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fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Neiteio said:
Also, Gatling Gun Majini appear on Experimental Facility in Slayers. Intense!

They do? Is that just in Slayers? IIRC I did Survivors on that stage and it had lickers from the start but no boss enemy.

Also sucks about the guys you played with, some people get way too into the game sometimes. Earlier I was playing Team Slayers and trailing most of the game building a big combo, when it came to the end I killed both of them and came out on top with around 98K to their 96K, so it was close. Afterwards one of them sent me a text saying "NICE LUCK ALBINO"(my avatar on xbox has pale white skin, white hair, spiked ears, vampire teeth, etc) and invited me to a 1v1 slayer...when the match was close to ending 35K to 10K in my favor he ended the match. :lol

Shaheed79 said:
I'm working on a Pro run right now where not only did I buy new guns but I'm only using handguns without upgrading them and grenades. It's actually surprisingly easier than the one I did in RE4's pro mode mostly because of the finisher moves. The only stage I think will give me problems are 5 and 6 because some of the enemies have armor on the shins. Usually they give you a barrel to blow up when you confront fully armored enemies anyway so we'll see how it goes.

So far I've only died about 7 times and I'm on stage 4-2.

I still don't recall RE4 Pro being all that different from normal, but I'm not sure why. You were forced to start from scratch and everything(though you could use the alt costume which actually gave you protection if I remember that right).

I found a few of the bosses in particular to be really hard, Irving by himself killed me plenty of times, Excella is another tough one to do without a rocket. The later areas are also hard because of the guns, it's still one shot death...the gattling gun guys sucked right there.


dabbled in the jelly
gobassgo said:
So I finally got Stars
in Mercs and my god is he ridiculous. The Hydra + L. Hawk make my life so much easier.
I detest the Hydra. I honestly don't see the point of it since the range bonuses just bring it up to the auto shotguns level and you sacrifice almost 350 points of damage to the auto. When I saw the range modifiers I thought that it would be like sniping with a shotgun but sadly it is not. The reload time is longer as well.

To make a long story short when I use stars wesker I drop the hydra immediately. The Samurai Edge and L.Hawk are more than enough to crack 200k scores. Not letting you use the SE in campaign is bogus as hell though.


dabbled in the jelly
Papercuts said:
I still don't recall RE4 Pro being all that different from normal, but I'm not sure why. You were forced to start from scratch and everything(though you could use the alt costume which actually gave you protection if I remember that right).

I found a few of the bosses in particular to be really hard, Irving by himself killed me plenty of times, Excella is another tough one to do without a rocket. The later areas are also hard because of the guns, it's still one shot death...the gattling gun guys sucked right there.
The enemies were more aggressive and did more damage in RE4 pro just like RE5. I actually liked the fact that they made you earn the new game + in both modes. The RE5 enemies are more agressive because they have that running attack and most all of them use it in Pro mode as soon as they get in range. Ironically this is what has made it easier for me to kill a lot of them because while their running towards you can get them on the ground with only one shot to the leg. After that it's a simple head stomp. Irvin never gave me problems especially since you have turrets all over the ship.

Can't wait for the machine gun carrying majini sections. I'll be at a serious disadvantage with a weak handgun but I think I can outwit them with some smart flash grenade usage. I gave Sheva a handgun and stun rod. Still wish I could turn her off.


I found RE4's Pro mode very easy, especially when I did it again on the Wii version thanks to the Wii remote. Not having ground finishers was tedious since it forced me to use my knife or waste ammo, but it didn't make the game harder. RE5's Pro mode, on the other hand, kicked my ass plenty of times, and that's with infinite ammo. That's how it is for most people; virtually everyone in this thread has said RE5's Pro mode is the toughest difficulty to date. The sentiment is nearly unanimous. I personally still remember how impressed I was when I saw a Majini circle-strafe me nearly 360 degrees and grapple me for an instant "death kiss," or when one ran twice as far and twice as fast and sidestepped me at the last second for a knife blow dealing Dying status. Damn! :lol Even tripping them up only works to an extent, as some like the Wetland Majini can rebound in a splitsecond.

