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The Official Prototype Thread


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
As an example, there is a dude you need to take out who is hiding in a base. So..

Step 1: Destroy the base to get him to come out
- Ok easily done.

Step 2: Stop him from escaping in his tank.
- Oh that'll be easy, tanks are slow, i'm fast as hell and can either smash it or hijack it...



No way.

His tank is invunerable, ok fine, they want you to absorb him so blowing his tank up might not be the best play. It is however still slow as hell. I spent the whole mission riding on top of his tank waiting for the scripted moment to appear that would allow me to hijack it. You see I could trigger the hijack but at the last moment I would get hit by an explosive and knocked off the tank, even when there were NO enemies around.

I hate limiting shit like that, especially when it's breaking the games own rules. There is another mission involving chasing down escaping helicopters that had me wanting to claw my eyes out.

AgentOtaku said:
Does the WoI eventually start to become something genuiningly interesting?
Even if it could be considered fluff, I still need a somewhat decent story in my gaming...

Yea actually the Web of Intrigue is pretty cool. The story presented by the game itself and the story missions is pretty ho hum but the WoI is pretty neat. It helps that you're hunting it all down yourself and not having it fed to you.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Sinatar said:
As an example, there is a dude you need to take out who is hiding in a base. So..

Step 1: Destroy the base to get him to come out
- Ok easily done.

Step 2: Stop him from escaping in his tank.
- Oh that'll be easy, tanks are slow, i'm fast as hell and can either smash it or hijack it...



No way.

His tank is invunerable, ok fine, they want you to absorb him so blow his tank up might not be the best play. It is however still slow as hell. I spent the whole mission riding on top of his tank waiting for the scripted moment to appear that would allow me to hijack it. You see I could trigger the hijack but at the last moment I would get hit by an explosive and knocked off the tank, even when there were NO enemies around.

I hate limiting shit like that, especially when it's breaking the games own rules. There is another mission involving chasing down escaping helicopters that had me wanting to claw my eyes out.
I agree that it's shitty that you have to wait for a scripted moment (I had the same gripe with some GTA4 missions) but you're not supposed to ride on his tank during the sequence, you can just follow it by jumping from building to building while paying attention to the distance meter. He'll stop at some intersections, some tanks will come to help him that have a skull marker and you have to destroy them (it's very quick with the blade), then he'll proceed. I think this happens around 3 times IIRC. After that it gets pretty obvious that it's time to hijack the tank.
Sinatar said:
As an example, there is a dude you need to take out who is hiding in a base. So..

Step 1: Destroy the base to get him to come out
- Ok easily done.

Step 2: Stop him from escaping in his tank.
- Oh that'll be easy, tanks are slow, i'm fast as hell and can either smash it or hijack it...



No way.

His tank is invunerable, ok fine, they want you to absorb him so blowing his tank up might not be the best play. It is however still slow as hell. I spent the whole mission riding on top of his tank waiting for the scripted moment to appear that would allow me to hijack it. You see I could trigger the hijack but at the last moment I would get hit by an explosive and knocked off the tank, even when there were NO enemies around.

I hate limiting shit like that, especially when it's breaking the games own rules. There is another mission involving chasing down escaping helicopters that had me wanting to claw my eyes out.

Yea actually the Web of Intrigue is pretty cool. The story presented by the game itself and the story missions is pretty ho hum but the WoI is pretty neat. It helps that you're hunting it all down yourself and not having it fed to you.

Eeek ...reminds of the last island in Mercenaries for the Xbox =/

Thanks for the example though!


Anyone see the official review on Ars Technica? He raises some interesting points but the reasons for the score it got are pretty harsh as is the fact that its stacked DIRECTLY against Infamous (unavoidable I know but still a damn shame that the game can't be measured on its own merits).

Of course everyone got a right to there opinion, just so long as they can separate IT from actual fact, then its all good.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
MightyKAC said:
Anyone see the official review on Ars Technica? He raises some interesting points but the reasons for the score it got are pretty harsh as is the fact that its stacked DIRECTLY against Infamous (unavoidable I know but still a damn shame that the game can't be measured on its own merits).

