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slasher_thrasher21 said:
I'm going to say it now. Even if RE5 isn't perfect in peoples eyes. Even if you thought RE4 was better. If you can't say you had a blast playing this game. I honestly want to check your pulse. Your simply not alive.:lol
It's mediocre at best. Dreadful level design (just finished 4-1 and it seems to getting worse if anything) and the gameplay is pretty stale. It's not Silent Hill level bad gameplay but not much better. I suppose I'm not exactly the target audience since I don't see why anyone would prefer third person to first person. I've been playing it in co-op with a friend, but I'll probably just let him finish it alone.


honestly who cares if this is the "game of the generation" or "shit" or whatever some people might call it

all I know is I have a blast every time I boot it up and that's all I care about.

hoping to get some more ss ranks in mercs today and/or grab the one treasure im missing in 6-3


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
syllogism said:
It's mediocre at best. Dreadful level design (just finished 4-1 and it seems to getting worse if anything) and the gameplay is pretty stale. It's not Silent Hill level bad gameplay but not much better. I suppose I'm not exactly the target audience since I don't see why anyone would prefer third person to first person. I've been playing it in co-op with a friend, but I'll probably just let him finish it alone.
I'd be curious to hear what you actually enjoy...


syllogism said:
It's mediocre at best. Dreadful level design (just finished 4-1 and it seems to getting worse if anything) and the gameplay is pretty stale. It's not Silent Hill level bad gameplay but not much better. I suppose I'm not exactly the target audience since I don't see why anyone would prefer third person to first person. I've been playing it in co-op with a friend, but I'll probably just let him finish it alone.
lmao, it's hard to listen to you when you mention 4-1 as the point of worse level design.


Santa May Claus
syllogism said:
It's mediocre at best. Dreadful level design (just finished 4-1 and it seems to getting worse if anything) and the gameplay is pretty stale. It's not Silent Hill level bad gameplay but not much better. I suppose I'm not exactly the target audience since I don't see why anyone would prefer third person to first person. I've been playing it in co-op with a friend, but I'll probably just let him finish it alone.

Yeah, I can't take your opinions seriously based on what you just said.


dark10x said:
I'd be curious to hear what you actually enjoy...
I don't play as much as I used to but I suppose on nextgen consoles (or multiplatform, played all but Gears and the XBLA games on PC) Fallout 3, Oblivion, Bioshock, L4D, Braid, BC:rearmed, MM9 and even Gears.

GuardianE said:
Yeah, I can't take your opinions seriously based on what you just said.
To be fair 4-1 iss not all that badly designed per se, the setting just seems so out of place and it's monotonous and bland. More like a Tomb raider level without all the crazy acrobatics, not that I'm much of a Tomb Raider fan. As for Silent Hill, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people agree the actual controls are pretty terrible. I still finished SH1-3 and mostly enjoyed them, but they could be so much better with better controls. It seems for most designers survival horror comes with bad controls. I would much rather see them do something like Thief 3 Shalebridge cradle.


Hcoregamer00 said:
I am buying this game today, so I will join the ranks of you guys.

My PSN is Hcoregamer00 and I will be playing it in around 2-3 hours from now.

Sweet! Friend request sent. :D
syllogism said:
It's mediocre at best. Dreadful level design (just finished 4-1 and it seems to getting worse if anything) and the gameplay is pretty stale. It's not Silent Hill level bad gameplay but not much better. I suppose I'm not exactly the target audience since I don't see why anyone would prefer third person to first person. I've been playing it in co-op with a friend, but I'll probably just let him finish it alone.


syllogism said:
I don't play as much as I used to but I suppose on nextgen consoles (or multiplatform, played all but Gears on PC) Fallout 3, Oblivion, Bioshock, L4D and even Gears.

To be fair 4-1 iss not all that badly designed per se, the setting just seems so out of place and it's monotonous and bland. As for Silent Hill, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people agree the actual controls are pretty terrible. I still finished SH1-3 and mostly enjoyed them, but they could be so much better with better controls.
its one of the best and most atmospheric places in the game.

no cookie for you.


