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Love playing as Clubbin' Sheva. If I don't feel like playing as one of the S.T.A.R.S. duo, I usually opt for her.

I especially love it when non-shotgun characters challenge me. I'll definitely take the easy kill. :lol


Pro is awesome. Just started playing co-op with maxed out weapons, but no infinite ammo. We still died a bunch at public assembly. You die so freaking fast. Really completely changes how we approach the game.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Woo, got a 25 combo in Slayers. A lot of people play that mode just like Survivors, makes it pretty easy to let them all fight and seclude yourself with some Majini. I've pretty frequently won it with around 40-50K with the second player around 20K.
Sectus said:
Not deleted yet, I can get it uploaded later.

I got a bad feeling I won't be doing many more recordings soon. The graphical artifacts on my 360 re-appeared today. I sense a RROD not too far away...
I would get a laptop cooling pad for your 360. That way when it's running it keeps it cooler and when the 360 gets shut off it's not quite a shock to the system as you can keep the fan running to ease the temp. down. It's worked so far for my 2006 X-360. I don't have the money to waste on a newer Arcade so I have to keep this one going as long as possible. Trying to keep a 360 running is the real Survival Horror this gen. :lol
Played for many hours now and still enjoy this a ton. Most people won't like it given how it is, thats understandable.I like it cause its still very much RE5, just with people added in as enemies. Basically imagine Mercenaries mode and in the mass of enemies there is another human controlling a character that becomes another enemy to you.Slayers is basically Mercs mode with competing players, you get points for killing enemies, getting a long combo chain, the usual. The issue I have with this mode is that the enemies seem to spawn the same way they do in normal mercenaries mode, it becomes hard to find enemies to kill at times. I usually choose STARS Wesker and blow awayanyone that gets in my way, hydra for the win.

The best mode is survivors which is a mode where you get points only for damaging and killing other players. Enemies are still around but you can ignore them, your target is the other players. So you go on the hunt, you all start with basic weapons, the good stuff is hidden throughout the stage. Obviously the guy the gets the better weapons has a big advantage but they drop it when they die. So the best weapons are always changing hands. I have a lot of fun trying to find the best way to kill someone. Running up to them and just shooting results in a standoff where the person that shot first will always win. So its sometimes better to stay back and move a lot, use grenades, use the environment to keep obstacles between you and the enemy until their health is down. It is so satisfing to have a guy think he got the jump on you, but you are able to escape his inital attack, regroup and launch an attack of your own that kills him.

This mode really shines when its on teams, a team that stays together and works together will always beat out a disorganized team. If you got a partner that works totally in tandem with you its hard to lose. You will be able to keep each other alive. You can use different attacks, like one can stun an enemy while the other is gunning them down. If you find one enemy alone its curtains for him, 2 against 1 means its over in this mode. My favorite moments of this mode is when someone knows they are screwed so they just run, all of a sudden a huge chase breaks out. Since the only way to shoot is to stop, you have no choice but to run right after them. Soon they are jumping through windowns, breaking down doors, going up ladders, all through the level, it turns into a movie like on foot chase scene. When you have partners chasing the same guy one can break off the chaseand try to find a shortcut to cut the enemy off.

One cool thing about this mode is that the match is never over. There are large handicaps in place to make sure the losing players always has a shot at a come back. They get a multiplier on all their points, also when one player dies they lose points while the other gains. So you always have this back and forth going on in the match, keeps things interesting.


Just played Versus for several hours straight.

WOW. Not only is it a ton of fun, but it feels so unique. All the techno music and player chitchat (I never knew PS3 users were so chatty) make Versus feel wholly unlike anything in RE5. It really feels like RE5 just got 30 percent bigger.

I knew I'd like Team Survivors -- and rest assured, it does not disappoint -- but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the free-for-all Survivors. It's very satisfying to sneak up on a firefight between two or three other players and add to their damage before rushing in for the kill.

