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Haman Discharged... she smells nice
Hey Sectus, would you like to try some Team Survivor or Team Slayers on the PS3? I don't have too many people on my friends list with mics, which is all right for Mercenaries, but I'd like to team up with someone who's into the DLC stuff and has a microphone.


Neiteio said:
Wait, what do you mean you have no other option? You have both versions, yet your friend having only one means you can only record on the other? I'm not sure what that means. Clarification?
Well, it just depends on who I'm playing with. If I'm playing with my friend who only has the PS3, then of course I'll be playing on the PS3 version. If I'm playing splitscreen or singleplayer it's always the 360 (or if I'm playing online with a friend on 360 of course).

Neiteio said:
I'll have to download this and give it a whirl today. Is it up in the US yet? I anticipate that the emphasis in Survivors is more on hiding; shooting your opponent in the back when you catch them running unawares down a hall, then retreating. I'm not expecting the typical multiplayer deathmatch going in, although I do expect that this can be deep in its own way. The coverage for it in the LE guide seems to suggest so.
It should be up worldwide on the 360 version. I think it's only europe so far on the PS3 version.

If you get it, I *highly* recommend you try 2vs2 with a friend. Versus mode is a ton of fun when playing with a friend, you have to play together in a way which is unlike any other multiplayer game. The videos I'll be uploading later should hopefully highlight that.

dgenx said:
so.... turret fight confirmed?
If you're gonna stand still the entire time then feel free to join my game, I'll destroy you.

Pojo said:
SO basically, whoever has the magnum in multiplayer wins?

Seems like it would be that way.
Magnum is definitely a good weapon to have, but keeping ammo for it isn't that easy and it's the hardest weapon to aim with. You're definitely at a huge disadvantage if you play survivors using only the starting weapon, but finding a new weapon isn't that difficult.

BeeDog said:
Versus feels pretty stupid, you just stand in front of your enemy and hope he has a lower health bar than you :lol .
If you're getting in situations where you and your enemy stands in front of eachother and keeps shooting, you should start to run right away unless you have some kind of advantage, otherwise you might as well flip a coin and decide who wins that way.

Kyouji said:
Hey Sectus, would you like to try some Team Survivor or Team Slayers on the PS3? I don't have too many people on my friends list with mics, which is all right for Mercenaries, but I'd like to team up with someone who's into the DLC stuff and has a microphone.
Sony is stupid and stupid so I can't play the DLC on the PS3 version because the DLC is freaking region locked. I don't have a headset for my PS3 anyway.


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
A shame. Well, back to randoms and friending the occasional good players, heh.

I do hope Capcom produces some more DLC content for the game though. It'd be a shame if they stopped after just this.


Hey Sectus, can you play 2vs2 in splitscreen? I'd love to coordinate ambushes against strangers online with someone sitting next to me on the sofa. :D

Kyouji said:
I do hope Capcom produces some more DLC content for the game though. It'd be a shame if they stopped after just this.
If I were Capcom, I'd wait for Versus to sell a bit. Then I'd add new characters, billing them as compatible with Mercs AND Versus. Versus increases the value of new characters just as new characters increase the value of Versus. More utility = more value.

Goddamn we need Claire's ass in RE5.


So... ugh... I guess having a random pixel noise on the 360 is a bad thing? If I'm getting rrod yet again I'm gonna get quite upset.

Neiteio said:
Hey Sectus, can you play 2vs2 in splitscreen? I'd love to coordinate ambushes against strangers online with someone sitting next to me on the sofa. :D
Hmm, I didn't see the option for it. Only system link and xbox live, perhaps you can simply press start on a second controller in the lobby but I'm not sure. Splitscreen would be perfect for versus mode considering how much fun 2vs2 is. I can try to check once I stop panicking about my 360 overheating.

The music in versus mode is the the 4 last songs on the soundtrack by the way. On the bass, KILLERS and a few other.


Is there an UK Gaffer who bought the DLC on PS3?