I only died twice on RE4 Pro (castle ballroom, if anyone's wondering), but RE5 Pro killed me and my partner dozens of times. It's funny how we used to take simple attacks like arrows for granted. Now they're exacting their revenge. :D The various control improvements Sectus outlined at length earlier do give you more control in RE5, but some of the monsters are just brutal.

On the topic of the Hydra, most agree it's one of the most fun shotguns to date. It packs a ton of oomph and can be fired single-handed (soooooo badass), and the best part is it can easily knock down distant targets, so when you're stonewalling a group up front and a second wave comes down the walkway, you can aim up and pull the trigger and knock the majority of them to the ground. Very useful against Irving's tentacles, as you can cut them down from afar, and especially useful against Wetland Majini, killing them before they come within spear-jumping range. Fun stuff.

Shaheed79 said:
Can't wait for the machine gun carrying majini sections. I'll be at a serious disadvantage with a weak handgun but I think I can outwit them with some smart flash grenade usage. I gave Sheva a handgun and stun rod. Still wish I could turn her off.
Just take her weapons away and stuff her full of ammo types you'll never use. Voila, instant Ashley mode. She'll look better and if you want she can break you free when you're grabbed. ;P Love love love the Sheva.


dabbled in the jelly
RE4 Pro mode was easy for me too until I started to put my own restrictions on myself like beating the game with the un-upgraded starting handgun. Then it became like trying to outsmart your enemies and using your environments to your advantage especially the blind masochists with the shredder claws. Wiimote is perfect for this style of game and I wish I could use it in RE5 because the red dot is so small on far away enemies.

I'm actually shocked I'm having this easy of a time with RE5 pro mode with un upgraded hand guns. I switch between the m92f and the p22g. Still deciding on whether I will let myself use the m93r on the last two chapters. I guess it depends on how hairy it gets. I guess my secret is that I use my grenades and trip mines very effectively and I'm not trying to kill everyone in this run.

Toughest part so far was protecting Josh but I changed my strategy and beat it without taking any damage. This is what I remember loving about RE4 and that was turning it back into a survival horror by putting restrictions on your own weapons and learning to improvise instead of resorting to using a bigger gun. My appreciation for this game has gone up a notch in the last 2 days.


dabbled in the jelly
Neiteio said:
Just take her weapons away and stuff her full of ammo types you'll never use. Voila, instant Ashley mode. She'll look better and if you want she can break you free when you're grabbed. ;P Love love love the Sheva.
I tried this but she ends up getting hurt A LOT in pro mode if you don't arm her. I did what you suggested in vet and only had problems with the Reapers as Sheva seemed to want to have sex with them. Other than that it went ok without me pulling out my hairs. Pro mode is a different story. I save her FAR more than she saves me if I don't arm her. If there were dumpsters I could hide her in like Ashley then maybe I could do it.


Either you're very talented or all your years playing RE4 has made you better able to deal with RE5, because the rest of us have a lot more difficulty on RE5 Pro with fully upgraded guns and unlimited ammo than we ever did with a scratch run on RE4 Pro. There's a reason RE5's Pro mode is generating so much buzz. It's buzz-worthy because people find it challenging even when they're armed to the teeth with the best weapons in the game. But that's cool you're not breaking a sweat playing it. I'll never understand how RE4 Pro gave you trouble by comparison, though.

Hey! I just thought of something. You can impose challenges on yourself with RE5 just like you can with RE4. Try this one: if the ground finishers are making the game too easy for you (I honestly never thought I'd hear someone complain about that, but diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks), try not using them. Just finish off the enemies like you would in RE4; shoot them while they're on the ground, swipe at them repeatedly with the knife, or do what I did in RE4 and stand around waiting for them to regain their composure and then continue fighting. (What can I say, I'm a nice guy. :lol )


Shaheed79 said:
I tried this but she ends up getting hurt A LOT in pro mode if you don't arm her. I did what you suggested in vet and only had problems with the Reapers as Sheva seemed to want to have sex with them. Other than that it went ok without me pulling out my hairs. Pro mode is a different story. I save her FAR more than she saves me if I don't arm her.
Several people up-thread said she wasn't much of a hassle in single-player Pro. I've only played several levels in single-player Pro -- the rest I played in multiplayer, which is by far one of the best gaming experiences ever -- so maybe you should ask them what they did.