A note about the online culture: of the many games I joined tonight, everyone was very friendly save for one lobby that already had three people, and the first thing they said was "If you don't have a mic, back the fuck out." They all laughed at me, and booted me quickly enough. I do have a mic, the one that came with Warhawk, but I didn't want to use it. Still, I toyed with them a bit by joining their lobby several more times. They can't start their game until they have a full four players. :D

Also, everyone online sounds like one of two types: the "Dude, bro, that shit was fucking sick" whites and the "Yo dawg" Randy Jackson blacks. Nothing wrong with either type, as on the whole they were friendly, but I just don't understand how everyone sounds so alike. O_O

Saving exchange points to unlock characters will be a bitch. I'm somewhere in the 35,000-37,000 range. I'm saving up for STARS Wesker, reasoning the other sub-20,000 characters will be easy enough to earn. Of course there's always Midnight Wesker with his 30,000 points, but hey, something to work for. ;)


Kyouji said:
EDIT: Hey Neiteio, add Pak38 if you want to try Team-whatever some time.
I'll make a note of this. You can add me as well: my PSN name is Neiteio.

Maybe you can help me generate enough exchange points to unlock the full roster. :D


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
We could even do some 1v1s for practice. I haven't actually tried that yet. Do you have any usual play times? I'm Eastern time, by the way, but my hours can be flexible.


I've got to say that it sucks to be in the lead in slayers with 40,000 points and 4 minutes left only to get a connection error. This has happened to me on all but 3 rounds of versus. Other then that I get disconnected from every online mode (story mode and mercs.) It really sucks to not be able to fully experience this game.


Kyouji said:
We could even do some 1v1s for practice. I haven't actually tried that yet. Do you have any usual play times? I'm Eastern time, by the way, but my hours can be flexible.
I usually only play starting around 10:30 p.m. Eastern time. I stay up the longest on Monday nights, Wednesday nights, Fridays nights and Saturday nights.

Hey, the idea just struck me: Couldn't two people get exchange points quickly by taking turns letting each other win? Just play one-on-one in Slayers, pick a stage that starts with little time (Missile Area?), then one person gets a point or two and wins. 2,500 exchange points are earned by the winning player, and now it's the other guy's turn. Seems like a rotten-egg-style exploit that could be done rather quick to unlock the full roster, useful for people like me who don't have a massive surplus to spend (I don't get to play Mercs nearly as much as I'd like).


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Neiteio said:
A note about the online culture: of the many games I joined tonight, everyone was very friendly save for one lobby that already had three people, and the first thing they said was "If you don't have a mic, back the fuck out." They all laughed at me, and booted me quickly enough. I do have a mic, the one that came with Warhawk, but I didn't want to use it. Still, I toyed with them a bit by joining their lobby several more times. They can't start their game until they have a full four players. :D

Haha, I love rejoining lobbies I get booted out of. I went into one earlier and got booted solely because I picked Wesker, so I rejoined a few times and soon he just dropped the whole match entirely. :lol

Saving exchange points to unlock characters will be a bitch. I'm somewhere in the 35,000-37,000 range. I'm saving up for STARS Wesker, reasoning the other sub-20,000 characters will be easy enough to earn. Of course there's always Midnight Wesker with his 30,000 points, but hey, something to work for. ;)

I'd also have to recommend Tribal Sheva(she is 15000), even though I mainly play as S.T.A.R.S. Wesker. Her bow can easily beat the Hydra and L. Hawk, which surprised me. Plus if you're good at using her from campaign/mercs the lack of a laser sight can actually be a good thing, it's a lot easier to dodge people aiming across the map when you see the sight aiming at you.


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
Neiteio said:
Hey, the idea just struck me: Couldn't two people get exchange points quickly by taking turns letting each other win? Just play one-on-one in Slayers, pick a stage that starts with little time (Missile Area?), then one person gets a point or two and wins. 2,500 exchange points are earned by the winning player, and now it's the other guy's turn.

I think that'd work, but I still think SSing Mercs would be more fun and just as effective. 3-4 minutes (does Missile Area start off much lower than that?) in the Versus modes for 2,500 points versus 7-8 minutes in Mercs for 5,000 points.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Kyouji said:
I think that'd work, but I still think SSing Mercs would be more fun and just as effective. 3-4 minutes (does Missile Area start off much lower than that?) in the Versus modes for 2,500 points versus 7-8 minutes in Mercs for 5,000 points.