As blablurn mentioned above the DLC won't be released in Germany. So I tried to register in the UK store with my creditcard, but it checks my address and flags my information as invalid.

Could someone here share the DLC with me? I have no other option. :-(


Just played a ton of versus, I thought the mode was going to be awful and no fun at all, but I was wrong, very wrong. I had a ton of fun playing, it's mercenaries pumped full of steroids. You have to keep your combo going and trying not to get killed by AI and players. Sniping unsuspecting players is great.
Just completed Pro mode, and got 1000 points so I thought:"Well my first game with full achievements!" and then realized that now there are 1200 points..., Damn you Capcom! :lol

Maybe I'll buy versus mode, if the good comments keep comming.

Neiteio said:
Goddamn we need Claire's ass in RE5.

Claire ass + Jill Battlesuit ass + Sheva ass +
Wesker midnight
ass in the same game = Game of the forever. :lol :lol :lol

Seriously thought, we need a Hunk skin with neck breaking move!


yeah, VS takes a few rounds to get into, but once you do, its awesome.

i think this is going to be a pretty fun mode. some cool different game types to experiment with.

it was worth the DL for me.


(Team) Slayers is hella fun. I've found that ammo can be a huge problem though. I always pick up out ammo for other weapons as well, then discard it (if my teammate can't use it), keeping the other team from getting more. :lol

Inventory management is even more important in this mode, since you're a sitting duck while you're fiddling with it.


I bought a 2100 MS points card just for this fucking DLC and now I'm not allowed to get the DLC?



Ahhh, I just finished it on Professional! The amount of people I kept coming across who insisted on using nothing but a handgun and making the most poor decisions drove me crazy. In the end I just played it with AI Sheva and had no problems, she seems to function far more intelligently than any human player.

I just need to collect all the treasures and get "The Works" trophy and I'll have my second platinum. Hooray!


edgefusion said:
Ahhh, I just finished it on Professional! The amount of people I kept coming across who insisted on using nothing but a handgun and making the most poor decisions drove me crazy. In the end I just played it with AI Sheva and had no problems, she seems to function far more intelligently than any human player.

I just need to collect all the treasures and get "The Works" trophy and I'll have my second platinum. Hooray!

please let me know, was she useful during chapter 4? my Sheva would sometimes get hit by that laser so i'm sure she would instantly die in Pro.


Relaxed Muscle said:
Just nuke'em with the IRL from a safe place and done.

wow, i did not know that. thanks!

btw, anyone noticed that if you shoot the egg sacs for the Reapers that they don't show up sometimes? i think that happened when i used the IRL on them.


btw guys, how's Ndesu in Pro mode? he seems like the toughest dude in Pro mode from what i've been reading.


Revolutionary said:
351kb :lol

Nice, Capcom.

Isn't it 1.9MB? anyway still this doesn't change the fact that's not a proper DLC but most likely an unlock key as usual..as much as I love the game there is no fuckin way that I'll pay 5 euros for a freakin' patch that should've been free.

FU Capcom.


The DLC is actually pretty damn fun. Attacking other people is a lot more intense than I thought it would be. People are always running around all over the place and not just meeting in the middle of the map to have a gunfight, because there are still enemies on these maps that attack you, which keeps you moving.

However, they need to improve the fucking lobby system. I hate having to go through all the screens again just to try and join a game, not be able to, and get kicked back to first versus menu, then have to do it all over again. I seriously just did that for the past 5 minutes before I said screw it and turned it off.


LiK said:
btw guys, how's Ndesu in Pro mode? he seems like the toughest dude in Pro mode from what i've been reading.
Easier in single-player than in co-op. Shoot his foot the moment he raises it. Shoot his chest the moment he raises his arms for the double-handed downward blow. When he staggers or the plagas first pop out, turn to the left to nail the Majini up the balcony with the Molotov cocktails. Ignore the two Majini with the arrows on the right.

