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I'm having a lot of fun getting every secret in this, which is something I haven't done in years with a game.

RE5 has a surprising amount of replay value


C- Warrior said:
The only thing you could realize in a few minutes of playing RE4 after RE5 is: both have shit controls, and in one game you don't have an annoying bitch talking to you.

Somehow I find your RE4 (is the-unplayable) and RE5 (is the-god awesome) post hard to believe. Especially after "a few minutes" Stop trying to defend RE5 so much, it's making you a bit transparent.

They are the same damn game, except RE4 does all the little details better. Art, enemy, challenge, atmosphere etc.
Ignoring the whole level design, bosses, and etc... there are changes to the core gameplay in RE5 which makes it hard to go back to RE4: you can quick turn in any direction. There's no horizontal/vertical bias when aiming. The aiming has a more natural acceleration. You can rotate the camera during most animations. Movement feels more natural with the new movement animations (RE4 has more of a floaty feel due to the odd way the animation and camera keep the same level).

And then you have more major gameplay changes like: game doesn't continously pause when picking up items, using objects or changing weapons. You can melee enemies on the ground. Coop!

I think it's gameplay changes like those which makes it hard to go back to RE4 after playing a lot of RE5. I'm not saying RE4 is a bad game (I think both RE4 and RE5 are amazing games), just that RE5 did (arguably) do some improvements to the very core gameplay.

I wish we didn't spend so much time arguing whether RE4 or RE5 is better or not. Can't we just agree that both RE5 and RE4 are amazing games? I personally prefer RE5, but that doesn't make me think RE4 is automatically an awful game.

Davey Cakes

Sectus said:
And then you have more major gameplay changes like: game doesn't continously pause when picking up items, using objects or changing weapons.
The quick-equip for weapons was a welcome change, yeah. But, as far as object use, I really didn't mind having to go to the inventory screen. In fact, I would take that inventory screen in RE4 over the smaller, cramped inventory in RE5 which doesn't even allow you to use/combine herbs upon pickup and actually makes melee/bulletproof vests take up space.

And in terms of picking up objects, I also didn't mind RE4's way of doing it. In fact, is it just me, or is picking up treasures in RE4, like, a half a second (per treasure) faster than in RE5, even with the pause screen? In RE5 you have to go through the animation of picking up each object. In RE4, you go up to a treasure, press A two times consecutively, and it's done.

The whole "it can be hard going back to RE4" thing is kind of overblown. Other than ground melees, quick equip, and more control options, I can't think of much that really makes RE5 so much "better" than RE4 rather than "different" than RE4.

And in terms of aiming speed, yeah, it can be nice to have that fluid aiming speed in RE5, but at the same time, the reason it's not as fast in RE4 is because each weapon aims differently. Weapons like the Blacktail were preferable over the stocked Red9 if you liked faster aiming and reloading. Weapons like the Striker were so much slower than everything else because they have awesome spread-fire power and are also really damn heavy. The Chicago Typewriter is the ultimate weapon, and therefore aims like a dream.

These specifics aren't as prominent in RE5. For some, it's a welcome change. For others, it's merely "different."

After playing the crap out of RE5, I lent it to my brother and went back to complete a Pro run of RE4. It wasn't much trouble at all, really.


Pimpbaa said:
Tribal outfit Sheva alone makes it the best Resident Evil ever.

yea, and her boobs bounce more in this outfit too. thank you Capcom. :D

btw, finally played some co-op last night. it was interesting to see how the QTEs worked in co-op. i like how you only see the name of your partner rather than the button prompt itself.


cvxfreak said:
I'm glad I figured out how to take care of the 5-3 boss battles in Pro. Definitely satisfying to beat those each time.

I didn't figure it out until I was nursing the AI on professional, but flash grenade rounds are a must have. It made the fight ridiculously easy.
Neiteio said:
Since the past five pages have been a couple hundred posts loving Versus, I'm hoping we can take all that love and make a tourney. Any takers?

I will suck hard, but it'll be fun.

Yeah, we should make a tournament, It wil be fun, even if I will get owned pretty hard.

