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The Official Prototype Thread

Mr. Durden said:
Aren't they on the attacks page, instead of powers page?

I can't recall exactly where they're at since I'm at work, but I thought you had to first buy some upgrade to even hit critial mass before you could get the devastators as well. But I can't recall at the moment.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
I can't recall exactly where they're at since I'm at work, but I thought you had to first buy some upgrade to even hit critial mass before you could get the devastators as well. But I can't recall at the moment.

Already have Critical Mass 2 by now, but still no devastator.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
If anyone is curious about how feasible it is to get all the powers on one playthrough, I finished the game with all the powers bought and still had 12 million EP in the pot.


AFreak said:
Already have Critical Mass 2 by now, but still no devastator.
Get out of the Survivability tab and go to Combat. Scroll down to Area Effect and BAM, ever wondered what a devastator looks like?


Sysgen said:
The Devastors are awesome and impressive both on a visual but also a technical level.

Especially the one where those tendrils come flying out of you. You can spin the camera while it's going on and it's an incredible visual treat. Very cool especially for a game that otherwise isn't visually striking.
Sinatar said:
If anyone is curious about how feasible it is to get all the powers on one playthrough, I finished the game with all the powers bought and still had 12 million EP in the pot.

I did it. I just had to get gold on all the missions and 120/200/ 33/50 orbs.


hulot said:
Get out of the Survivability tab and go to Combat. Scroll down to Area Effect and BAM, ever wondered what a devastator looks like?

The Area of Effect attacks are not devastator moves, you can do those at anytime.
You know for as many people have claimed that this will be a game that gets released, and then forgotten, I gotta say that won't be the case for me.

I haven't played a game in recent memory that offered this much insane crazy action as this. I mean the closest thing would be some of the badass destruction in Red Faction Guerilla. Yet Prototype is just a pure adrenaline inducing badass mofo of a monster and I can't believe some of the situations, random acts of craziness, and scenarious I've experienced while playing.

Def a game I will remember.:D


AFreak said:
The Area of Effect attacks are not devastator moves, you can do those at anytime.
I'm not sure how you're still needing help with this but here goes:
1) press START while in-game
2) use the left analog stick to scroll down to UPGRADES
3) use either the bumpers or the left analog stick to navigate to the COMBAT tab
4) scroll down to AREA EFFECT
That's one of six devastators. Press Y+B to do the regular, hold both down to unleash the devastator. No excuses now. I hope you can find the rest. You can do it.


hulot said:
I'm not sure how you're still needing help with this but here goes:
1) press START while in-game
2) use the left analog stick to scroll down to UPGRADES
3) use either the bumpers or the left analog stick to navigate to the COMBAT tab
4) scroll down to AREA EFFECT
That's one of six devastators. Press Y+B to do the regular, hold both down to unleash the devastator. No excuses now. I hope you can find the rest. You can do it.

Still not there. I purchased Knuckle Shockwave, and Tendril barrage didn't show up. Only the attack where you punch the ground and the attack where you jump smash the ground while in the air...nothing else. Maybe I'm not far enough along in the story yet...besides I think my 360 just crapped out anyway...Turned it on and the screen was in black and white and also got a lot of static....hmmm.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Mr. Durden said:
Just finished it. So did I get it right, was
the last Hybrid infected the child of Green?
I thought that for a moment too but he isn't.

There's a certain cutscene where Cross and other Blackwatch soldiers are facing a hunter attack. We get a single hunter's first person view looking at him. Cross scratches the ground with his electric weapon and the scene ends with the hunter charging. He was infected there and kept acting undercover as Cross in order to "help" Mercer.

Greene's child is called Pariah in the game and Cross isn't called that when he transforms for the last fight, he's just the "Supreme Hybrid". I also think that even if Randall was responsible for taking her child away for more experiments, he wouldn't just keep him along as a Blackwatch Captain considering that he's fully aware of how unreliable Greene herself was.

