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I don't know why but I just used a Blockbuster giftcard to rent the PS3 version of the game. I kind of wanted some PS3 trophies and I needed to satisfy my desire to see how the game fares on the PS3 ... probably a waste of money and time but oh well!

Wow Thrakier, you are really annoying dude.


Insaniac said:
my biggest problem with RE5 is that the game has lost its horror aspect. I never once jumped when playing the game. Even in RE4 it was creepier because the ganados made those freaky noises.

Maybe it's just me but there didn't seem to be anything creepy about 4. In all honesty I thought the only one with a creepy atmosphere was REmake. There really wasn't anything scary about the other RE's.


JB1981 said:
I don't know why but I just used a Blockbuster giftcard to rent the PS3 version of the game. I kind of wanted some PS3 trophies and I needed to satisfy my desire to see how the game fares on the PS3 ... probably a waste of money and time but oh well!

Wow Thrakier, you are really annoying dude.

It's kinda funny. You are "this guy" from the R2 thread, arean't you?

Of course I'm annoying, I don't like the game and this thread is only for people who like the game or are the most extrem game-fanboys I've ever wittnesed in the whole interwebs (safe to say only one person is meant XD).

Whatever, I'm almost through and besides chapter 5-1 it get's worse with every step you take. Imo it's just a old game, a relic, stupid through and throug and possibly the most disappointing game in my gaming career (of course because I had high expectations, not because it's the worst game I've ever played). I'm done with it and you will be lucky to hear that I won't bother you in this thread anymore.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Shapingo said:
In the notes at the research lab (the area were the platform moves down and you have to snipe the guys to keep it moving) it says that the chemical that Wesker injected Jill with gave her partial albinoism (sp?). That is why she is so pale and her hair is blonde.

I think most of us get that by now, but the question being asked is "WHY" did Capcom do that, it seems really quite arbitrary.

Personally, I (sorta-kinda-not really) think that MAYBE, the woman in the tank was orginally someone else (cough*sherry*cough), and since it was already blonde, they had to change it to make it work for

the above reason being, there's absolutely NO reason for the hair change except to make her look like Nina from Tekken as far as I can see. It wasn't referenced in game as any sort of disguise, etc.

Anyone have a screencap of the trailer in which the lady in vat was shown? IIRC, it does
kinda look like Jill's face, but at the same time, it doesn't


Sectus said:
What are you expecting? A gameplay mechanic like in mario where you take damage by simply touching any enemy?

No. But they could actually react to this massive biceps. Like stumbling a bit, falling over, trying to grab you, whatever. Check Ass Creed to see how it's done. RE5 is unbelivable stiff. :D BTW the last ListenUp Conversion about RE5 was only the truth. ;)
Thrakier said:
I love how you can just bump into enemys and they won't hit you if they aren't in their "attack" animation. That's really really immersive. Great feature.

Um... seriously? You expecting everything to hurt you like Metroid or Castlevania?


Unconfirmed Member
One small thing I miss about RE4's ganados is their little Spanish phrases. The "detras de ti imbecil!" when they were behind you was always helpful, and made me feel like 4 years of high school Spanish didn't completely go to waste. Makes me want to learn Swahili(?) to figure out what the majini are saying.

But I'm really really loving the tribal majini's in RE5. The big chieftain's war yell before he swings his mace is so awesome.

Also, anyone notice how enemy dodging is really improved in RE5? in RE4 I'd laugh as a villager does a pathetic sidestep that prolongs his life by maybe half a second. In RE5 the majini's dodging seems much more quicker and effective. Especially that tribal majini's backbreaking yoga move to avoid headshots.
I get a kick out of trolls that play the victim after posting an obviously inflammatory remark meant to start an argument. It's just cute to see someone so desperate for attention.:D


Santa May Claus
Thrakier said:
It's kinda funny. You are "this guy" from the R2 thread, arean't you?