Santa May Claus
syllogism said:
To be fair 4-1 iss not all that badly designed per se, the setting just seems so out of place and it's monotonous and bland.

It was more a reply to your comment about third person shooters. There doesn't have to be a preference. They're completely different game types.

There are obvious reasons why people would want to play a third person shooter, and not all of them are gameplay related. In an FPS, you generally play an identity-less grunt in some sort of attempt to grant a false sense of immersion.

It's like me saying, I don't understand why people play fighting games when there're beat em ups.
syllogism said:
To be fair 4-1 iss not all that badly designed per se, the setting just seems so out of place and it's monotonous and bland.

Actually if you read the documentation, that location isn't all that far fetched after all.


GuardianE said:
It was more a reply to your comment about third person shooters. There doesn't have to be a preference. They're completely different game types.

There are obvious reasons why people would want to play a third person shooter, and not all of them are gameplay related. In an FPS, you generally play an identity-less grunt in some sort of attempt to grant a false sense of immersion.

It's like me saying, I don't understand why people play fighting games when there're beat em ups.
Yes, but there's no reason for you to play an identity-less grunt in a FPS (and it's debatable whether RE5 offers much more in that regard). In fact I'm not interested in games like that, unless Deus Ex/System Shock style ones count. I can see why games like God of War or Ninja Gaiden wouldn't work in first person, but I definitely would prefer to see first person survival horror games. Certainly there doesn't have to be a preference and you can enjoy both, but you can still say the same kind of game could be done better in third or first person.
A few pages ago (maybe more than 10) someone mentioned a little cheat to make extra money, can someone write it again or just pm me. I will really appreciate it. Thanks


I'm in love with mercs. This game desperately needs an 'infinite mercs' mode that does away with the timer and just keeps going until you die. Obviously they'd have to throw some kind of wrinkle in there for greater challenge.


Played through it today. I won't point out what I liked about the game since that would take way too long. There's some flaws I wanna talk about though:

You might've noticed an option which allows friendly fire. It won't actually take away from your partner's life bar. Instead it'll block off bullets whenever you shoot at Sheva. In theory this sounds like a good thing and it's the reason why I chose to have it on. However it also aplies to the AI and Sheva will shoot at you CONSTANTLY which makes me wonder why they included it in the first place.

The Ganados with fire arms.
I will say I started to like fighting them in act 6. That's because I finally figured out HOW to fight them. You really need to make use of the cover system and advance carefully otherwise you're pretty much fucked. It's an entirely different gameplay mechanic and I was very much overwhelmed the first I came across them.

The absence of an arms dealer. I think every RE4-player will agree: The merchant was great. He's part of what made RE4 so addicting and seeing him gone hurts a lot. Upgrading weapons in between chapters is lame and not nearly as fun as it used to be. Treasure hunting also used to be a lot more rewarding because you could combine certain goodies to more valuable treasures and sell them.

The absence of a suit case. While it makes sense to switch weapons in-game it certainly DOESN'T make sense to mix herbs (speaking of herbs: Where are my yellow herbs?) and manage your inventory in the middle of a frantic situation. It just doesnt. RE5 generally gives you less stuff to carry around so a suitcase as big as Leon's would be pointless. But why not have a smaller one?

And lastly: No more typewriters? Why, Capcom? WHY?
Unregistered007 said:
A few pages ago (maybe more than 10) someone mentioned a little cheat to make extra money, can someone write it again or just pm me. I will really appreciate it. Thanks
Save your profile after acquiring something of worth at the start of a level and reload that level.

Can be some ammo in a crate, or golden eggs your partner gives you. If latter, don't have partner save.

It's pretty lame, either way.

SuperEnemyCrab said:
This is one mechanic I am not sad to see go. At least the part of having to have a ribbon to save.
At first I was sad that there were no typewriters, and then I realized they didn't fucking do anything in RE4.