And Sheva tried to have sex with a Reaper? That's kind of hot!


dabbled in the jelly
Neiteio said:
Either you're very talented or all your years playing RE4 has made you better able to deal with RE5, because the rest of us have a lot more difficulty on RE5 Pro with fully upgraded guns and unlimited ammo than we ever did with a scratch run on RE4 Pro. There's a reason RE5's Pro mode is generating so much buzz. It's buzz-worthy because people find it challenging even when they're armed to the teeth with the best weapons in the game. But that's cool you're not breaking a sweat playing it. I'll never understood how RE4 Pro gave you trouble by comparison, though.

Try playing RE4 pro with an un-upgraded hand gun. You'll understand everything I said after that lol. My guess is that you'll become so frustrated that you would quit somewhere around the castle level. It takes a certain dedication and love for the game to voluntarily subject yourself to such torture but it was so damn satisfying when you found out how to beat each section.

Hey! I just thought of something. You can impose challenges on yourself with RE5 just like you can with RE4. Try this one: if the ground finishers are making the game too easy for you (I honestly never thought I'd hear someone complain about that, but diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks), try not using them. Just finish off the enemies like you would in RE4; shoot them while they're on the ground, swipe at them repeatedly with the knife, or do what I did in RE4 and stand around waiting for them to regain their composure and then continue fighting. (What can I say, I'm a nice guy. :lol )
Screw that I never preferred knifing them in RE4 either. I would let them get back up and suplex their heads off. The only time I used the knife was when I had 3 or 4 of them lying down in a group side by side.

If I impose another handi-capp it would probably be no trip mines but this will probably be the last run I do in a while. After this run multi-player merc mode will be what I come back to this game for. This will be my 9th time beating the game from start to finish so that is pretty damn good compared to RE4 which I have beaten 23 times (twice since RE5 came out) in the 4 years its been available. Also RE5 is a decent amount shorter so each run didn't take as long.


dabbled in the jelly
Neiteio said:
Several people up-thread said she wasn't much of a hassle in single-player Pro. I've only played several levels in single-player Pro -- the rest I played in multiplayer, which is by far one of the best gaming experiences ever -- so maybe you should ask them what they did.

And Sheva tried to have sex with a Reaper? That's kind of hot!
That is probably because they gave her weapons no? We're talking about disarming her in pro which is not a good idea. She usually manages to stay out of trouble when I give her a handgun with a crap load of ammo. Thank goodness I have a ton saved up already.

She would run up to them and get impaled if she didn't have any weapons equipped. She kept doing it so I figured she liked getting poked by em.


Neiteio said:
So is it fact that it's calculated that way? I was under the impression from guides that the numbers represent overall hitting power, as in the sum total of all pellets, i.e. one pellet from the M3 equal 3,000 while three pellets from the Hydra equals 1,650.

I certainly wouldn't complain if the Hydra was strongest, because that's the shotty I use (one-handed shooting stance ftw!), but I'd still like some clarification toward this end.

It was calculated on the Executioner. Hydra takes him down in 3-4 shots at point blank, The M3 takes 6 or more shots.


Shaheed79 said:
Try playing RE4 pro with an un-upgraded hand gun. You'll understand everything I said after that lol. My guess is that you'll become so frustrated that you would quit somewhere around the castle level. It takes a certain dedication and lover for the game to voluntarily subject yourself to such torture.
I'm pretty sure if the average person here attempted Pro on RE5 with only an un-upgraded pistol, they'd go insane a third of the way in as well. I really think you just must be very good, and very smitten with playing games in ways most wouldn't find fun at all.

See, my fully upgraded RE5 Pro run was far harder than my fully upgraded RE4 Pro run. Far harder. So I'm not sure what to make of this other than that I found RE4 Pro easier and you may be one of the only people on earth who found RE5 Pro easier.

Just out of curiousity, where are you currently on the Pro leaderboards for RE5?