Of course I'm annoying, I don't like the game and this thread is only for people who like the game or are the most extrem game-fanboys I've ever wittnesed in the whole interwebs (safe to say only one person is meant XD).

Whatever, I'm almost through and besides chapter 5-1 it get's worse with every step you take. Imo it's just a old game, a relic, stupid through and throug and possibly the most disappointing game in my gaming career (of course because I had high expectations, not because it's the worst game I've ever played). I'm done with it and you will be lucky to hear that I won't bother you in this thread anymore.

I'm not trying to feed the troll or anything, I'm just disappointed that you aren't able to enjoy the game for what it is, like all of us have. But, no developer can please them all, and there's always going to be hatred for any game created, especially one that follows such an insta-classic.

You just seem to be nitpicking at anything you can get your hands on while finding nothing redeeming at all... and in that way, more of a fanboy than anyone here that's openly praising their game experience while holding legitimate criticisms. A fanboy of what? Well, whatever it is that you wanted RE5 to be.


Neiteio said:
For me, the expository scenes in RE5 aren't as amusing as RE4. But where the RE5 cutscenes shine compared to RE4 is the scenario and choreography. I'll probably end up watching "Two on Two," "Rematch" and "Sky-high Skirmish" more times than all of RE4's cutscenes combined. Seeing Chris catch the sunglasses with that WTF look on his face before him and his partner get their asses handed to them is PRICELESS. So is the way Sheva cocks her and smiles when she says "Welcome to Africa." Little bits like this make the movies warm and enjoyable.

And goddamn does the game look and sound good. The graphics, the music, the voice acting... Stellar stuff.

So much truth. RE5 has a fantastic presentation that rivals MGS4 in every way.


Whats the quickest amount of time this game has been beaten in so far? I'm just wondering because the quickest time I've seen for 4 is a little under two hours and since this is shorter I'm wondering if people could get it close to the one hour mark.


Well, not trying to make this a RE4 thread, but I just got through a 4 hour play session. Damn this game is soo much fun, fun ,fun. I almost done with RE5, but I don't want to be, I guess 7 play throughs should be enough! I wish I was good at Mercenaries!


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
got my first SS rank on Public Assembly solo

114.410 of score

1700 on the leader boards!

I know it's not a big achievement but yay me!
been playing this game lately, local co-op which is all well and good.

and, well, we've made it to chapter 3 and all we've done is steal people's stuff and shoot them when they get mad at us.

i'm serious, we go into an area, smash shit up and take everything, then bad guys come (ie. the people whose shit we stole), and we shoot them.

rinse, repeat.

i can't even remember what the "real" storyline is, but yeah this is an awesome statement on the treatment of africa by foreign nations. ie. steal shit and shoot them when they complain.

it's a fair enough comment really given what went on during the 'colonisation' of africa, and in some ways it makes me think of 'heart of darkness' (and then sad because Kurtz > Irving) or even 'disgrace' by j.m.coetzee. especially the dogs.

so sure, we're only up to the third chapter, leaving littered bodies and gutted towns in our wake. for what purpose i don't recall, but damn - there's a lot of loot in africa.


Metroidvania said:
I think most of us get that by now, but the question being asked is "WHY" did Capcom do that, it seems really quite arbitrary.

Personally, I (sorta-kinda-not really) think that MAYBE, the woman in the tank was orginally someone else (cough*sherry*cough), and since it was already blonde, they had to change it to make it work for

the above reason being, there's absolutely NO reason for the hair change except to make her look like Nina from Tekken as far as I can see. It wasn't referenced in game as any sort of disguise, etc.

Anyone have a screencap of the trailer in which the lady in vat was shown? IIRC, it does
kinda look like Jill's face, but at the same time, it doesn't
Capcom changed Jill's hair for symbolism's sake. I mean, why make Darth Vader black with a red lightsaber? The colors mean something. The blonde hair is a visual shortcut to drive home the fact something about Jill has changed. When you see Jill and Wesker framed side-by-side in the "Two on Two" cutscene, both standing there with blonde hair ("I think the odds are fair"), it cements the notion Jill switched sides. Jill will probably have blonde hair the rest of her life, a "scar" left over from her archnemesis, a reminder of his legacy.

