There are so many nagging issues with this game that piss me off. I'm about finished with veteran mode and making good time but I swear the little things they left in hurt this game. It's like the series took one step forward (graphics) and two steps back (controls seem to be worse, wonky hit detection from enemies, how they can track you and always hit you, how you have to be in precise areas to jump off of buildings, through windows, etc- it's reminds me of the original RE games where you had to push a button to walk up and down stairs!). Seriously, in a Zelda/Mario game, you walk into doors and they open. You approach a ledge, you auto jump, you approach a ladder and you just start climbing the damn thing.
Even worse is the ridiculous menu system. Why I can't organize my shit in-game is beyond me. Why I have to wait until I die or beat a level to rearrange things just seems silly. For all its technical prowess the game is in a largely devolved state.
I love the lab section. Last night I took the time to kill ALL the Lickers that escaped the glass holding cells. Guess what you get for that? Jack shit. And you know what happens when you THEN call the elevator? They respawn and approach again. Shit like this is prevalent throughout the game. It's like they ignored all the little things, which actually amount to serious issues.
And don't get me started on the horribly implemented quick-time actions. It was cute in Shenmue, acceptable in RE4 but now it is just derivative like much of the features in this game. Thank god the broad RE appeal is still there or this would be an exercise in how to rip off elements of many other successful games (GoW for example).