Yeah, SSing Mercs is the funnest way to get points I think. Either way, just naturally playing a lot of Versus gets you a lot over time, for pure exchange points farming I'd suggest 5-1 with the IRL, and you could alternate it with 6-2 if you get bored of it.


Kyouji said:
No HD version this time?

Thanks for putting all that effort into making so many RE5 videos.

EDIT: Hey Neiteio, add Pak38 if you want to try Team-whatever some time.
It was still being processed by youtube, HD version should be available now.


sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Hmmmm...so on the fence on whether to get Versus mode.

It's five dollars guys. Geez.


anddo0 said:
Funny, but true.. I will NOT be buying this:lol
If you're actually fighting like that, than you're doing it wrong. The fighting is certainly more awkward than your standard shooter, but the only time I ever do a face-to-challenge like that is if I have a clear advantage (i.e. shotgun versus machine gun, magnum versus handgun, etc.). Otherwise (like someone already mentioned) you might as well just flip a coin to see who wins.


fuckin hilarious, was playing a little bit of Pro last night and Josh died to a single fire arrow. thanks a lot Josh, i lost an S grade cuz of you. :lol


Anyone kind to share PAL/UK Resident Evil 5: Versus DLC?

I know it is not usual praxis, but since PlayStation Store does not allow people form Croatia to buy anything from it - and I would really want to play RE5: Versus DLC - I'm looking for anyone with PAL/UK game willing to share with me one of 5 downloads of Versus DLC in good will.

Thank you in advance, if there is anyone willing to do so please contact me on PM.



I wish there was an option to turn off the handicap in Slayers. Sure it might work in a four-player game, but in a two-player one, I always have to work twice as hard to maintain the lead. It definitely shouldn't be in Team Slayers either.


up to 5-3 in Pro solo. only had a few issues with my AI dying or not healing me immediately even tho she's right next to me...


Got my achievements for 30 wins in both Slayers and Team Slayers. Now I just have to play Survivors and Team Survivors (both of which I don't really care for) to get my 1200.


Just got STARS Wesker in Versus. My brother played a shitload of Versus this afternoon while I did homework, which proved difficult for me since everytime I passed through the room I wound up watching him for 10 minutes at a time. Seeing four people duke it out with grenade launchers with two Reapers pinning them in a corner was probably the most exciting thing I've ever seen in RE5. Holy hell.

I'm sorry, but if someone has RE5 and a working Internet connection and a valid credit card and they don't scrounge up a measley $5 for one of the best multiplayer experiences that can only be understood by playing it, well... What shame. What a bloody shame. For me, these $5 feel like I added $60's value to the game.

I'd change one thing, though. When you join a lobby with 3/4 people and someone beats you to the punch so it says "Lobby is full," it should send you back to the server listings instead of booting you to the Versus title screen.


Finally got the platinum! Don't think I'll be picking up Versus though, not really my cup of tea. I guess that means Resident Evil 5 is being put to bed until I get the itch to play it again.


edgefusion said:
Finally got the platinum! Don't think I'll be picking up Versus though, not really my cup of tea. I guess that means Resident Evil 5 is being put to bed until I get the itch to play it again.
Bitch you don't even know what the tea tastes like. [/stereotypicalsassyblacklady]


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
I'm such a sucker for RE5 ok I'll spend 20 bucks to buy the versus mode and maybe Braid


it better be good!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
C- Warrior said:
Do you have to have a full 4 player room for the wins to register in survivor/slayer. I think 3 players is more of a sweet spot.

In team you need 4(or 2), I don't think it matters otherwise.


I love in TEAM Survivors when you work as a TEAM and your opponents keep saying "Fucking pansies, double-TEAMing me." That's funny, did they not see TEAM in the title? This mode teems with greatness.



C- Warrior said:
Do you have to have a full 4 player room for the wins to register in survivor/slayer. I think 3 players is more of a sweet spot.
Nope. The game starts as soon as all players ready up. You can also control the number of players if you're host.


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
Had some great rounds just now playing with greenjerk. We'll have to try staying on the same team next time! It was nice not having people disconnect on us too much; think we only had one dude who bailed after I humbled him. :lol

I love Survivor mode, but I think playing with just three people is the sweet spot for Public Assembly. On the more complex stages though, four is better.
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