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Yowza! The Mercs theme, "Assault Fire," is a great song to play when you need to plow through some work. I'm working at my computer with it playing and I'm nearly done already. Where'd all that time go? :lol


What's so great about the Hydra SG? It costs 30,000, and the special ability it has is extra range, but the M3 has a much more upgradable firepower, with reload/capacity for both being fairly similar. Is the range difference that significant?


Llyranor said:
What's so great about the Hydra SG? It costs 30,000, and the special ability it has is extra range, but the M3 has a much more upgradable firepower, with reload/capacity for both being fairly similar. Is the range difference that significant?
I'm pretty sure the damage is evaluated on a per-pellet basis. Each pellet from the M3 does more damage, but the Hydra has about twice as many per shot. Once you get beyond the 5 foot range, the M3's damage quickly drops, while the Hydra still maintains it's effectiveness. The Hydra also has a faster rate of fire.


Llyranor said:
What's so great about the Hydra SG? It costs 30,000, and the special ability it has is extra range, but the M3 has a much more upgradable firepower, with reload/capacity for both being fairly similar. Is the range difference that significant?

does more dmg than the other SGs and doesnt require much aiming. and since it's a sawed off SG, Chris looks badass holding it with one hand :p

btw, just got the Veteran achievement along with the Infinite Rocket Launcher and all S grades in one fell swoop in solo. woot.


Neiteio said:
I just typed this up from the LE guide. Some very interesting twists to Slayers:

  • Slayers plays similarly to Mercenaries, only players compete for the highest score from the infected and BOWs
  • A handicap system helps the player with the lowest score by doubling the points they are awarded (though this doesn't apply to Combo bonuses in Slayers)
  • The Difficult Grades (how the game scales the enemies' difficulty based on a ten-level scale) is active and reacts to the performance of the participants; most players will battle Grade 6 (equivalent to Normal) enemies, but the leading player must endure Grade 10, the highest rank of Professional difficulty
  • The Difficulty Grades make little differnece in terms of combat resolution, as Grade has no effect on damage multipliers in Versus mode, although it DOES affect factors such as QTE action windows (how long you have to push the right buttons in a context-sensitive moment)
  • Time Bonus and Combo Bonus rules apply as before, with item locations and enemy types remaining the same
  • Players will only take 70% of usual damage from enemies; this is balanced against the scarcity of healing items and the additional threat of damage from other players
  • The threat of other players exist because players can be included in the chain of kills as part of a running combo count; defeating another player during a combo will calculate their worth as though they were a boss enemy in regard to bonus scoring potential (+4,000 points as a ninth kill, for example, or +5,000 as a 22nd kill)
  • The game ends when the timer expires; if any player dies before the counter reaches zero, they lose points and will reappear randomly on the map, spawning even in the heat of battle or next to a boss
  • There is no limit to the number of times you can die, but don't expect a good score if it happens too often
So that is how Slayers works. For a refresher on Survivors, click HERE.

Gotta love the thwip of the shot and the THWAP of the hit.

Sweet, thanks for the info.


Got my Platinum trophy today at last!

My playthrough on pro was easier than I expected. Rocket Launcher and L.Hawk are awesome combo!:D


Llyranor said:
What's so great about the Hydra SG? It costs 30,000, and the special ability it has is extra range, but the M3 has a much more upgradable firepower, with reload/capacity for both being fairly similar. Is the range difference that significant?

try it. it will become pretty obvious how much better it is than the M3 when you fire it at something.

its a pretty awesome weapon.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I...don't know what that means, sorry. I just know it was the sickest fucking boss I've ever seen. It actually made me want to go back and play Lost Planet.

hohoho, keep playing my friend. ;)
LiK said:
hohoho, keep playing my friend. ;)

It's great because I played up to the flower field in solo and then started over in co-op and now am finally up to a spot past where I'd already played. SO fucking exciting and then, wow. That fucking boss.

And the creepy ass terrifying LEAD UP to that boss.


This game just went from 100 mph to 2,000,000 mph.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Llyranor said:
What's so great about the Hydra SG? It costs 30,000, and the special ability it has is extra range, but the M3 has a much more upgradable firepower, with reload/capacity for both being fairly similar. Is the range difference that significant?