And no, I don't think the woman in the tank was originally Sherry. The facial features were always distinctly Jill's, which some people called out early on only to be laughed at. Plus, consider that Chris was the protagonist of the game from the start, and that the cutscenes took a lot of work and probably began filming early, requiring that details like Jill were finalized. I can see where you're coming from, but the evidence seems strong that it was Jill from the start.

Also, completely random but everyone must experience the joy of demolishing the many structures of Public Assembly with a rocket launcher. Reminds me of a stunning moment where I was near the gate, the oil slicks were ablaze, the axeman demolished two fruitstands, the power transformer came down and a grenade detonated, all with seven or eight Majini nearby. And the game never skipped a beat. O_O

I've also taken a penchant to the proximity mine. A wildly fun weapon, and one of my favorites. In the Survivors section of the strategy guide they discuss planting proximity mines at the top and bottom of ladders. I just know everyone's going to do this, so I'll be playing Survivors like Minesweeper with Majini. :lol


People called Romanes they go the house?
Neiteio said:
And no, I don't think the woman in the tank was originally Sherry. The facial features were always distinctly Jill's, which some people called out early on only to be laughed at. Plus, consider that Chris was the protagonist of the game from the start, and that the cutscenes took a lot of work and probably began filming early, requiring that details like Jill were finalized. I can see where you're coming from, but the evidence seems strong that it was Jill from the start.

It's probable, like you said and I admitted, but look at Chris' various redesigns. The heat, the early trailers, the whole change to co-op...and given RE4's what, 4 redesigns, I dont' think changing an element because of an earlier cutscene was out of the equation. I'm probably thinking too much into this, and the majority of me agrees with you, but whatever. :p

And to be honest, I like the Darth Vader reference, but really doubt that a hair color change really means the same thing. It's a distinguishing characteristic, sure, and yeah, it's probably Capcom saying "HEY LOOK, IT'S
, YOU CAN TELL SOMETHING'S WRONG BECAUSE OF THE HAIR COLOR," not because they wanted to symbolize the trauma of her experience.

It just seems...trivial to me.

Leon vs Chris is more like a debate to me! :p

Leon, no contest. At least his and Ada's interactions are interesting.

Oh I just went there.


Metroidvania, I meant to say the significance of Jill's blonde hair is that Wesker has blonde hair as well. The two are now "together," and the change in appearance drives that home. I don't think it's coincidental that the camera luxuriates on the sight of these two blondes standing side-by-side. The hair change was made with moments like this in mind.

Plus... If it was Sherry originally, and they had to change it to Jill for whatever reason, don't you think it'd be simple enough to change the hair color? If they could undergo all the other drastic visual changes, surely they could also change the hair color as needed.

Nah, it was never Sherry. But here's hoping Sherry comes back as some psycho chick trying to carry on Wesker's legacy in RE6!

LiK said:
Leon vs Chris is more like a debate to me! :p
Shit son, now you've done it.

I actually love Leon more, if only for the "let's go fight some monsters" machismo that reminds me of Hellboy. I also think the people will champion Leon; he was our "first" when it comes to action RE, and we've known him in this iteration for four years.

I do like Chris a lot, though. The guy struck me as a gentle giant, with a heart as big as his biceps. Whether he's lamenting the adverse effects of capitalism on third-world countries (seriously, walk around Civilian Checkpoint for awhile) or pitying the "poor bastard" Irving, he seems to have empathy. Unlike Leon, who did his job and thought such apathetic thoughts as "Sucks to be him!" when examining a corpse. And at times Chris may not be the brightest brute ("...Jill? Jill, it's me, Chris!"), but he's a good guy, with a hella sexy voice. I also liked his cynicism, stemming from his failure to save his partner... It humanizes him.
I'm only disappointed he and Sheva didn't make a Jill sandwich.