Her file makes it clear Wesker seduced her, but the way Excella says "I have my eye set on something much, much bigger" while stroking Wesker's chest makes me think she might've been working her charms on him as well.

Of course, the best part is when Excella says "I think I've proven myself worthy," and Wesker coldly grabs her face and studies it like a specimen in a lab, before saying "Maybe you have." Not only does it show just how little Wesker cares about anyone else, but it foreshadows how he'll use Excella later, as well as the whole concept of being "worthy" for Uroboros.

<3 RE5 cutscenes.

I'm the only one who finds Excella story a bit sad?, obviously her main reason for all the cooperation with Wesker, was because she was in love with him. So Wesker using her that way, what a bastard... or it's Wesker just like Leon..., anyway her backstory had a lot of potential it's a shame whe was kinda wasted. (same as Irving).

Pimpbaa said:
Tribal outfit Sheva alone makes it the best Resident Evil ever.

Jill Battlesuit it's better...

Dat ass, <3 Jill

Talking about Jill, I checked yesterday nd she is the one who kill me more times. 20 times to be precise.The QTE in Pro it's pretty brutal.


FoeHammer said:
I didn't figure it out until I was nursing the AI on professional, but flash grenade rounds are a must have. It made the fight ridiculously easy.

oh snap, flash rounds worked on Jill? i'll need to remember that when i go for platinum on the PS3. i think when i was playing that in Pro solo on the 360, i died like 10 times cuz the Sheva AI will NOT heal me when she hit me. it's like the AI doesn't know how much faster the dying meter goes down in Pro :lol

btw, both fights with Wesker in 6-3 was ridiculosly easy in Pro solo. Sheva AI was very smart and never got hit by him. i think people will onlyhave problems with the second fight in 5-3 with Jill.

edit: got rid of the spoiler tags. looks like noone cares anymore :lol


To anybody who's played as Sheva during the last boss fight, how hard is her QTE supposed to be on Veteran? I was playing co-op with a friend, and he couldn't manage to do Sheva's QTE after 25 or so tries, so we just gave up. :/
And can lag mess up QTEs?


Relaxed Muscle said:
I'm the only one who finds Excella story a bit sad?, obviously her main reason for all the cooperation with Wesker, was because she was in love with him. So Wesker using her that way, what a bastard... or it's Wesker just like Leon..., anyway her backstory had a lot of potential it's a shame whe was kinda wasted. (same as Irving).
Yeah, the more and more I think about it, that is kind of how I feel. One must ask though, how much of Excella's "attainment" would've been made without Wesker's assistance? Was she really that worthy of what she received (a whole divison)


I'm not too sympathetic of Excella, mainly because she knew exactly what Wesker was going to do with the world. Love hurts, bitch. :D


cvxfreak said:
I'm not too sympathetic of Excella, mainly because she knew exactly what Wesker was going to do with the world. Love hurts, bitch. :D

ditto. she wanted to be part of the new world. that's what she gets for helping Wesker out.


To be honest I assumed we'd see Excella going "HUR HUR URO DID NOT WORK ON ME" but obviously that's not the case.

Why did she just assume she would be "chosen"?


Gold Member
Ok, i know that there are guides out there for finding all the treasures, but can anyone list some of the more hard ones to find? Im pretty thorough when i play, and i bet im missing those...


Nemesis556 said:
To be honest I assumed we'd see Excella going "HUR HUR URO DID NOT WORK ON ME" but obviously that's not the case.

Why did she just assume she would be "chosen"?

arrogance. i think her file said she came from a well to do family so she obviously thought she was better than most people.


sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Ok, i know that there are guides out there for finding all the treasures, but can anyone list some of the more hard ones to find? Im pretty thorough when i play, and i bet im missing those...

two off the top of my head are:

-kill the very first group of zombies you encounter (theres a lot of them in the alley), and one will drop.

-one at the very last fight with Wesker on the volcano, as soon as you drop down to the left. you need to create a bridge for yourself to get there...


Daigoro said:
two off the top of my head are:

-kill the very first group of zombies you encounter (theres a lot of them in the alley), and one will drop.

