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The Official Prototype Thread


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
TheHeretic said:
The supersoldiers that do wrestling moves are even worse, don't do a QTE and they take off half of your health. None of that is entertaining at all.
The supersoldiers are annoying in close combat so I always fought them from far away using the whipfist. When they blocked I pressed B to grab with the whip, then throw or absorb. They're harmless when faced like this.

TheHeretic said:
All explosions have stuns you can't recover from
I don't know if I understand this part. I can air recover from everything that throws me away in the game by pressing RT.


TheHeretic said:
The games way too sporadic. I was really enjoying it up until the Greene boss battle, but even before then the game throws too much shit at you. All explosions have stuns you can't recover from, and being able to get into a tank without doing that annoying as hell QTE would have really helped some missions. Worse is when getting into a tank you can get blown off by an explosion.
Buy the Air Recovery power. Also, you don't have to do the tank QTE if you're disguised as military. It's all intentional. Breaking into a tank mid-combat is supposed to be hard.
Mutants aren't fun to fight at all, period. Those licker looking things attack you into unblockable combo's, you need the dodge roll to have a chance which you can't use in armor mode. They take a shitload of damage to kill and trading blows is almost inevitable for me. The supersoldiers that do wrestling moves are even worse, don't do a QTE and they take off half of your health. None of that is entertaining at all.
Stick and move. Really, a couple charged attacks can kill the larger enemies. Also make sure you buy the infected slam ability, makes them a lot easier to fight. Later in the game, the Blade power makes them all ridiculously easy to kill.
The protagonist is universally unlikeable to boot. I've killed as many civilians as I have anything else, and that issue of morality isn't addressed at all. Does Alex not care? Does he think they are fucked anyway? Give me SOMETHING to care about Alex's revenge saga.
If you want something to care about, buy a puppy.
At its best its amazing, but so many issues get in the way of the good time.
Upgrades fixed almost all issues I had with the game. The more you play, the better it gets.
Zabka said:
Buy the Air Recovery power. Also, you don't have to do the tank QTE if you're disguised as military. It's all intentional. Breaking into a tank mid-combat is supposed to be hard.

Stick and move. Really, a couple charged attacks can kill the larger enemies. Also make sure you buy the infected slam ability, makes them a lot easier to fight. Later in the game, the Blade power makes them all ridiculously easy to kill.

If you want something to care about, buy a puppy.

Upgrades fixed almost all issues I had with the game. The more you play, the better it gets.

Thanks for the condescending tone. In the missions where your powers are stripped sneaking into a tank works once, then it gets blown up in 3 seconds. Guerilla tactics are annoying because going back into cover is hard with helicopters and the detector drones. I don't see why breaking a latch is hard when I have superhuman strength to the extent that I can throw cars, nor do I see how making it an annoying QTE makes it any more fun.

There are too many upgrades to know what the hell you are meant to be buying. I thought there was only one devastator move when it turns out there are more and one makes boss battles much easier. Shame i'm out of evolution points to buy it.

And if I have to watch endless cutscenes I want the fucking story to be coherent.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
TheHeretic said:
And if I have to watch endless cutscenes I want the fucking story to be coherent.
You don't really have to watch them though, they're all skippable. And they're not needed for you to know what you're supposed to do, there's always text appearing on the screen with your current objective and there's a mission log in the pause menu.
Fuu said:
You don't really have to watch them though, they're all skippable. And they're not needed for you to know what you're supposed to do, there's always text appearing on the screen with your current objective and there's a mission log in the pause menu.

Thats not how I play games.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
TheHeretic said:
Thats not how I play games.
Heh, I'm just saying you can skip the cutscenes if you don't want to watch them. If you think they're crap and still feel like you "have" to watch, to each their own.


TheHeretic said:

Mutants aren't fun to fight at all, period. Those licker looking things attack you into unblockable combo's, you need the dodge roll to have a chance which you can't use in armor mode. They take a shitload of damage to kill and trading blows is almost inevitable for me. The supersoldiers that do wrestling moves are even worse, don't do a QTE and they take off half of your health. None of that is entertaining at all.


Use the Whip. Easily the most fun combat wise. Use the Whip on the Super soldiers as well. Nothing gets close and it's a blast. Sorta like a lion tamer. Also the hamerfist is highly effective against the larger mutants. Only takes a couple combos and they're dust.
Fuu said:
Heh, I'm just saying you can skip the cutscenes if you don't want to watch them. If you think they're crap and still feel like you "have" to watch, to each their own.

