't have one already get yourself a 360 usb Gamepad. It'll make a HUGE difference.
MightyKAC said:
It should run like a dream. 40-45fps @ 1980X1200 bare minimum. Oh and if you don't have one already get yourself a 360 usb Gamepad. It'll make a HUGE difference.

I will purchase the game and give the usb gamepad a go.


MightyKAC said:
It should run like a dream. 40-45fps @ 1980X1200 bare minimum. Oh and if you don't have one already get yourself a 360 usb Gamepad. It'll make a HUGE difference.

Q6600 3GHZ
4gigs of ram
2 x WD black drives raid 0
x64 vista (2 week old install)

running at 1680x1050 w/ 4x AA game runs smooth but around 30 sometimes dips
performance definitely does not match the fidelity of the game.

btw 360 gamepad is a must these days prototype changes everything to 360ized if you plug one in.
Valru said:

Q6600 3GHZ
4gigs of ram
2 x WD black drives raid 0
x64 vista (2 week old install)

running at 1680x1050 w/ 4x AA game runs smooth but around 30 sometimes dips
performance definitely does not match the fidelity of the game.

btw 360 gamepad is a must these days prototype changes everything to 360ized if you plug one in.

the 4890 is so much better than the 4850 though.
I am installing the game as I type this. Hope it runs above 30fps.
I never use AA at 1980X1200 so hopefully it should be o.k.
couldn't find the USB XBOX controller, so I will try the Dual Shock 2.
The game seems to run too fast. Everyone sounds like a chipmonk.
Can this be fixed? Vsync is enabled.
Graphix look awesome BTW.

Problem solved.
Audio card was outputting 96K selected 48K its perfect now.


It's a pretty good game, but one thing I can't understand is...how the fuck do you do devastator attacks? I unlocked the power that grants it, but can't do shit with it...ugh. I wish they explained shit better in this game.


For those having trouble with the times square boss there is an easy way to do it but it takes alot of time.

Purchase the blade drop ability (thing where you hold Y in the air when you have the blade activated) and keep going up to the top of the buildings. The projectiles don't hit you there and if a hunter follows you can use it for health. Basically keep jumping from the building and use the blade drop on it. Then use a devastator when it is exposed. Rinse and repeat.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
sullytao said:
For those having trouble with the times square boss there is an easy way to do it but it takes alot of time.

Purchase the blade drop ability (thing where you hold Y in the air when you have the blade activated) and keep going up to the top of the buildings. The projectiles don't hit you there and if a hunter follows you can use it for health. Basically keep jumping from the building and use the blade drop on it. Then use a devastator when it is exposed. Rinse and repeat.
That's basically how I did it too but I also spammed the blade's Y ground attack after the drop until
pushed me away somehow or my health dropped considerably. I also used the armor while doing this (and changed to shield to glide away from
the wave attack that sucks your hp
to recover some health at a safe street or on top of a building).
For that boss I just used the Critical Pain Devastator as many times as possible and then consumed hunters to fill my critical mass, rinse and repeat.

This game is great fun, I finished it the other day on easy and am going through it again on normal, then maybe hard after that. Screw getting all the platinum medals though, some took me ages just to get gold.


So I just absorbed all scientists apparently, and I found the location of
however upon going there I just get a cutscene. Does this affect the game later on or is it meant to just be closure?


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Nemesis556 said:
So I just absorbed all scientists apparently, and I found the location of
however upon going there I just get a cutscene. Does this affect the game later on or is it meant to just be closure?
Just optional closure. I even did it after the end of the game.
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