The hardest part is when Ndesu raises the rock; you can shoot the barrel to get him to drop it, but you only get one barrel, so save it for later and instead shoot the rock, blasting it from the moment he picks it up. It's tricky because the rock bounces when he throws it, but if you quickly bob the gun up and down once he's thrown it, your stream of bullets will trace the bouncing rock's trajectory and it'll shatter the instant before it hits you. Just flick up and recenter while shooting, the moment he throws the rock.

Be sure to shoot his hands when he raises the telegraph pole for a downward blow. You must hit every QTE; again, easier in single-player because you don't have to depend on another person to get their QTEs right. When Ndesu lowers his shoulder to charge, shoot him shoot him shoot him! Otherwise it's instant death, guaranteed.

All in all a fun boss battle, if you like a challenge. His routine can be learned, although he'll mix things up sometimes, opting for a shoulder charge over a boulder, for instance (be thankful if he does this). Be sure to lay it on thick with the plagas, and above all else, shoot the big plaga and nothing else the whole time it's out. It's the difference between two or three phases and four phases on the Ndesu battle.


Neiteio said:
Easier in single-player than in co-op. Shoot his foot the moment he raises it. Shoot his chest the moment he raises his arms for the double-handed downward blow. When he staggers or the plagas first pop out, turn to the left to nail the Majini up the balcony with the Molotov cocktails. Ignore the two Majini with the arrows on the right.

The hardest part is when Ndesu raises the rock; you can shoot the barrel to get him to drop it, but you only get one barrel, so save it for later and instead shoot the rock, blasting it from the moment he picks it up. It's tricky because the rock bounces when he throws it, but if you quickly bob the gun up and down once he's thrown it, your stream of bullets will trace the bouncing rocks trajectory and it'll shatter the instant before it hits you.

Be sure to shoot his hands when he raises the telegraph pole for a downward blow. You must hit every QTE; again, easier in single-player because you don't have to depend on another person to get their QTEs right. When Ndesu lowers his shoulder to charge, shoot him shoot him shoot him! Otherwise it's instant death, guaranteed.

All in all a fun boss battle, if you like a challenge. His routine can be learned, although he'll mix things up sometimes, opting for a shoulder charge over a boulder, for instance (be thankful if he does this). Be sure to lay it on thick with the plagas, and above all else, shoot the big plaga and nothing else the whole time it's out. It's the difference between two or three phases and four phases on the Ndesu battle.

ah, good tips. i'll test it out. i've taken him down through all three lower difficulties in Solo so i guess it shouldn't be too bad in Pro.
So I got my inf L. Hawk, I beat veteran in under 5 hours, I got tons of s ranks through 3 modes and I started doing money runs. HOWEVER I wanted to start playing professional last night and I thought LOL I'll go backwardsa nd clear out of the later hard stages first.
seriously I played stage 6-3 5 times and I think I'm never even going to try any pro level ever again. Playing with a human partner is almost not an option here and AI is just too fucking stu[id, its a joke. I almost made it a few times, but Sheva will NOT stop fucking walking around and dying like a stupid bitch. She won't stand still, she won't stay behind cover, she is a useless fuck drag and not capable of taking care of herself in even the smallest way. She jsut keep walking out into bullets no matter what I do. I crushed the game so far by totally ignoring her, leaving her behind and making sure I never need her help ever. I know this is a rage rant, but even on the hardest games on the hardest setting I had fun. This is just awful.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
hmm is it worth to buy 1600 point card for the Versus DLC??

I'm torn!

what to do GAF, I fucking love Mercenaries but I dunno if this versus worth it


Okie, my 360 isn't showing weird graphical artifacts again. Hopefully it was just a harmless overheat which didn't do any permament damage. It would be nice to actually keep a 360 which works.

Neiteio: I just checked and there seems to be no splitscreen support for the versus mode unfortunately. Xbox live and system link-only.


I just thought of a cool idea for DLC. How about some self-contained missions in the vein of Assignment Ada, in this case a mission where the co-op characters are Wesker and Jill in her cloak and mask, a mission fleshing out the Umbrella-Tricell connection and the Wesker-Jill relationship? They could make it the RE5 incarnation of Wesker's Report, and give the characters lots of stylish melee moves exclusive to it.