-one at the very last fight with Wesker on the volcano, as soon as you drop down to the left. you need to create a bridge for yourself to get there...

yea, definitely impossible to know those exist unless you use a guide.

topaz (oval) one in 6-1 on the boat
was also one of the last ones i learned about.

sloppy, there's a bunch of treasure guides online including a ton on youtube. i suggest checking those out. the youtube ones show you exactly how to get them. very helpful.


Neiteio said:
Congrats! Still trying to get the all-treasures trophy myself...

On another note, I beat Pro last night with a buddy in splitscreen. SO AWESOME. We failed exactly 50 times on 5-3; I kept accidentally killing Jill with the L. Hawk while trying to destroy the mind-control device. It was hysterical fun, and I saw all sorts of things I hadn't before; in addition to her throws, wall-running, flip-kicking, breakdance fighting, forward-fire and circle-fire, I saw Jill do a running slide where she slid across the floor on her butt while firing her guns. What's even cooler is I found you can still shoot the device while she's lying flat on the ground, a good alternative to pinning her down and pulling the device, IF you're a sound shot.

I love the Jill battle so much. The scenario, the music, the teamwork, the attempts to shoot the device and then throw her... I just love it. I love Jill's voice, too; that tomboy-ish "gruff" is sexy as hell. And the battlesuit is fucking awesome. So much win.

If you give Sheva just the handcannon and have her be AI controlled and grab Jill does she one shot the device off her chest? I know AI Sheva shoots the device and doesn't miss but she always chooses her machine gun (which seems crazy to me) when she shoots. I literally just thought of this right now and it would make my Pro run a little easier. It's the only trophy I still need to get platinum. I am currently dreading fighting the Gigante on Pro mode as well.


Question, I have the R3 version of RE5. If for some reason I wanted to blow money for content already on the disc, do I have to buy the Versus mode from the HK store, or will the one in the US store work?


Daigoro said:
two off the top of my head are:

-kill the very first group of zombies you encounter (theres a lot of them in the alley), and one will drop.

-one at the very last fight with Wesker on the volcano, as soon as you drop down to the left. you need to create a bridge for yourself to get there...

Anther one that I didn't know about was
deal enough damage to Wesker to make him leave the fight early when you face him the first time with Jill and there will be a jewel that appears between the stairs. You have to grab it while Jill is spazzing out though or you have no chance. There are also 2 treasures only available while Wesker is hunting you during that same fight but you have to grab them before he leaves.


MrOctober said:
If you give Sheva just the handcannon and have her be AI controlled and grab Jill does she one shot the device off her chest? I know AI Sheva shoots the device and doesn't miss but she always chooses her machine gun (which seems crazy to me) when she shoots. I literally just thought of this right now and it would make my Pro run a little easier. It's the only trophy I still need to get platinum. I am currently dreading fighting the Gigante on Pro mode as well.

YUP, give Sheva the handcannon and she won't miss either. but you still need to be the one to take off the chestpiece. it's kinda hard trying to restrain Jill cuz the AI will always try to run behind her and restrain her first. it's not hard shooting the chestpiece, just run all the way up to her and it's pretty much impossible to miss.

btw, the Gigante fight in Pro is mad easy if you play as Sheva. it only took me one retry. the Chris AI kicks major butt in that section.


NeoCross said:
Question, I have the R3 version of RE5. If for some reason I wanted to blow money for content already on the disc, do I have to buy the Versus mode from the HK store, or will the one in the US store work?

The HK and US versions seem to be the exact same discs.

The Japanese and European ones are completely separate, save-file wise and DLC-wise in spite of being region-free. Be careful to buy from the right store. I think you'll be fine buying HK content for US discs and vice versa.


cvxfreak said:
The HK and US versions seem to be the exact same discs.

The Japanese and European ones are completely separate, save-file wise and DLC-wise in spite of being region-free. Be careful to buy from the right store. I think you'll be fine buying HK content for US discs and vice versa.
I see, thanks for the help. Just had to make sure before I buy the dlc :D


So I just started 6-3, but I had to go to work. Looked pretty awesome though.

fight was so freakign great. The music was fantastic, I need to have this OST.

Overall a little disappointed in the story. I feel like it didn't really go anywhere until the end, but the end is damn cool.