Of course everyone got a right to there opinion, just so long as they can separate IT from actual fact, then its all good.
That's a terrible review. Who the fuck plays Prototype with any sense of morality? The game is balls-out chaos at its most uninhibited. No other game even attempts to be as fucked up and crazy. Prototype actually pulls it off.
BobsRevenge said:
That's a terrible review. Who the fuck plays Prototype with any sense of morality? The game is balls-out chaos at its most uninhibited. No other game even attempts to be as fucked up and crazy.

You can't expect that to resonate well with everyone. I for one thought there would be more to it than there apparently is, that the game would at least have some justification for your actions.


So many great moments..love running on the side of a building as the bullets and rockets are being fired at his feet..and throwing a car to a helicopter high in the air..to then being on the ground and as you continue running..you see that helicopter crashing and exploding in your back.

Story is good though, unlike what I've read many said..then again I've being doing constant side missions and absorbing everyone I can, expanding the Web of Intrigue..


BobsRevenge said:
That's a terrible review. Who the fuck plays Prototype with any sense of morality? The game is balls-out chaos at its most uninhibited. No other game even attempts to be as fucked up and crazy. Prototype actually pulls it off.


Prototype = Rampage 2009 Confimed!!! :D


AltogetherAndrews said:
You can't expect that to resonate well with everyone. I for one thought there would be more to it than there apparently is, that the game would at least have some justification for your actions.
Dude, you thought the devs actually had justification for all of the craziness? How bout Alex has a ton of powers and he's set loose in a massive sandbox? LUP touched on this as well, and Garnett said that his lack of humanity as explained in the story is some justification for this, but I think thats bs too. Sometimes the gameplay just comes before the story or setup, and I think Prototype is the prime example of this. The devs wanted to cram as much violence, powers, destructability, and essentially FUN into the game, and built the story around that.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I got this today and have been having an absolute blast from minute one, so fun.

How do I use destructor attacks though? I bought the thing but I don't seem to be able to actually do any right now.
peterb0y said:
The devs wanted to cram as much violence, powers, destructability, and essentially FUN into the game, and built the story around that.

Right, but I'd personally probably find it easier to have fun if there was some justification for all the violence. Not necessarily in a righteous way, but this story of this character and his quest for taking revenge on those responsible for this horrible thing they did to him seems somewhat hollow when you consider what he himself does. Resonates well with some, not so well with others.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Right, but I'd personally probably find it easier to have fun if there was some justification for all the violence. Not necessarily in a righteous way, but this story of this character and his quest for taking revenge on those responsible for this horrible thing they did to him seems somewhat hollow when you consider what he himself does. Resonates well with some, not so well with others.
Honestly the story doesn't really resonate that well. I enjoyed it, but it isn't emotional really. Its mainly a mystery and you're trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. The character is extremely selfish, and he doesn't give a fuck.

What does resonate though, is throwing cars at fucking helicopters and launching yourself 100 feet through the air into a fucking tank with the inertia drawn from massive weights you grow where your hands should be.

Fuck, you can do that move into goddamn helicopters. Have you ever seen a man throw himself 100 feet through the air to smash into a fucking helicopter? Its as hilarious and awesome as it sounds.


Hehe.. :lol
Was experimenting with the "interactive Prototype map" that was posted earlier, wondering..like "well, let's see how many things are around the map.."


:lol ..great map anyway, let's you click and remove the ones you got already..obviously when zoomed-in correctly... :p
Papercuts said:
I got this today and have been having an absolute blast from minute one, so fun.

How do I use destructor attacks though? I bought the thing but I don't seem to be able to actually do any right now.

You have to buy both the critical mass ability as well as a destructor attack.