I don't really think they are crap. The cutscenes are very weird and feel unfinished but the web of intrigue is great. I wasn't being defensive, if a developer makes the effort to put a plot in (and most do) i'm going to pay attention to it. Running around doing chaotic shit isn't enough of a motivator for me to finish a 10+ hour game.
If you're going to have cut-scenes this plentiful and frequent, they should be a bit better than they are here. Alex Mercer being the aggressively uninteresting and unlikable character he is doesn't help. The problem here is that without the story, the game has so far been little more than a so-so meat grinder with little purpose and drive beyond slicing and dicing your way through a blur of walking props.

Tried one of the side missions last night, and surprise surprise, it tasked me with killing some dudes. Only difference from any of the main missions was that there was a time limit.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Tried one of the side missions last night, and surprise surprise, it tasked me with killing some dudes. Only difference from any of the main missions was that there was a time limit.

Have you tried sneaking into a base and stealth consuming everyone? What about the racing or gliding side missions? Decided fuck the bases and destroy them? Destroy some hives? What about the side missions where you help either the infected or the military? How bout the ones where you have to use a tank or chopper to take out some infected? Did you happen to try the side mission where your on top of a building with only the rocket launcher to use and a endless ammount of choppers on your tail? Are you grabing the memories from people? All in involve killing things....

Really though, what were you expecting? GTA, Just Cause, Mercenaries, all these sandbox games end up boiling down to their basics (going somewhere and either chasing, or killing someone/thing) I really all just depends on how much fun you have with it and the tools at your disposal. Which is all subjective to the person and their expectations with a game.


TheHeretic said:
Thanks for the condescending tone. In the missions where your powers are stripped sneaking into a tank works once, then it gets blown up in 3 seconds. Guerilla tactics are annoying because going back into cover is hard with helicopters and the detector drones. I don't see why breaking a latch is hard when I have superhuman strength to the extent that I can throw cars, nor do I see how making it an annoying QTE makes it any more fun.
It provides danger. It forces you to think on your feet.
There are too many upgrades to know what the hell you are meant to be buying. I thought there was only one devastator move when it turns out there are more and one makes boss battles much easier. Shame i'm out of evolution points to buy it.
Shouldn't take you more than a couple minutes to read through the upgrade list and figure out what would help you. In the time you made your post you could have done that.

Earning points in this game is easy. Blow up or evade a couple Strike Forces, go on an infected water tower demolition spree (use the charged whip attack or a helicopter), or run some side missions.
Sysgen said:
Use the Whip. Easily the most fun combat wise. Use the Whip on the Super soldiers as well. Nothing gets close and it's a blast. Sorta like a lion tamer. Also the hamerfist is highly effective against the larger mutants. Only takes a couple combos and they're dust.

The whip doesn't work in the final Super Soldier mission, atleast if you want platinum. I found the best way to fight them is using muscle mass, suprisingly enough. You can stun them really easily by charging up.


Dunlop said:
damnit, there is a huge special for Prototype ($37) in Canada, I'm still only like 2/3 through Infamous. I had no plans on pick it it up, but I am weak.

Is there a reason not to get the PS3 version over the 360, I'm trying to build up the library? I'm behind a firewall so I can't look up comparisons.

According to Eurogamers face off comparison the PS3 version has screen tearing (lack of vsync) and a reduced framerate during heavy action. If you own both consoles i'd go with 360.

Snip from article:

"Probably the biggest difference you'll see concerns how well each version maintains v-sync - the 360 game is clearly a lot better at it, tearing relatively rarely, whereas the PS3 game loses v-sync and drops frames more regularly. Other differences tend to be somewhat less important to the overall presentation, but intriguing nonetheless. There is a significantly shorter draw distance for shadows on PS3, and crowd members in the environment tend to be duplicated a lot more than they are on 360."


This is it on max 2xAA @ 1080p

Not bad at all. I haven't seen any of those dreadful N64 textures I've seen in some screenshots. Still doesn't look amazing but good enough.

Also is there a day/night cycle or does it change when you go in a mission? I actually can't tell yet.



JRW said:
Hm nope didn't have any problem I just did that mission a couple days ago.