Part of me wants Leon and Chris to team up in a future RE game, like a buddy cop movie. Their personalities would complement each other well, methinks.

Davey Cakes

Oh yeah, no contest with that debate. Leon is miles above Chris. He's just a funnier, cockier, more memorable sort of protagonist.


Santa May Claus
Leon took on an entire island of people. By himself. Well, actually Ada took out the entire Navy of the military island, but still.

The mere fact that Chris was accompanied by Sheva makes him a little less badass.

I do like how Capcom gave Chris Herculean punches while Leon has his trademark roundhouse kick.


GuardianE said:
Leon took on an entire island of people. By himself. Well, actually Ada took out the entire Navy of the military island, but still.
Yeah, Ada kinda cleared the way for Leon. That's what made Separate Ways interesting. And in Chris' defense, he still took out most of Africa. Partner or no, that's no small feat. :lol

I do like how Capcom gave Chris Herculean punches while Leon has his trademark roundhouse kick.
Chris had a kick as well, but I get your point. I wonder what the protagonist in RE6 will use. Arms and legs are taken, so they'll have to use another limb... Peins?

But yeah, people, I'm a Leon fan too. "Where's everyone going? Bingo?" But I'm more than content to forgo him in RE5 for Chris' turn in the limelight.


yea, Leon is probably a lil bit more badass cuz he was alone AND he had to escort Ashley at times. but i thought Chris having Sheva as a partner made sense in terms of the story. i mean, we always wonder why people split up when they can survive better together. i think RE5 finally took that step and ended the cliche.

man, i wish Leon was included with Mercenaries mode in RE5...
GuardianE said:
Leon took on an entire island of people. By himself. Well, actually Ada took out the entire Navy of the military island, but still.

But Saddler was small time!

Leon is way more interesting though. He's got some of the worst luck I've ever seen. Chris seems to go out of his way to find trouble, but Leon, man, shit just hunts him down like a dog.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I'd also put Leon above Chris just because he was so corny awesome, though I'd give Chris the edge if 5 had more scenes like the boulder punch. :lol

Neiteio said:
Chris had a kick as well, but I get your point. I wonder what the protagonist in RE6 will use. Arms and legs are taken, so they'll have to use another limb... Peins?

But yeah, people, I'm a Leon fan too. "Where's everyone going? Bingo?" But I'm more than content to forgo him in RE5 for Chris' turn in the limelight.

A head butt so epic that skulls explode!


LiK said:
yea, Leon is probably a lil bit more badass cuz he was alone AND he had to escort Ashley at times. but i thought Chris having Sheva as a partner made sense in terms of the story. i mean, we always wonder why people split up when they can survive better together. i think RE5 finally took that step and ended the cliche.

man, i wish Leon was included with Mercenaries mode in RE5...
I don't know if I want him in Mercs. Normally I would, but imagine the bitching from the RE4 fanboys when they change the placement of one precious hair follicle. Hell, the mere presence of Leon in RE5 would invite their nitpicking, since Leon's probably the best thing RE4's got.

Still, if Capcom has any business sense at all they'll see the cash cow DLC Mercs could become. Milk it, Cappy. Give us Leon in glorious HD.
Neiteio said:
Still, if Capcom has any business sense at all they'll see the cash cow DLC Mercs could become. Milk it, Cappy.

I'd fully support it.

Bring Leon, Ada, Krauser, HUNK and I'll put down the money.

And for fuck's sake, make someone use that double-chainsaw in Shanty Town! JJ came back, how about Super Salvador pretty please?


Neiteio said:
I don't know if I want him in Mercs. Normally I would, but imagine the bitching from the RE4 fanboys when they change the placement of one precious hair follicle. Hell, the mere presence of Leon in RE5 would invite their nitpicking, since Leon's probably the best thing RE4's got.