Pariah is probably being kept someplace else during the game and will serve as a device for the eventual sequel.


Any tips on beating some of the side missions? For example Ive been trying to get Gold in "Power to the People" which is one where you have to defeat the military before they kill all of the infected..(you can use whatever weapons you want) I'm doing terrible here, Cant even get Silver =/
Fuu said:
I thought that for a moment too but he isn't.

There's a certain cutscene where Cross and other Blackwatch soldiers are facing a hunter attack. We get a single hunter's first person view looking at him. Cross scratches the ground with his electric weapon and the scene ends with the hunter charging. He was infected there and kept acting undercover as Cross in order to "help" Mercer.

Greene's child is called Pariah in the game and Cross isn't called that when he transforms for the last fight, he's just the "Supreme Hybrid". I also think that even if Randall was responsible for taking her child away for more experiments, he wouldn't just keep him along as a Blackwatch Captain considering that he's fully aware of how unreliable Greene herself was.

Pariah is probably being kept someplace else during the game and will serve as a device for the eventual sequel.

I disagree.

When you start looking at all the web of intrigue snaps, there are a few that if viewed in the right order suggest that Cross is indeed Pariah. I don't have the names, so I'll just describe them. There are a few that talk about Pariah, but then show that the kid was being taken care of by Blackwatch. They said that he had no symptoms of the virus, and was being kept inside Blackwatch and treated like a little kid. Then, another WOI basically keeps talking about pariah and then says, "If we talk about his identity, we can expect to be killed" or something to that affect. As it is saying that, it flashes to a picture of Cross's boots. Then, in the next WOI, the camera pans from the boots up to Cross's face while talking about Pariah. Then says, "If Mercer and Pariah ever meet, I fear bad shit will go down".

JRW said:
Any tips on beating some of the side missions? For example Ive been trying to get Gold in "Power to the People" which is one where you have to defeat the military before they kill all of the infected..(you can use whatever weapons you want) I'm doing terrible here, Cant even get Silver =/

For those missions I use whip fist and long attack. It doesn't cause collateral damage, one hits most enemies, and generally slows down the timer when you do it. Not only that, but as you switch targets the timer slows down even more. Long whip fist is the best way to do it.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
vandalvideo said:
I disagree.

When you start looking at all the web of intrigue snaps, there are a few that if viewed in the right order suggest that Cross is indeed Pariah. I don't have the names, so I'll just describe them. There are a few that talk about Pariah, but then show that the kid was being taken care of by Blackwatch. They said that he had no symptoms of the virus, and was being kept inside Blackwatch and treated like a little kid. Then, another WOI basically keeps talking about pariah and then says, "If we talk about his identity, we can expect to be killed" or something to that affect. As it is saying that, it flashes to a picture of Cross's boots. Then, in the next WOI, the camera pans from the boots up to Cross's face while talking about Pariah. Then says, "Mercer and Pariah ever meet, I fear bad shit will go down".
Makes sense then, I didn't watch those yet unfortunately.
Although that random hunter attack on Cross with the FPS view wouldn't make much sense. I think it's weak if he's Pariah though, Randall would have to be pretty careless to keep him around and close like that, and he would make a nice plot for the sequel. I'd like him to be a bigger deal than that.

If that's the case I don't understand why Cross would hang around receiving orders for decades from Blackwatch, he could just run away or face them. Also, why wouldn't he use any powes when facing Mercer the first time? I'm sure Randall would want him to use any means necessary to stop him. If he intended from the beginning to fool and betray Blackwatch by using Mercer, his plan was way more convoluted than it needed to be.

And being the "Supreme Hybrid" doesn't fit either, Pariah isn't a hybrid, he's "pure" since he was born directly from Greene.
Fuu said:
Makes sense then, I didn't watch those yet unfortunately.
Although that random hunter attack on Cross with the FPS view wouldn't make much sense. I think it's weak if he's Pariah though, Randall would have to be pretty careless to keep him around and close like that, and he would make a nice plot for the sequel. I'd like him to be a bigger deal than that.