Another idea might be "Prison Break," where Billy Coen returns to Africa seeking redemption only to be captured by Majini. He comes to in a garrison inspired by the Prison map in Mercs, and is to be killed by the Red Executioner Majini when HUNK shows up to bust him out of prison. Together they work their way through the hellish dungeon, scissor-kickin' and snappin' necks. At the end, maybe you'd find out why HUNK was sent to save Billy.

Just having way too much fun brainstorming here. If only I were Capcom!

Sectus said:
Neiteio: I just checked and there seems to be no splitscreen support for the versus mode unfortunately. Xbox live and system link-only.

Ah well, there's always online.


Neiteio said:
I just thought of a cool idea for DLC. How about some self-contained missions in the vein of Assignment Ada, in this case a mission where the co-op characters are Wesker and Jill in her cloak and mask, a mission fleshing out the Umbrella-Tricell connection and the Wesker-Jill relationship? They could make it the RE5 incarnation of Wesker's Report.

Another idea might be "Prison Break," where Billy Coen returns to Africa seeking redemption only to be captured by Majini. He comes to in a garrison inspired by the Prison map in Mercs, and is to be killed by the Red Executioner Majini when HUNK shows up to bust him out of prison. Together they work their way through the hellish dungeon, scissor-kickin' and snappin' necks. At the end, maybe you'd find out why HUNK was sent to save Billy.

Just having way too much fun brainstorming here. If only I were Capcom!


Ah well, there's always online.

anything can happen. RE5 GOTY Edition :p
Neiteio said:
Easier in single-player than in co-op. Shoot his foot the moment he raises it. Shoot his chest the moment he raises his arms for the double-handed downward blow. When he staggers or the plagas first pop out, turn to the left to nail the Majini up the balcony with the Molotov cocktails. Ignore the two Majini with the arrows on the right.

The hardest part is when Ndesu raises the rock; you can shoot the barrel to get him to drop it, but you only get one barrel, so save it for later and instead shoot the rock, blasting it from the moment he picks it up. It's tricky because the rock bounces when he throws it, but if you quickly bob the gun up and down once he's thrown it, your stream of bullets will trace the bouncing rock's trajectory and it'll shatter the instant before it hits you. Just flick up and recenter while shooting, the moment he throws the rock.

Be sure to shoot his hands when he raises the telegraph pole for a downward blow. You must hit every QTE; again, easier in single-player because you don't have to depend on another person to get their QTEs right. When Ndesu lowers his shoulder to charge, shoot him shoot him shoot him! Otherwise it's instant death, guaranteed.

All in all a fun boss battle, if you like a challenge. His routine can be learned, although he'll mix things up sometimes, opting for a shoulder charge over a boulder, for instance (be thankful if he does this). Be sure to lay it on thick with the plagas, and above all else, shoot the big plaga and nothing else the whole time it's out. It's the difference between two or three phases and four phases on the Ndesu battle.

Most of the time he'll only grab the rock once during the fight, since during that "phase" he has a choice of doing one of four things (charge, rock, or either of the telephone poles). Personally I would recommend using the barrel to break the rock immediately the first time he picks it up. If he picks it up again you're just going to have to deal with it - but I don't see the point in waiting. You can do the exact same thing with both telephone poles, there are barrels next to each of them and if you shoot them as soon as he picks them up the explosion will break the pole from his hands. Unless there is another use for the barrels that I don't know about.

I hate that boss though, in my stats, I've died to him more than any other enemy in the game. I swear to you he doesn't stop his stomp attack sometimes no matter how quick you shoot his feet and the downward punch weakspot seems to be a very specific spot on his chest (the scar on the right side of his chest or his chin just as he's on the down swing).


dgenx said:
hmm is it worth to buy 1600 point card for the Versus DLC??

