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just played mercenaries mode for the first time today, within the first hour and half, I had got A's on all the maps. Even a S on Missile area! Ranked #308 on it! So much fun.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Play chapter Chapter 2-3: Savannah. It takes about 10 minutes. It's the jeep level. Easy to S rank even on higher difficulties.

If you have unlimited rocket launchers unlocked, you can do 5-1 and 5-2 in ~5 minutes each so it is a good run. Plus there are a lot of jewels and stuff you will make a lot of money as well as points.

Both the bosses at the end of 5-1 and 5-2 can be taken down with 1 rocket hit.
Does anyone want to play co-op with me on 360, I'm all set up on Normal difficulty in Chapter 3 (the Caves part, I forget which hyphen number)

Gamertag: Polyh3dron

come join me
Anticitizen One said:
are you kidding me? RE 5 beats geaers 2 in terms of graphics by a long shot.

That 2 on 2 boss battle towards the end looked like a CGI movie with charecters running around doing backflips and shit. I would even say Re 5 outshines KZ 2 in terms of graphics in some respects (better lighting etc.)
I agree. Capcom really fucking outdid themselves. I am surprised by how much this game has been blowing me away.


polyh3dron said:
I agree. Capcom really fucking outdid themselves. I am surprised by how much this game has been blowing me away.

especially the 2 vs 2 boss battle fight. it's up there with some stuff in mgs4 IMO.
Dark FaZe said:
Here are a few tracks that stood out to me

Sad but True

Pray Theme Song (Unfortunately it was terribly underused. Would have been PERFECT if this track played during a long corridor walk through towards the final battle or something.

Majini VI

Haze of Horror

The Pray theme reminds me of the theme song for DMC 3. Was it the same composer?

Also what is the song that plays towards the beginning of Act 6-3 when your opening the bulkhead doors and wave after wave of enemies come at you.


FYI the soundtrack is out now on gamemp3s



Rodent Whores
I'm avoiding this thread because I don't want any spoilers, but I just wanted to pop in and say

Holy shit at the stun rod! I could fuck up ganado punk bitches all day long with that thing. Take that, motherfuckers!! BzZOT!


Mrs. Harvey
I'm so damn addicted to this game. It's going to be the first game in a very long time that I want to do every single thing I can possibly. All items, higher difficulties and achievements, etc.

So far it's been nonstop action which is okay for most people but I kinda wished there were a bit more exploring and puzzle solving. RE4 almost got it right. Go to a place, kill a bunch of people, next area, boss, repeat. RE5 so far feels like your generic action title in that mold.


I'm going to buy the Stun Rod and join up in the fun but question about the music. This track that kicks in at :13, anyone know the name?

Edit - Found it and enjoying it. :D


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
I'm on 5-3 so far, the game is awesome, and it's one of the few games that I want to replay until I have everything maxed out, also I'm very curious of this Mercenaries mode, I never played it, I guess its like GoW 2 Horde mode right?

Can I play Mercs by myself without AI partner?

Other than that: I LOVE this game
Rentahamster said:
I'm avoiding this thread because I don't want any spoilers, but I just wanted to pop in and say

Holy shit at the stun rod! I could fuck up ganado punk bitches all day long with that thing. Take that, motherfuckers!! BzZOT!

Yeah It's pretty awesome ...still need to get the timing down though as I'm getting hit more often than not trying to use it :D


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
VaLiancY said:
I'm going to buy the Stun Rod and join up in the fun but question about the music. This track that kicks in at :13, anyone know the name?

Edit - Found it and enjoying it. :D

So could you share the track name? Now I'm trying to find it. :lol
RE 5 review I did for my website (I got a PS3 copy from Capcom to review).


Resident Evil is finally upon us, it has been a long wait for fans of the series, has the wait been worth it, or has it fallen short of its goal in wrapping up the saga of Resident Evil?

Story: The story of Resident Evil takes a decidedly realistic turn, with a move away from gothic mansions and police stations that seemed more like something from Edgar Ulmer’s The Black Cat. In Resident Evil 5 there is an emphasis on the idea of what if Resident Evil took place in the real world (similar to Resident Evil Degeneration). It’s a change that I wish the series had embraced in the past. After a certain point, nothing can be covered up, and Umbrella was going to have to become known.