Still, if Capcom has any business sense at all they'll see the cash cow DLC Mercs could become. Milk it, Cappy. Give us Leon in glorious HD.

Leon and Ada in HD for Mercs mode would be cool. i'm curious if they would retain the same designs with RE5's engine. plus, they would fit in fine with the upcoming VS mode. Chris vs Leon dream fights would be sweet. :p
I really wish the game had a boss rush mode that allowed you to use all of the Mercs characters with their specific weapon sets. Teaming up on the bosses is some of the most fun I've had online.

Hell, remake some of the RE4 bosses, toss them in as well and sell it as DLC.


I pinned this note to a brick and tossed it through Capcom's window the other day:

Dear Capcom,

Give me Rebecca, Barry, Claire, Leon, Ada and Hunk in RE5 Mercs.

Also, give one of 'em the stun rod.


- N

I'm still waiting for a response.


Ada, Claire, Hunk, and Leon for 800ms, do it capcom, my money is ready. While you're at it, add Wesker and Jill in addition to the new DLC characters as part of Chris and Sheva's costume so they can be used during story mode.

A man can dream.


Boulder punching people. Boulder punching. If that's not awesome, I don't know what is. I'm tempted to do a quick run through 6-3 so I can see it again. :lol

But seriously, I'm probably a bigger fan of Leon. I was really expecting Leon to be in The Mercenaries. I really want to see him in HD, jacket and all.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
They might as well add all the poor helicopter pilots throughout the REs as characters while they're at it. :lol


You know how in Smash Bros., the number of icons on the Character Select screen would shrink and rearrange as more characters were unlocked? I find it interesting how the character renders alternate in size and are staggered on the Character Select screen for RE5 Mercs. It's easy to picture them all being reduced to the same size, freeing up room for two rows of characters. They'd have to change the title screen completely, however.


USD said:
Boulder punching people. Boulder punching. If that's not awesome, I don't know what is. I'm tempted to do a quick run through 6-3 so I can see it again. :lol

But seriously, I'm probably a bigger fan of Leon. I was really expecting Leon to be in The Mercenaries. I really want to see him in HD, jacket and all.

with alternate RPD police uniform!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
USD said:
Boulder punching people. Boulder punching. If that's not awesome, I don't know what is. I'm tempted to do a quick run through 6-3 so I can see it again. :lol



I'd like to thank whoever made that, so awesome. :lol


Papercuts said:


I'd like to thank whoever made that, so awesome. :lol
Beat me to it. My Photobucket upload was too sloooooow.

Man, I'd pay for a DLC epilogue where Chris quits the BSAA to work at a gravel factory punching boulders.

EDIT: Man, gotta love those perfectly round videogame boulders. It's probably the same one that rolled after Leon in the village. The Rollingstone.

DOUBLE EDIT: Let's add the Rollingstone as a character too.

Davey Cakes

Neiteio said:
I pinned this note to a brick and tossed it through Capcom's window the other day:

Dear Capcom,

Give me Rebecca, Barry, Claire, Leon, Ada and Hunk in RE5 Mercs.

Also, give one of 'em the stun rod.


- N

I'm still waiting for a response.
Add in Billy too, since he has that awesome double-leg kick from Umbrella Chronicles.


Rash said:
Add in Billy too, since he has that awesome double-leg kick from Umbrella Chronicles.
Ah shit, but that's seven characters. That's uneven and not symmetrical! Let's get Josh outta the choppa and onto the battlefield. A nice even eight for us OCD folks.

EDIT: I need to join a 6-3 game as Sheva so I can behold the Boulder Punch from afar.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Neiteio said:
EDIT: I need to join a 6-3 game as Sheva so I can behold the Boulder Punch from afar.