SuperEnemyCrab said:
This is one mechanic I am not sad to see go. At least the part of having to have a ribbon to save.
I'm not talking about those nasty ribbons. Just the typewriters from RE4 that always gave you a moment of calm in between all the ganado-slaughtering-action.
Jimmy Stav said:
I'm planning on playing through this with a friend of mine (he hasn't gotten it yet), but in the meantime I've been playing through the story a bit myself. When I start the game with my friend, will I be able to carry over the equipment I've already acquired?

so1337 said:
I'm not talking about those nasty ribbons. Just the typewriters from RE4 that always gave you a moment of calm in between all the ganado-slaughtering-action.

Yeah I loved the safe rooms in RE4, especially the music. Not to mention ease of multiple saves, that was definitely one good thing about the typewriters.


I'm looking to play on Veteran or Normal if anyone wants to join. I'll be on in an hour or two. For those who want someone half-way competent to play with put me on your friends list. My PSN: tcrop


crops55 said:
I'm looking to play on Veteran or Normal if anyone wants to join. I'll be on in an hour or two. For those who want someone half-way competent to play with put me on your friends list. My PSN: tcrop

I want to play plz
Am I the only one that doesn't
miss the random merchant? Seeing him always kind of took me out of what I was doing. I'd always end up thinking, "How did this guy get here before me?"

Although I still do pay tribute to him by yelling "WHAT ARE YA BUYIN?" when I get to the Organize/Buy/Ready screen.



There's still room for improvement. :lol


Santa May Claus
syllogism said:
Yes, but there's no reason for you to play an identity-less grunt in a FPS (and it's debatable whether RE5 offers much more in that regard). In fact I'm not interested in games like that, unless Deus Ex/System Shock style ones count. I can see why games like God of War or Ninja Gaiden wouldn't work in first person, but I definitely would prefer to see first person survival horror games. Certainly there doesn't have to be a preference and you can enjoy both, but you can still say the same kind of game could be done better in third or first person.

The first person has been outplayed to the point of nauseum. You mentioned two excellent examples of FPS done well. Those are both also very old. A lot has been lost in the FPS genre, but that's a debate for another day.

Third person shooters have their place, just as first person shooters do. I made a generalization of a genre just as you did. If you want a first person horror game, go play FEAR. FEAR could not have been done in the third person. Resident Evil 5 could not have been done in the first person.

Based on that, I couldn't take your comment seriously. Then there's the fact that you likened the gameplay to that of Silent Hill, which is a gross exaggeration. Silent Hill has always had clunky gameplay because it's an afterthought.

It's abundantly clear that so much thought went into the gameplay for RE5. Moreso than most first person shooters. The first person shooter gameplay mechanic hasn't changed in a decade. Capcom had to implement better controls without alienating people who recognized how RE played in the past... they were going to piss people off either way. Whether they made the right decision or not is debatable, but it's not a broken system by any stretch. It's enjoyable to most who take the time to understand it and not be dismissive.


I'm playing the X360 version and I noticed a slight blueish tint in the blacks. You can see it very clearly sometimes. When you press pause it's gone. I noticed the same for Gears of War 2 in the cave level, there it was quite bad. Is this a 360-thing? Does anyone know why it is this way? Using component @720p on a Sony W4000.
Thrakier said:
I'm playing the X360 version and I noticed a slight blueish tint in the blacks. You can see it very clearly sometimes. When you press pause it's gone. I noticed the same for Gears of War 2 in the cave level, there it was quite bad. Is this a 360-thing? Does anyone know why it is this way? Using component @720p on a Sony W4000.

nope I see a blue-tint thing going on on the PS3 version as well.


Lonestar said:
The game does lose some luster when IT FAILS TO FUCKING LOAD YOUR SAVE.

Still pissed about that. I'm almost done "beating it again" this time. I just threw it on Amatuer to get the the "restart" over with.

glad i am not alone!

i was about halfway through and it said i had no save data and i had to restart the whole game!

blew ass!!!

p.s. can this be played split screen like the demo? if so how?


Anyone willing to help me get the trophy "masters of removing" in 5-3 now?

My PSN is DarkUsS88. Add me and I'll invite you right away.

EDIT: I got it thanks to Kamorra's help:D


DarkUSS said:
Anyone willing to help me get the trophy "masters of removing" in 5-3 now?

My PSN is DarkUsS88. Add me and I'll invite you right away.