If that's the case I don't understand why Cross would hang around receiving orders for decades from Blackwatch, he could just run away or face them. Also, why he wouldn't use any powes when facing Mercer. If he intended from the beginning to fool and betray Blackwatch by using Mercer, his plan was way more convoluted than it needed to be.

It makes plenty of sense if you view it in the right order. Think of it like this.
Prior to this mission you get the ability of the hive mind, to see who else is infected. This is basically like the hive mind. It is a way to build suspense. I mean, remember in the scene, all the soldiers except for Taggart are infected. Even then, Cross is glowing bright orange while the soldiers are dusky orange. This is a way to build suspense telling you, "Yeah, that guy who hated you, hes totally like you now". I can understand it from a story perspective.

Even then, there are still alot of material for sequals.
At the end of the game, the President makes the speach saying, "We will hunt Mercer to the ends of the earth". Not only that, but the last phew WOIs basically say there are more runners like Mercer who "Keep spreading the virus as they go". You could be fighting these guys forever.

You also have to keep in mind the discussion between Mercer and Cross at the end.
He basically says, "Once you're gone and I absord you, they won't be looking for me any longer"
. Take that as you will.

I personally think he is him.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
vandalvideo said:
It makes plenty of sense if you view it in the right order. Think of it like this.
Prior to this mission you get the ability of the hive mind, to see who else is infected. This is basically like the hive mind. It is a way to build suspense. I mean, remember in the scene, all the soldiers except for Taggart are infected. Even then, Cross is glowing bright orange while the soldiers are dusky orange. This is a way to build suspense telling you, "Yeah, that guy who hated you, hes totally like you now". I can understand it from a story perspective.

Even then, there are still alot of material for sequals.
At the end of the game, the President makes the speach saying, "We will hunt Mercer to the ends of the earth". Not only that, but the last phew WOIs basically say there are more runners like Mercer who "Keep spreading the virus as they go". You could be fighting these guys forever.

You also have to keep in mind the discussion between Mercer and Cross at the end.
He basically says, "Once you're gone and I absord you, they won't be looking for me any longer"
. Take that as you will.

I personally think he is him.
Hmm, I'm changing my mind here particularly because of that last quote.
"Won't be looking for me any longer" does seem to imply that he's somehow hiding his true nature for a long time. Anyway, I still think it's weak he wasn't called Pariah in the last fight if that's the case.

Also, this is just a minor personal gripe from a design perspective, but
if he's indeed Greene's son I think they could have given him a better appearance for the fight instead of just a big hunter. Greene herself had that giant ass form and all that. At least making him fight with the normal Cross appearance but using the powers would be more badass.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Guys having problem late-game... if you have the extra strength mode + armor you can one-kick-kill attack helicopters quickly without taking very much damage at all. If you have the blade + the attack where you jump up and come down with a verticle slash type deal you kill the tanks with one hit. After you are able to do those two things you're pretty much good because you get back the health you lose by just the tanks and copters you kill. I've fought for, like, 10 minutes straight against a constant barrage of tanks and helicopters.

I actually never thought the game got that hard. Another tip is to use the attack with the heavy armor hands mode that launches you really far to save time or get away from enemies fast so you can disguise yourself really quick.


BobsRevenge said:
get away from enemies fast so you can disguise yourself really quick.
This is also another important tip for survival. Not just to get out of fights but also how you approach them. In one mission, instead of destroying a convoy of tanks, I just jacked each one by one. No alerts.


vandalvideo said:
For those missions I use whip fist and long attack. It doesn't cause collateral damage, one hits most enemies, and generally slows down the timer when you do it. Not only that, but as you switch targets the timer slows down even more. Long whip fist is the best way to do it.

Wow I hadn't been using Whipfist nearly enough it seems, Your tips did the trick I got gold on the Power to the People event fairly easily that way, Thanks!