Play on pro mode & I think you will have a better appreciation for it.

I preferred the Jail Breaker until pro, then the Hydra became King.


The Autumn Wind
I wonder if Sheva is going to become part of the ongoing story or if she'll end up a one-off character and quickly forgotten like Carlos.

I'm still waiting for the game that brings everyone into the fold in one big climax. Chris, Jill, Leon, Claire, and Rebecca all battling it out together.


Link said:
I wonder if Sheva is going to become part of the ongoing story or if she'll end up a one-off character and quickly forgotten like Carlos.

I'm still waiting for the game that brings everyone into the fold in one big climax. Chris, Jill, Leon, Claire, and Rebecca all battling it out together.

Resident Evil Smash Bros!


Link said:
Haha, not quite. Similar to MGS4, where all the major characters from the series come together. Except, you know, good.

i know. :) hopefully we'll get one last hurrah from them all before they decide to totally reboot the series.


Link said:
Haha, not quite. Similar to MGS4, where all the major characters from the series come together. Except, you know, good.
You are implying that MGS4 isn't good?

Whatever. I'd love a MGS4-esque sendoff for these characters. Leon + Chris is like a co-op dream. You just know they'll have to throw some kind of castle in there, too, and maybe even some zombies for good measure. Crimson heads would totally work in the current RE model.


The Autumn Wind
Pojo said:
You are implying that MGS4 isn't good?

Whatever. I'd love a MGS4-esque sendoff for these characters. Leon + Chris is like a co-op dream. You just know they'll have to throw some kind of castle in there, too, and maybe even some zombies for good measure. Crimson heads would totally work in the current RE model.
As a huge MGS fan, let's just say that MGS4 was very disappointing to me.


Link said:
As a huge MGS fan, let's just say that MGS4 was very disappointing to me.
From a storyline perspective? I thought it was pretty effective.

Granted, RE isn't as story-driven as MGS4, but I'd be willing to sit through cutscenes of choreographed co-op ass kicking. I'd even tolerate a long-winded explanation of evolution in the RE universe or something!

Problem is, I think after RE5, they've run out of motivating factors for the heroes to keep going. At least in MGS4, Liquid was alive and Vamp came back.
Wesker is undoubtedly dead now, unless they pull the whole clone thing (the Wesker project or whatever it was called.
So they kind of have to reinvent it.


The Autumn Wind
-Winnie- said:
Well then you're not really a huge MGS fan, are you?
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Pojo said:
From a storyline perspective? I thought it was pretty effective.

Granted, RE isn't as story-driven as MGS4, but I'd be willing to sit through cutscenes of choreographed co-op ass kicking. I'd even tolerate a long-winded explanation of evolution in the RE universe or something!

Problem is, I think after RE5, they've run out of motivating factors for the heroes to keep going. At least in MGS4, Liquid was alive and Vamp came back.
Wesker is undoubtedly dead now, unless they pull the whole clone thing (the Wesker project or whatever it was called.
So they kind of have to reinvent it.
To be honest, it was more disappointing gameplay-wise to me, in that there really wasn't much there. It felt like it was just some throwaway sequences to get from one cutscene to the next.

I found the ending to be a huge cop-out, too. There was some good stuff in there, but I just don't think it lived up to the legacy of the series at all. I don't think it helped that Kojima pretty much had to stuff as much as he could into it to wrap things up.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
this page of the thread needs to be nuked from existence for a number of very good reasons


The Autumn Wind
Rez said:
this page of the thread needs to be nuked from existence for a number of very good reasons
Sorry, that's my bad; let's get things back on topic.

So where do you think they can take the story now? This was a pretty clear wrap-up of the ongoing storyline.


Link said:
Sorry, that's my bad; let's get things back on topic.

So where do you think they can take the story now? This was a pretty clear wrap-up of the ongoing storyline.

they gotta clear up stuff between Leon and Ada. that ending in RE4 is just too much of a cocktease.


I'd be in the dick
Link said:
Sorry, that's my bad; let's get things back on topic.