Then go absorb enemies/civilians until your life bar gets a blue bar behind it (that's the critical mass part), then push and hold the buttons that the destructor attack description says to push.


fernoca said:
Dude..is AltogetherAndrews.. :lol
Check his post history on this thread.. :D
AltogetherAndrews, SanjuroTsubaki, and pixel monkey are the only 3 people on my ignore list and they're all from the same thread.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
wayward archer said:
You have to buy both the critical mass ability as well as a destructor attack.

Then go absorb enemies/civilians until your life bar gets a blue bar behind it (that's the critical mass part), then push and hold the buttons that the destructor attack description says to push.

Oh, I bought the ability but haven't been able to buy any attacks yet. Thanks!


Uh oh... I was having a lot of fun with Prototype, but I think I may have hit a wall. The controlled chaos has become total and utter mayhem, and I feel like the joys of the game are being smothered by overwhelming odds, cheap hits and punishing situations. Did Radical actually think this was fun? If this is how things go for the next few missions, I may put this game aside for awhile - I just don't have the patience for this brand of "challenge."


eshwaaz said:
Uh oh... I was having a lot of fun with Prototype, but I think I may have hit a wall. The controlled chaos has become total and utter mayhem, and I feel like the joys of the game are being smothered with overwhelming odds, cheap hits and punishing scenarios. If this is how things go for the next few missions, I may put this game aside for awhile - I just don't have the patience for this brand of "challenge."
How far are you? The last few missions do get ridiculous and you're being repeatedly shot down by homing missles just trying to evade.

I'm on my New Game+ right now and just killing everything in sight as pay back. Only like 3 main missions in.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Hmm... My analysis of the main character (many plot spoilers and conjecture):

The Mercer we play with is revealed to be the virus itself that absorbed the body and mind of Alex Mercer at Penn Station after he threw the capsule on the floor and became a new being without realizing it due to the fragmented memories.

Considering the virus had no human conscience to begin with, I just think it's acceptable that as a mixed creature the new Mercer doesn't... make much sense. In the end he's just a confused mess of instincts (absorbing/infecting more people, doing the crazy shit a virus usually do) combined in a broken way with what were the original Mercer's ideals of what's important (Dana, Karen until she's revealed to be on the enemy payroll, escaping Gentek).

"Stopping the giant mess, finding the truth and taking revenge" to me is just the best and quickest way he found to have some closure in his reason to exist. He was responsible for the infection after all, so he probably also feels guilty about it in a distorted way. Anything outside of that doesn't mean anything, they're means to these ends. I mean, he can't even properly take revenge on anyone after he finds out his entire existence was a crazy act caused by the human Mercer himself. At the end of the game it shows he's more comfortable with whatever he is but even by knowing the truth it can't be expected for him to have a clear moral code (or to be completely violent and reckless either). He has thousands of voices screaming in his head after all, who knows how that affects him.

This became longer than I intended and I'm sleepy at the moment, so forgive me if there's too much bullshit in this post. :lol I actually didn't think too deeply about the plot, this is just what jumped at me when the truth started to surface.

Edit: I also haven't seen all of the WOI yet. I may change my mind after that too.


eshwaaz said:
Uh oh... I was having a lot of fun with Prototype, but I think I may have hit a wall. The controlled chaos has become total and utter mayhem, and I feel like the joys of the game are being smothered by overwhelming odds, cheap hits and punishing situations. Did Radical actually think this was fun? If this is how things go for the next few missions, I may put this game aside for awhile - I just don't have the patience for this brand of "challenge."

Yea I'm 6 missions away from the end and having similar thoughts, each mission is taking over an hour to complete due to repeatedly dying lol.. its crazy how fast and frequent the helicopters start raining down rockets at this stage in the game. (Playing the game on Normal).


Sinatar said:
Yea actually the Web of Intrigue is pretty cool. The story presented by the game itself and the story missions is pretty ho hum but the WoI is pretty neat. It helps that you're hunting it all down yourself and not having it fed to you.
It still is being fed to you. I mean, individual WoI targets aren't unlocked until certain points in the story, or until that _plus_ you having consumed the prior WoI targets they're linked to.

But I agree, it _feels_ less like it's being spoon-fed. And it certainly adds some depth to the story.