But I googled Men like Gods prototype and apparently what you describe happens to a lot of people. They say resetting the console / retrying mission fixes it most the time.
Yup, I gave up and quit, and the console basically hung on the loading screen, so I had to reboot. Worked fine after that.


so i just played this for maybe a hour and half and my verdict? im not really sure yet, i was gonna go pick this up this week because its on sale this week for $40, but now, im not too sure. maybe its cuz i gotta unlock all the powers, i aint feeling it, but u know its like how long can i spend running around the city and beating the shit out of civilians? 30 mins it seems.
Based on a few hours of play I think I generally agree with the Gamespy review, especially the bits about story and A.I., although the whole "a budget title that unfortunately doesn't have a budget price" feels like they are holding it to some mythical standard as that statement seems applicable to damned near every other title these days. Bringing up value for money is also a little bit too subjective; I can see someone get plenty of value for the money, if that person finds that much fun in killing lots of civilians and anonymous soldiers.
Just for FYIs sake the Blade and Musclemass are the best weapons, with the whip having a lot of utility. Don't bother with claws and the Hammerfists (which are what I used) which are worse in just about every way. The Blade kills tanks faster than the Hammerfists despite the description and its air drop is the best move in the game, much better than the Hammerfists elbow drop.

The game is hard enough that you'll want the best weapons, and those are it.


I got a couple hours in and I don't know about this game.

Granted, I haven't read any reviews but reading some comments I see the story has been brought up. I figured the story might be bad in an awesome bad way, but its not. Its bad in a this is realllllllly bad why did they even attempt a story bad kind of way. Voice acting horrible, cutscene set pieces seem like they are ripped out of the early CGI days. It takes a lot for me to cringe at horrible cut scenes, but this game is doing it. The Web of Intrigue storyline setup where you get bits of the storyline at a time is a cool idea. More of these and less cut scenes with Alex. This isn't a dealbreaker for me as I play Dynasty Warriors games and those cut scenes are horrible too, but I have to say I expected a bit more from this product with its long development cycle.

The core controls feel a bit sloppy. Everything has a weighty feel to it where Alex doesn't respond right away. I'm still early so this may improve as I go through the game, but this is definitely not a pick up and play experience. Even grabbing objects can be a pain. You are running right at it, hit b and the game doesn't respond.

Game is a bit bloody for my tastes, but I'll deal. I'm not giving up on it yet, but I have to say I'm disappointed in this product at the moment. Game definitely gives you a visceral feeling, but little purpose in doing so.


Mrbob said:
I got a couple hours in and I don't know about this game.

Granted, I haven't read any reviews but reading some comments I see the story has been brought up. I figured the story might be bad in an awesome bad way, but its not. Its bad in a this is realllllllly bad why did they even attempt a story bad kind of way. Voice acting horrible, cutscene set pieces seem like they are ripped out of the early CGI days. The Web of Intrigue storyline setup where you get bits of the storyline at a time is a cool idea. More of these and less cut scenes with Alex.

The core controls feel a bit sloppy. Everything has a weighty feel to it where Alex doesn't respond right away. I'm still early so this may improve as I go through the game, but this is definitely not a pick up and play experience. Even grabbing objects can be a pain. You are running right at it, hit b and the game doesn't respond.

Game is a bit bloody for my tastes, but I'll deal. I'm not giving up on it yet, but I have to say I'm disappointed in this product at the moment. Game definitely gives you a visceral feeling, but little purpose in doing so.

Took me me well over 2 hrs to really get into the gameplay and *really* learn the controls, But Im towards the end of the game now and having a lot more fun.


Yeah once I have a highly powered Alex and beasting around the city I'll probably be having more fun.

Out of curiosity are achievements linked to difficulty? One slightly annoying aspect about NewGame+ is that you can't select Hard difficulty from the outset. You have to beat the game first. Why would I want to beat the game on easy or normal and then have to reboot my character. What a dumb decision. I'm hoping achievements aren't linked to difficulty so after I finish the game I can start over with my powered up Alex.


Wow, you guys weren't kidding about the ridiculous sudden sharp increase in difficulty in the last missions. I just defeated
Elizabeth Greene
and that took forever, what with the insane amounts of health and regenerating 'armor' that boss had. Plus, the boss's attacks were so stupidly overpowered that hijacked military vehicles died before even managing to spin around and face it, much less get any damage in.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
That fight took about 30 minutes for me, I didn't use a single vehicle and though it was fun as hell. There's definitely a difficulty increase, but I only have two missions left and expected it to be much worse.
The problem with Prototype is that it puts you in a position that forces the use of tanks, helicopters, and stealth over your upgraded "super" powers. I expected Prototype to be a no-holds barred destruction-fest. 20% of the game delivered that, but the rest of the game forces you to do the same crap you've done in a thousand games before it. Why do I need to do escort missions? Why do I need to destroy helicopters for 20 minutes? Why do I have to pretend to be a helicopter pilot and rescue military personnel for 20 minutes? Why can't the game let me go on a rampage?