Screw that I never preferred knifing them in RE4 either. I would let them get back up and suplex their heads off. The only time I used the knife was when I had 3 or 4 of them lying down in a group side by side.
Excellent. Then you should do the same with RE5 and enjoy all the extra melee moves they added. No two kills will look the same; it'll be like staging your own Jackie Chan film. :lol

If I impose another handi-capp it would probably be no trip mines but this will probably be the last run I do in a while. After this run multi-player merc mode will be what I come back to this game for. This will be my 9th time beating the game from start to finish so that is pretty damn good compared to RE4 which I have beaten 23 times (twice since RE5 came out) in the 4 years its been available. Also RE5 is a decent amount shorter so each run didn't take as long.
That's great you liked RE5 so much to play it so many times in such a short span. I'm a few playthroughs short of you; I'm so busy with college, it's not like high school where my friends and I had enough time to play RE4 for hours on end. It's ironic, too, because with multiplayer I'll be interested in this game longer. Figures they give you more to do when you have less time to do it. O_O


dabbled in the jelly
Neiteio said:
I'm pretty sure if the average person here attempted Pro on RE5 with only an un-upgraded pistol, they'd go insane a third of the way in as well. I really think you just must be very good, and very smitten with playing games in ways most wouldn't find fun at all.

See, my fully upgraded RE5 Pro run was far harder than my fully upgraded RE4 Pro run. Far harder. So I'm not sure what to make of this other than that I found RE4 Pro easier and you may be one of the only people on earth who found RE5 Pro easier.

Just out of curiousity, where are you currently on the Pro leaderboards for RE5?
If I recall correctly I was the only person in the gaf RE4 topic who even attempted to beat the game with an non-upgraded hand gun. I doubt I was the only one outside of gaf. Beating Resident Evil games with the weakest weapons are a time honored tradition that dates back to RE1 and became a little more common after the Tofu character in RE2. Knife only runs were very common and true test of an RE players metal. I was never good at knife only runs but handgun only runs I am great at especially in RE4. Remember I complained many pages back that I thought it would be impossible to do this in RE5 because of the hard to see cross hair laser. The red dot still sucks at long distances but I've found ways around that and it shouldn't become a problem until 5 and 6.

As for leaderboards my 360 isn't hooked up to the internet nor do I have XBL. If I buy the PS3 version I would like to see how my rankings stack up. How do they rank campaign? Time, Accuracy, Deaths and Kills? What I do probably wouldn't even show up in the top 10,000. I don't think they have a ranking for the hardest handicapped run lol.

Excellent. Then you should do the same with RE5 and enjoy all the extra melee moves they added. No two kills will look the same; it'll be like staging your own Jackie Chan film. :lol
Well since Chris only has one ground finishing move it is the only one I use since it is the most efficient. Sometimes I use the uppercut but the other attacks don't do a lot of damage on pro. Trying to do the other melee attacks isn't ideal when the goal is to kill enemies as quick and efficiently as possible. Purposely initiating the back breaker just isn't practical when your surrounded by 5 majini. I've actually counted how many bullets it takes for the uppercut and straight right to end in a kill. Sometimes it changes because the game automatically adjusts the difficulty slightly based on variables I have not quite identified yet. RE4 did the same thing.

That's great you liked RE5 so much to play it so many times in such a short span. I'm a few playthroughs short of you; I'm so busy with college, it's not like high school where my friends and I had enough time to play RE4 for hours on end. It's ironic, too, because with multiplayer I'll be interested in this game longer. Figures they give you more to do when you have less time to do it. O_O
I beat RE4 12 times within the first month of its release so this isn't exactly unusual for me. :lol


dabbled in the jelly
Having said that Pro mode with infinite weapons was a cake walk in RE5. I honestly don't see how anyone couldn't just completely maul the game with such powerful weapons. It just isn't fun or challenging. I beat RE4 pro with the typewriter just for kicks and that was the least fun I ever had playing it. It was after I did that when I decided to do the exact opposite and beat the game with just the starting handgun.