I mean, one twist was delivered in the story first, and then I got the WoI fragments later - this could have been my fault for postponing my consumes - but then I got into a bout of off-mission rampages and I think I found that
Ragland's working with Gentek somehow
and this is something I haven't yet found out through the actual story.

I have found that some of these consume targets, whether they're military consume events or WOI targets, die before I can get to them if they spawn in an infected area. =P


Just wanna throw in my 2 cents. Loving this game more than I ever imagined. Climbing to the top of a building then free falling and hitting B as i push toward the building. Alex will grip the wall and slowly slide to a stop using his fingers. Its funny how the things that would annoy me in other games (bad AI of soldiers when you're in disguise, repetitive elements) are brushed off as insignificant because i'm having so much fun with it.
It's kind of got some Dead Rising in it with the stuff you can do in the infected areas.

inFAMOUS is such a different experience and feels almost childlike in its approach compared to this game. Multiplayer carnage would be interesting.


wayward archer said:
You have to buy both the critical mass ability as well as a destructor attack.

Then go absorb enemies/civilians until your life bar gets a blue bar behind it (that's the critical mass part), then push and hold the buttons that the destructor attack description says to push.

Where do you buy attacks from? I'm on mission 14 and have yet to come across one on the Upgrades menu. Should've explained this shit better.


AFreak said:
Where do you buy attacks from? I'm on mission 14 and have yet to come across one on the Upgrades menu. Should've explained this shit better.
Pause (Menu appears, go to Upgrade and choose whatever you want to buy)..it's explained at the very beginning.

There you scroll between buying attacks, health, sprint, etc..and their respective upgrades.


I love the whipfist it's so damn awesome to use. Then using the muscle mass thing is pretty damn cool if only to making enemies explode with a strong punch.:lol
BobsRevenge said:
Have you ever seen a man throw himself 100 feet through the air to smash into a fucking helicopter?

Yes, in Hulk UD. But with Hulk, there was this whole deal about Hulk basically being a primal form of human aggression to cover for the single track focus on destruction, and it still wasn't as heavy on being a civilian meat grinder. To each their own, and I still haven't gotten to play the game so who knows.

fernoca said:
Dude..is AltogetherAndrews.. :lol
Check his post history on this thread.. :D

For good measure, you could always check my post history going all the way back to early Prototype threads. I was anticipating the game like mad, imagine that. So bug off, fanboy.
AFreak said:
Where do you buy attacks from? I'm on mission 14 and have yet to come across one on the Upgrades menu. Should've explained this shit better.
That is weird. I think early in the story, you require specific upgrade to do missions. How were you able to finish up to mission 14 without upgrading? Just to clarify, I'm talking about main story line missions.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
AltogetherAndrews said:
Yes, in Hulk UD. But with Hulk, there was this whole deal about Hulk basically being a primal form of human aggression to cover for the single track focus on destruction, and it still wasn't as heavy on being a civilian meat grinder. To each their own, and I still haven't gotten to play the game so who knows.

For good measure, you could always check my post history going all the way back to early Prototype threads. I was anticipating the game like mad, imagine that. So bug off, fanboy.

There is a reason for Alex Mercer's complete disregard for human life, but to say what it is would ruin the whole crux of the game's story.


JRW said:
Yea I'm 6 missions away from the end and having similar thoughts, each mission is taking over an hour to complete due to repeatedly dying lol.. its crazy how fast and frequent the helicopters start raining down rockets at this stage in the game. (Playing the game on Normal).