The past Resident Evil’s do attempt to deal with this (the Spec Ops team in RE3 in the Dead Factory, the National Police Force report on Irons), but at the same time, most of the dealt with escape and survival, which was fine, its just that after Raccoon City was destroyed, there needed to be an switch and shift in tone.

Resident Evil 5 is what Metal Gear Solid 4 was to that series. It does an excellent job in tying up all of the loose ends of the series and providing copious documentation about the history of the series and the people and organizations that inhabit it. Really there are ton of files to be read and examined and I’m happy that the Resident Evil 5 team took the time to provide a great deal of information about the series. Most importantly it finally explains what Spencer’s goal was with Umbrella (and it explains greatly a lot of Umbrella’s odd behavior with regards to the idea of making a profit).

The story itself takes place in Africa and despite what some misinformed reviewers might tell you, is not racist and actually offers heroic non-stereotyped roles for blacks and not just as the Cole Train (which isn’t racist either, since everyone in Gears of War is a hyper masculine character, who makes the Ultimate Warrior look even keeled, and I do love Gears of War dearly too). It’s a game that posses a decidedly anti-colonialist streak as pointed out in a recent videogamer.com article and in document files in the game. The story is Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar hunting down leads in trying to explain a rapidly degenerating situation in the Kijuju region of West Africa. If they developers were to just homogenize the location and setting, it would be far worse in my opinion, because then you are simply painting an entirely different region and cultural environment in nothing but a Western shell.

Resident Evil is at its heart a series built up not just from George Romero’s Living Dead series, but also the work of Lucio Fulci and numerous other Italian greats. It also has a decidedly 1980s action movie emphasis on the dialogue and story. The voice acting is excellent, which can be ironic for some considering how the series started out. The writing is still very much what one might hear in Mark Lester’s Commando or Bruno Mattei’s Robowar or Strike Commando. Truth be told, I don’t think I would want it any other way. Some of the best dialog in Resident Evil 4 was the banter between Leon and Saddler and Salazar. I’m happy that for Resident Evil 5 no one tried to “improve” the writing, which would have just made it dull in the end.

Some may find the ending anti-climatic, but it’s logical and doesn’t make you scratch your head. If you’ve ever seen a James Bond movie, which is one of the places that the game takes it’s influence from, it will all feel at home.

Graphics: and Sound: Killzone 2 may be considered the champ for both graphics and sound, but if it is than Resident Evil 5 is close up on its tail. It’s is a wonderful game to look at, from all the detail even when close up to an object. The lighting is great and has an extremely natural feel to it as if one was looking around outside on an extremely hot day. The locations are varied and you never get a feeling of haven’t I been there before. Everyplace in the game has a unique look and style helping to eliminate the feeling in the series in older games caused by backtracking or levels that had a similar feel to it.

The sound features excellent 5.1 sound mixing that is both immersive and engaging. Games like Resident Evil 5, Killzone 2, Gears of War II, and Metal Gear Solid 4 are reasons no gamer should be without even an entry level 5.1 setup. The sound effects are varied and as I mentioned earlier mixed well with the musical score.

The score itself is excellent and helps create an experience that one is playing the latest Hollywood blockbuster and not a simple video game. Resident Evil 5 is a reason to stay homes from the movies and instead just play it at home. I couldn’t test the PCM 5.1 on the PS3, and was only able to test the DD 5.1, but it was excellent.

Gameplay: Now for the most important category: If the gameplay isn’t fun then it can negate all the gains made in the other categories. The gameplay of Resident Evil 5 is an evolution of Resident Evil 4, simply if it isn’t broke, just improve it! Despite some of the hubbub made of the control of the game, I have to say I was able to get a handle on the controls within a short period time, my fellow reviewer Rich did take a little while longer, but eventually was handling it like a pro.

I actually wound up finishing the game solo and found that Sheva controlled perfectly. The game is great at co-op too and will be a huge boon for those who like to play with friends. This is the perfect game to play with a friend for hours on end. I actually didn’t mind split-screen either; then again I was playing it on a 40-inch television. The replay value of the game is immense, and while I can’t describe them, let me simply say that beating the game is only the beginning.