Take a game like inFamous. Sure, not everyone liked it, but as you progressed through the game you gained powers of which all were useful. The game also provided both main and side missions that allowed you to use those powers to the full extent possible. By the end of inFamous, I felt like a badass and annihilated everything in my path; the game allowed me to feel like that. With Prototype, I was a badass that never got the chance to fully use my powers, I felt restrained throughout the entire experience.


The Sixth Horseman said:
The problem with Prototype is that it puts you in a position that forces the use of tanks, helicopters, and stealth over your upgraded "super" powers. I expected Prototype to be a no-holds barred destruction-fest. 20% of the game delivered that, but the rest of the game forces you to do the same crap you've done in a thousand games before it. Why do I need to do escort missions? Why do I need to destroy helicopters for 20 minutes? Why do I have to pretend to be a helicopter pilot and rescue military personnel for 20 minutes? Why can't the game let me go on a rampage?

Take a game like inFamous. Sure, not everyone liked it, but as you progressed through the game you gained powers of which all were useful. The game also provided both main and side missions that allowed you to use those powers to the full extent possible. By the end of inFamous, I felt like a badass and annihilated everything in my path; the game allowed me to feel like that. With Prototype, I was a badass that never got the chance to fully use my powers, I felt restrained throughout the entire experience.

lol wat? Unless your destroying stuff, you don't have to use vehicles at all.

Almost-last-mission spoilers: When you're
following Taggart
they give you a tank to blow stuff up with, but it's so much more fun to just run along the buildings and divebomb stuff :D


I just can't seem to beat the mission where you have no powers. I mean my tank is blown up in about 3 seconds, there are hunters everywhere, rockets firing at me every second, choppers, tanks, sensors and no attack powers? Are you kidding me?


Darklord said:
This is it on max 2xAA @ 1080p

Not bad at all. I haven't seen any of those dreadful N64 textures I've seen in some screenshots. Still doesn't look amazing but good enough.

Also is there a day/night cycle or does it change when you go in a mission? I actually can't tell yet.

http://i39.tinypic.com/eqe1hw.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]It changes depending on the area you are in and the mission.

There might be a day/night cycle on top of that[QUOTE=Darklord]I just can't seem to beat the mission where you have no powers. I mean my tank is blown up in about 3 seconds, there are hunters everywhere, rockets firing at me every second, choppers, tanks, sensors and no attack powers? Are you kidding me?[/QUOTE]stick to the rooftops and use rockets to kill the targets. Jump+kick the sensors when they get close. Kill and absorb the large-ish infected to keep your HP up


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
The Sixth Horseman said:
The problem with Prototype is that it puts you in a position that forces the use of tanks, helicopters, and stealth over your upgraded "super" powers. I expected Prototype to be a no-holds barred destruction-fest. 20% of the game delivered that, but the rest of the game forces you to do the same crap you've done in a thousand games before it. Why do I need to do escort missions? Why do I need to destroy helicopters for 20 minutes? Why do I have to pretend to be a helicopter pilot and rescue military personnel for 20 minutes? Why can't the game let me go on a rampage?

Take a game like inFamous. Sure, not everyone liked it, but as you progressed through the game you gained powers of which all were useful. The game also provided both main and side missions that allowed you to use those powers to the full extent possible. By the end of inFamous, I felt like a badass and annihilated everything in my path; the game allowed me to feel like that. With Prototype, I was a badass that never got the chance to fully use my powers, I felt restrained throughout the entire experience.
Dude, tanks and helicopters might be better at destroying buildings and shit than your powers. But they aren't forced. Just throw cars with your musclemass activated. It still destroys buildings and shit pretty decently.

The game lets you go on a rampage whenever you goddamn want to. If you don't want to play the missions, don't do the damn missions.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Based on a few hours of play I think I generally agree with the Gamespy review, especially the bits about story and A.I., although the whole "a budget title that unfortunately doesn't have a budget price" feels like they are holding it to some mythical standard as that statement seems applicable to damned near every other title these days. Bringing up value for money is also a little bit too subjective; I can see someone get plenty of value for the money, if that person finds that much fun in killing lots of civilians and anonymous soldiers.