(Sigh) So im trying to beat this Military Base Infiltration event where you have to enter the base & consume marked target.. Ive done these before but for some reason this one is nearly impossible for me.. As SOON as I'm about to enter the base the alert meter sky rockets to red alert in a bout 2 seconds and I get absolutely annihilated by tanks / rockets / helicopter fire in a matter of seconds ... Am I missing something?

EDIT: nvm I got it... It was those flying viral detectors combined with the stationary detectors which was speeding up the alert time, Once I took out the flying versions first it gave me enough time to get in there.
I went to gamefaqs (yeah I know) and it seems the general consensus agrees with Fuu, especially because of the whole web of intrigue stuff.


Concurrently playing inFAMOUS, Red Faction: Guerrilla, and now Prototype.
Surprisingly, "open-world fatigue" has not set in. Instead, Agility Orbs Pt. 3 has set in.

One thing: Why is it so damned annoying to grab an orb that is on the top of a pointy building? I spent like an hour trying to grab one earlier.


RPS37 said:
One thing: Why is it so damned annoying to grab an orb that is on the top of a pointy building? I spent like an hour trying to grab one earlier.

Upgrade your jumping skill to maximum level or get a heli.
Fuu said:
Hmm, I'm changing my mind here particularly because of that last quote.
"Won't be looking for me any longer" does seem to imply that he's somehow hiding his true nature for a long time. Anyway, I still think it's weak he wasn't called Pariah in the last fight if that's the case.

Also, this is just a minor personal gripe from a design perspective, but
if he's indeed Greene's son I think they could have given him a better appearance for the fight instead of just a big hunter. Greene herself had that giant ass form and all that. At least making him fight with the normal Cross appearance but using the powers would be more badass.

you seem to forget that the Supreme Hunter was shown to regenerate after the first fight. I assumed that Cross was in fact consumed by the Supreme Hunter, not that Cross was already a supreme hunter himself. It makes sense btw, because Mercer already consumed Greene at that point.
I'm willing to follow the idea that Cross was indeed Pariah, but it makes no difference to his eventual fate of being consumed by the Supreme Hunter (or, if you're willing to go the other way, that Cross consumed the SH. But that wouldn't make a lot of sense). I also gathered that the infected attack was supposed to make it clear that the Supreme Hunter had been able to get to him.

Looking again at the regeneration part, Alex even says a the end of the fight: "grow that back". And is shown to be able to reform from scratch in the following cutscene.

What doesn't make sense storywise, is Alex not consuming the Supreme Hunter Hybrid in the end. I think we may assume that it has survived the blast as well.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Zeitgeister said:
you seem to forget that the Supreme Hunter was shown to regenerate after the first fight. I assumed that Cross was in fact consumed by the Supreme Hunter, not that Cross was already a supreme hunter himself. It makes sense btw, because Mercer already consumed Greene at that point.
I'm willing to follow the idea that Cross was indeed Pariah, but it makes no difference to his eventual fate of being consumed by the Supreme Hunter (or, if you're willing to go the other way, that Cross consumed the SH. But that wouldn't make a lot of sense). I also gathered that the infected attack was supposed to make it clear that the Supreme Hunter had been able to get to him.

Looking again at the regeneration part, Alex even says a the end of the fight: "grow that back". And is shown to be able to reform from scratch in the following cutscene.

What doesn't make sense storywise, is Alex not consuming the Supreme Hunter Hybrid in the end. I think we may assume that it has survived the blast as well.
You're right, it did
regenerate at the first fight with Mercer and I'm quite positive that the infected attack scene means Cross was absorbed to become the Supreme Hybrid later (and that this was what prompted him to change sides too)

Following this line of thinking and by all of the comments made in the game regarding
Greene's son
, I can't really go with the idea that
Pariah would be consumed by a hunter no matter how supreme it was (or that he would feel the need to absorb it)
. Anyway, for now I'll keep my mind open for the possibilities but I still think
Cross isn't Pariah and was simply a strong human consumed by the Supreme Hunter. One of the things that stings the most imo is that Randall would have to be slightly retarded and very careless to keep Greene's son around and unrestricted like that if that was the case considering he had already lost an arm the last time he had any contact with the mother. Unless he somehow didn't know about it, but then Blackwatch would be a shitty organization.