I'm torn!

what to do GAF, I fucking love Mercenaries but I dunno if this versus worth it
20 dollars would be a bit much for the DLC. But there's plenty of good DLC for other games or XBLA games you could spent rest of the money on so I'd say go for it.


Houston3000 said:
Most of the time he'll only grab the rock once during the fight, since during that "phase" he has a choice of doing one of four things (charge, rock, or either of the telephone poles). Personally I would recommend using the barrel to break the rock immediately the first time he picks it up. If he picks it up again you're just going to have to deal with it - but I don't see the point in waiting. You can do the exact same thing with both telephone poles, there are barrels next to each of them and if you shoot them as soon as he picks them up the explosion will break the pole from his hands. Unless there is another use for the barrels that I don't know about.

I hate that boss though, in my stats, I've died to him more than any other enemy in the game. I swear to you he doesn't stop his stomp attack sometimes no matter how quick you shoot his feet and the downward punch weakspot seems to be a very specific spot on his chest (the scar on the right side of his chest or his chin just as he's on the down swing).
For Ndesu's downward punch I recommend starting at his chest and tracing your stream of bullets upward, to his chin. Make it all one deft movement, like you're cutting him in half from the bottom up.

I agree with shooting the explosive barrel at the first boulder, actually. When I think back on it that's how I did it. :lol However, I think you're misleading Lik to suggest Ndesu doesn't use the boulder much. Maybe he didn't for you, but for me I had to counter the boulder at least twice.

You should try to shoot the barrels when he picks up the telegraph poles, but you have to do it right as he's picking them up; once he has the pole in hand his body will be obstructing the barrel and once he starts walking away he'll be out of the blast radius. Shoot the barrel as he picks it up or BUST.

And yeah, Ndesu killed me a shitload of times. Oddly enough, the Bow Gun Majini inch him out for most times killing me. I have no idea how that happened either. O_O


Neiteio said:
For Ndesu's downward punch I recommend starting at his chest and tracing your stream of bullets upward, to his chin. Make it all one deft moment, like you're cutting him in half from the bottom up.

I agree with shooting the explosive barrel at the first boulder, actually. When I think back on it that's how I did it. :lol However, I think you're misleading Lik to suggest Ndesu doesn't use the boulder much. Maybe he didn't for you, but for me I had to counter the boulder at least twice.

You should try to shoot the barrels when he picks up the telegraph poles, but you have to do it right as he's picking them up; once he has the pole in hand his body will be obstructing the barrel and once he starts walking away he'll be out of the blast radius. Shoot the barrel as he picks it up or BUST.

And yeah, Ndesu killed me a shitload of times. Oddly enough, the Bow Gun Majini inch him out for most times killing me. I have no idea how that happened either. O_O

for me, from Amateur to Veteran, Ndesu only used the boulder once so maybe i'll have the same luck in Pro. i think i only died in Veteran to him when i didn't press the QTEs correctly. :lol


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
I did not expect to enjoy Slayers or Team Survivor as much as I did just now. This shit is great! So hectic, so fun, and with folks voice-chatting, absolutely a hoot when there's a four-sided showdown in the middle of a stage.


LiK said:
btw guys, how's Ndesu in Pro mode? he seems like the toughest dude in Pro mode from what i've been reading.

At first he drove me up the walls but now I have him down to a science and I sometimes just Pro-fight him for fun or to improve my time.

His boulder is actually pretty easy to destroy with a small 'trick': as soon as you see him moving towards the spot where he pulls the boulder out of he ground stop shooting his plagas and position your crosshair at his feet. This is where the boulder will appear after the small cutscene. Start shooting it as quickly as possible and follow it above his head and then as it comes towards you. Works everytime...

BTW, any solo-speedrunners up for a challenge ? I'm down to 1'38 on normal and 1'49 on Pro :D


Vitten said:
At first he drove me up the walls but now I have him down to a science and I sometimes just Pro-fight him for fun or to improve my time.
I feel the same way. Although you and I are probably the only ones who enjoy the Ndesu fight. :D I not only enjoy it, but I love the way it looks; zooming in on Ndesu's face when he's breathing hard mere inches from you is amazing. Yeah, an on-foot battle would've been cool, but if I want that I'll boot up RE4. For the kind of boss he was, Ndesu was great.