After I pulled that off I wanted even more of a challenge so I did it without upgrading the handgun. After that (which took a LONG time) I started to beat the game multiple times limiting myself to one weapon throughout the entire game. I did the Red9, Punisher (favorite handgun in RE), Rifle, Striker, Killer 7, TMP and mine launcher. The hardest was the striker because of the poor range. The most fun were the starting handgun and mine launcher. I still play the PC version from time to time because some really good custom mods still come out for it.


dabbled in the jelly
Now that I think about it most of my deaths were on public assembly so that was the hardest part of pro mode so far. Since the machine gun majini kill you in one shot I expect the last 2 levels to be nearly impossible to be beat with just a handgun. If the game is as balanced as RE4 I'll be able to find a way to do it.
Made it to chapter 6-3 on professional fairly quick. Will take on Wesker tomorrow. This game is amazing. I am about to finish it 3 times. Who knows how many hours I sunk into it.


Santa May Claus
Rhazer Fusion said:
Made it to chapter 6-3 on professional fairly quick. Will take on Wesker tomorrow. This game is amazing. I am about to finish it 3 times. Who knows how many hours I sunk into it.

There's an in game timer under Records. ;)


Rhazer Fusion said:
Made it to chapter 6-3 on professional fairly quick. Will take on Wesker tomorrow. This game is amazing. I am about to finish it 3 times. Who knows how many hours I sunk into it.

yea, i think i finished it 10+ times. got everything fully memorized including every enemy location. havent replayed a game this much for a long time. i'm still shocked i'm not sick of it :lol


Neiteio said:
To shave LOTS of time off 6-1, turn around at the start of the level and snipe the crane operator. That way he won't drop the cage on Sheva and force you to go all the way around the ship, up two long ladders and flip the switch. That's one time saver off the top of my head.

Holy crap. I had no idea about this.


Gold Member
Im going to shave HUGE amounts off of 6-2 tonite, and get my S rank.

I just saw a youtube play of 6-2, and I had NO idea (dumb I know..) that I could set Sheva to attack, have her grab the satellite weapon thingie, and we both can attack the first two arms.... and then i can just blast the main bulb with 1 rocket launcher after its exposed to end the fight!!!


omg rite said:
Holy crap. I had no idea about this.

I always sniped that guy so I had no idea that if you left him alive he'd drop a cage and force you to do other shit. I was seriously like 'wat' when I was doing a timed run and didn't bother killing him.


Neiteio said:
Hey Sectus: what software did you use to capture your RE5 footage? I'd like to capture moments from the game that really illustrate how amazing it can be. Just the other day in Versus, I was playing Team Survivors in Public Assembly, and each team of two stood at opposite ends of the main road, lobbing frag grenades across the map, dozens of 'em one after another, so that the detonations came in rapid succession, lifting stray crates in the air and juggling them there while demolishing nearby structures and spraying debris everywhere. The sight elicited a "Whoa! Whoa! WHOA!" from the voice-chatters. :lol

Gotta get that shit on YouTube with all the other amazing videos.
Blackmagic Intensity Pro and a dedicated harddrive raid 0 for the capture card. It's a relatively expensive and complicated setup.


Gold Member
Can someone share which scenarios besides the 6-2 boss (bosses, etc...)its beneficial to set Sheva to 'attack'? Im not concerned about her wasting ammo since i have several with infinite...


sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Can someone share which scenarios besides the 6-2 boss (bosses, etc...)its beneficial to set Sheva to 'attack'? Im not concerned about her wasting ammo since i have several with infinite...
The entire game. Seriously.

If she has the ammo for it, it's always beneficial for her to be in attack mode. The only exception might be in Pro mode where you need to be extremely close to your partner to revive her.


Rhazer Fusion said:
Made it to chapter 6-3 on professional fairly quick. Will take on Wesker tomorrow. This game is amazing. I am about to finish it 3 times. Who knows how many hours I sunk into it.