Mashing the shit out of the X button as Sheva for GOD-KNOWS-HOW-LONG while
stares on at you while hanging gets really old, really fast.


any tips on safari chris in mercs? I've basically been ditching the handgun and going all out shot gun, and using my rockets for the big guys, but I still can't seem to get higher than 70k on public assembly


Metroidvania said:

Mashing the shit out of the X button as Sheva for GOD-KNOWS-HOW-LONG while
stares on at you while hanging gets really old, really fast.
Yeah, I s'ppose cliffhanger survival is not the optimal viewing condition for a boulder-punch safari. :D

Back to Mercs DLC... If you guys could pick ONE location from each of the past RE titles to get a "spiritual successor" in Mercs, what would it be?

RE1's mansion foyer and adjacent rooms. With Hunters. Boo-yah.


Neiteio said:
Yeah, I s'ppose cliffhanger survival is not the optimal viewing condition for a boulder-punch safari. :D

Back to Mercs DLC... If you guys could pick ONE location from each of the past RE titles to get a "spiritual successor" in Mercs, what would it be?

RE1's mansion foyer and adjacent rooms. For life.

If I could pick ONE location...hmm.....I'd have to go with RE2's lab.


Neiteio said:
Yeah, I s'ppose cliffhanger survival is not the optimal viewing condition for a boulder-punch safari. :D

Back to Mercs DLC... If you guys could pick ONE location from each of the past RE titles to get a "spiritual successor" in Mercs, what would it be?

RE1's mansion foyer and adjacent rooms. With Hunters. Boo-yah.

Mine would be either the same as yours or the majority of the RPD.


dabbled in the jelly
So what do you guys think about the music in RE5? It sound pretty much consistent with the rest of the series with the high quality undertones and transient melodies. Seems like they got the same people who did the fantastic RE4 soundtrack. Only complaint I have is that the ending songs aren't as good as the ones for the main mission and side quest in the previous game.


dabbled in the jelly
Neiteio said:
I don't know if I want him in Mercs. Normally I would, but imagine the bitching from the RE4 fanboys when they change the placement of one precious hair follicle. Hell, the mere presence of Leon in RE5 would invite their nitpicking, since Leon's probably the best thing RE4's got.

Still, if Capcom has any business sense at all they'll see the cash cow DLC Mercs could become. Milk it, Cappy. Give us Leon in glorious HD.
Lol believe it or not RE4 fans are Resident Evil fans and are fans of RE5 as well. It's not like the people who enjoyed RE4 refuse to acknowledge the existence of another great game in the franchise. It's all Resident Evil to us. Leon would be a great Merc character but I want Hunk. I've been waiting 10 years for them to flesh out Hunks presence in the RE universe.


So is every boss
a one hit kill with the Rocket Launcher? Just got the infinite upgrade and am really curious.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
wi@tt said:
So is every boss
a one hit kill with the Rocket Launcher? Just got the infinite upgrade and am really curious.

The weak spot is, atleast...which means

Irving needs to be shown before you can hit him, same with Excella's big giant orb, U-8's mouth, etc. Only thing different is Wesker, the first fight he'll grab it, you can shoot it and he'll leave. Second fight is usually fought with rockets anyway, the third fight will be an instant kill.


Papercuts said:
The weak spot is, atleast...which means

Irving needs to be shown before you can hit him, same with Excella's big giant orb, U-8's mouth, etc. Only thing different is Wesker, the first fight he'll grab it, you can shoot it and he'll leave. Second fight is usually fought with rockets anyway, the third fight will be an instant kill.


I love this game, one my third time threw, first on Normal. Didn't think the replay value would be as good but I just keep have more and more fun with it. Mercs on the other hand, just no good at it.


People called Romanes they go the house?
cvxfreak said:
I've never gotten a OHKO on the very last boss fight with the Rocket Launcher... what I am doing wrong?

If you are, so am I, I've had to rocked the last boss at the last section like 4 times, he revealed his weak spot, then another hit to finish him.

As for a mercs stage...honestly, I want Re4's water platform stage back. Super Doctor Salvador MADE that level.
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