I'll do it but for some reason my PS3 likes to disconnect quite a bit so things might go bad if it happens.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
syllogism said:
It's mediocre at best. Dreadful level design (just finished 4-1 and it seems to getting worse if anything) and the gameplay is pretty stale. It's not Silent Hill level bad gameplay but not much better. I suppose I'm not exactly the target audience since I don't see why anyone would prefer third person to first person. I've been playing it in co-op with a friend, but I'll probably just let him finish it alone.
I need to go take a shower. Urgh.


I'm trying to S-rank the last level on Vet, then going to start Pro. Anyone up for it? AI keeps dieing. I'm on 360 with a mic.


ggs last night mattso.

Mercenaries co-op is amazingly fun. it was great to get my first 100+ combo. more more more!

ill be around this weekend for more co-op fun (not tonight though).

dagZ said:
There's still room for improvement. :lol

nice time.

but some of you mofos better start pointing out some of these amazing time saving tips on the longer levels instead of just taunting us with your fast clear times, or... something something something.
Thrakier said:
Urgs. :( It's ugly. Don't know where this is coming from, but it kinda breaks the visuals in dark areas.

Sometimes it's a cool effect, sometimes not. I kept messing with the contrast because I thought it was either the game or my TV but apparently it's just the game.


Thrakier said:
I'm playing the X360 version and I noticed a slight blueish tint in the blacks. You can see it very clearly sometimes. When you press pause it's gone. I noticed the same for Gears of War 2 in the cave level, there it was quite bad. Is this a 360-thing? Does anyone know why it is this way? Using component @720p on a Sony W4000.
The blacks are not black in the slightest, and it's clearly intentional. It's like the blacks crush everything else, and I'm playing it on a Sony CRT.

It's definitely a design choice, and one that I honestly don't understand. But hey, what do I know. Between this and the audio that appears to have been taken inside of a fish tank, I thought my game was messed up at first. Feels so cheap.


Daigoro said:
ggs last night mattso.

Mercenaries co-op is amazingly fun. it was great to get my first 100+ combo. more more more!

ill be around this weekend for more co-op fun (not tonight though).

nice time.

but some of you mofos better start pointing out some of these amazing time saving tips on the longer levels instead of just taunting us with your fast clear times, or... something something something.
we just gotta get more melee goin. I'm gonna practice getting more people down to double knee drop.


I give up, 5-2's boss

I can barely get one or two hits in one the orange orbs that emerge when I hit it with an Incendiary Grenade, and nothing else, including the flamethrower causes them to emerge. wtf
Magnus said:
I give up, 5-2's boss

I can barely get one or two hits in one the orange orbs that emerge when I hit it with an Incendiary Grenade, and nothing else, including the flamethrower causes them to emerge. wtf

I think the flamethrower only works when they aren't orange spots on the body, so you must blow up those spots with normal weapons (or incendiary granades) and the use the flamethrower, you can use too the explosive tanks, wait until the creature swallow the tank and then made it explode
IMO, RE4 has better direction than RE5. When you took on bosses it was just more exciting. The use of sounds from the villagers,lighting, the monks laughing when you turn your backs to them. I'm enjoying it, it's just that there are things missing that should be there.


Relaxed Muscle said:
I think the flamethrower only works when they aren't orange spots on the body, so you must blow up those spots with normal weapons (or incendiary granades) and the use the flamethrower, you can use too the explosive tanks, wait until the creature swallow the tank and then made it explode

Definitely employed the tank-swallow technique, still didn't seem to make the soft spot emerge.

Also, I think I'm having trouble differentiating between three things -- orange spots, the orange/pink soft targets on the arms, and the actual orange orb targets that appear after certain fire attacks. It's the first type of orange spots I'm not clear on really.

Fuck :lol


Duck Amuck said:
Beat it on Vet. Ranked 2640 on the leaderboards. Beat it in 3 hours and 13 minutes...I could probably shave off an hour if I replay it but I'm handicapped without a co-op partner. Most of the dudes on here are beating it in an hour and a half now...

Pro mode time then I'll get the rest of the achievements (only 4 more left).

Wow! I didn't think that's even possible.
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