So where do you think they can take the story now? This was a pretty clear wrap-up of the ongoing storyline.
My opinion:
I think RE6 is going to involve Leon, and possibly Claire if they keep the co-op aspect, tracking down the rest of the BOWs that Tricell has made. I'm sure Ada will play a big role in that. After that, I'm not really sure where they could go.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
RoboPlato said:
My opinion:
I think RE6 is going to involve Leon, and possibly Claire if they keep the co-op aspect, tracking down the rest of the BOWs that Tricell has made. I'm sure Ada will play a big role in that. After that, I'm not really sure where they could go.

Day 1.


The Autumn Wind
If they do focus on just one character, I think it's too soon to use Leon again. It's actually a tough call who they'd use. Every main character has been playable in two games of the series now, besides Chris (3) and Rebecca (1).


Link said:
If they do focus on just one character, I think it's too soon to use Leon again. It's actually a tough call who they'd use. Every main character has been playable in two games of the series now, besides Chris (3) and Rebecca (1).

toss in our old buddy Barry as well.


I'd be in the dick
LiK said:
ditto, sign me up. maybe also include Chris and
for some 4 player coop bitches! ^^
At least for Mercs. I want RE6's Mercenaries mode to basically be a Smash Bros. style cast with a bunch of stages from the series' history. With the way they expanded it for RE5, I think something like that is definitely possible.


I'd be in the dick
Link said:
I'm almost afraid to jump into Mercs. The sheer size of it is daunting.
It took me a long time to really get into this time around but after a while it just clicked. It's a hell of a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

EDIT: By get the hang of it I mean being able to A rank stages to get more characters and stages. I'm not an S rank player by any means. It just gets more fun once you have more to do.


Eh, sorry for fueling the fire. I'll respect that you have your own opinion and leave it at that.

But back to RE5, is it possible to get the Longbow for Sheva in the single player mode? I was thinking I'd get it automatically when unlocking the tribal costume, but I can't find it. :/


-Winnie- said:
Eh, sorry for fueling the fire. I'll respect that you have your own opinion and leave it at that.

But back to RE5, is it possible to get the Longbow for Sheva in the single player mode? I was thinking I'd get it automatically when unlocking the tribal costume, but I can't find it. :/

yea, fully upgrade the S75 Rifle to get the Longbow.


I'd be in the dick
-Winnie- said:
Eh, sorry for fueling the fire. I'll respect that you have your own opinion and leave it at that.

But back to RE5, is it possible to get the Longbow for Sheva in the single player mode? I was thinking I'd get it automatically when unlocking the tribal costume, but I can't find it. :/
Yep, just like LiK said. It costs 50k and comes with infinite ammo.


RoboPlato said:
Yep, just like LiK said. It costs 50k and comes with infinite ammo.

yea, pretty powerful upclose but without the laser sight and lack of distance, it's pretty horrible. i got it simply for the Stockpile and Longbow achievement/trophy.


LiK said:
yea, pretty powerful upclose but without the laser sight and lack of distance, it's pretty horrible. i got it simply for the Stockpile and Longbow achievement/trophy.

that's part of the fun. :D It tests your ablility to adjust your aim/shot. It feels great to kill someone from afar.


GamerSoul said:
that's part of the fun. :D It tests your ablility to adjust your aim/shot. It feels great to kill someone from afar.

yea, i guess. did you try having the Sheva AI use it? oh man, she's useless with it which i thought was weird.

-Winnie- said:
Alright, thanks. I'm still a long way off, then. D:

yea, by the time you fully upgrade that rifle, it can hold a whopping 50 bullets!


The Autumn Wind
That's why I love RE games. They have such amazing replay value. I've already started a new game with my upgraded weapons, and plan to eventually upgrade everything fully and just tear shit up.

I must have played through RE4 at least a half a dozen times because of this mechanic.


LiK said:
yea, i guess. did you try having the Sheva AI use it? oh man, she's useless with it which i thought was weird.!

Naw, I just use it for fun and when i'm Sheva. I like playing a couple of parts and checking if my accuracy is getting worse or better. My lowest % so far is 3% Acc with an infinite MG, the V6something :lol .

And i have only one suggestion that would have made the game better. They should've used lions and cheetahs as enemies for a few parts. no that would've been sick.
using nitrogen rounds to freeze guys and punch them into ice pieces.
The first time that happened I just stopped and looked at the screen. And then I knew what all of my gold would be going to for a long time. :lol
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