Lik said:
yea, i think i finished it 10+ times. got everything fully memorized including every enemy location. havent replayed a game this much for a long time. i'm still shocked i'm not sick of it :lol
I know, the game's so goddamn addictive. My buddy and I are thinking about doing a scratch run on Pro. I'm just glad they one-upped the challenge with RE5 by adding the toughest difficulty yet, one where you can use all the fun stuff they give you and still have a tough time. The challenge is especially important when the game's online gives you access to some of the best players in the world. Some of the top dogs on the leaderboards are just insane. Unless they're cheating somehow, they're really "walking the walk." :D

I wish real life had time extensions like Mercs. ;P I know I would've already played the single-player as many times as the last game and the multiplayer many, many more if it weren't for being so busy. (Come to think of it, I might've already done that depending on how all my skipping around in Chapter Select adds up.) And wow if this isn't one of the busiest online games ever. Now if only the small (but loud!) percentage of jerks would vacate the otherwise wonderful Versus community. :lol

sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Can someone share which scenarios besides the 6-2 boss (bosses, etc...)its beneficial to set Sheva to 'attack'? Im not concerned about her wasting ammo since i have several with infinite...
Any boss that isn't named Jill or Wesker. :D To be more specific, Attack mode was born for the first Popokarimu, and I found it very effective against the second Uroboros as well.

Sectus said:
If she has the ammo for it, it's always beneficial for her to be in attack mode. The only exception might be in Pro mode where you need to be extremely close to your partner to revive her.
Or if you're like most people playing the game, you'll need her nearby to revive you. ^_^ But yeah, someone with your rank on the leaderboards probably does all the saving. You are a Mercs god! Anymore videos coming up? They always drive home how this game has some of the best combat around.


So what weapons do you guys have the most kills with? Right now Hand-to-hand dominates with 7568 kills. My number two is the Longbow, with 4272 kills. A big part of that is two bow-only (well, 98% bow-only) runs through the story mode.

I've gotten a good number of kills with all weapons, mostly because of The Mercenaries. The only (normal) firearms I don't have a 1000+ kills with are the SIG P226 (Safari Chris's handgun), the M29 (S.T.A.R.S. Chris's magnum), and the Dragunov (BSAA Sheva's rifle). I've only got 43 kills with the M93R (burst-fire handgun), since it's not in Mercs/Versus.

And as you could probably guess, I've played this game a shit ton.

Most kills: Hand-to-hand (7568 kills)
Handgun: M92F (1842 kills)
Shotgun: Ithaca (1865 kills)
Machine gun: AK-74 (2568 kills), followed very closely by the MP5 (2565 kills)
Rifle: S75 (2611 kills)
Magnum: M500 (1174 kills)
Other: Longbow (4272 kills)

As far as head shots go, I have 745 with the S75, 733 with the M92F, and 720 with the Px4.

Love the stat tracking, wish there was more.
Sectus said:
The entire game. Seriously.

If she has the ammo for it, it's always beneficial for her to be in attack mode. The only exception might be in Pro mode where you need to be extremely close to your partner to revive her.

Not if you are fighting Reapers, I found that she never takes a safe distance to attack him, and don't hope she hits some vital point.

now look at this:

Cheking some past previews I found this, never shaw it before, a shame this level didn't make it in the final version, RE5 needs more nocturnal levels, IMO.

And I got three SS ranks in Mercs, first three levels, surprisingly enough it was quite easy it take a few runs to get them, later levels probably will need more time, and the Team-Slayers achievement (the one you have to win 30 matches). I'm putting so many hours this past days lol


anyone managed to get 100% accuracy? i got it in 6-2 during my Pro run. i took a pic of the screen as proof. :D
LiK said:
anyone managed to get 100% accuracy? i got it in 6-2 during my Pro run. i took a pic of the screen as proof. :D

5-1, 100% accuracy and 3 minutes and 7 seconds in solo, I'll never get another run in that level with 100% accuracy and that time. :lol


Relaxed Muscle said:
5-1, 100% accuracy and 3 minutes and 7 seconds in solo, I'll never get another run in that level with 100% accuracy and that time. :lol

yea, not even sure how i got it since i was ONLY using the rocket launcher through the whole lvl (including the part with the sleeping majinis) :lol


dabbled in the jelly
Speed runs are pretty easy to get 100% accuracy. On 1-2 my time is just under 4 minutes and I only kill like 6 enemies with a magnum. For the boss I used a rocket launcher in the hallway before you even get in the room. It's by far the easiest and quickest level to beat.