What I wonder, though, is if the fact I was wearing melee armor and bulletproof armor made any difference. In any other level on Pro it wouldn't help because a single hit can put you in Dying, but on Ndesu I think it might've helped with the Bow Gun Majini off to the left, maybe even with the boulder (would that constitute a "projectile?"). Hmm.

Is Versus Mode up on the U.S. PSN yet?


Kyouji said:
I did not expect to enjoy Slayers or Team Survivor as much as I did just now. This shit is great! So hectic, so fun, and with folks voice-chatting, absolutely a hoot when there's a four-sided showdown in the middle of a stage.

Same here!
Ok, I just bought Versus mode, although I'd swear to myself to not buy blatant DLC, but hell it's RE and so far I'm glad I did, this mode could bring a lot of hours of gameplay, right now the few matches I did were pretty fun and 2vs2 survivor it's my favorite, although the two matches I did ended with the master leaving of the game, funny when both times happened when they were losing...bastards...

Right now I'm collecting points in 5-1. Need Wesker STARS.Too cool.


Kyouji said:
I did not expect to enjoy Slayers or Team Survivor as much as I did just now. This shit is great! So hectic, so fun, and with folks voice-chatting, absolutely a hoot when there's a four-sided showdown in the middle of a stage.
It really is surprisingly fun. Teamed up with a complete stranger and dominated Team Survivor. Really liking this~


I've been doing some thinking and I think Chapter 1 might be my favorite chapter. Yeah, that's right, the chapter everyone ranks near the bottom (with the caveat they're all good, of course).

Chapter 1 begins with what I consider two of the best cutscenes in the game. First you have the mystery woman infecting a local with Uroboros, intercut with DeChant and Alpha Team securing Kijuju, all set to the opening notes of "Pray." This is followed by Chris' ride across the savannah, and all the stunning shots of a town bustling with people and brimming with detail. Sheva approaches Chris, says "Welcome to Africa" with a smile, and they're off. I also like the look of the guard with the green jacket and red beret that stops Sheva, and the bit at the end with the close-up of the black Majini's face (so much detail!) as he watches Chris and Sheva from the shadows. The way he looks at them sets the tone perfectly.

The beginning of 1-1, with all the Majini glowering portentously at you, is AMAZING. One of the highlights of the game for me, really. Right from the start the draw distance is incredible; you can see dozens and dozens of Majini lining the streets, some sitting in the shade, others chatting in the sun, one chopping meat, another drinking liquor, and four or five off in the distance beating a bag with something squirming inside. Many others walk behind fences and down alleys and through the shimmering heat and clouds of dust. A single leaf or scrap of paper gliding silently on the breeze drives home the stillness of the area, with everyone watching you standoffishly. Easily one of the creepiest starts to a game I've ever played.

And more so than any other chapter, Chapter 1 keeps the feeling of unease throughout, which is remarkable given the harsh sunlight and bright green trees. It kept me on edge, whether it was a trail of slaughtered goats, a shrine of skulls and candles, hearing Majini across fences or down side streets or seeing innocents dragged off before I can save them. The hush-hush meeting with the informant, Reynard, also adds to the suspense; you feel like you're on the cusp of discovering some great conspiracy, and no one is safe.

The Public Assembly set-piece with the Executioner Majini is brilliant, with great cutscenes at the start and end and plenty of interaction throughout, whether it's barricading windows, igniting oil slicks or dropping power transformers. All of the small stands can be leveled by a grenade or the Executioner, as can several walls. There are several ways in and out of any building, and the use of lens flares, motion blur and the transition from shade to light is stunning. Great, great fun.