Usually, my plan of attack is:
- find place on top of building away from soldiers
- wait for helicopter to arrive (if you're standing on a ledge on the side of the building, the heli won't attack LOL)
- unleash hell with the whiparmthingypower
- repeat untill all helis are down
- climb up attack any and all soldiers with power of choice while having Shieldpower active
- if hunters pop up, fuck em up with the clawpower
- proceed to objective
So here's a question. I'm playing Protoype on my Xbox 360, on a LG-26LC2R, HD Ready (720p) and it looks ok, not amazing. My little brother tried it out and loved it right away and went out to get the PC version, since he's got a really nice rig I thought it looked quite a lot better on his PC. Resolution was only a bit higher, but still, it looked better. So I installed the game on my PC as well, which is hooked up to the same tv my 360 is. I booted up both games and went to exactly the same place in the game... to my surprise the PC version looked worse. The res was also at 720p, every other setting maxed out, and it looked worse than the 360 version. Colors looked really soft and dull, and kinda washed out, while the 360 version had more vivid colors etc. But I was convinced the game looked better on my brothers PC, hell the textures looked a lot better than the textures on my PC. So am I doing something wrong or what?

EDIT: Damn that Eva Green fight was kinda lame. I mean, it was easy, but it took such a long while.


Sinatar said:
I hate limiting shit like that, especially when it's breaking the games own rules. There is another mission involving chasing down escaping helicopters that had me wanting to claw my eyes out.
For the mission with the tanks, you are supposed to follow the mission objectives. For the helicopter mission, I believe you're referring to the one just before the tank one? That one is actually pretty easy. Stealth consume missile marines and one-shot them. It won't even set off an alert...


eshwaaz said:
Uh oh... I was having a lot of fun with Prototype, but I think I may have hit a wall. The controlled chaos has become total and utter mayhem, and I feel like the joys of the game are being smothered by overwhelming odds, cheap hits and punishing situations. Did Radical actually think this was fun? If this is how things go for the next few missions, I may put this game aside for awhile - I just don't have the patience for this brand of "challenge."
I'm feeling a bit the same way, although I will definitely stick with it to the end. The game is just starting to throw so much at me at once - I'm pretty sure I was killed by a kitchen sink at one point. Alex is certainly starting to feel a lot more fragile than I'd expect a human weapon of mass destruction would.
So I played more last night and reached the first real free roam moment in the game. Did a few more story quests, then started to tackle the side events.

The glide one was relatively easy for me.

The checkpoint race....different story.

At times I do feel like I'm fighting the controls, especially when I air dash or glide in the wrong direction trying to get to a waypoint. Even sometimes when Alex gets confused when you're running to close to where two walls meet.

So I got the Silver in 2 of the race events. But I wasn't going to give up. Oh no, screw you 21 seconds for a gold.

I tried for almost 15 minutes on one of them, and I finally got it. And while the controls screwed me once or twice, it never made me want to quit. Because when you hit it right, it is beyond awesome. Watching Alex run, jump, airdash and glide to a gold medal is a thing of beauty when it happens because it just looks so slick put together.

I love this game.
I havent picked up the game yet, but is that map of the city accurate to the game? it looks like they chopped off most of uptown past central park, yikes
Up to mission 20 now and while the game is definetly ramping up in difficulty, when I die, I don't really get frustrated. I usually chalk it up to me not either being agressive enough or too agreesive, or not staying on the move as much as I should. I've never felt cheated.

I will say trying to do some of these side missions getting gold has been a pain and frustrating, but again, I just take a chill pill. Come back to it later, and usually I'm able to take it down the next go.

Still liking the main missions alot. There is "just" enough story elements between the cutscenes and the WOE, to keep me wondering what the hell is going on and how its all going to culminate at the end.

Like others have said, LOVING this game.


Jack Random said:
I havent picked up the game yet, but is that map of the city accurate to the game? it looks like they chopped off most of uptown past central park, yikes
The only game to properly digitize New York has been GTAIV. Prototype's Time Square doesn't even resemble reality and that's its best effort; much of the city isn't present. That said, most of the time I'm jumping from rooftop to rooftop so it doesn't really matter much what blurs past me.

For most of the side missions, scraping a gold will almost always require all the upgrades, movement ones should be maxed as early as possible anyhow and the combat specific ones will require their entire moveset. I've got two events left for gold and then onto platinum...