Relaxed Muscle said:
now look at this:

Cheking some past previews I found this, never shaw it before, a shame this level didn't make it in the final version, RE5 needs more nocturnal levels, IMO.
Looks like an early version of 6-1. Note the high wall with the railing to the left, just like the ship deck. Then there's the night setting, the fog (denser here) and the Town Majini and Big Man Majini. Back when I originally saw this trailer I assumed it was from the port area where Ndesu appeared, but in retrospect it appears to be 6-1.

Lik said:
I'm putting so many hours this past days lol
I haven't been playing Story as much these past couple weeks due to a busy schedule, but I've been squeezing in Mercs and Versus at every opportunity, and it's been adding up. I'm kind of afraid to check the time in the records. :D

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Relaxed Muscle said:
Not if you are fighting Reapers, I found that she never takes a safe distance to attack him, and don't hope she hits some vital point.

now look at this:

Cheking some past previews I found this, never shaw it before, a shame this level didn't make it in the final version, RE5 needs more nocturnal levels, IMO.

And I got three SS ranks in Mercs, first three levels, surprisingly enough it was quite easy it take a few runs to get them, later levels probably will need more time, and the Team-Slayers achievement (the one you have to win 30 matches). I'm putting so many hours this past days lol
Yeah that would have been cool. It also looks like there was once an actual battle in the motorcycle QTE in Chapter 2 at the crash site, as well as enemies in the Tricell Camp (if you look at the E308 and Captivate08 trailer).


dabbled in the jelly
Town majini don't appear in 6-1. Merc majini do. That looks like a level that completely did not make it into the game. Even the lighting system is completely different. Everywhere in RE5 you can see as far in the distance as possible. This level obviously has some sort of artificial fog layering.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Shaheed79 said:
Town majini don't appear in 6-1. Merc majini do. That looks like a level that completely did not make it into the game. Even the lighting system is completely different. Everywhere in RE5 you can see as far in the distance as possible. This level obviously has some sort of artificial fog layering.
that looks like the area in 2-3 more than anything in 6-1, I reckon


When it comes to earlier builds of RE5, the most startling difference is actually the size of Chris' arms. You think they're huge here; you should check the player's guide and see the tree trunks they were before! :lol


dabbled in the jelly
Rez said:
that looks like the area in 2-3 more than anything in 6-1, I reckon
Agreed. That looks awesome I have no idea why they would remove it. Maybe they felt it looked too much like RE4's night time village scenes.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
USD said:
So what weapons do you guys have the most kills with? Right now Hand-to-hand dominates with 7568 kills. My number two is the Longbow, with 4272 kills. A big part of that is two bow-only (well, 98% bow-only) runs through the story mode.

I've gotten a good number of kills with all weapons, mostly because of The Mercenaries. The only (normal) firearms I don't have a 1000+ kills with are the SIG P226 (Safari Chris's handgun), the M29 (S.T.A.R.S. Chris's magnum), and the Dragunov (BSAA Sheva's rifle). I've only got 43 kills with the M93R (burst-fire handgun), since it's not in Mercs/Versus.

And as you could probably guess, I've played this game a shit ton.

Most kills: Hand-to-hand (7568 kills)
Handgun: M92F (1842 kills)
Shotgun: Ithaca (1865 kills)
Machine gun: AK-74 (2568 kills), followed very closely by the MP5 (2565 kills)
Rifle: S75 (2611 kills)
Magnum: M500 (1174 kills)
Other: Longbow (4272 kills)

As far as head shots go, I have 745 with the S75, 733 with the M92F, and 720 with the Px4.

Love the stat tracking, wish there was more.

You seriously have 7,500 KILLS with melee attacks? Not confusing it for uses? Damn. I'll have to recheck my stats but I'm pretty sure I have around 4K hand to hand uses but only around 2K kills with it.

How many kills do you have on the three main majini types?