I love how they introduced the new Type 2 Plagas (administered orally, with immediate effects) and Cephalos (the Plaga that pops out of the blonde woman). I also like how at times I didn't know where the Majini would come from, such as the street where you give Sheva a boost to reach the Old Building Key. There were a couple of good jump-scares in there, and it was in broad daylight! And all the corpses you find provide build-up to Uroboros, a boss that blew me away with its animation (how did they animate it?) and that still impresses with the clever mechanic of trapping it in the furnace, which can be tough on higher difficulties but always rewarding in co-op.

Though later chapters introduce more set-pieces, more bosses and more of everything, I feel the execution of 1-1 and 1-2 are just about perfect. To me, Chapter 1 is an airtight package. Right now I'd rank it near the top, in close contest with Chapters 3 and 4.


Anyone else having problems with versus on the PS3? I've played 5 matches and every time I got a connection error after about 3 minutes.


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
I have not had any connection issues except on the last match I played. Someone disconnected and this somehow caused our host to drop too. This was the only connection problem I ran into in about 2.5 hours of playing.


I'm not sure if this is new to versus, but in the bonus features there is now unlockable characters a-k or something. Is it the same for mercs mode? (never played it) Does anyone know which characters you unlock for the specific letters? One of them costs 50,000 points, so I want to know who it is before I go saving up that much.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
NG28 said:
I'm not sure if this is new to versus, but in the bonus features there is now unlockable characters a-k or something. Is it the same for mercs mode? (never played it) Does anyone know which characters you unlock for the specific letters? One of them costs 50,000 points, so I want to know who it is before I go saving up that much.

A - Safari Chris
B - S.T.A.R.S. Chris
C - Clubbin Sheva
D - Tribal Sheva
E - BSAA Jill
F - Battlesuit Jill
G - Midnight Wesker
H - S.T.A.R.S. Wesker

Mercs wasn't like that, no. I'm not really sure why Wesker costs so much, especially in Survivors it seems better to use S.T.A.R.S. Chris or Battlesuit Jill, the machine guns are way better than the starting pistol. In Slayers his lack of anything to heal with is a much bigger disadvantage than it normally is in Mercenaries, not to mention the Hydra is not nearly as good at hurting people as Chris' shotgun.


Let's talk about versus:

First of all, the character selection pretty much feels pointless, you better be playing as Midnight Wesker, S.T.A.R.S. Chris, or Tribal Sheva or you are fucked right off the bat. I tried B.S.A.A Jill and was more or less anally raped.

The points just aren't making sense to me. Team Slayers I understand somewhat, you kill zombies you get points, you kill players you get points, you die, you lose points. So I like that. But FFA slayers, I just don't get how the points work. It seems like mercenaries except with other players not on your team, but I had a 26 combo and got 4th place at the end even though the next highest combo was like 12. That just doesn't add up to me.

The pvp is okay...but like everyone else had said, its kinda just a game of stare at each other and shoot. So if you are one of those fps pvp'ers that likes to hop around like a dick with herpes is in your ass while you shoot, then you ain't gonna like this, that's for sure. But, if you like to use tactics and kind of take a stealth approach, then this might work for you. I haven't played all the stages though, so I'm not sure how it's gonna it's gonna pan out in the more straight forward levels.

Btw, where the fuck are Leon and Claire?
Rebecca and Billy? :(


OriginX said:
The points just are making sense to me. Team Slayers I understand somewhat, you kill zombies you get points, you kill players you get points, you die, you lose points. So I like that. But FFA slayers, I just don't get how the points work. It seems like mercenaries except with other players not on your team, but I had a 26 combo and got 4th place at the end even though the next highest combo was like 12. That just doesn't add up to me.
It's more than just combos. Killing the minibosses is just as important, if not more, since they're all worth at least 5000 points. If you can chain in a miniboss kill in a high combo, you can rack up serious points. Also make sure you grab as many of the Combo Times as you can, which deprives other players of using them. Deaths also costs you 1000 points, while player kills give you a 1000, so keep that in mind.

And kill the chicken.
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