You got the game? You posted 90+ times about how terrible it was before playing it. Why would you then play it?
Karma said:
You got the game? You posted 90+ times about how terrible it was before playing it. Why would you then play it?

I'm pretty sure I never called the game terrible before playing it, nor have I called it terrible after playing it. Grow up, fanboy.


beat said:
Wow, you guys weren't kidding about the ridiculous sudden sharp increase in difficulty in the last missions. I just defeated
Elizabeth Greene
and that took forever, what with the insane amounts of health and regenerating 'armor' that boss had. Plus, the boss's attacks were so stupidly overpowered that hijacked military vehicles died before even managing to spin around and face it, much less get any damage in.
Why are so many of you wasting time with vehicles? Get close and use the ground spike devastator. It hits
all 3 parts of her at the same time. 2 or 3 of those will knock off all her armor.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
There's a postmortem up with the game's producer over at the Armchair Empire, if anyone wants to check it out. I'm going to have to get off my ass, and pick this game up. A couple of people at work have been hounding me to get it, and I'm about ready to capitulate. XD
BobsRevenge said:
Dude, tanks and helicopters might be better at destroying buildings and shit than your powers. But they aren't forced. Just throw cars with your musclemass activated. It still destroys buildings and shit pretty decently.

The game lets you go on a rampage whenever you goddamn want to. If you don't want to play the missions, don't do the damn missions.

There are several main story missions where you have to use vehicles instead of your powers. The problem is that even though you do get a ton of powers, I never felt satisfied using them. It's like hey, you're a badass, go kill these things over and over again, or protect this guy for 5 minutes. The missions were poorly thought out. It feels like two development teams were working on the same game with two completely different ideas of where the game should go.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Just started playing this on PC this morning and kind of loving how powerful your character is. I don't have any powers really other than the ones you can buy in the second proper mission, but this game makes you feel over the top badass and it's inoxicating.

I'm playing Infamous at the same time and am feeling a real lack of motivation to go back to it. Prototype is just so much more insane and chaotic.


I only have a handful of Events left to get Gold in, but the only events I'm having real difficulty in is the ones where you're driving a Tank (Kill as many enemies within time limit) My Tank gets destroyed before the time limit even runs out which fails the event.

I love this game. One of the best open world games I've ever played. I get the feeling not everyone will love it, but I'm 12 hours in and over half through and still itching to play more. I think i'll start up hard after this too.
JRW said:
I only have a handful of Events left to get Gold in, but the only events I'm having real difficulty in is the ones where you're driving a Tank (Kill as many enemies within time limit) My Tank gets destroyed before the time limit even runs out which fails the event.


Just drive backwards and only use rawkets.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Also, vehicles in this game stay where you place them. On one of the tank ones...Irony? I think, I took tanks and placed them near the event, and once it started I was able to blow them up and they counted, then it's easy enough to survive.

Anyway, just beat it now, awesome time the whole way through. I finished off those bastard hard consume events now, so I'm just going around trying to gold events and find orbs before I move onto hard.


Zabka said:
Why are so many of you wasting time with vehicles? Get close and use the ground spike devastator. It hits
all 3 parts of her at the same time. 2 or 3 of those will knock off all her armor.
Ah, well... I never liked that devastator. =P D'oh.


beat said:
Wow, you guys weren't kidding about the ridiculous sudden sharp increase in difficulty in the last missions. I just defeated
Elizabeth Greene
and that took forever, what with the insane amounts of health and regenerating 'armor' that boss had. Plus, the boss's attacks were so stupidly overpowered that hijacked military vehicles died before even managing to spin around and face it, much less get any damage in.

Yea I just played this boss and it took me literally 30-40 min to defeat it and this was without dying lol.

A lot of it was figuring out a strategy and how to basically stay alive, but If I were to do it again now I could beat it a lot quicker.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I was having trouble to get a gold at the two events where you have to kill infected on the ground with a heli. Just saw on another forum that if you don't try
to lock on marked enemies and instead spam the non-homing missiles on the streets at random infected humans it's points galore.
Sweet. :lol


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Fuu said:
I was having trouble to get a gold at the two events where you have to kill infected on the ground with a heli. Just saw on another forum that if you don't try
to lock on marked enemies and instead spam the non-homing missiles on the streets at random infected humans it's points galore.
Sweet. :lol

Yeah, marked targets don't seem to matter as much as I thought. For pretty much any military kill events, you can just go and place a bunch of tanks nearby and just destroy those for a bunch of easy points, even if they aren't marked.
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