Shaheed79 said:
Town majini don't appear in 6-1. Merc majini do. That looks like a level that completely did not make it into the game. Even the lighting system is completely different. Everywhere in RE5 you can see as far in the distance as possible. This level obviously has some sort of artificial fog layering.
Oops, yeah, I meant Base Majini (which is what I guess you mean by "Merc Majini"). 6-1 is actually one of my favorite levels to replay (feels a lot like the outdoor segment of Assignment Ada for some reason), so I'm well aware it's the debut level of armored Base Majini. The high wall in that shot looks distinctly like an area of Ship Deck, though, and there was a slight skein of fog in 6-1 that seems much more prevalent here. I wouldn't be surprised if it was connected to the tanker somehow. Maybe they didn't want to show off the Base Majini yet, if they were even designed at that point.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Neiteio said:
Oops, yeah, I meant Base Majini (which is what I guess you mean by "Merc Majini"). 6-1 is actually one of my favorite levels to replay (feels a lot like the outdoor segment of Assignment Ada for some reason), so I'm well aware it's the debut level of armored Base Majini. The high wall in that shot looks distinctly like an area of Ship Deck, though, and there was a slight skein of fog in 6-1 that seems much more prevalent here. I wouldn't be surprised if it was connected to the tanker somehow. Maybe they didn't want to show off the Base Majini yet, if they were even designed at that point.
Mmm, they did do that with some shots from the 4-1 ruins area. They replaced the warrior Majini with the urban flavour.


Papercuts said:
You seriously have 7,500 KILLS with melee attacks? Not confusing it for uses? Damn. I'll have to recheck my stats but I'm pretty sure I have around 4K hand to hand uses but only around 2K kills with it.

How many kills do you have on the three main majini types?
My 360's off right now, so I don't have exact numbers, but I probably have 12,000+ uses of hand-to-hand. I'm pretty sure I have 10,000+ kills for each of the basic Majini types.


Shaheed79 said:
Agreed. That looks awesome I have no idea why they would remove it. Maybe they felt it looked too much like RE4's night time village scenes.
I agree. Awesome stuff gets removed from games all the time, unfortunately. For example, the hook-man from an early build of RE4. I'm sure they could've found a way to make him work, regardless of the change in scenario and gameplay, but for whatever reason they cut it. I tend to trust changes are made for the right reasons, though.

EDIT: If the nighttime screenshot is a scrapped area and not just Ship Deck with Town Majini swapped in (as Rez noted with pre-release Ruins images), then we should petition for it as DLC. :D
Neiteio said:
I agree. Awesome stuff gets removed from games all the time, unfortunately. For example, the hook-man from an early build of RE4. I'm sure they could've found a way to make him work, regardless of the change in scenario and gameplay, but for whatever reason they cut it. I tend to trust changes are made for the right reasons, though.

Yeah, I wonder if that's why so many game designers are in the credits. :lol

Always amazed me, how awesome that Leon model looks....


You're awesome, Rez. Yeah, it looks like Town Majini were swapped in for the Wetland Majini in the ruins. Maybe they didn't want to spoil them before TGS '08. I suspect the nighttime shot might be similar. As for the other areas, I bet they removed baddies from the garden and Tricell camp for pacing purposes (in the latter's case, a breather between the execution grounds and refinery).

The bit that baffles me is the helicopter. It sounds like the cutscenes were planned far in advance; thus, they would've known they'd have the sequence where Josh and company rescue Chris and Sheva. It's hard to imagine how they would've ever considered placing a battle there, unless they scrapped the first minute of that cutscene and used the rest to conclude the battle.


dabbled in the jelly
Damn we got GANKED. Look at all that stuff! The black hawk down scene is amazing looking! *shakes fist at Kawata*

Edit: And look, Fog!


Shaheed79 said:
Damn we got GANKED. Look at all that stuff! The black hawk down scene is amazing looking! *shakes fist at Kawata*

Edit: And look, Fog!
Eh, it's not a Hookman-cut-from-RE4 level ganking. The fight by the downed helicopter looks boring since there's no terrain variation, which is probably why they cut it. The rest just looks like cramming enemies in areas where some downtime was needed; otherwise the game would've just been nonstop fighting.

dreamer3kx said:
damn i still haven't had a chance to play this, been playing a ton of baseball (the show)
You're missing out on all the fun! Get in the game. :D


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
those images just put one thing in my mind

(and versus too)
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