Sectus said:
All of the video links you quoted are actually recorded on the 360 version in 720p. I always record on 360 if I can, but I've got a friend I play with a lot who only has the PS3 version so I've got no other option when recording gameplay with him.
Wait, what do you mean you have no other option? You have both versions, yet your friend having only one means you can only record on the other? I'm not sure what that means. Clarification?
(Don't bite off my head off if you're still on edge from wonky downloads.

And guys, I don't think Versus is just an unlock key. Aside from the new music (which may or may not have been on the disk), the download adds the scripts that recalibrate the damage taken/given, which varies in each mode, as well as all the rules on points per hit/death taken/given, which varies between modes by weapon used, proximity shot and area hit.
I'll have to download this and give it a whirl today. Is it up in the US yet? I anticipate that the emphasis in Survivors is more on hiding; shooting your opponent in the back when you catch them running unawares down a hall, then retreating. I'm not expecting the typical multiplayer deathmatch going in, although I
do expect that this can be deep in its own way. The coverage for it in the LE guide seems to suggest so.
I bet this kinda needs to sell well for Capcom to consider new characters DLC.