And also, I need to point out, and I dunno if anyone else feels this way, but HOLY JESUS CHRIST @ THE BSAA TOKENS WHY ARE THEY SO HARD TO FIND.

I found one and shot another by mistake without realizing it. Jeez, Capcom.


Gold Member
omg rite said:
So I just started 6-3, but I had to go to work. Looked pretty awesome though.

fight was so freakign great. The music was fantastic, I need to have this OST.

Overall a little disappointed in the story. I feel like it didn't really go anywhere until the end, but the end is damn cool.

And also, I need to point out, and I dunno if anyone else feels this way, but HOLY JESUS CHRIST @ THE BSAA TOKENS WHY ARE THEY SO HARD TO FIND.
I found one and shot another by mistake without realizing it. Jeez, Capcom.

I hear ya....I just got the last of the ones i was missing over the weekend. Some of them are insanely well hidden.
sloppyjoe_gamer said:
I hear ya....I just got the last of the ones i was missing over the weekend. Some of them are insanely well hidden.

how many are there in the game anyway?.. i think i found 3..
i hate these kind of trophies... staring at the ceiling the entire game looking for nonsense..


the nice thing about the BSAA emblems is that they're not in every chapter and they respawn so they make hunting them again pretty easy. so if you're not sure which ones you missed, at least you can redo them in order with a guide and simply quit out. just have a rifle handy.

Always-honest said:
how many are there in the game anyway?.. i think i found 3..
i hate these kind of trophies... staring at the ceiling the entire game looking for nonsense..

there are 30


Gold Member
Last question on the treasures i promise....:lol

If i go get that one that is near the beginning of a stage, do i need to then go all the way through the stage to the end in order for the game to register that i found it? Or can i do a quit after I see a 'saving' message..??


sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Last question on the treasures i promise....:lol

If i go get that one that is near the beginning of a stage, do i need to then go all the way through the stage to the end in order for the game to register that i found it? Or can i do a quit after I see a 'saving' message..??

once you got it, you can simply quit and save. it's in your inventory :)


Somehow, the BSAA emblems seems vaguely familiar *cough*blueMerchantmedaillons*cough*


Anyway, the trophy I have the most problems with will probably be the Take it to the max one.

I fucking hate farming/grinding for money like that.
Ok, all I need left now is to upgrades all the guns to get my platimun, what are the best money runs people have found? I wont be able to dupe eggs so I need a decent way to rake in cash. I've been speed running 4-1 which is ok, and I've found if you star 5-1 and quit at the elevator you can get 10k off of beta lickers than quit. Is there some master run that would beat these out?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Haunted said:
Somehow, the BSAA emblems seems vaguely familiar *cough*blueMerchantmedaillons*cough*


Anyway, the trophy I have the most problems with will probably be the Take it to the max one.

I fucking hate farming/grinding for money like that.

you don't have to, do the egg trick


BobTheFork said:
Ok, all I need left now is to upgrades all the guns to get my platimun, what are the best money runs people have found? I wont be able to dupe eggs so I need a decent way to rake in cash. I've been speed running 4-1 which is ok, and I've found if you star 5-1 and quit at the elevator you can get 10k off of beta lickers than quit. Is there some master run that would beat these out?

i would recommend the licker section in 5-2. just keep restarting from that checkpoint and you should get 12,500 every time. play for 30 minutes and you should get a ton of cash.

Darunia said:
you don't have to, do the egg trick

egg trick is impossible for the PS3 version, right?


Son of Godzilla said:
Pfft, the one in the first level is incredibly obvious. Pretty sure you are given a clue about Wesker's too.

er, not really considering they make it look like you're supposed to run away from them for story purposes. plus you can't really fight them off unless you have infinite ammo. and what clue are you talking about?
LiK said:
i would recommend the licker section in 5-2. just keep restarting from that checkpoint and you should get 12,500 every time. play for 30 minutes and you should get a ton of cash.

egg trick is impossible for the PS3 version, right?
I've heard that it DID work but was patched out, but I don't really know.
Thanks I'll try 5-2


Junior Member
I really like this game. Great change of pace in all the scenerios. Great challenge, even on amateur, lots of options, some really good scenerios that are great to replay over and over. I still like RE4 better due to the Sheva path finding and her habit to shoot me in the fuckin back. It's not as annoying as baby sitting Ashley, but then again, Sheva never offers her lusciousness either. I'm torn.