The combat is extremely enjoyable and does an excellent job of building tension and keeping you on your tows as a gamer. The variety of weapons and the new ability to purchase them at the end of each section or when you die, makes the game easier, but allows you to customize your loadout, which leads to more experimentation and variety, which is something I always love. The boss battles were a blast to play and had a lot of variety in dealing with the enemy and how to defeat them (boss variety, which like in Metal Gear Solid, is always a sign of great gameplay).

My standout moment of gameplay was when I was facing a heavily armed opponent on a catwalk and I was trying to shoot him, but I had to reload. The enemy was already starting up their heavy weapon, and I was like damn, I’m screwed. However, at the last second, my friend at the other end of the catwalk snipes the bad guy in the head, killing him and saving me at the last second. It was an intensely exciting and cinematic moment and something that will stay in my memory for a long time. You hope all games will be able to give you a moment like that, Resident Evil 5 does it, but it’s not even programmed in. It shows the great strength of the co-op, that it allows for such gameplay moments.

Overall: Resident Evil 5 is a great game that manages to wrap the series up (and most of the older plot points) in a way that is not condescending or abuses pseudo-magical/spiritual solutions that would upset the new move to realism (in setting and tone). The gameplay is intense and fun, with a variety of different gameplay solutions.

I’d recommend getting the version for whichever system you prefer the controller of, or use the most. The differences between the two is a slightly slower framerate with the PS3 version because it has vsync turned on, and screen tearing on the Xbox 360 version, but a better framerate. The differences are fairly minor, as I said the purchase choice should really be on your own controller preference.

Resident Evil 5 is a great game I recommend for all fans of action, horror, the series, or just great gaming.

5/5 Stars


Just finished 'er up, and I have to say I am whole-heartedly in love with the game. Easily in my top three of this generation. Everything just bled high-quality; from the visuals, to the closure of the story, and not to mention the cinemas (oh god, the cinemas).

I had zero problems with the controls. I went with the RE4 control scheme, since I've been playing through RE4 on the PC with a 360 controller to warm myself up for RE5, and the controls are 90% identical, so I was pretty much used to the controls long before the game released :D
Me and a friend finally opened our copies and of RE5 and played co-op....OMFG...this game is freakin' amazing!!

Played for over 2 hours straight on veteran, we got our asses kicked for good bit too, but damn it was so much fun!! :O


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I'm starting to get S ranks a lot more often in Mercs now, but I have no clue how the hell anyone can get an SS, 160K is just waaay too much for me to ever get.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Just finished upgrading my AK-74. Now I've fully upgraded the Riot Gun equivalent, the second semi-auto Rifle, the last handgun available, and have almost finished fully upgrading the first handgun, the Ithaca, the first bolt-action rifle and the Broken Butterfly equivalent. I've managed to earn enough points to earn infinite ammo for the Riot Gun and the semi-auto.

I'm going to be playing this game so much in the future that using some exploits seems pointless to me, as I'll inevitably unlock everything anyway. The only thin exploiting the inventory system, or looking up a BSAA emblem guide, would accomplish for me is shortening the game's life span. The more reaons for me to keep playing this game months from now, the better.

And then I get to do it all over again in the PC version. :lol


I'd be in the dick
Just had a pretty long co-op session and I really enjoyed it. It's a hell of a lot of fun with someone else. Also finished upgrading my pistol and M3 so I've got infinite ammo for those. Wow, does that make a difference. How is Veteran with some fully upped weapons? I'm waiting until I get a lot more maxed out before Professional.


People called Romanes they go the house?
RoboPlato said:
Just had a pretty long co-op session and I really enjoyed it. It's a hell of a lot of fun with someone else. Also finished upgrading my pistol and M3 so I've got infinite ammo for those. Wow, does that make a difference. How is Veteran with some fully upped weapons? I'm waiting until I get a lot more maxed out before Professional.

You will be able to run through pretty much everything except for bosses, which you will then be able to run through most of
sans Jill and some of the Wekser fights
once you get the infinite launcher.

At least, that's been my experience with just the L. Hawk and the Ithaca upgraded all the way.


Is kinda funny after playing the game how some people were trying to stir the whole racist card, for the sake of doing it...or how some just started slamming the game ignoring many things...like the whole Spencer Estate argument from one of the early trailer (OMG Capcom is ignoring the storyline!!!)