The Mercer we play with is revealed to be the virus itself that absorbed the body and mind of Alex Mercer at Penn Station after he threw the capsule on the floor and became a new being without realizing it due to the fragmented memories.
I picked this up in some of the Web of Intrigue memories. Glad I was right.

Though I stopped reading from here because I realised I was spoiling myself. =P


hulot said:
The only game to properly digitize New York has been GTAIV. Prototype's Time Square doesn't even resemble reality and that's its best effort; much of the city isn't present. That said, most of the time I'm jumping from rooftop to rooftop so it doesn't really matter much what blurs past me.

For most of the side missions, scraping a gold will almost always require all the upgrades, movement ones should be maxed as early as possible anyhow and the combat specific ones will require their entire moveset. I've got two events left for gold and then onto platinum...

wat? times square is pretty accurate bro. Aside from the actual store names not being there. They even have the revolving door for Toys R Us! :D


BobsRevenge said:
That's a terrible review. Who the fuck plays Prototype with any sense of morality? The game is balls-out chaos at its most uninhibited. No other game even attempts to be as fucked up and crazy. Prototype actually pulls it off.

^^ Agreed, That's the beauty of it.
BobsRevenge said:
Honestly the story doesn't really resonate that well. I enjoyed it, but it isn't emotional really. Its mainly a mystery and you're trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. The character is extremely selfish, and he doesn't give a fuck.

What does resonate though, is throwing cars at fucking helicopters and launching yourself 100 feet through the air into a fucking tank with the inertia drawn from massive weights you grow where your hands should be.

Fuck, you can do that move into goddamn helicopters. Have you ever seen a man throw himself 100 feet through the air to smash into a fucking helicopter? Its as hilarious and awesome as it sounds.

After completing the Web of Intrigue, I generally disagree. What happened to Alex
Or should I say what happened to Blacklight?
was unique in a video game. First time
The hero wasn't really a hero at all


MightyKAC said:
Anyone see the official review on Ars Technica? He raises some interesting points but the reasons for the score it got are pretty harsh as is the fact that its stacked DIRECTLY against Infamous (unavoidable I know but still a damn shame that the game can't be measured on its own merits).

Of course everyone got a right to there opinion, just so long as they can separate IT from actual fact, then its all good.

That has to be the most self-pitying video game review I've ever read. The saddest thing about it is that Prototype is the one game that effectively reconciles the problem open-world games have (that you can and often do go around killing everyone) with the characters and storyline. Going on to state that inFamous is some deeply soulful game despite its transparent and binary moral choices and wooden characters just sends the review into the realm of the laughable.


fernoca said:
So many great moments..love running on the side of a building as the bullets and rockets are being fired at his feet..and throwing a car to a helicopter high in the air..to then being on the ground and as you continue running..you see that helicopter crashing and exploding in your back.

Story is good though, unlike what I've read many said..then again I've being doing constant side missions and absorbing everyone I can, expanding the Web of Intrigue..

Been playing for a while and just noticed that there over 160 Web of Intrigue scenes. Like wow! Between those and the main story scenes there's enough story here for a book. I like the story alot. To put this in perspective considering that Crackdown had zero story Prototype is like a Robin Cook novel.


fernoca said:
Pause (Menu appears, go to Upgrade and choose whatever you want to buy)..it's explained at the very beginning.

There you scroll between buying attacks, health, sprint, etc..and their respective upgrades.

I'm talking about Devastator attacks. I'm on mission 14 and haven't ran across one yet on the upgrades menu. Which also means I haven't used one yet in a fight.
AFreak said:
I'm talking about Devastator attacks. I'm on mission 14 and haven't ran across one yet on the upgrades menu. Which also means I haven't used one yet in a fight.

Your doing something wrong then, I know for a fact I had a devastator attack by the time I was on mission 14. For sure. There must be something your not seeing, maybe scrolling down further on the powers page,etc?
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Your doing something wrong then, I know for a fact I had a devastator attack by the time I was on mission 14. For sure. There must be something your not seeing, maybe scrolling down further on the powers page,etc?
Aren't they on the attacks page, instead of powers page?
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