About Alex
not consuming the Hybrid, maybe it was because he had already killed it? Or maybe he didn't feel like he had time to do it with the bomb timer already running, I don't get it either.


I just found out that if you're in parkour mode and jump you can hold back on the analog stick and you do a sick slow rotation backflip. Also if you switch to one of your weapons, switch it off, then hold up on the d-pad you do the animation for when you got it. You can do it with shield and armor as well by switching it on, off, then holding down on the d-pad. The Armor animation is epic.


So I just rented this game, and I love it. But it's a game with flaws, for one it seems super repetitive, and I don't mean in mission types, I mean in the missions themselves, for instance one of the first missions has you fighting mutants in a lab, to start with their are about four, you beat those you get a cutscene with four more of the same otype dropping into the lab in an identical manner, you beat those up guess what? four more appear in the same type, (all this time the games telling you to beat them up so I know I did this section right) finally after defeating the third wave your told the real way to beat this mission. This seems to be standard operating procedure for the game. It's a great game but the missions go on way too long.


So I start up. Within 10 minutes I've run into a terrible camera bug(it's extremely jolty when you turn it), sound in cutscenes is very low and hard to hear and then the game crashed.

Wow, awesome. I'm so glad I got the PC version.

Edit: So I find out the reason for the camera lag is the game can't handle 60+ FPS. Fucking great.


God I love this game. Out of all the sandbox games I got recently, this is my favorite. Mainly because screwing around when not doing missions is more fun than it was for me in infamous or red faction.
People weren't joking when they said that the A.I. was fucked. Those soldiers weren't surprised at all when their commander, the same dude who had just been consumed right before their eyes, suddenly came jumping in from a nearby high rise. :lol

Coin Return

Loose Slot
AltogetherAndrews said:
People weren't joking when they said that the A.I. was fucked. Those soldiers weren't surprised at all when their commander, the same dude who had just been consumed right before their eyes, suddenly came jumping in from a nearby high rise. :lol
I like how the AI doesn't react to every peep you make. Sure it looks goofy and unrealistic, but it keeps the flow of the game going without having to worry about setting off an alarm every two seconds.
Coin Return said:
I like how the AI doesn't react to every peep you make. Sure it looks goofy and unrealistic, but it keeps the flow of the game going without having to worry about setting off an alarm every two seconds.

Well, it's a game so hey.


I'm torn about this game. When I read about it's flaws, I acknowledge them and see how it's possible they exist. But whenever I watch a gameplay video I'm overwhelmed with OH FUCK AWESOME. Part of me thinks I can be patient and find this on sale for $40 in the next week or so, but I don't think I'll make it past this weekend.


Cowie said:
I'm torn about this game. When I read about it's flaws, I acknowledge them and see how it's possible they exist. But whenever I watch a gameplay video I'm overwhelmed with OH FUCK AWESOME. Part of me thinks I can be patient and find this on sale for $40 in the next week or so, but I don't think I'll make it past this weekend.
Craigslist? Rent it? It is a fun game but I gamefly'd it and I wouldn't have paid $60 for it. I'm going to send it back for Ghostbusters in a few days. I've had my fun.


Ok, I moved the mouse lag by using a frame capping program and it doesn't seem to be locking up as much in cutscenes. After an hours play it's...ok. I love the powers so fun but my god, they can't explain how to do them. Already the manual and the game have been wrong about several moves and I had to try random shit to get it working.
Driving a tank felt a whole lot less powerful than I thought it would. Poor implementation of rumble has something to do with it, but the movement didn't "feel" right either. Not that I've ever driven a tank, but compared to plowing through Covenant in a Scorpion, this felt more like piloting a heavily armed parade float.