I remember a few reviewers complaining about how in the beginning with the whole people looking at you weird, beating to death something that seems human, and the whole blonde girl abduction thing.....and how the people "were not infected" in that part of the game which made the game even more racist because it portrayed people in Africa as violent and sick; even when they were indeed infected..and the whole blonde girl thing, failing to add to the complaints that the white blonde girl was abducted by a..white man...

Also how some say that Sheva was tacked on for the sake of making the game less racist, and probably added to substitute .."another character", even when that "character" appeared in a teaser..way before Sheva was shown or even the game was revealed to be "co-op"..
Just beat the game tonight on Veteran co-op online with my friend. One of my favorite games this generation, right next to MGS4 and Burnout Paradise... and I haven't even started the Mercs mode yet.

As for the end parts of the game, that last "normal monsters" room in either 6-2 or 6-3 was amazingly brutal. I'm not sure of the actual enemy names but the two roaches, followed by the two minigun sum-a-bitches, along with what seemed like an infinite stream of stun rod bastards. It wasn't even until that point that we figured out you could kill the roaches. Throughout every other section we encountered them we simply slowed them down as we ran away from them. I do not want to tell you our death count at the end because it's embarrassingly high - and I won't lie it became extremely frustrating for a while.

What made it all the more interesting was it came at a point where we were dead broke, and out of ammo. I had 110 machine gun bullets, 8 magnum rounds, and 15 rifle bullets; my friend had 10 shotgun rounds, 20 pistol ammo and 100 machine gun bullets (but it was for a fresh 80 damage unupgraded machine gun he bought simply so we could have some sort of ammo for the fight). We refused to give up and stockpile weapons cheaply by playing easier levels and it ended up being an extremely rewarding battle once we finally beat it.

I won't get into the final boss opinions since I'm sure enough has been said already but I will say I HATE quick time button events now. The fights were interesting but I wish it hadn't been so unforgiving with the timing at least the one with
was more endurance based and not as brutal if you missed.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Also, I miss the weapon names from RE4. I realise the RE5 names are all the actual weapon names, but the RE4 ones were so much more inventive and cool. Each weapon looked and felt significantly different. Whereas all three of the pistols in this game look essentially the same.

It's a petty thing, and there is something cool about using "real" guns, but yeah, the signature RE names were much better, it gave all the weapons an identity (as lame ass as that sounds).


Ugh..that one QTE ..with the falling and lava and stuff.. :p
A friend and I were tired thinking of strategies on how to do it, or what we were doing wrong, when it was basically..Press the Square button till your arm breaks!!..geeze..Amazing game anyway.


I'm about to attempt an S-rank run to unlock the infinite ammo rocket launcher (that's how to unlock it, right?) and was wondering if you can switch difficulties and chapters, or does it all have to be one run through on the same difficulty?


I'd be in the dick
Sean said:
I'm about to attempt an S-rank run to unlock the infinite ammo rocket launcher (that's how to unlock it, right?) and was wondering if you can switch difficulties and chapters, or does it all have to be one run through on the same difficulty?
You just need to finish the game in under 5 hours on any difficulty. It's one run-through. Just do it on Amateur.


Woo! 2 achievements left to get. Beat Vet, and beat Pro. Vet will be finished tomorrow night, and then the Pro challenge begins!

edit: which MG is Shiva AI best with? Stat-wise, the AK definitely fits the bill, but I do notice it's got huge recoil, so I'm not sure how she deals with that. Otherwise, the MP5 has great accuracy, so I'm guessing it would be the alternative.


RoboPlato said:
You just need to finish the game in under 5 hours on any difficulty. It's one run-through. Just do it on Amateur.

Do you need to do it in succession, or can you repeat stand-alone chapters on one difficulty to push down the total time (that can be seen in Chapter Select)?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
BeeDog said:
Do you need to do it in succession, or can you repeat stand-alone chapters on one difficulty to push down the total time (that can be seen in Chapter Select)?
you can do it through the chapter select, I believe. As long as the total on that screen says under five hours.
fernoca said:
Is kinda funny after playing the game how some people were trying to stir the whole racist card, for the sake of doing it...or how some just started slamming the game ignoring many things...like the whole Spencer Estate argument from one of the early trailer (OMG Capcom is ignoring the storyline!!!)