Great game, low to mid 9's for me. A classic and somehow didn't really come close to failing. I'm sure if I had someone to play with, it would even be better.


BobTheFork said:
I've heard that it DID work but was patched out, but I don't really know.
Thanks I'll try 5-2

It works on the PS3, but only online. I actually have two rotten eggs if anyone wants to get down on the exchange glitch. I've already beaten the game three times and only need to upgrade all of the weapons for the Platinum trophy.

I'm having fun with the DLC and I think that's where most of my time is going to be spent with the game from now on.


-Winnie- said:
To anybody who's played as Sheva during the last boss fight, how hard is her QTE supposed to be on Veteran? I was playing co-op with a friend, and he couldn't manage to do Sheva's QTE after 25 or so tries, so we just gave up. :/
And can lag mess up QTEs?
Are you talking about the climbing part? If you are, all you have to do on that part is mash X really fast (for around 20 seconds). It's long, but not too hard to do.


BobTheFork said:
Ok, all I need left now is to upgrades all the guns to get my platimun, what are the best money runs people have found? I wont be able to dupe eggs so I need a decent way to rake in cash. I've been speed running 4-1 which is ok, and I've found if you star 5-1 and quit at the elevator you can get 10k off of beta lickers than quit. Is there some master run that would beat these out?

Platinum? Platinum what?

Yeah, what exactly happens when you fully upgrade a weapon?

Also, can someone explain what this "egg trick" is all about?


omg rite said:
Platinum? Platinum what?

Yeah, what exactly happens when you fully upgrade a weapon?

Also, can someone explain what this "egg trick" is all about?

there's a trophy to upgrade all guns to their max specs. once you get all single player trophies, you get the platinum one.


LiK said:
there's a trophy to upgrade all guns to their max specs. once you get all single player trophies, you get the platinum one.

Wait, I know you unlock the ability to buy figures by fully upgrading specific items.

Do you mean if you upgrad...

Oh, wait. I'm a 360 guy. Do you mean trophy as in achievement on 360?


omg rite said:
Wait, I know you unlock the ability to buy figures by fully upgrading specific items.

Do you mean if you upgrad...

Oh, wait. I'm a 360 guy. Do you mean trophy as in achievement on 360?

yea, trophies = achievements :)
Got the game Saturday (the Elite Bundle), enjoying it quite a bit. Up to Chapter 3-2, seems pretty short, don't think I'm liking it as much as 4, but still really good. I'm using control type C. I like the realtime inventory and the quick item switch. I hate how limited inventory space is, swapping can be a hassle, and healing items should have an instant us option (which would really fix a lot of inventory issues). Sheva AI can be a bit annoying sometimes, but nothing too aggravating. I miss the merchant.

Overall, it improves RE4 in some ways, but moves back in others. Can't wait to beat it, I'm sure my opinion will change a bit more too.


Yeah, I like the real time inventory, but it is a little flawed. No reason they cant have a "use now' option.

Also, being able to mix herbs together with both characters next to each other shouldn't be an issue. Same with ammo. I should be able to combine ammo from Chris into a gun that Sheva has, or combine Chris' green herb with Sheva's red herb, without having to have both items in Chris' inventory.

Just small little fixes like that would streamline the game a lot more.

The controls themselves, I've honestly had almost no problem with at all. It's pretty much fine.


omg rite said:
Yeah, I like the real time inventory, but it is a little flawed. No reason they cant have a "use now' option.

Also, being able to mix herbs together with both characters next to each other shouldn't be an issue. Same with ammo. I should be able to combine ammo from Chris into a gun that Sheva has, or combine Chris' green herb with Sheva's red herb, without having to have both items in Chris' inventory.

Just small little fixes like that would streamline the game a lot more.

The controls themselves, I've honestly had almost no problem with at all. It's pretty much fine.

yea, i got used to the controls real quick. not bad at all.
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