It's actually pretty fun taking a break from the story missions and spending time doing the side events. Ive been running around going for Gold on each. I only have about 4 Upgrades left to buy.
Pretty shoddy game so far. The free roaming is somewhat entertaining, but that whole lumpy environment bit doesn't remain entertaining for long. The mission themselves have ranged from simply uninteresting to repetitive and frustrating, and I'm disliking Mercer even more than I thought I would; aggressively pointless, or something. Needs Hulk, I guess. I'll stick with for a few more missions, but I don't think this is for me.


Anyone come across a bug in mission 23, "Men Like Gods"? I have to
steal a new heli, then help the military take out a hive. Except, when I start shooting at the hive, the nearby military immediately turns on me, and when I do manage to destroy the hive, it acts as though a military base has been destroyed ("strike teams suppressed" message and everything), and then the building that just collapsed is revealed to be intact! and still a hive. I actually managed to destroy it a second time,
but even so the completion condition for that subsection of the mission didn't trigger and so I was left with no way to move on.


I'm came to a point where I couldn't see myself finish this. It was fun to run around, going crazy and destroy bases, and that's it. Going to finish inFamous and start Red Faction on casual (I hear the normal mode is pretty crushing later on).


beat said:
Anyone come across a bug in mission 23, "Men Like Gods"? I have to
steal a new heli, then help the military take out a hive. Except, when I start shooting at the hive, the nearby military immediately turns on me, and when I do manage to destroy the hive, it acts as though a military base has been destroyed ("strike teams suppressed" message and everything), and then the building that just collapsed is revealed to be intact! and still a hive. I actually managed to destroy it a second time,
but even so the completion condition for that subsection of the mission didn't trigger and so I was left with no way to move on.

Hm nope didn't have any problem I just did that mission a couple days ago.

But I googled Men like Gods prototype and apparently what you describe happens to a lot of people. They say resetting the console / retrying mission fixes it most the time.


damnit, there is a huge special for Prototype ($37) in Canada, I'm still only like 2/3 through Infamous. I had no plans on pick it it up, but I am weak.

Is there a reason not to get the PS3 version over the 360, I'm trying to build up the library? I'm behind a firewall so I can't look up comparisons.



Dunlop said:
damnit, there is a huge special for Prototype ($37) in Canada, I'm still only like 2/3 through Infamous. I had no plans on pick it it up, but I am weak.

Is there a reason not to get the PS3 version over the 360, I'm trying to build up the library? I'm behind a firewall so I can't look up comparisons.

Where is it 37? I know it's 45 at best buy...


Dunlop said:
damnit, there is a huge special for Prototype ($37) in Canada, I'm still only like 2/3 through Infamous. I had no plans on pick it it up, but I am weak.

Is there a reason not to get the PS3 version over the 360, I'm trying to build up the library? I'm behind a firewall so I can't look up comparisons.

I think they are basically identical.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
webrunner said:
For the lazy:

The games way too sporadic. I was really enjoying it up until the Greene boss battle, but even before then the game throws too much shit at you. All explosions have stuns you can't recover from, and being able to get into a tank without doing that annoying as hell QTE would have really helped some missions. Worse is when getting into a tank you can get blown off by an explosion.

Mutants aren't fun to fight at all, period. Those licker looking things attack you into unblockable combo's, you need the dodge roll to have a chance which you can't use in armor mode. They take a shitload of damage to kill and trading blows is almost inevitable for me. The supersoldiers that do wrestling moves are even worse, don't do a QTE and they take off half of your health. None of that is entertaining at all.

The protagonist is universally unlikeable to boot. I've killed as many civilians as I have anything else, and that issue of morality isn't addressed at all. Does Alex not care? Does he think they are fucked anyway? Give me SOMETHING to care about Alex's revenge saga.

At its best its amazing, but so many issues get in the way of the good time.
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