I remember a few reviewers complaining about how in the beginning with the whole people looking at you weird, beating to death something that seems human, and the whole blonde girl abduction thing.....and how the people "were not infected" in that part of the game which made the game even more racist because it portrayed people in Africa as violent and sick; even when they were indeed infected..and the whole blonde girl thing, failing to add to the complaints that the white blonde girl was abducted by a..white man...

Also how some say that Sheva was tacked on for the sake of making the game less racist, and probably added to substitute .."another character", even when that "character" appeared in a teaser..way before Sheva was shown or even the game was revealed to be "co-op"..

Yeah I don't want to re-ignite the argument but I've basically written off the opinions of anyone who so much as made an article crying about these things because the amount of reaching being done there is almost painful to look back upon after actually playing the game. How many gaffers acted like they had tears flowing down their faces at the mere vid of tribal zombies in RE5? Truly hilarious indeed.


I'd be in the dick
TheExodu5 said:
Woo! 2 achievements left to get. Beat Vet, and beat Pro. Vet will be finished tomorrow night, and then the Pro challenge begins!

edit: which MG is Shiva AI best with? Stat-wise, the AK definitely fits the bill, but I do notice it's got huge recoil, so I'm not sure how she deals with that. Otherwise, the MP5 has great accuracy, so I'm guessing it would be the alternative.
She does really well with the SIG.


RoboPlato said:
You just need to finish the game in under 5 hours on any difficulty. It's one run-through. Just do it on Amateur.

Cool, thanks.

Hopefully I'll be able to pull that off, I think my initial time was 7 hours 29 minutes. But now I've got a maxed out magnum with infinite ammo, so I think I should be able to breeze through it on Amateur.


Other than increased range, is there any reason to use the Hydra over the M3? Keep in mind I use Sheva so I don't get the cool sawed-off shotgun pose.


Wow. You can actually unlock Professional by having someone whose unlocked it play online with you in that mode, and then beating the chapter.


Unconfirmed Member
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
RE 5 review I did for my website (I got a PS3 copy from Capcom to review).


Well written review. And I agree with some of your points. But I have to say I wasn't too thrilled like I was with RE4. And maybe that's a lofty goal for any videogame to achieve, let alone RE5. Having an AI partner along isn't a bad idea at all. Look at Gears of War. But, it wasn't pulled off as good as it could've been IMO. Definately, a good game in the series. But not great.


cvxfreak said:
Wow. You can actually unlock Professional by having someone whose unlocked it play online with you in that mode, and then beating the chapter.

Yeah, I asked that earlier since that's what happened to me when I played some co-op yesterday. I'm still wondering if that somehow will fuck up the trophy stuff.
This game is awesome. It's soooo much better than RE4, and the co-op is the best this gen. I couldn't believe we were getting pelted with molotovs like an hour into the game. Really makes me look forward to more.

Couple of questions though:

Is there no way to swap weapons? We couldn't do it in the field or at the pre-mission screen. Our inventories seemed to be completely seperate, which seems an awful waste.

Also the co-op feels awkward. There's no way to make a room before hand and invite? I had to launch the game and then get to a checkpoint before my friend could join.

Oh and what the hell are the little blue emblems for? We hit like 5 of them, and I thought the book said they unlocked stuff from the extras menu? I didn't have anything but the History and second book unlocked.
Dot50Cal said:
For anyone attempting a Professional play through, heres a video a friend and I made on how to beat
Jill @@2@filler text here
. In this fight, if you fail a QTE, its instant death, so we devised this method.


Damn I didn't know if you keep shooting at it, it will only require 1 tug. When I beat that part I had to do the QTE like 15 times. I only shot it once with a magnum I was afraid of killing <it> if I shot anymore.
Son of Godzilla said:
Oh and what the hell are the little blue emblems for? We hit like 5 of them, and I thought the book said they unlocked stuff from the extras menu? I didn't have anything but the History and second book unlocked.

The game will TELL you how many you need when you look at the bonuses section. You need all 30 if you want to unlock everything.
PuppetMaster said:
The game will TELL you how many you need when you look at the bonuses section. You need all 30 if you want to unlock everything.
Uh, where should I be looking? I'm pretty sure the game didn't tell me crap, just had a bunch of ?????s when I went over stuff I didn't have.
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